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INFORMAZIONI E NORME GENERAL! ASSISTENZA TECNICA La FERRARI MACCHINE AGRICOLE mette a disposizione dela lente il proprio Servizio Assistenza Tecnica per risolvere qua- unque problema quardante limpiego e la manutenzione dalle fecoprie machine. | Cienti possona segnalare, per ierita, le loro Fionieste a: (.M, FERRARI FERNANDO 8.9.4. Va Valbrina, 19 42048 LUZZARA (RE) — ITALIA “Tel, (0522) 837690 ‘Tolex 30144 FERMAC PARTI DI RICAMBIO Si cansiglia vivamante diimpiegare esclusivamente RICAMBI ORI GINALI. Le erdinazions cevono essere etfettuate ossorvanda 19 ‘nore conterute ne Cataloga dete Parti d) Ricambio. Se non di. sponete di una copia dal Catalogo delle Parti di Ricambio, rwolge- tevi ad un Rogoresentante Autonzzato FERAAR| DOCUMENTAZIONE Pei ogni MACCHINA FERRARI @ disponible la seguente docu pentane: * CATALOGO PARTI Di RICAMBIO ‘* MANUALE USO E MANUTENZIONE GENERAL INFORMATION AND RULES = TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE The FERRAR MACHINE AGRICOLE place their Technical Assistance Service a the Customer's disposal in order to solve any ‘probiem concerning use and maintenance of their machines Customers may sand thair requests, in writing, 00 (O.M, FERRARI FERNANDO 8.p.A. Via Vaibrina, 19 (42045 LUZZARA (RE) — ITALIA ‘Phone (0522) 827690 Telex 630144 FERMAC REPLACEMENT PARTS 1c strongly recommend that only ORIGINAL REPLACEMENT PARTS should be usod. Orders must be made i tne instructions contained in the Spare Parts Cotalogue. ita copy of the spare gars catalogue is hand, contact a Fer- ran’s Authorived Representative. DOCUMENTATIONS The following technical tterature is delivered with each Ferrari machine. SPARE PARTS CATALOGUE * OWNER'S MANUAL (operation and mainnenance instructions) G2 * LIBRETTO DEL MOTORE * CERTIFICATO DI GARANZIA Evivamente consigiata 2 lettura dst presente manuale "Uso e Ma- rnutenaione” per mieglia conascere le possibilitd. impiega « le pre stazioni della macchina Hermini DESTRO E SINISTRO usat in questo manuale per localiz 2af8 | vari omponenii, si riferiscono Sempra al normale S@nS0 di marcia del veicolo, cioé ala macchina vista dal operatore al posto, i guida Attenzione — La Ditta Costruttnce siriservail dito ci modi care la macchina per qualungue esigenza di corattere costrutt vo commerciale senza I'0bbligo d' aggiomars tempestivamente questa pubbiicazione. NORME DI GARANZIA Lamacchina castruita dalla Dita FERRARI, cul dati sono riportath el centilicato, & garantta pet nove mesi consecutiv dalla data di ‘2cquisto, purché venga impiegata seconds la prescrizioni contenu- te nel ipretto Uso © Manutentiane e sia sottopesta a candizioni di lavoro normal. Entro | sudgett termini la FERRARI si impsgna 3 fomire gratuitamente pezz. a ricambio di quelts parti che, a giudi Zio della FERRARI o di un suo rappresentante @ cid eutorizzato, ‘resentino lfetti di febbricazione 0 di materiale: oppute, @ suo in sindacabile giudizio, ad effettuare la rioarazione airettarnente 0 3 ‘mezzo di personale autorizzsto. ‘= ENGINE HANDBOOK + CERTIFICATE OF GUARANTEE Reeding the present instruction manu! is ossenvia! to make full Use of the possibilities and pertounarce af your vehicle, The terms RIGH! HAND, LEFT HAND, FRONT AND REAR as us- «in this book to localize the various components always eter to the normal running direction of e vehicle, 1e. to the machine as seen by the Overator when in driving position. Note — The Makers reserve the right to modify the machine for ‘any requirement of a conwmercial constructionel character, without obligation to update this publication prompt. GUARANTEE The machine made by Ditta FERRARI, data of which are quoted in the warranty cortificate Is guaranteed for rine consecutive months from the date of purchase, provided that it's used according to thé instructions contained in the use and maintenarice handbook and 's subjected to normal conditions of work. Wihin the above terms FERRAR) undertakes to supply free of charge replacements far those parts which, in the opinion of FERRARI or che OF iis representatives thereto authorized, are found to be defective ‘material or workmanshio of, to effect repair either directly or {through authorized personnel, at its own discretion \Lespese ai mano «opera inerent alla presente garanzia sono a ca- ‘ca deiaoquirente, La garancia decade qualora il veleolo sa stato implegato senza r= ‘speltate le prescrizioni e Je fimitazioni contenate net Koretto Uso € Manutenzione, oppure qualora la macchina sia stata riparata, smontata o-modifcata da officine non autorizzate. La garanzia della maccnina deve intendersi solo ed esclusivemente per qUei particalari i qual, per la loro natura, non sono soggetti a 1apid0 consumo, Per quelle parti e queali accessor fornitiinsieme alla machina, ma che non sono stati fabbrcati dalia Ferrari lad ‘epenpio Motori, itpianto elettico, impiarto oleacinamigo, preu- ‘matic, ecc.) sar anplicabile la gatanzia ferita dal fabbricante oi "ali parti od accessor, nei limit in cul essa @ ottenibile dala Ferrer. ‘La responsebiltd celle Ferrari ¢ strettamente timiiata ala forntura, ‘Giricamb)o ele oarazione oi part difetiose con ascisiane della r- ‘Boluzione del contratto 0 di ogni « qualsias! alta responsabiite ed ‘ebbigazioni ver altre spose, danni e pordite dirette o indirette dad anti dal'uso 0 dalla impossibiita oi uso della