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VOCABULARY Compile: Hà Minh

1. Polar bear: Gấu bắc, nam cực

2. - Far-reaching: Có thể áp
dụng rộng rái, ảnh hưởng sâu
- Far-off: Xa xưa
- Far-gone: Quá mức, rất
- Far-flung: Xa, rộng, trải rộng
bao la (địa lý)
- Far-fetched: Gượng gạo,
không tự nhiên
- Far-famed: Nổi tiếng
3. Are uniquely adapted to:
Thích nghi riêng biệt với..
4. Underneath (adv): Dưới
5. - Comparative (a) = relative =
fair: Tương đối,...
- Comparable (a) =
analoguous = akin: Có thể so
Polar bears are being increasingly threatened by the effects of
sánh được climate change, but their disappearance could have far-reaching
6. Adipose tissue (n): Mô mỡ consequences. They are uniquely adapted to the extreme
7. - Obese (a) = fat = heavy = conditions of the Arctic Circle, where temperatures can reach -
overweight = stout: Béo, mập
40°C. One reason for this is that they have up to 11 centimetres
- Obesity (n) = overweightness
= heaviness = chunkiness: Sự of fat underneath their skin. Humans with comparative levels of
béo phì adipose tissue would be considered obese and would be likely to
8. Suffer from (v) = bear = suffer from diabetes and heart disease. Yet the polar bear
tolerate = endure = put up with:
experiences no such consequences.
Chịu đựng
9. Diabetes (n): Bệnh đái đường
10. Heart disease = heart attack: A 2014 study by Shi Ping Liu and colleagues sheds light on this
Bệnh tim mystery. They compared the genetic structure of polar bears with
11. Sheds light on (v): Làm sáng that of their closest relatives from a warmer climate, the brown
12. - Mystery (n) = secrecy = bears. This allowed them to determine the genes that have
anonymity = obscurity = allowed polar bears to survive in one of the toughest
inscrutability: Điều huyền bí.. environments on Earth. Liu and his colleagues found the polar
- Mysterious (a) = strange = bears had a gene known as APOB, which reduces levels of low-
unexplained = inexplicable =
odd: Bí ẩn, khó giải thích density lipoproteins (LDLs) – a form of ‘bad’ cholesterol. In
13. Tough (a) = hard = harsh = humans, mutations of this gene are associated with increased
difficult: Khó khăn risk of heart disease. Polar bears may therefore be an important
14. Reduce (v) = decrease = study model to understand heart disease in humans.
lessen = diminish = trim down =
condense = shrink = ease: Giảm,
cắt bớt lại The genome of the polar bear may also provide the solution for
15. Cholesterol (n): Chất béo another condition, one that particularly affects our older
gây xơ cứng động mạch generation: osteoporosis. This is a disease where bones show
reduced density, usually caused by insufficient exercise, reduced
16. Of low-density: Mật độ thấp
17. Lipoprotein (n): Li-pô-prô-tê- calcium intake or food starvation. Bone tissue is constantly
in being remodeled, meaning that bone is added or removed,
18. Mutation (n) = change =
alteration = transformation = depending on nutrient availability and the stress that the bone is
modification: Sự đột biến under. Female polar bears, however, undergo extreme conditions
19. Genome (n): Bộ Gen during every pregnancy. Once autumn comes around, these
20. Osteoporosis (n): Chứng females will dig maternity dens in the snow and will remain there
loãng xương
21. Bone (n): Xương throughout the winter, both before and after the birth of their
22. - Density (n) = thickness = cubs. This process results in about six months of fasting, where
compactness = mass: Mật độ the female bears have to keep themselves and their cubs alive,
dày đặc depleting their own calcium and calorie reserves. Despite this,
- Dense population: Dân cư
dày đặc their bones remain strong and dense.
- Sparse (a): Thưa thớt, rải
rác Physiologists Alanda Lennox and Allen Goodship found an
- Sparse population: Dân cư explanation for this paradox in 2008. They discovered that
thưa thớt
pregnant bears were able to increase the density of their bones
23. Calcium intake (n): Hấp thụ
Canxi before they started to build their dens. In addition, six months
24. Insufficient (a) = inadequate later, when they finally emerged from the den with their cubs,
= deficient = lacking = in short: there was no evidence of significant loss of bone density.
Không đủ, thiếu Hibernating brown bears do not have this capacity and must
25. - Starvation (n) = hunger =
malnourishment = famishment = therefore resort to major bone reformation in the following spring.
famine: Đói, nạn đói If the mechanism of bone remodeling in polar bears can be
- Starve (v) = have nothing to understood, many bedridden humans, and even astronauts,
eat = famish = go short of food: could potentially benefit.
Cảm thấy đói
26. Intake (n) = consumption =
drinking = ingestion: Sự hấp thụ, The medical benefits of the polar bear for humanity certainly have
lấy vào their importance in our conservation efforts, but these should not
27. Remodel (v) = alter = change be the only factors taken into consideration. We tend to want to
= modify = adjust = adapt =
protect animals we think are intelligent and possess emotions,
amend = repair = renovate: Sửa
đổi lại, tu sửa such as elephants and primates. Bears, on the other hand, seem
28. Undergo (v) = experience = to be perceived as stupid and in many cases violent. And yet
go through: Trải qua.... anecdotal evidence from the field challenges those assumptions,
29. Pregnancy (n) = gravidity =
suggesting for example that polar bears have good problem-
gestation: Có thai, có chửa
30. Dig (v) = excavate: Đào, bới solving abilities. A male bear called GoGo in Tennoji Zoo, Osaka,
31. Maternity dens (n): Hang sinh has even been observed making use of a tool to manipulate his
đẻ environment. The bear used a tree branch on multiple occasions
32. - Dens (n): Răng
to dislodge a piece of meat hung out of his reach. Problem-
- Dens serotinus: Răng khôn
33. Cubs (n): Đàn con solving ability has also been witnessed in wild polar bears,
34. Deplete (v) = drain = exhaust although not as obviously as with GoGo. A calculated move by a
= use up = diminish = lessen = male bear involved running and jumping onto barrels in an
rundown: Làm cạn kiệt.. attempt to get to a photographer standing on a platform four
35. Calcium
36. Calorie (n): Lượng calo metres high.
37. Reserve (v) = preserve = In other studies, such as one by Alison Ames in 2008, polar
store = retain: Giự trữ, để dành bears showed deliberate and focused manipulation. For example,
38. Paradox (n): Ý kiến trái
ngược, nghịch lí Ames observed bears putting objects in piles and then knocking
39. Be emerged from (v) = arise: them over in what appeared to be a game. The study
Dấy lên.... demonstrates that bears are capable of agile and thought-out
40. Hibernate (v) = overwinter = behaviours. These examples suggest bears have greater
hole up = take cover = dormant =
sleep: Ngủ đông creativity and problem-solving abilities than previously thought.