macchina, sia totale che parziale. Leaguirente, al momento della consegna della macchina, 8 tenuto a = verificare tutti jivlli dei tubriicanti; — veriticare il funzionamento e Is regolazione dela fizione. La Dita Ferreri osarinerd le eventual domande di garanzia solo se in possesso det certicato cho dovra essere reso ala Sede dela Ferrari debitemonte compilato, tassativamen all'atto della conse- ‘gna della machina. All workmanshio charges conceming this waventy willbe ome G3 ‘by the purchaser. FERRARI warranty does not cover breakage of parts or damages 1 garts due (9 abuse or fallure 10 follow the recommended ‘ainignance and use procedures and liitations set forth in the in Structicn manual. The warranty alsa lapses in the evem a machine be repaired, dinmartied or modified by any unauthoneed workshops. The guarantee of the machine shall be understood to apply only ‘and exclusively to those parts which by thir nature are nat subject to rapid! wear. For thosa parts and accessories swapliod with the ‘machine, but which have not been made by FERRARI Vor example ‘engines, electrical equipment, oleodynamic equement, tyres, etc.) the guerantce supplied by the maker of such parts or ap ‘cassorios shall apply within the limits in which it can be obtained by FERBARI. FERRARIS lability is strictly dmited to the supply of replacement ‘parts or to repair of faulty parts with exclusion of termination of ‘conwvact and any and every other lability and obligation fer other ‘expenses, damages and iosses, whether direct ar sndvect, arising from use or the mpasssty of use ofthe machine, wheter ta The buyer, 07 delivery of the machine, shol! ~ check af lubricant levels; check the operation and reguiation of the clutch. FERRARI S.p.A. will examina any requests under the guarentee ‘only if ic in possession of the guarentee card, which must be returned to this Office, duly filed out, without fal an delivery of the machine. ‘64 INFORMATIONS ET NORMES. D’ORDRE GENERAL ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE FERRARI MACCHINE AGRICOLE met 8 la leposition do sa cien- tle son propre service d'assistance technique, pour résoudre tout ‘probiéme concernant empioi et 'entretien de ses machines, Con- ‘eter par tori (©.M. FERRARI FERNANDO 5.p.A. Vie Valbring, 19 42048 LUZZARA (RE) — ITALIA Tel, (0822) 837690 ‘Telex 530184 FERMAC- PIECES DE RECHANGE West vivement onseiié d'utliser exclusiverent des PIECES DE RECHANGE ORIGINALES. Si ne disposez pas d'un exemplaira du ‘catalogue des pices de rechange, contactez un Ayent autorisé de FERRARI AVERTISSEMENT Les documents suivants sont liviés avec votre MACHINE FER- RARE © CATALOGUE DES PIECES DE RECHANGE '* NOTICE O'EMPLO! ET O’ENTRETIEN ALLGEMEINE AUSKUNFTE UND VORSCHRIFTEN TECHNISCHER KUNDENDIENST Die Fa, FERRARI MACHINE AGRICOLE stele der Kundschaft it~ ten eigenen Kundendtenst zur Vertlgung, 2ur Lasung aller Problo- me Ober die Anwendung und dia Wartung der Maschinen. Die ‘Rundden konnen thro schritichen Antragen an folgende Adresse richten: (O.M, FERRARI FERNANDO S.p.A. Via Vatbrina, 19 I~ 42048 LUZZARA (RE) — ITALIA Tel. (0522) 837690 ‘Telex 830744 FERUACY ERSATZTEILE £s_witd dringend emptohien, aussehiiessiich ORIGINAL ERSATZTEILE zu verwencien. Dio Bestellorgen massen unter Bo- ‘achwung der im Eisatztelkatslog aagetuhrten Anleitungen erteit werden, Falls Sie kein Exernolar des Ersatateilkataloges besitzen, konnen Sie sich an einen eemachtigten Vertroter der Fa. FERRAR? worden. DOKUMENTATION Zusarmmen mit jeder FERRARIMASCHINE wird folgonde Doku- ‘mentation gelictort © ERSATZTEILKATALO = BETRIEBS- UND WARTUNGSHANOBUCH ca TRATTRICE TRACTOR TRACTEUR SCHLEPPER INDICE DEL CONTENUTO = Datiecaratoristichetacricne CComandie maicaton del cuscotts Comandisela tatice Aitoevenent Pregontion’ pe oda Inmpiego deta tratiree Versione doppis press d potenea Presa d ootenza sicranizata CCarnando bioccaggi del sfleensile. Solevarore rauica Diepostive oi taine, Atiacto a due punt taco a we punt ‘Atvreze special, Bavorrtirs MANUTENZIONE Lubifeazione geriosica = Controle regetazion var = Imgiano erased Incanwariont ered! bmpiante irauteo) = Impiantoeletines leona Unga natta daa natce ‘SCHEMI = Immoiant icraulic. = impianta stetiies TABLE OF CONTENTS — reennicatspeotications aod dara Controls and ncicatorson dashboatd = Tractor conos Serena. = Preserotons fr runeing in Option with double PO ~ Groune! sooed P.O Looking the diferent Haale: titer. Toming dewce, Tworpoit tnkage. Tvee-poin nkage. Special mplements = Saiasting MAINTENANCE Ponacic lobreation ‘iscalaneous check and inspections Hyaraae system. Trouble shooting ibydraule system = Becrcats ong inacty of tactor ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS — Hycaute system, = Wirng cagram gaawenante t TABLES DES MATIERES 4 Données et caracisristiques teciviques thee techrique). ‘Commandos ot cateurs Sut lo tableau do bors = Commranes du acre ~ Optrations de service. Prescription pour i 94992. ~ Einplorde tracteur Version avec pd. double. ro do force synchronisea = Commands du blocage aiferertel Ro‘evage hydrautaus Dispaatit de waco Atoga& dou por Ateinge 3 tois powts Outie spéciue Lestape ENTRETIEN ~ Lubsitieation périodique = Contras ot raglages Givers, = Sysitine hydrautiue. = Lecaisaon des panes at déaarinaye (Gysttmse hy arauique) — Instaliator ébserique tinspoction gird = Trasteur ou g9:age SCHEMAS — Systtima hyeioutaue ~ instalation st qupemient lectn gue INHALTSVERZEICHNIS = Technische Baton und Bigensahaten ~ Steuerungen und Anzoiger auf doen Anaturenbrett = Stouerungen oas Sontepcers Verwendung des Schiepoers.. Version mit doposter Zante Synchronisierta Zante ‘Stouerung er Dilleenusiperre = tivdauiscrer Krofteber © Zapvorchaing, = Zanipunieansehtass Deapunktancchiiss warrune ~ Posiotsche Schmiacune. hiesene Kanuoltan und Eistelungen = hiydauinaniage VEnstohungen) & Stenwagen une Abhiven tHvcraubianisge = Blkurische Antage (Parodisne Kontralen) Schugpenstereringurg SCHEMEN — Mycraitaniage © Blekisene Aniogs Seto a 2 a 8 a @ a a a n a oi DATI E CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE DATI PER L"IDENTIFICAZIONE Tipo e numero del motore Il tipo del motore 6 indicato relia targhetta posia sul convogtiatore aria. La matricola & Fipartata generaltaente nela targhetta oltre ad essere stamnpigliata sulla parete laterale ‘del basarnento (vedere fig. 0 Tipo © numero della trattrice I tip0 ¢ il numero di matricola dolla tattrice & stampiglato sulla parete lateraie destra cella scatola cambio (vedere fig. 2) Nota — Nelle eventual richieste di Assi- stonza Tecnica © nelle ordinazioni delle Parti ai Ricambio, citare sempre it numer di matricola della trattrice interossata TECHWICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA IDENTIFICATION OF THE VEHICLE Engine type and number The engine type is marked on the narveplate Situsted on the ait conveyor. Engine serial number is gereraly indicated in the pameplate and stamped on sidewall crankcase (see fig. Ni Tractor type and number ‘The senal number and type of the ractor are stamped on ther ght sideot the gearbox (see fig 2 Wote — Always stato the vehicle seriat ‘nuber when placing any order for spare parts and asking for’ Technical Assistance FICHE TECHNIQUE DU TRACTEUR IDENTIFICATION DU TRACTEUR Type du moteur et numéro Le type du moteur est indiqué sur la plo quolte du convoyeur d'air. Le numéro sma- Uiigule est reporte dihabituda dans la plo: aquatte et est estampillé sur la prot latérale du eartar (voir fig. 1h Type du tracteur et numéro imatriculation Le type du moteur et fe numéro /matricule du {yacieur ost estampilé sure ete latéral droit de la balte do vitesses (voir fig. 21 Nota — Toujours fournir te numéro da série du véhicule dans vos appels de Set vice Technique a Assistance et comman des de pices de rechange, TECHNISCHE DATEN UND EIGENSCHAFTEN IDENTIFIZIERUNGSDATEN ‘Motor. Typ- und Nummer Der Motortyp ist im Typenschid aut der Lufzufunnrebr angegeben. Die Fabrikaum ‘mer fst in der Pagel im Typenschild wingo pprigt und nach in alo Seitenwand des Mo- forbockes eingeschlagen (sishe Bild 1). Schlepper- Typ- und Nummer Dor Typ und die Fabriknummer des Sedlep pers Sind aut der rechten Seite des Schaliga- tnebagehduses eingeprigt (siehe Bild 2 Bemerkung — Bei Antorderangen techni- ‘scher Beratung oder bei Ersetztellbectel- tungen, (st stets die Fabriknummer des etteffendien Schloopers anzugeben. MOTORE Disposizione: longitudinale nella parte anteriore dela trattrice Costruttori: LOMBARDIN! €L D665-2, RUGGERIN! RD 952, SLAN- ZIDVA 1850 Gide ensinaisreis Diesel Tempi . Quattro Numero dé clings 2por8 LDB85-26 RD 952; ‘Sper DVA 1550 Rogime max. a vuoto 2000 gir/min Poienza max. da 32.9 34HP (da.24.a 25KW) Combustibile sormaie Gasolio Ratfieddamento: a ciccoiazione forzata dail'aia Luprineazione: forzata con pompa ad ingranaggl. Oepurazione Gall’olio madiante fitro a cartuccia in portata totale ‘TRASMISSIONE Fiislone — monadisco a secco, comands meceanice. Corsa a ‘wuato dal pedele citca 20 mm. Cambio divelocita standard — a set marce avanti e trein retro marcia (vedere a tabla di fig. 3). Comanda meccanico a due eve. Cambio di velocita versione super-variatore — 3 sei marce avant @ tein etvomarcia con possibihtd di inserimento d'un ridut tore od ottonare 11 marce avanti 86 in retromarcia(vedore la tabo! (a li. Comande meccanico a te lave: Leva comando marce 3 tra posizoni {1 - 2 - 31, leva comande variatore a 3 posizioni (Ridotta "Veloce -Retromarciale leva commando super vaniatare a dus pas) ior {Lente - Veloci. Differenziale — a2 satel anteriorec a 4 sareliti pasteriore con ingranagal conti; dispositvo di bleccaggio meccanico sue ruote anterior’ per le tratrici con motore 9 dus eines, mentre per ie trat= ‘ric con motore a te clindi @'so0si%v0 di Dloccaggic agisce sulle quattro ruote. Trazione — sulle quattio ‘uote, Trasmnssione anteriore teamite semiassi collegati al differenziaie; rasmissione posterore mediante ENGINE Arrangement: lengthwise in the trestor front Makers: LOMBARDIN! al DE6-2, RUGGERINI RD 952, SLANZI DVA 1660 Cycle Diese Strokes Four Number of cylinders 2 for BLOREE 2 and RO 362: ‘Sor OYA 1560 Maximum rating at no-load 00 RPM ‘Maximum power SB t0 BHP (24 t0 25M) Fue! Diasal oi Force feed air cooling Force-feed lubniication through gear pump, Oi cleaning by means ‘of cartridge ful flow fier, TRANSMISSION Clutch — dry single-plate, mechanical controlled clutch. Pedal approximate idle stroke 20 mm. ‘Standard gearbox — six Forward and three Reverse (see rable, fig. 31. Tusorlever mechanical control system Gearbox supur-variator version — six Forward and three Paverse with provision ta fit a gear unit and get 11 Forward and 6 Reverse (see table ll Three-lever mechanical control system. position gvarstuft control (1 - 2 - 