41. Capacity (n) = cage: Sức
chứa, chuồng As for emotions, while the evidence is once again anecdotal,
42. Mechanism (n) = device = many bears have been seen to hit out at ice and snow –
apparatus = machine = seemingly out of frustration – when they have just missed out on
machinery = appliance: Máy
móc, cơ cấu, cơ chế a kill. Moreover, polar bears can form unusual relationships with
43. Bedridden (a) = flat on one’s other species, including playing with the dogs used to pull sleds
back = dispabled = out of action: in the Arctic. Remarkably, one hand-raised polar bear called
Nằm liệt giường Agee has formed a close relationship with her owner Mark
44. Astronaut (n) = space travler
= cosmonaut = spaceman = Dumas to the point where they even swim together. This is even
rocketeer: Phi hành gia more astonishing since polar bears are known to actively hunt
45. Primates (n): Linh trưởng humans in the wild.
Tổng giám mục, Thành viên của
bộ động vật có vú phát triển cao
If climate change were to lead to their extinction, this would mean
nhất ( người, khỉ không đuôi...)
46. Anecdotal (a) = subjective = not only the loss of potential breakthroughs in human medicine,
circumstantial = hearsay: but more importantly, the disappearance of an intelligent,
Chuyện vặt khó tin, thuộc giai majestic animal.
47. - Assumption (n) =
supposition = statement =
postulation = theory: Giả định, 54. In an attempt to (..): Nỗ lực để...
giả thuyết... 55. Deliberate (a) = purposeful = premeditated = conscious =
- Assume (v) = take for intentional = planned: Thận trọng, có chủ í, có mục đích, cố tình
granted = suppose = presume = 56. Manipulation
think = imagine: Cho rằng, thừa 57. Agile (a) = nimble = supple = lithe = responsive = active =
nhận rằng.... dexterous: Nhanh nhẹn, hoạt bát
48. Making use of: Tận dung hết 58. Frustration (n) = hindrance = foiling = defeat = obstruction =
mức cái gì... irritation = disturbance: Sự thất bại, mất tác dụng, thất vọng
49. - Manipulate (v): Thao túng, 59. Sled: Xe trượt tuyết
nắn bóp, điều khiển bằng tay... 60. - Astonish (v) = surprise = astound = dumbfound = overwhelm =
- Manilutaion (n): Sự lôi kéo, speechless: Làm ngạc nhiên
sự vận động - Astonishing (a): Đáng ngạc nhiên
50. Dislodge (v) = remove = 61. Breakthrough (n) = revolution = advance = development =
eliminate = get out = extricate = innovation: Đột phá, cái tiến
dislocate: Đuổi ra khỏi, trục xuất 62. Majestic (a) = regal = grand = magnificent = superb = impressive:
ra khỏi.... Hùng vỹ, nguy nga...
51. A piece of meat: Miếng thịt
52. Witness (v) = obseve = see:
Chứng kiến
53. Barrel (n): Thùng rượu, thùng
1. Pyramid (n): Kim tự tháp ai
2. Monument (n) = statue =
tribute: Tượng đài....
3. Tributes (n): Vật
4. Link with (v): Gắn với
5. Evolution (n) = development =
fruition = growth: Sự tiến triển,
tiến hóa
6. Reign (n) = period on office =
period of influence: Triều đại
7. Tomb (n) = shrine: Mộ
8. Rectangular (a): Hình chữ
9. Clay (n): Đất sét
10. Brick (n): Gạch
11. Decease (n) = death =
passing = demise = expiry: Sự A. The pyramids are the most famous monuments of ancient
qua đời Egypt and still hold enormous interest for people in the present
12. Bury (v) = put in the ground =
day. These grand, impressive tributes to the memory of the
lay to rest: Chôn cất, mai táng
13. Conceive (v): Hình thành suy Egyptian kings have become linked with the country even though
nghĩ,... other cultures, such as the Chinese and Mayan, also built
14. Stone slab (n): Tấm đá, pyramids. The evolution of the pyramid form has been written
phiến đá
and argued about for centuries. However, there is no question
15. Stack (v): Chất đống, xếp
thành đống that, as far as Egypt is concerned, it began with one monument
16. Investigate (v) = examine = to one king designed by one brilliant architect: the Step Pyramid
look into = explore = inspect: of Djoser at Saqqara.
Khám phá, điều tra...
17. Experimentation (n) =
B. Djoser was the first king of the Third Dynasty of Egypt and the
research = testing: Sự thí
nghiệm first to build in stone. Prior to Djoser’s reign, tombs were
18. In the center of: Trung tâm rectangular monuments made of dried clay brick, which covered
của.. underground passages where the deceased person was buried.
19. Inward (a) = inner = hidden =
For reasons which remain unclear, Djoser’s main official, whose
innermost: Hướng vào trong...
20. - Incline (n): Mặt nghiêng name was Imhotep, conceived of building a taller, more
- Incline (v): Cúi xuống impressive tomb for his king by stacking stone slabs on top of
21. Courtyard (n) = patio = yard one another, progressively making them smaller, to form the
= square: Sân nhỏ, sân trong...
shape now known as the Step Pyramid. Djoser is thought to have
22. Priest (n): Linh mục, thầy tu
23. Shrine reigned for 19 years, but some historians and scholars attribute a
24. Corner (n) = crook = bend: much longer time for his rule, owing to the number and size of the
Góc, xó của..... monuments he built.
25. Ringed (a): Có đeo vòng..
26. Trench (n): Cái mương
27. Incorporate (a): Có tính kết
C. The Step Pyramid has been thoroughly examined and
hợp chặt chẽ.... investigated over the last century, and it is now known that the
28. Carve (v) = engrave = building process went through many different stages.
inscribe = notch: Chạm, khắc
29. Chamber (n) = bedsit =
compartment = hollow = cavity: Historian Marc Van de Mieroop comments on this, writing ‘Much
Phòng ngủ, gian nhà của...
experimentation was involved, which is especially clear in the
30. Dug (n): Núm vú, đầu vú
của.. construction of the pyramid in the center of the complex. It had
31. Beneath (adv) = underneath several plans … before it became the first Step Pyramid in
= under = below: Nằm ở dưới.. history, piling six levels on top of one another … The weight of
32. Base (n): Mặt đáy của.... the enormous mass was a challenge for the builders, who placed
33. A vast maze of: Một mớ....
34. Tunnel (n): Đường hầm the stones at an inward incline in order to prevent the monument
35. Vessel (n): Tàu nhỏ breaking up.’
36. Storeroom (n) = larder =
pantry: Buồng kho, kho chứa D. When finally completed, the Step Pyramid rose 62 meters high
37. Inscribe
and was the tallest structure of its time. The complex in which it
38. Scholar (n) = researcher =
professor: Học giả.... was built was the size of a city in ancient Egypt and included a
39. - Archaeologist (n): Nhà khảo temple, courtyards, shrines, and living quarters for the priests. It
cổ covered a region of 16 hectares and was surrounded by a wall
- Archaeology (n): Khảo cổ
10.5 meters high. The wall had 13 false doors cut into it with only
40. Suppose one true entrance cut into the south-east corner; the entire wall
41. Represent (v) = stand for = was then ringed by a trench 750 meters long and 40 meters wide.
speak for – correspond to: Đại The false doors and the trench were incorporated into the
diện cho, tượng trưng cho
complex to discourage unwanted visitors. If someone wished to
42. Excavate = dig
43. - Honor (n): Danh dự enter, he or she would have needed to know in advance how to
- Honor (v): Ca ngợi, tán find the location of the true opening in the wall. Djoser was so
dương ai đó proud of his accomplishment that he broke the tradition of having
44. Predecessor (n) = precursor
only his own name on the monument and had Imhotep’s name
= forerunner = ancestor: Người
đi trước, người tiền nhiệm carved on it as well.
45. Historian (n): Sử gia, nhà sử
học E. The burial chamber of the tomb, where the king’s body was
46. Dump into (v): Đổ vào, đổ laid to rest, was dug beneath the base of the pyramid,
surrounded by a vast maze of long tunnels that had rooms off
47. Grave (n) = tomb = shrine:
Mồ, mộ them to discourage robbers. One of the most mysterious
48. Shaft (n): Ống thông discoveries found inside the pyramid was a large number of
49. Precaution (n) = protection = stone vessels. Over 40,000 of these vessels, of various forms
safety measure = preventive
and shapes, were discovered in storerooms off the pyramid’s
measure = insurance =
safeguard: Sự phòng ngừa underground passages. They are inscribed with the names of
50. Goods (n) = wares = stock = rulers from the First and Second Dynasties of Egypt and made
commodities: Hàng hóa from different kinds of stone. There is no agreement among
51. Intricate (a) = complicate =
scholars and archaeologists on why the vessels were placed in
complex = sophisticated: Rắc rối,
phức tạp... the tomb of Djoser or what they were supposed to represent. The
52. Exaggeration (n) = archaeologist Jean-Philippe Lauer, who excavated most of the
overstatement = hyperbole = pyramid and complex, believes they were originally stored and
embellishment = overestimation:
then give a ‘proper burial’ by Djoser in his pyramid to honor his
Phóng đại, nói quá
53. Milestone (n): Dấu ấn, cột predecessors. There are other historians, however, who claim the
mốc vessels were dumped into the shafts as yet another attempt to
54. Constitute (v) = set up = prevent grave robbers from getting to the king’s burial chamber.
establish = create = institute:
Cấu thành, tạo thành...
55. - Revolutionary (a) =
innovative = new = progressive: F. Unfortunately, all of the precautions and intricate design of the
Tính đổi mới, phát triển underground network did not prevent ancient robbers from finding
a way in. Djoser’s grave goods, and even his body, were stolen
- Revolution (n): Cuộc cách
mạng, sự phát triển at some point in the past and all archaeologists found were a
small number of his valuables overlooked by the thieves. There
was enough left throughout the pyramid and its complex,
however, to astonish and amaze the archaeologists who
excavated it.

G. Egyptologist Miroslav Verner writes, ‘Few monuments hold a

place in human history as significant as that of the Step Pyramid
in Saqqara … It can be said without exaggeration that this
pyramid complex constitutes a milestone in the evolution of
monumental stone architecture in Egypt and in the world as a
whole.’ The Step Pyramid was a revolutionary advance in
architecture and became the archetype which all the other great
pyramid builders of Egypt would follow.
1. Consultancy (n) = counsellor:
Sự cố vấn, sự tư vấn
2. Workforce (n) = employee: Lực
lượng lao động
3. Switch (v) = change = shirt =
modify: Thay đổi, biến đổi
4. Occupation (n) = job =
profession = work = career =
vocation: Nghề nghiệp, việc làm
5. Embody sthg in sthg (v) =
exemplify = symbolize = represent:
Hiện thân, tiêu biểu
6. Aspect (n) = feature = facet =
part = phase: Đặc điểm, khía
7. Disruptive (a) = troublesome =
unruly = disorderly = unsettling: According to a leading business consultancy, 3-14% of the global
Phá vỡ, gây rắc rối workforce will need to switch to a different occupation within the
8. - Algorithm (n): Thuật toán
next 10-15 years, and all workers will need to adapt as their
- Algorithmication (n): Thuật
toán occupations evolve alongside increasingly capable machines.
9. Fundamental (a) = basic = Automation – or ‘embodied artificial intelligence’ (AI) – is one
primary = essential = elemental = aspect of the disruptive effects of technology on the labour
important = vital = crucial: Chủ
market. ‘Disembodied AI’, like the algorithms running in our
yếu, thiết yếu
10. Algorithmication smartphones, is another.
11. Undertake: Đảm nhận
12. Judgement (n) = ruling = Dr Stella Pachidi from Cambridge Judge Business School
decision = verdict = decree: Sự believes that some of the most fundamental changes are
đánh giá
happening as a result of the ‘algorithmication’ of jobs that are
13. Analyse (v): Phân tích
14. Enhance (v) = boost = improve dependent on data rather than on production – the so-called
= increase = enrich = elevate = knowledge economy. Algorithms are capable of learning from
develop: Tăng cao, nâng cao.... data to undertake tasks that previously needed human
15. Cognitive (a) = mental =
judgement, such as reading legal contracts, analysing medical
intellectual = perceptive = though:
Liên quan đến nhận thức scans and gathering market intelligence.
16. Routine (n): Thói quen hằng
ngày ‘In many cases, they can outperform humans,’ says Pachidi.