3, Zpasition speed selector ‘Siow ~ Fast Reverse) 2position super-vanator cantrol (Slow “Fast Ditforontial — 2 bevel planetary gears (front alifferentill or 4 ‘evel planetary Gears rear differential), for tractors with two cylinder engines a mechanical lock device is arranged for the frant wheels: in the case od tractors with three-cylinder engines, the Jock device operates on the four wheels, Driva — on the four wheels. Front transmission through axles connected to the differential; rear transmission through universal Shafts from gearbox to differential input shaft, and axles from ait ferenwal output shafis 10 the wheets, MOTEUR Emplacement: longitudinal sur fe devant du tracteur, Construc- teu's. LOMBARDINI 8LD655.2, RUGGERINI RO 952, SLANZI DVA 1550, Cycle Diesel Temps Quatre Nombre des cyiinares 2pour RD 962 3 pour DVA 1850 Max. régime a vide 3000 tr/min Puissance max 32 S4HP 28a 25 AW Combustible normal Gasail troid'ssement: par circulation dai Sous pression Lubnification: sous pression au moyen de pompe 3 engrenages Depuration de hulle par fire & cartouche & débit total ‘TRANSMISSION Embrayage — monodisaue a sec, commande mécanique Course 8 vide de la pédale 20 cran environ. Changement da vitesses standard — par six rapports avant ot no's en marche arriére (vor tableau, fig. @. Commande mécani- que par lever. Changement de vitesses version super-variateur — par six rapports avant e tcis an marche arrigre avec possibile adapter un réductour et obtenir 11 marches avant et 6rapports ari MS voir tableau 1). Commande mécanique par to's leviers: lever des mar ches & 3 positions (1 - 2-3), lever de commande: du sélectour & 3 positions (Faible - Haute - Marche arnérel;levier de commande du ‘Super-varateur @ 2 positions [raibie = Haute! Différentiol — 2 satelites (diférenticl avant et 4 satalites (ig getentiol arrire) avec engrenages coniques; cispositit blocage ‘mécanique sur les roues avant pour les tracteurs avec moteurs & deux cylinares; e disposint da blaceae opérant surles quatie roues our les tracteurs avee moteurs & 1/018 Gyindres Traction — sur les quatre oues. Transmission avant au moyen de demi-essieux raccordés au différental; transmission arritre pat moTOR Einbaulage: Langsanordnung in der Vorderseite des Sehteppors: Herstoler: LOMBARDIN( B.DB65.2, AUGGERINI RD 8&2, SLANZI DVA 1550, AM on Diesel Arbeiteverfanren 4 Take eylincercat) 2 fir Type St OBB 2 und RD.E2 ‘3 for Type DVA 1650 Max. Leeraufdreheat! 2000 YM Max. Leiseang SB bis 34 PS (24 bis 25.41) Normates Kraftstoft Gasol Kuhlart: Zwerigsluttkuniung Sohmierung. Zeangsschmierung Uber Zahnradpumpe. Oleini- gung uber Wechsethiaer ber Volimenge. OBERTRAGUNG Kupplung — Einscheibe-Trockerkupplung, mechanische Betkt- ‘gung. Pedar-Leerweg ca. 20 ‘Schaligetiabe-Stenderd — 6 Vorwarts- wid 3 Ruckwarsaange ‘siehe Tabole, Bild 3). Mechanische Bataeigung uber 2 Hebel ‘Schaltgetriote mit Sonder-Regelgotriebe — 6 Yorndts- und 3 Ruckwartsgange mit Einschaltmeglonett eines Getriobas 2u Er ‘exchung van TT Yorwans-und 6 Auckwarisgangen (siohe Tabelle 1). Mechanische Beratung uber 3 Hebel: Gangschaithebe! mit 3 Stellungen (1 - 2 51, Ragelgetricbesteverhebel mie 3 Stelungen fangsam schnell rickwarts und Getrebe Steuerhebel mit 2 Stel sungen tlangsam schnell! Differential — 2 vorderen Planetonrsder und 4 hinteren Plone tenrader, mit kagelaannradern. Mechanisohe Ditfatentialsporre aut den Vordenidern bei Schleppe's mit Zeinylinsermotoren und aut don 4 Radern wrkond ber Schleppers mit Dreiylindermotoren, Zug — auf den + Ridern. Vordere Ubertegung tier aia mit Di ‘erential veibundenen Ackswellon. Hintere Uberivagung aber Ker danweiten vom Schaltgetnebe 2ur Hinterachsorucke und van dia- ‘ser zu den Ratiern ber ale mt dem Diferential verbundenen Achswellen 8 sibet cardanci data scatola carn al panty ansianore e da que sia alla 1u9te per meeza di Serna eoilegat Al Ufieronatale TENTA 23 tl 2)3 (GA 12.55 2.96 CaO | Tae | 3) 1, 2[3[t] 2,3 A S| 8 fi [Bx ee 38i| 697 Tal 22el 418) 6.20; ca] eal Tea] Beal wal ia 2.20] aif 6.70) 10.99[ 23.79] 1.27] Barf 6. i VELOCE — i — a 2 a 24 wipes ‘FAST _E Ts (7i2fslij2f3 ‘A157 [279 14.08 1721 143 [26.66 (2 12) 421 751 “ol ih TL 2[>3f1] 273 [7j2 [te | 296 6.25 780 [a o|z7 es (230) 486 BT A [ica7| 2.73] a6) 7.20; 19 [m6 2.12] 421 ‘m [1.48] 2,95[ 6,25] 7.80) 18.60!27,80] 2,30] 4,56) 3.1 K Running speed in tani with tyre sire 750-18 LI Burning speed in km/h wath tyre size 825-16 [ah Vebostd a evarzomento nh cor preurat 75076 Velcd sarcomere fh con prov 82:6 Tabella |. A comando meccanico agente sulle nuote posterior Tipo 2 tamburo (gf 280 mm) con ganasce ad wspansione sola! cor ('assala, Superficie trenante 24% em: quarniaiani d attito oF ginal “FERODO Corea a vuoto dei pedal circa 20 mm, Freno di soccorso e stazionamento ‘A comendo meccanico agente sulle ganasee dal treni posterior: bloosa per meazo di un arpicnisea i @spostiva frenanie Table 1. BRAKES Service brakes Mechanical brake acting en the rear wheels Druin type (250 me dls.) voi: expancing shoos intogral with the axle; 248 sq cm braking surface, "FEAODO” brake hing. tae tra vel of the brake padal: 20 mm approx. Emergency and parking brake Is mechanical and acts on the rear brake shoes. The braking device 's locked through a ratchet gear system. arbres & cardan de la botte de vitessas au pant aridre t de fa bolte ‘ux raves 8 'aide de demi-essioux raccordés au