17. Take over (v): Đảm nhận ‘Organisations are attracted to using algorithms because they
18. Professions
19. Legitimate (a) = lawful = want to make choices based on what they consider is “perfect
rightful = legal = valid: Hợp pháp information”, as well as to reduce costs and enhance
20. Peripheral (a) = outlying = productivity.’
unimportant = noessential: Không
thiết yếu, không quan trọng là bao ‘But these enhancements are not without consequences,’ says
21. Salespeople (n) = seller:
Người bán hàng Pachidi. ‘If routine cognitive tasks are taken over by AI, how do
22. Client (n) = customer = professions develop their future experts?’ she asks. ‘One way of
shopper = consumer = patron = learning about a job is “legitimate peripheral participation” – a
buyer = purchaser: Khách hàng, novice stands next to experts and learns by observation. If this
người mua hàng
isn’t happening, then you need to find new ways to learn.’
23. Algorithm
24. - Account (v): Coi như là, miêu Another issue is the extent to which the technology influences or
tả even controls the workforce. For over two years, Pachidi
- Account for (v) = explain
monitored a telecommunications company. ‘The way telecoms
about: Giải thích cho...
- Account for (v) = make up: salespeople work is through personal and frequent contact with
chiếm (phần trăm) clients, using the benefit of experience to assess a situation and
25. Campaign (n) = movement = reach a decision. However, the company had started using a(n)
crusade: Cuộc vận động, chiến
… algorithm that defined when account managers should contact
26. - External (a) = outside = certain customers about which kinds of campaigns and what to
exterior = outdoor = peripheral = offer them.’
outer: Bên ngòai
- Internal (a) = interior = inner The algorithm – usually build by external designers – often
= inside: Bên trong
becomes the keeper of knowledge, she explains. In cases like
27. Short-sighted (a): Cận thị
28. Instruction (n) = teaching = this, Pachidi believes, a short-sighted view begins to creep into
training = lesson = tutoring: Sự working practices whereby workers learn through the ‘algorithm’s
dạy bảo, sự hướng dẫn eyes’ and become dependent on its instructions. Alternative
29. Creep into (v): Lẻn vào, rén
explorations – where experimentation and human instinct lead to
30. - Exploration (n) = traveling = progress and new ideas – are effectively discouraged.
journeying = adventure =
voyaging: Chuyến khám phá, sự Pachidi and colleagues even observed people developing
thám hiểm strategies to make the algorithm work to their own advantage.
- Explore (v) = travel =
discover = sightsee: Khám phá ‘We are seeing cases where workers feed the algorithm with
31. Whereby (pr): Nhờ đó mà false data to reach their targets,’ she reports.
32. Instinct (n) = nature =
character: Bản năng It’s scenarios like these that many researchers are working to
33. Trustworthy (a) = reliable: avoid. Their objective is to make AI technologies more
Đáng tin cậy
34. Occupational (a) = work- trustworthy and transparent, so that organisations and individuals
related = professional = working: understand how AI decisions are made. In the meantime, says
Thuộc nghề nghiệp Pachidi, ‘We need to make sure we fully understand the
35. Boundary (n) = border = dilemmas that this new world raises regarding expertise,
frontier = state line = edge =
margin: Ranh giới, biên giới occupational boundaries and control.’
36. Retirement (n) = departure =
giving up work = superannuation: Economist Professor Hamish Low believes that the future of work
Sự nghỉ hưu will involve major transitions across the whole life course for
37. Pension (n): Lương hưu
everyone: ‘The traditional trajectory of full-time education
38. Retrain (v) = reeducate = reskil
= reorient: Đào tạo lại... followed by full-time work followed by a pensioned retirement is a
39. Multiple (a) = manifold = thing of the past,’ says Low. Instead, he envisages a multistage
numerous = several = compound: employment life: one where retraining happens across the life
Nhiều, phức tạp... course, and where multiple jobs and no job happen by choice at
40. Fallacy (n) = misconception =
myth = error = mistake = delusion: different stages.
Ảo tưởng, sự sai lầm, lừa dối
41. Assume (v): Giả định On the subject of job losses, Low believes the predictions are
42. Restrict (v) = limit = confine = founded on a fallacy: ‘It assumes that the number of jobs is fixed.
curb = contain = control: Hạn chế, If in 30 years, half of 100 jobs are being carried out by robots,
giới hạn lại.... that don’t mean we are left with just 50 jobs for humans.
43. Misguide (v): Làm lạc hướng,
sai đường The number of jobs will increase: we would expect there to be
44. The advent of (n): Sự ra đời, 150 jobs.’
sự có mặt...
45. Redundance (n): Sự dư
thừa,... Dr Ewan McGaughey, at Cambridge’s Centre for Business
46. Seize/grasp the opportunity Research and King’s College London, agrees that ‘apocalyptic’
(v): Nắm lấy thời cơ, cơ hội views about the future of work are misguided. ‘It’s the laws that
47. Reprogramme (n): Lập trình lại
restrict the supply of capital to the job market, not the advent of
48. Pre-empt (v) = forestall =
anticipate = obstruct: Giành được new technologies that causes unemployment.’
ưu tiên, đoán trươc, ngăn chặn
trước His recently published research answers the question of whether
49. Guarantee (v) = assure = automation, AI and robotics will mean a ‘jobless future’ by looking
ensure = promise = pledge =
warrant: Cam đoan, chắc chắn...
at the causes of unemployment. ‘History is clear that change can
50. Democracy (n): Nền dân chủ mean redundancies. But social policies can tackle this through
51. Astound (v) = surprise retraining and redeployment.’
52. Deliver (v) = transport = send
= convey: Giao, chuyển... He adds: ‘If there is going to be change to jobs as a result of AI
53. Humankind (n) = race =
humanity = people = mortality: and robotics then I’d like to see governments seizing the
Loài người, nhân loại opportunity to improve policy to enforce good job security. We
54. Subsistence (n): Kế sinh nhai, can “reprogramme” the law to prepare for a fairer future of work
sự sống tồn and leisure.’ McGaughey’s findings are a call to arms to leaders
55. Corporate (a) = shared =
communal = mutual: Hợp tác of organisations, governments and banks to pre-empt the coming
changes with bold new policies that guarantee full employment,
fair incomes and a thriving economic democracy.

‘The promises of these new technologies are astounding. They

deliver humankind the capacity to live in a way that nobody could
have once imagined,’ he adds. ‘Just as the industrial revolution
brought people past subsistence agriculture, and the corporate
revolution enabled mass production, a third revolution has been
pronounced. But it will not only be one of technology. The next
revolution will be social.’
1. Geoglyphs
2. Hillside (n): Sườn đồi
3. Scatter (v) = throw = strew =
fling = toss = disseminate: Tung,
rắc, gieo...
4. Chalk
5. Downland (n): Vùng đất thấp
6. - Giants (n) = colossus = titan
= hulk: Người khổng lồ
- Giant (a) = huge =
enormous: Khổng lồ
7. Regimental (a): Thuộc trung
8. Badge (n) = clasp: Huy hiệu
9. Re-dated
10. Enigmatic (a) = mysterious =
unknowable = inscrutable: Bí ẩn,
khó hiểu
11. Convince (v) = persuade = The cutting of huge figures or ‘geoglyphs’ into the earth of
prove: Thuyết phục... English hillsides has taken place for more than 3,000 years.
12. Prehistoric (a): Tiền sử
13. Monk (n): Thầy tu, thầy tăng There are 56 hill figures scattered around England, with the vast
14. Priory (n): Tu viện majority on the chalk downlands of the country’s southern
15. Overly (adv) = excessively = counties. The figures include giants, horses, crosses and
too: Quá, quá mức regimental badges. Although the majority of these geoglyphs
16. - Reveal (v) = make known =
expose = show = bare: Tiết lộ date within the last 300 years or so, there are one or two that are
- Conceal (v) = hide = secret: much older.
Che giấu
17. Gleaming white (a): Sáng The most famous of these figures is perhaps also the most
mysterious – the Uffington White Horse in Oxfordshire. The White
18. Scour (v) = scrub = rub =
clean = wash = polish: Chà, cọ, Horse has recently been re-dated and shown to be even older
làm sáng than its previously assigned ancient pre-Roman Iron Age* date.
19. Faded (a): Làm bạc màu, xỉn More controversial is the date of the enigmatic Long Man of
Wilmington in Sussex. While many historians are convinced the
20. Bother (v) =take the trouble =
worry = disturb = upset: Buồn figure is prehistoric, others believe that it was the work of an
bực, rắc rối artistic monk from a nearby priory and was created between the
21. Expose 11th and 15th centuries.
22. Testament (n): Di chúc
23. Continuity (n) = steadiness =
The method of cutting these huge figures was simply to remove
endurance = continuousness: Sự
liên tục, cứ kéo dài dai dẳng the overlying grass to reveal the gleaming white chalk below.
24. Millennia (n): Thiên niên kỉ, However, the grass would soon grow over the geoglyph again
số nhiều của từ “milennium” unless it was regularly cleaned or scoured by a fairly large team
25. Sleek (a) = smooth = shiny =
of people. One reason that the vast majority of hill figures have
glossy = silky = lustrous: Bóng,
mượt, sáng disappeared is that when the traditions associated with the
26. Disjoint (v) = spit = seperate figures faded, people no longer bothered or remembered to clear
= divide: Tháo rời, tách rời away the grass to expose the chalk outline.
27. Elegant (a) = sophisticated =
stylish = neat: Tao nhã, thanh Furthermore, over hundreds of years the outlines would
lịch sometimes change due to people not always cutting in exactly
28. Bird-like (a) = slight = dainty
= petite = delicate the same place, thus creating a different shape to the original
29. Beaked (a) = hooked = geoglyph. That fact that any ancient hill figures survive at all in
curved: Có mõ, như mõ chim England today is testament to the strength and continuity of local
30. Melt into (v): Tan vào, hòa customs and beliefs which, in one case at least, must stretch
31. Situate (v) = locate: Nằm ở... back over millennia. The Uffington White Horse is a unique,
32. Steep (n): Sườn dốc stylised representation of a horse consisting of a long, sleek
33. Hillfort (n): Đỉnh đồi có hào back, thin disjointed legs, a streaming tail, and a bird-like beaked
luu=ý bao quanh head. The elegant creature almost melts into the landscape. The
34. Mound (n): Núi nhỏ
35. Well-preserved (a): Được horse is situated 2.5 km from Uffington village on a steep close to
bảo quản, giữ gìn cẩn thận the Late Bronze Age* (c. 7th century BCE) hillfort of Uffington
36. Quarter (n): Phương hướng Castle and below the Ridgeway, a long-distance Neolithic** track.
37. Nevertheless (adv) =
however = but = nonetheless =
The Uffington Horse is also surrounded by Bronze Age burial
on the other hand: Tuy nhiên, thế
mà mounds. It is not far from the Bronze Age cemetery of Lambourn
38. Valley (n): Thung lũng Seven Barrows, which consists of more than 30 well-preserved
39. Enigmatic burial mounds. The carving has been placed in such a way as to
40. Adequate (a) = sufficient = make it extremely difficult to see from close quarters, and like
ample = passable = acceptable =
tolerable = suitable: Đầy đủ, many geoglyphs is best appreciated from the air. Nevertheless,
tương xứng, xứng đáng there are certain areas of the Vale of the White Horse, the valley
41. Depiction (n) = description = containing and named after the enigmatic creature, from which
illustration = picture: Sự miêu tả, an adequate impression may be gained. Indeed on a clear day
thuật vẽ
42. Layer (n): Lớp, từng lớp the carving can be seen from up to 30 km away.
43. Construction
44. - Tribal (a): Thuộc bộ tộc The earliest evidence of a horse at Uffington is from the 1070s
- Tribe (n): Bộ tộc CE when ‘White Horse Hill’ is mentioned in documents from the
45. Emblem (n) = logo = symbol
nearby Abbey of Abingdon, and the first reference to the horse
=badge: nhãn hàng, biểu tượng,
huy hiệu itself is soon after, in 1190 CE. However, the carving is believed
46. Inhabitant (n) = dweller = to date back much further than that. Due to the similarity of the
citizen = resident = occupant: Uffington White Horse to the stylised depictions of horses on 1st
Dân cư, người dân
century BCE coins, it had been thought that the creature must
47. Worshipped
48. Fertility (n) = fruitfulness = also date to that period.
richness = lushness: Sự màu mỡ
49. - Import (v): Nhập khẩu However, in 1995 Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL)
- Export (v): Xuất khẩu testing was carried out by the Oxford Archaeological Unit on soil