differentie! FAIBLE BEB SB Bh T)2)3 7[2]3 4] 2]3 feta) 2.98 1418) 8.20] 1.50) 29.88| 1] 3] 6.28 1,28 23,78 | 3.91] 6.97] 7 a[a[2[3 fiat) 2,78 | 406 | 7.2043 125.58] 2.12] 4.21 | Pails wm [1482.06 [5.25 [7.00] 16.50]27.65] 2.90] 4.06 @.11 1,76 | 2.34) 4,18 | 6.20 | 72,50) 37,00| 1,82) 3,60) 648 4,28 | 2.03] 4.57] 6,70] 13,52) 23.75] 1.97| 397) 0.97) 7 2/9 7] 2[al7]2[3 757 [27A| 4.66) 7.07 14.5 (26.62 72| aT] Za 7481 295| 525) 70) 15.20) 27,60| 230] 4.65] 8.11 | MFotigeschwindigkeiten km/h mit Reifengrdsse 760-16} Fahrgeschwincigheiten km/h mit Raitengrosse 6.25-16 “Ak Viteseos davanote on km/br avec des pneu ZS: I Vicosces d'avancéo en ken/he aver des pneus 8 25-16 Tableau I. FREINS. Freins de Service Commande mécanique opérant sur fas roues arritre Type tambour 4p 290 rin} machoires par expansion soliaives avec lessieu. Surface do freinaze 248 om", gamitures de frotte ment "FERODO Course & vide de la pédale 20 mmm environ, Frein de secours et de stationnoment Commande mécarique onérant sur tes machoires des ‘tains: sarriére, blocage au moyen dencliquetage du dispositt freinant. Tabette 1, \BREMSEN Bedienungsbremsen Mechanische Berstigurg aut die hinceren Raider Trommeltremse (9 29) mmj mit a1 der Achse verbundoner Bremstacken, Bremsflache 248 cm. Reibungsbelag "FERODO". Padi Leerweg ca 20 mn, Fosistollbrense Mechaniache Betauigung auf aie Bremsbacken der hinteren Brem ‘se wirkend, Bromsvorrichtung uber Kinkwerk gesperrt ‘STERZO E RUOTE Sterz0 ‘A.comando meccanico con vite serea fine -seutore ui 1uota elica: date Ranporto di riduaiane 1 24; ciametro di sterzatura orca 6m. An: golo messmo di steraatura 87°; campo oi ascilazione della snodo secando Fasse vertioae + 15° Tiranti di comanda agent sulle ryote anterior Snodt a lubiificazio: ‘ne manuale Ruote pneumatici Ruote 2 disco con cerchig fisso avente protie a ganale 5.80 F Proumatici sere “TRAGTOR AGRICOLO” misura 7-60-16 A richiesta pneumatic 8 25-16, PRESE DI POTENZA La trattrice standard & dotata o una presa di potenza inferior per aaionare attrezzature varie. La trattiice pud essere datas di doppia ‘presa di potenza; Ia 9.4.0. inferire @ identica a quolla standard so praciata. La seconda p.d-p. (Superiore) pub operare a velocité fis 2 ther 'ezionamento di atrezzi} oppure pud essere sincrorizzata ‘con il cambio di veloc peril traina di rimorchi @ ruote motric! Prasa di potenza inferiore Tipo — ad albero scanaisto, unificazione 1” 3/8 DIN 96114, Per le dimension’ vedere ie igure 4 4/3, Innesto — moccanico a leva posta sul lato dest cambio per la sslezione delle due veloc a ‘Velocita di rotazione — vedere Ia tabala di fig. a ‘Sensa di rotazione — ratio. Potenza max. alla p.d.p. — 3 29.9 30 HP ida 21,5 a 22 kWI della seatola STEERING AND WHEELS Mechanical steering Controlled through worm helical sector goar: 1 %0 44 reduction ratio; 6 m approx steoring aiameter, 37° maximum steering engle 15° floating range of the steaning knuckle versus the vertical Brag links acting on the front wheels: Hand lubvicated joints Wheels and tyres Disc wheels with 6.50 F section teed rin. Tyres serios “TRACTOR AGRICOLO”, size 7.50.16 Optional: tyres wath size B.25-16 POWER TAKE-OFF The standard tractor is provided with a bottom power take-off for the operation of various implements, The tractor can be equioped vith double power take off: the bottom power take-off s ake the Standara one as described. The adoltional top power takevoft can ‘operate either at fixed spead {for implements) or syn ‘chromeshgeared with the gearshitt for the connection of trailers. Bottom power take-off Type — splined shatt, 1.3/8 7. O1N 96114 (see aimensions in figures 4 ang 4/1 Engagement — mechanical lover system incated on the gearbox Tight side for the selection of nse speeds, Speed — s0e data shoet Ifigure 4/2) Direction of rotation — clockwso. Maximum power at p.t.0. ~ 29 10 30 HP (21.5 to 22 kWh COMMANDE DE DIRECTION ET ROUES Direction Par entrainement mécanique 8 wis sans fin-secteur de rove hélicoi- aie Rapport de réduction 1» 24, diaméitre de oxaquage 6 m environ. ‘Angle maximum de braquage 37°; plage d'oscliat’on dela fusée en fonetion da axe vertical 16°. Tringles d’entrainement agissant sur les roues avant. Joints 8 graissage manuel. Roues et pneus Roues a disque fixe, profil a cannelure 8.50 F Pneus série "TRACTOR AGRICOLO™ 7.50-16 Sur demande: preus 8.25-16. PRISES DE FORCE Le tracteur, version standard, est muny d'une prise dessous pour actionner une diversité d'outils. La tracteur peut également &t ‘quippe d’une prise de force double; a p.d.t. dessous est par mont égale 4 la prise de force standard, La douxiéme p... (des ‘sus) pout marcher & vitesse fixe (pour 'entrainement d'outils) ou elle peut étre synchranisée aux rapports du changement de vitesse pour le raccordement des remorques Prise Type ~ arbre cannelé, unification 1” 3/8 DIN 9611. Pour los dimensions wor les figures 4 et 4/a, Embrayage — mscanique par leviersitué sur le cot6 de drome de {a botte de witesaz pour la selection des deux rapports. Vitesse — voir tabioau figure 4/3. Sens de rotation — dans le sens des aigulles d'une montee. () Puissance max. dla pf. - de 29330 HP (de 21,5 9 22 «WI nN LENKUNG UND RADER Lonkung Mechanische Betatigung uber Schneckenradgetries. Untersetzungsverhalinis 1: 24. Wendekreisdurchmesser ca, 61m. Max. Lenkungswinkel 37°. Schwenkaereich zur senkrachten Ach set 152 Stoueraugstengen