50. Cult of sb/sthg: Sùng bái,
ngưỡng mộ ai đó hay cái gì đó
from two of the lower layers of the horse’s body, and from
51. Ritual (n): Lễ nghi, nghi thức another cut near the base. The result was a date for the horse’s
tôn giáo construction somewhere between 1400 and 600 BCE – in other
52. Attest (v) = confirm = prove = words, it had a Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age origin.
bear out = verify: Chứng nhận,
bắt thề, làm chứng
53. Jewellery (n): Đồ châu báu
55. Goddess (n) = deity = divinty:
Nữ thần The latter end of this date range would tie the carving of the
56. Mythology (n) = myths = horse in with occupation of the nearby Uffington hillfort, indicating
legends = folklore: Thần thoại
57. Were never intended to (v): that it may represent a tribal emblem making the land of the
Bị tác động inhabitants of the hillfort. Alternatively, the carving may have
58. Temporary (a) = short-term: been carried out during a Bronze or Iron Age ritual. Some
Tạm thời researchers see the horse as representing the Celtic*** horse
59. Gesture (n) = action = deed =
intimation: Cử chỉ, điệu bộ goddess Epona, who was worshipped as a protector of horses,
60. Lessen = decrease and for her associations with fertility. However, the cult of Epona
61. Glimpse (v) = catch sight of = was not imported from Gaul (France) until around the first century
see = peek at = look at: Nhìn CE. This date is at least six centuries after the Uffington Horse
thoáng qua
was probably carved. Nevertheless, the horse had great ritual
and economic significance during the Bronze and Iron Ages, as
attested by its depictions on jewellery and other metal objects. It
is possible that the carving represents a goddess in native
mythology, such as Rhiannon, described in later Welsh
mythology as a beautiful woman dressed in gold and riding a
white horse.

The fact that geoglyphs can disappear easily, along with their
associated rituals and meaning, indicates that they were never
intended to be anything more than temporary gestures. But this
does not lessen their importance. These giant carving are a
fascinating glimpse into the minds of their creators and how they
viewed the landscape in which they lived.
1. Multitude (n): Vô số, đám đông,
quần chúng
2. Microbe (n) = germ = bacteria:
Vi khuẩn
3. Bacteria
4. Outlive (v) = outlast = survive =
endure: Sống sót, vượt qua được
5. Invisible (a) = obscure =
unseeable: Vô hình
6. Naked eye (n): Mắt thường
7. Ubiquitous
8. Seaweed (n): Tảo biển
9. Inhabit (v) = live = dwell =
reside = squat: Sống, định cư ở
10. - Coral (n): San hô
- Coral reef: Rặng san hô
11. Utterly absorbing (a): Hoàn
toàn bị thu hút, hấp hẫn
12. Peril (a) = dangerous = risk = Wendy Moore reviews Ed Yong’s book about microbes
hazard = toxic: Hiểm họa, nguy
hiểm Microbes, most of them bacteria, have populated this planet
13. Mess with (v): Ăn chung với.... since long before animal life developed and they will outlive us.
14. Individual (n) = person =
human being: Cá nhâ...
Invisible to the naked eye, they are ubiquitous. They inhabit the
15. Cell (n): Tế bào soil, air, rocks and water and are present within every form of life,
16. Average (a): Trung bình from seaweed and coral to dogs and humans. And, as Yong
17. Inform (v) = notify = let know = explains in his utterly absorbing and hugely important book we
apprise: Tiết lộ, thông báo
mess with them at our peril.
18. Indeed (adv) =reality = in
actual fact: Thực ra thì, quả thực
19. Dub (v): Được gán cho cái tên Every species has its own colony of microbes, called a
là... ‘microbiome’, and these microbes vary not only between species
20. Holobiont’ but also between individuals and within different parts of each
21. Stomach (n): Bao tử
22. Armpit (n): Nách individual. What is amazing is that while the number of human
23. Contented (a) = satisfied = cells in the average person is about 30 trillion, the number of
pleased = comfortable: Thỏa microbial ones is higher – about 39 trillion. At best, Yong informs
mãn... us, we are only 50 per cent human. Indeed, some scientists even
24. Out of context :Tách ra khỏi
ngữ cảnh suggest we should think of each species and its microbes as a
25. Galaxy (n): Ngân hà, thiên hà single unit, dubbed a ‘holobiont’.
26. Gut (n): Ruột
27. Bloodstream (n): Dòng máu In each human there are microbes that live only in the stomach,
trong cơ thể the mouth or the armpit and by and large they do so peacefully.
28. Swallow (v): Nuốt
29. Swap (v) = exchange = So ‘bad’ microbes are just microbes out of context. Microbes that
transfer: Trao đổi sit contentedly in the human gut (where there are more microbes
30. Exraordinariy (a) = strange = than there are stars in the galaxy) can become deadly if they find
odd = peculiar = special = their way into the bloodstream. These communities are
exceptional: Phi thường, khác lạ,
đặc biệt constantly changing too. The right hand shares just one sixth of
31. Have a knack of: Có sự khéo
léo, có tài... its microbes with the left hand. And, of course, we are
32. Panache (n): Sự phô trương surrounded by microbes. Every time we eat, we swallow a million
33. Complex microbes in each gram of food; we are continually swapping
34. Enthral (v): Mê hoặc, làm mê
mệt... microbes with other humans, pets and the world at large.
35. Bizarre (a) = curious =
inexplicable = out of ordinary: Kỳ It’s a fascinating topic and Yong, a young British science
quái, khác thường journalist, is an extraordinarily adept guide. Writing with lightness
36. In a bid to : Nỗ lực để
and panache, he has a knack of explaining complex science in
37. Alien planet (n): Người ngoài
hành tinh terms that are both easy to understand and totally enthralling.
38. Persuade (v) = convince Yong is on a mission. Leading us gently by the hand, he takes us
39. Potent (a) = effective = into the world of microbes – a bizarre, alien planet – in a bid to
powerful = vigorous: Có hiệu lực,
persuade us to love them as much as he does. By the end, we
có sức thuyết phục lớn
40. Lens-maker: Người làm lens do.
41. Magnify (v) = enlarge =
expand: Khuếch đại, phóng to lên For most of human history we had no idea that microbes existed.
42.Examinee (v) = test: Kiểm tra The first man to see these extraordinarily potent creatures was a
43. Teeming
Dutch lens-maker called Antony van Leeuwenhoek in the 1670s.
44. Tiny (a) = extremely small:
Nhỏ bé, tí hon Using microscopes of his own design that could magnify up to
45. Animalcule (n): Vi sinh vật 270 times, he examined a drop of water from a nearby lake and
46. Endure (v) = bear = tolerate = found it teeming with tiny creatures he called ‘animalcules’. It
undergo = put up with: Chịu đựng,
wasn’t until nearly two hundred years later that the research of
trải qua...