aut aie Vardecracor. Galenke mit Handschmie rung. Rider und Reifen Scheibenrader mit Rilenprotil 6.50 F. Reiten Serie” AGRICOLO” 7.50 16. Aut Aatrage: reifen 8.25.16, ZAPEWELLEN ‘er Standard Schieppe ist ir den Antreb von Geraten verschie Gener Art mic einer unteren Zaptwelle versehen. Der Schlepper kann mt doppolter Zapraele ausgeristet werden. Lio unlere Zapfuelle st geich wie de obangetihre Standard. Zaptwele, Dio {2uejteZopfwelle lobere) kann mit unverandericher Drehaahlarbeh {en faum Antveb von Geraten) oder mit dem Schaligeviebe synch ronisiet sein um Anschluss von Anhéngern) Untere Zeptwelle Typ — Keiwale, gonormt 1" 3/8 DIN 36114, Abmessungen siche Bid 4 und dia Schaltung ~ Mechanische aber einen aut der rechten Seite des ‘Schaltgetnebes zur Vorwah! der beiden Drehzahien angeordneten Hebel. Drohzahl ~ Siohe Tabolie Bild 4a Drohrichtung — Unrzeigersinn. Max. Leistung an der Zaptwelle — 29 bis 30 PS (21,5 bis 22 kW) 12 Presa di potenza superiore Tipo — ad albero scanalato, unificarione 1" 3/8 DIN S611A, Per le dimorsioni vedere le figure 5 & Sia. Innesta — meccanico a leva posta sul ‘ato destro delia scatola Donte posteriare, 2 tre posizoni (0 - SINCRONIZZATA - P.D.P.), Velocta di rotaziona — vedere tabela di fig. 4/a. Per tattice dotata ai super-variatore vedere la tabolla di fig. 5/a Senso di rotaiona — orario Potenza may, alla p.d.p. — da 29.2 30 HP (da 21,5. 22kWW) PRESA DI MOTO SINCRONIZZATA (installata a richlesta sulla trattrice standard) Posizione — sulla parte posteriore @ superiore della trattrice, so pra alla presa 4 potenza (vedere fig. 4) Tipo ~ ad albero scanalato, unificazione 25x 22 DIN 5482. Velocita — variable nei rapport de! cambio, per collegamento di rimorchi a ruote matric’, da 263 a 4900 gin/min Senso di rotazione — antorario con trattrice in marcia avant, ratio con tratrice in retromarcia Reporte di sincronizzazione — 27,015 gi p.d.p. per ogni giro seompiuto dalle ruote SOLLEVATORE ATTREZZ! A circuito iarauiico. Pompa ad ingranaggi azionata dal motare (sempre in presal: cilin trata 6 cms, portata massima @ 3000 girifmin: 18 l/min, pressione rmassima 170 bar Filo a cartuccia sulla tubazione ai aspirasione Distibutore Gi comando a tre we; Salita - Arresto - Flottante, azio- rato mediante leva a mano con ritono automatice in posiaone ai atresto Martinetto idraulico a semplice effetto per solevamento dei brac: Gidoliattacco a 2 0 3 punt Top power take-off Type — splined shaft, 1.3/8 in. CIN @BITA (300 dimensions in ‘igures 6 and 6/3) Engagement — mechanical dpositinn lover system (0 SYN CHROMESHGEARED - P.T.0) located on the night side of rear ale housing. Spood — see data sheet Hfgure b/s). Direction of rotation — clockuvise. Maximum power at p.t.0. — 29 10 30 HP 24 § to 22 2H GROUND SPEED POWER TAKE-OFF (Optional to be mounted to the standard tractor) Location — on the tractor rear and upper aver live power take off fs00 figure 4) Type — splined shate 25% 22 DIN 5482 standard. ‘Speed — is variable according to gearshift ratio for the connec tion of driving-wheeled trailers; range of variation 253 t0 4800 rpm, Direction of rotation — counterclockwise when tractor is moy- ing FORWARD, rotation is clockwise when the vehicle is in REVERSE, Wheels 10 power take-off ratio — 1 10 27.016 IMPLEMENT LIFTER Hydraulic citcut design Gear pump driven by the engine {constant mesh); 6 ont displace ment; 18 iter/min Of maximum delivery at SO0D r.p.m., 170 bar ‘maximum pressure, Filter on suction be. Three-way control valve: UP - Stop Floating. Hand lever controlled providing automatic return ¢o the stop pasi- tion. Simple action hydraulic actuator for lifting the 2 ar 3 point hitch Prise de force d Type — arbre cannelé, unification 1” 9/8 DIN 9611A, Pour les dimensions voir les figures 5 et 5/2 Embrayage — mécanique pat lever situs sur le co%6 de droite du carter du pont aritre, & ts positions ( - SYNCHAONISEE - PDF. Vitesse — voir tabieay gute 4/a, Pour le tracteur pourvu dy vanateur-super, voir tabloay figure 5/a Sons de rotation — danse sens des aiguiles d'une monte Pulssance max. ala p.d.f. — de 29.50 HP (de 21.6.8 22 kW) PRISE DE FORCE SYNCHRONISEE \Installée en option sur le tracteur version standard) Position — sur la qari are et supeieure du tractour, au dessus de la prise de force ‘voir fig. 4) Type — arbre carmela, unification 25. 22 DIN $482, Vitesse. — variatio aux rapports du changement da vitesses pour Ia racoordemment de remorques A roues motrices, de 269 & 4900 tr/min ‘Sens de rotation — on sons d’hotloge, si le racteur este en mar ‘che avant, en sens inverse dhorloge, se lacteur est en marcne are Rapport de synchronisation — 27,015 tours dela p.a.t par tour ge roves, RELEVAGE DES OUTILS Par circuit hydraviique. Pompe & engrenages entrainée par le moteur Itoujours en prsel ‘evlindrée 6 crn, portée maximole 8.3000 tr/min: 18i/mmin, pression maximale 170 bar Fire 3 cartouche sur 'aspieation ‘Distruteur de commande a trois voies: Manteo - Avrét-Flottant actionné par levier manuel, fOtour automatique en position da stop. 13 Obere Zapfwelle Typ — Keitwele, genorme 1.3/8 DIN 9611A, Abmessungon ssha Bid 5 und 5/2 Schattung — Meohanisch iiber don aut der rechten Seite der Hin terachsobricke angeardnecen tiebel, mit drei Stellungen 10 SYNCHRONISIERT - ZAPFWELLE) Drahzahl ~ Sicha Tadels Bild a. Firdon Schlepper mit Sorder Regelgetriate sii Tebelle Bild 5/a, Drohrichtung ~ Unrzeigersinn. ‘Moa. Leistung an der Zeptwelle ~ 23 bis 30 PS (21,5 bis 22 kW SYNCHRONISIERTE ZAPFWELLE (Aut Antrage dem Standard-Schlepper eingebaut) Einbaulage — Aut der Hinterseite und oberer des Schleppers oberhalb dor Zaptwolle sehe Bild 4 Typ ~ Keilwelle, genormt 25 22 DIN 5482. Drohzah! — Varierbar je nach Schaitgewiabeverhaitnissen, 2001 ‘Anschluss von Anhangern mit Triebwadeen, von 263 bis 4900 UpM. Drehrichtung — Uhrzeigersinn bei Schlepperin Vorweitsfahrt, go- ‘gen Unraeigersinn bei Schlepper in Ruickwsrisfehr. ‘Synchronisierungsverhsitnis — 27,015 UpM Zaptwlle bei jeder Umairehung der Faider. GERATE-KRAFTHEBER Mir bydraulischem Kreistaut. Vom Motor aus angetrebene Zahnrasipumpe (stets eingaschalted. Hutraum 6 cnr, max Forderiastung bei 300 UoM = 18 i/en. Max Druck 170 bar. Wechselfiterin der Saugleitung. Drewegevereiier. Heben, Stop, lose Steliung, aber Handhebel ‘mit automatiscnen Adckug in Abstollungslage angetricben. Hydraulisch einfach wirkerder Hubeylinder zum Heben der Arme des Zwei oder Drejeanktonsehisses 4 Porta attrezai con attacco a “Due Punt!” oppure attacco a "Tre Pani” vedere la fg. 4/a 0 B/al Carico massimo sollevabie al'estromita dei braccl inferior del'e: acco a te punt: 700 kg. Nota — Per assicurare un sufticiente margine di potenza al sole vatore © per salvaguardare i! blanciamento dela macchina i peso del attrezz0 non deve suparare 400 kg. GANCIO DI TRAINO (vedere fig. 4/a @ Sia) Estremi i approvarione “CATEGORIA 8” regolabile in altezza IMPIANTO ELETTRICO Batteria di accumulator con negativo @ massa, capacitd lla Scar: 22 di 40 ore 65 An, Generatore elattrico con ponte raddrizzatore e regolatore ui tensio fie etettranico non incomporato. Tensione in ¢.c. Icorrente canti- nua) 12 Initio = cuit luci sotto te-siore cheago) ‘rcuto sotte “erisore: 8 Commutarore luci ed svesatore acust @ ovarore inacaton ar aworere @ lam 0 Nar lyre per lucid erm gina "LAMP-ALAKM? a rarest CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ON DASHBOARD 1 Headlights main bean on warning light (BLUE) Directonsl sights (GREEN) 3. Engine oil low pressure warming light (RED) 4. Generator warring tight (RED. 5. Reserve tue! warning light (EDI 6. Trailer ights on warring ight IGREEN) 2. Key-swmitch for angine ignition. P= Lights energized (parking) a = OFF 1 = System energized, 2 = Engine starter energized & Switch for ights andi horn 9 Switoh for avectional tights and hashers 10. "LAMP ALARM” snatch foptional! 11. Multiple revolution-counter aral hour mater on warning fight emergency tight A Gute scale roads engine RPM B. Intermediate Red seas reads the power take ff RPA in igh speed rating lconto! lover position 1000 “sie Red scae roads the power takeoff PPM (n-iow spued retin teantol fever in PO3!bON "540" D. Ihe foyrdigit nourmoter rééct the actual ous oF engive running COMMANDES ET INDICATEURS. ‘SUR LE TABLEAU DE BORD 1 Nayant progcteurs de route engases BLED. 2. Voyan? indicateuts de divection (ERT 3. Indicatour pression hula au moteur inguffisante (ROJGE? 4 Indicateur foible almentation recharge batteria ROUGE. 5, Indicatour de rbsewe de combustible IROUGE. 6. Indiceteur (VERT 7. Commutateur a 16 pour Valumage du moteur P. Circuit éclsrage sous tension Ista sionnement 0. Aueun circuit sous torsion Tus circuits sous tension, 2. Dmarrage du moteur 8. Commutareur feux et avertsseur Jagizaceur de direction et clgnotant. 10. Interzupteur éclairé pour foux de secours LAMP-ALARM" en option, 11. Compte-tours muluple et comptour horaire foux pour la remarque A. La alage Mercure marqun las tenn du 8. Lapage rouge mvermdciare marquotes r/min 6 la prise do force en hava tease Viewer de ‘comimacase en positon "1000" ©. La ptige rouge etre mang sn de comnmande en postion "bi0"P D Le compteur Harare 4 4 ohitves indique tes heures vellecives de fonctonrement 3 23 STEUERUNGEN UND ANZEIGER AUF DEM ARMATURENBRETT 1. Anzeiger Blenctouchten (BLAU) singe schaites 2 Angeger Bintouchien (GALI) ange 3. “Anzeiger ungendgender Motorcidruck tron 4. Anaeiger ungentigende Batterioautle dung (ROD S. Anceiger Kratistottresorve (ROT) 6 Anzeiger Anhangerleuchten (GRUNI eingeschater 7. Schlisselumschatter tir Motoraniass P= Lichtstromkre’s unter Spannung (Parken) 0 = Kon Stromtrois unter Spannvng. 1 = dip Strombrose unter Spannung. 2 = Motorsatass: 8. Lieht- und Signainornumectater, 9. Umschaiter fur Blnkleuchten uneé Schernwsrterblinkon. 10. Leuchiscnatter fur Notlicte “LAMP. ALARM" auf Antrage 11, Yeeltact-Tourenesbier A. Disaussare Skala eit ce Motorumoetungen pre tina's 18, Bie rote mictere Skala ig co Zaptwalenum Genungen pro Mirute be Setneliar Drehurg Sp (Senainebel in Stolung 1000" 6. Die rote sinara Ska 69 de Zaphlianum bnungen aro Minute bo langcamer Drehurg 30 ‘Schattncbel 7 Stolung "340" 2. Der dstoige Stundarcatler zeigt de etek) er Motorbetnebestancin an Fig. 7 - Bild 7 i ‘COMANDI DELLA TRATTRICE Pedale comand trzione Pedla comando treni posterior Pedals camando acceleratore Leva comande marce. Leva comand variatare, Lava comando press di potenza a tre po sizioni: AVANT! = rotazione lenta 640 gir in VERSO L'OPERATORE = sotazione ve 00 giri/min LEVA AL CENTRO ~ p.d.p. forma 7. Leva comands bioccaggio del citferen 8. Lev mando freno di Stagionamento Pomelio arresto motor. Leva comando acceleratore a mano Leva comanido super-variatore 13. Intereuttore a pulsante preriscattamento (cardelettel 5 a . TRACTOR CONTROLS OS OReRS Seon It 13, (Gluten pedal Rear brakes pedal Accelerator pedal Gear fever. Range selector lever. Three-position p.1.0 lever. FORWARD ~ slow rotation 640 RPM. TO THE ORIVER = fast rotation 900 Pw. LEVER IN CENTER POSITION = p.c.o stationary. Differential lock lever. Hydraulic liter lever. Emergency and parking brake lever Engine stop. Throttle lever. Super-variatar control lever. Pre-hoating push-button switch ‘glow plugs! ‘COMMANDES DU TRACTEUR Pédele de Iembrayage. Pedale des freins ariére Pedale de Vaccélerateur Levier des marches, \Levier du secteur Lovier de la prise de force a trois posi- tions: AVANT = rotation faible 540 t/min. VERS LE CONDUCTEUR = atation eve 90 train. LEVIER AU CENTRE - p.d.t. arratte. 