47. A plea for (n): Lời yêu cầu French biologist Louis Pasteur indicated that some microbes
khẩn thiết, lời cầu xin, nài nỉ caused disease. It was Pasteur’s ‘germ theory’ that gave bacteria
48. Tolerance (n): Lòng khoan the poor image that endures today.
49. Play a vital role in (v): Đóng
vai trò quan trọng trong...... Yong’s book is in many ways a plea for microbial tolerance,
50. Acknowledge (v) = admit = pointing out that while fewer than one hundred species of
accept = confess: Thừa nhận cái bacteria bring disease, many thousands more play a vital role in
gì.... maintaining our health. The book also acknowledges that our
51.Pose a danger: Đưa ra nguy
cơ đe dọa
attitude towards bacteria is not a simple one. We tend to see the
52. Nurture (v) = foster = take dangers posed by bacteria, yet at the same time we are sold
care of = bring up: Nuôi dưỡng, yoghurts and drinks that supposedly nurture ‘friendly’ bacteria. In
chăm sóc reality, says Yong, bacteria should not be viewed as either
53. Foe (n) = rival: Kẻ thù, kẻ địch
54. Villain (n): Nhân vật phản diện
friends or foes, villains or heroes. Instead we should realise we
55. Symbiotic (a): Cộng sinh have a symbiotic relationship, that can be mutually beneficial or
56. Unravel (v) = prove = mutually destructive.
demonstate: Làm sáng tỏ
57. Digestion (n): Hệ tiêu hóa What then do these millions of organisms do? The answer is
58. Immune systems (n): Hệ miễn
dịch pretty much everything. New research is now unravelling the
59. Eliminate (v) = remove = wipe ways in which bacteria aid digestion, regulate our immune
out = eradicate = abolish = get rid systems, eliminate toxins, produce vitamins, affect our behaviour
of: Xóa bỏ, loại bỏ and even combat obesity. ‘They actually help us become who we
60. Combat (n): Trận đánh
61. Obesity are,’ says Yong. But we are facing a growing problem. Our
62. Low-fibre diets (n): Chế độ ăn obsession with hygiene, our overuse of antibiotics and our
ít chất xơ unhealthy, low-fibre diets are disrupting the bacterial balance and
63. Disrupting
64.Allergiy (n): Sự dị ứng với may be responsible for soaring rates of allergies and immune
thuốc men hoặc thức ăn problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
65. Soar (v) = ascend = climb =
rise = rocket: Tăng lên mạnh mẽ
66. Inflammatory bowel disease The most recent research actually turns accepted norms upside
(n): Bệnh viêm ruột down. For example, there are studies indicating that the
67. Excessive (a): quá mức, thừa excessive use of household detergents and antibacterial products
68. Detergent (n): Chất tẩy
actually destroys the microbes that normally keep the more
69. Germ (n): Mầm bệnh
70. Bay (n): Vũng, vịnh dangerous germs at bay. Other studies show that keeping a dog
71. Unglamorous (a): Không as a pet gives children early exposure to a diverse range of
quyến rũ, không đẹp bacteria, which may help protect them against allergies later.
72. Appeal to sb for sthg (v): Khẩn
khoản yêu cầu
Appeal (v) = attract: Hấp dẫn ,
The readers of Yong’s book must be prepared for a decidedly
lôi cuốn unglamorous world. Among the less appealing case studies is
73. Fungus (n): Nấm mốc one about a fungus that is wiping out entire populations of frogs
74.Wipe out (v): quét sạch, diệt and that can be halted by a rare microbial bacterium. Another is
75. Entire (a) = complete= whole =
about squid that carry luminescent bacteria that protect them
total = perfect: Hoàn toàn, , toàn against predators. However, if you can overcome your distaste
bộ for some of the investigations, the reasons for Yong’s enthusiasm
76. Halt (v) = stop = pause = become clear. The microbial world is a place of wonder. Already,
cease: Dừng lại, lưỡng lự, ngập
in an attempt to stop mosquitoes spreading dengue fever – a
77. Squid (n): Mực ống disease that infects 400 million people a year – mosquitoes are
78. - Luminescent (a): Phát sáng, being loaded with a bacterium to block the disease. In the future,
phát quang our ability to manipulate microbes means we could construct
- Luminescence (n): Sự phát
buildings with useful microbes built into their walls to fight off
quang, phát sáng
79. Predator (n) = marauder = infections. Just imagine a neonatal hospital ward coated in a
killer = hunter = pillager: Động vật specially mixed cocktail of microbes so that babies get the best
ăn thịt start in life.
80. Distaste (n) = dislike =
disfavor: Không thích, không ưa
81. A place of wonder (n): Một địa
điểm của kì quan
82. Mosquito (n): Con muỗi
83. Spread (v) = increase =
exetend = broaden = stretch:
Tăng, kéo căng, mở rộng ra...
84. Dengue fever (n): Bệnh sốt
xuất huyết
85. Load with (v): gánh vác, chịu
86. Fight off infections (v): Đấu
tranh lại sự lây nhiễm
87. Neonatal (a) = new = new-born
88. Ward
89. Coat (v) = cover = paint =
smother: Bao phủ, bao bọc
90. A cocktail of: Một hợp chất
1. Wisdom (n): Sự khôn ngoan
2. Revered (a) = admirable =
regardful: Tôn sùng, đáng ngưỡng
3. Empirical (a) = experiential =
practical = realistic: Thực thế....
4. Exceptional = fundamental
5. - A handful of: Một ít người
- A handful of paper: Một nắm
6. Possess (v) = own = have =
hold: Chiếm hữu, sở hữu
7. Beard (v) = challenge = confront
= accost = face up to = oppose:
Đương đầu với, chống đối
Beard the lion in his den (idiom):
Vào hang hùm bắt cọp Across cultures, wisdom has been considered one of the most
8. Philosopher (n) = theorist: Nhà revered human qualities. Although the truly wise may seem few
triết học and far between, empirical research examining wisdom suggests
9. - Cumulative (a) = collective =
that it isn’t an exceptional trait possessed by a small handful of
accumulative = amassed: Tích lũy,
dồn lại bearded philosophers after all – in fact, the latest studies suggest
- Cumulation (n): Sự chất chứa, that most of us have the ability to make wise decisions, given the
sự tích lũy right context.
10. Contextual (a) = background =
related = circumstantial: Theo ngữ
cảnh... ‘It appears that experiential, situational, and cultural factors are
11. Insight (n): Sự sáng suốt, hiểu even more powerful in shaping wisdom than previously
biết sâu sắc imagined,’ says Associate Professor Igor Grossmann of the
12. - Lack (v): Thiếu thốn University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. ‘Recent empirical
- Lack of (n) = deprivation =
deficiency = withdrawal: Sự thiếu findings from cognitive, developmental, social, and personality
thốn về psychology cumulatively suggest that people’s ability to reason
13. Unfold (v) = open: Mở ra wisely varies dramatically across experiential and situational
14. Intellectual (a) = intelligent = contexts. Understanding the role of such contextual factors offers
knowledgeable = logical: Thông
minh, trí tuệ
unique insights into understanding wisdom in daily life, as well as
15. Perspective (n) = viewpoint = how it can be enhanced and taught.’
outlook: Quan điểm, viễn cảnh
16. Humility (n) = humbleness = It seems that it’s not so much that some people simply possess
modesty = meekness: Sự khiêm wisdom and others lack it, but that our ability to reason wisely
tốn, nhún nhường
17. - Sensitivity (n) = compassion depends on a variety of external factors. ‘It is impossible to
= feeling: Tính dễ nhạy cảm characterize thought processes attributed to wisdom without
- Sensibility (n) = deep feeling considering the role of contextual factors,’ explains Grossmann.
= emotional resonse: Cảm giác ‘In other words, wisdom is not solely an “inner quality” but rather
- Sensible (n) = rational =
reasonable: Hợp lí unfolds as a function of situations people happen to be in. Some
- Sensitive (a) = receptive = situations are more likely to promote wisdom than others.’
susceptible = responsive: Nhạy
18. Compromise (v) = bargain =
cooperate: Dàn xếp, thỏa hiệp Coming up with a definition of wisdom is challenging, but
20. Day-to-day (a) = everyday = Grossmann and his colleagues have identified four key
commonplace = daily = routine =
usual: Hằng ngày characteristics as part of a framework of wise reasoning. One is
21. Scenario (n): Kịch bản, viễn intellectual humility or recognition of the limits of our own
cảnh knowledge, and another is appreciation of perspectives wider
22. Viewpoint than the issue at hand. Sensitivity to the possibility of change in
23. Focus on (v) = concentrate on:
tập trung vào social relations is also key, along with compromise or integration
24. Focal (a) = pivotal = central = of different attitudes and beliefs.
important = crucial: trọng tâm,
trung tâm, quan trọng Grossmann and his colleagues have also found that one of the
25. Broad (a) = spacious = wide =
most reliable ways to support wisdom in our own day-to-day
large = extensive: Rộng rãi, bao la
26. - Interpersonal (a) = personal = decisions is to look at scenarios from a third-party perspective, as
interactive: Cá nhân, tương tác though giving advice to a friend. Research suggests that when
- Interpersonal skill: Kỹ năng adopting a first-person viewpoint we focus on ‘the focal features
giao tiếp
of the environment’ and when we adopt a third-person, ‘observer’
27. Moral (a) = ethical = right:
Thuộc về đạo đức viewpoint we reason more broadly and focus more on
28. - Impartiality (n) = neutrality = interpersonal and moral ideals such as justice and impartiality.
detachment = evenhandedness: Looking at problems from this more expansive viewpoint appears
Tính công bằng to foster cognitive processes related to wise decisions.
- Impartial (a) = neutral =
unbiased = fair = nonaligned:
Công bằng.. What are we to do, then, when confronted with situations like a
- Impartable (a): Có thể truyền disagreement with a spouse or negotiating a contract at work,
đạt được that require us to take a personal stake? Grossmann argues that
- Impartation (n): Sự truyền đạt
even when we aren’t able to change the situation, we can still
29. Foster = take care of
30. Negotiate with sb (v) = talk = evaluate these experiences from different perspectives.
discuss: Thương lượng, đàm phán
với ai... For example, in one experiment that took place during the peak
31. Spouse (n) = wife = husband = of a recent economic recession, graduating college seniors were
next of kin: Chồng, vợ
32. Contract (n): Hợp đồng, khế asked to reflect on their job prospects. The students were
ước instructed to imagine their career either ‘as if you were a distant
33. - Stake (n): cọc, tiền đặt cọc observer’ or ‘before your own eyes as if you were right there’.
- Play for high stakes: Đánh Participants in the group assigned to the ‘distant observer’ role
cược lớn
34. Evaluate (v) = assess =
displayed more wisdom-related reasoning (intellectual humility
appraise = gauge = estimate: and recognition of change) than did participants in the control
Đánh giá, định giá group.
35. Peak of a recent economic
recession In another study, couples in long-term romantic relationships
36. Reflect on (v): Phản chiếu vào
37. Prospect (n) = outlook: Triển were instructed to visualize an unresolved relationship conflict
vọng either through the eyes of an outsider or from their own
38. Long-term (a) = longlasting: dài perspective. Participants then discussed the incident with their
hạn partner for 10 minutes, after which they wrote down their
39. Visualize (v): Hình dung ra
40. Unresolved (a): Chưa giải thoughts about it. Couples in the ‘other’s eyes’ condition were
quyết được significantly more likely to rely on wise reasoning – recognizing
others’ perspectives and searching for a compromise – compared
to the couples in the egocentric condition.
41. Egocentric (a) = selfish =
egoistiacal = vain: Tự xem mình là ‘Ego-decentering promotes greater focus on others and enables
trung tâm, hẹp hòi, ích kỷ a bigger picture, conceptual view of the experience, affording
42. Ego-decentering (a): Cởi mở,
không hẹp hòi recognition of intellectual humility and change,’ says Grossmann.
43. - Conceptual (a): Dựa trên
khái niệm We might associate wisdom with intelligence or particular
- Conceptive (a): Có thể nhận personality traits, but research shows only a small positive
thức được
relationship between wise thinking and crystallized intelligence
44. Crystallize (v) = form = take
shape: Kết tinh... and the personality traits of openness and agreeableness. ‘It is
45. - Openness (n) = honesty = remarkable how much people can vary in their wisdom from one
directness = frankness = situation to the next, and how much stronger such contextual
candidness: Sự cởi mở, thẳng
effects are for understanding the relationship between wise
- Open-minded: Tính cởi mở judgment and its social and affective outcomes as compared to
46. Forgive (v) = pardon = excuse the generalized “traits”,’ Grossmann explains. ‘That is, knowing
= let off: Tha thứ how wisely a person behaves in a given situation is more
47. Retaliate (v) = strike back =
informative for understanding their emotions or likelihood to
get even = get revenge = give tit
for tat: Trả đũa, trả thù forgive [or] retaliate as compared to knowing whether the person
may be wise “in general”.’

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