7. Levier de blocage dy dittérentie Lovier du relevage hydraulique, 9. Levier du rein de stationnement et so cours. 10. Bouton d'arét du moteur 11, Manette de gaz 12, Levier de commande du variateur-super 18. Intercupteur a poussoir du préchautfago Ibowaies). STEUERUNGEN DES SCHLEPPERS 1 aaa Kupplungspedat Hinterbremsenpedat. Gashebetpscil Gangschaitieb, Regelgeiriabe- Stoverhobel. Zaptwelle-Steverhabel mit 2 Stelungen. HEBEL VORNE = langsame Drehung 540 UM HEBEL GEGEN DEN FAHRER = schnet- ‘fe Drehung 900 Utd HEBEL IN DER MITTE = stehe stil Ditferentiaisperthebet, ‘Steuerhabe) Har tycraulischen Krafthe- ber. Feststeloremsenhebel Motorabstelknops, Steuerhebel fir Hand’ Gashebel Schalthebe! fur Sonder-Regelgetriebe, Druokknopt zum Vorglahen (Zunakorzen! Zaptwelle 26 RIFORNIMENTI 1. Serbatoln combustibile: capacita 16 lr circa. Usare gasolio possibiimente decantato. 2. Motore @ filtro deli'aria: per | tipi di lubrificante e le capacica, vedere il libretto del motore 3. Scatola dello sterzo: capacitd 0,500 xg, Utilzzare olio AGIP ROTRA MP SAE 140. 4. Scotole del cambio: capacitd 13 kg. Uilizzare olio AGIP BLA SIA57 ISO 8. Attenzions —_Usare sempre 'olio presertto (0 corrisponden. tel per non dannaggiare Iimpianta idraulico. 5. Seatola del ponte posteriore: capatitd 7 xg (9g con doppia p.d.p.). Utlizzare aia AGIP BLASIA 100 ISO. VG100. Pressione pneumatici Pressione normale 1,00 - 1,20 kg/cm? per tutii tipi di pneumatic ‘Mantenere una pressione uniforme su tutte le ruote che dave esse- ra misurata a pneumatico freddo. Avvertenza — Quando la trattice ¢ impiegata per Javor’ ag oii alla velocita massima di 6 krv/h, € ammesso un sovraccari ‘¢0 massima dei 30% con un aumento della pressione di gontia mento 0,3 kgiem* ‘Quando la trattrice ¢ equipaggiata con attrez7 porta, alla velo ‘ata massima di 16 km/h, €ammesso un Sovraccarico massimo del 20% senza aumento dela pressione di gonfiamenta, SERVICING 1, Fuel tank: approximate capacity 16 ters. Use Dvasel ot decent ed if possible 2 Engin and air filter: for tubricants ond capacities soe the engine hanabook. 3. Steering housing: capacity 0.500 kg, Use oll AGIF ROTRA MP ‘SAE 140. 4. Gearbox: capacity 19 kg. Use oil AGIP BLASIA 57 ISO 68._ Warning — Not to damage the nycreulic system, alaays make ‘use of prescribed oil for equivatent grad). 5. Rear arto 1: capacity 7 kg (9 kg with double power take- ‘ff. Use oll AGIP BLASIA 100150 VGT00, Tyra inflation Normal pressure 1.00 19 1.20 kg/ for ail tyred models, Keep) pressure even an all wheels. Pressure should Ge measured when the tyre is cold Attention — hen using a tractorin fed operation at 6k /be ‘maximum speed, 2 30% overload is allowed with 0,3kg/ Increase in inflation pressure. When any implemsnt is mounted on tractor and maximum speed 1 16 ke/hr, 4 20% maximum ovenioad is allowed without increasing the inflation pressure RAVITAILLEMENT 1, Réservote du combustible: capaci, 16 lives enviton, Unliser du gasoil (aécante si possibie! 2. Moteur et file & air: pour ies types de lubnifiants et les capa- ‘atés vorr la notice du moteur 3. Carter ve direction: capacité 0,500 kg. Uiliser hulle AGIP ROTRA MP SAE 140. 4, Bolte Ge vitesse: copacité 13 kg, Urliser huite AGIP BLASIA 67, 1S 6. Attention — Sous risque d'endommager le systéme hyaraul que toujours utiliser 'hulle recommandée (ou équivatent) 5. Carter du pont aire: capacité 7 kg (kg avec doutie prise de Hae re ne ac BEA STAMOG OO NOD ee Pression des pnous Pression normale 1,00 - 1,20 kg/emn” pour tous types de preu Maintenir une pression uiifoive sues quatre roues et 'a mesure: quand le prev est (roa Attention — Au travail agncole 3 la vitesse rnaxi. de 6 km, ‘st admis une surcharge rraxt, de 0,30% avec une pression de ‘gonflage augmentae de 0,3 kg/om" Lots sv travaii avec des outis povtés & ia vitesse man. de To km/h, lest acinis une chaige extra mani. de 20% sans au enter a pression de goniiage NACHFULLUNGEN J. Krattstottbehéiter: Inhalt ca 16 Liter. Gasc! méglichst aboe- ‘lant vorwenden. 2, Motor und Luftfitert Schrrierstoftsorten und tnhalt, siehe Mo- tornandbuch 3. Lankgehéuse: Inhalt 0,500 kg. 0) AGI ROTRA MP SAE 140 verwenden. 4. Schaltgetriebe: Inhalt 13 kg. OI AGIP BLASIA 67 ISO 63 ver: wenden, Achtung — Stets das vorgeschriebene 0! (oder gleichwertigh verwenden, um dle Mydraulikantage niche 2u beschadigen. 5. Hinterachsbriicke: Inhalt 7 kg (9 kg mit dope! Zapfwellen). OF AGIP BLASIA 100 'SO VG100 verwenden Reifendruck Normaler Druck 1.00 - 1,20 kg/em? tur alle Revfentypen. Auf gig: chen Druck aut allen Reifen achten, welcher in kaltem Zustand ge- ‘essen werden muss Hinweise — Wenn der Schleoper tur Landarbeiten verwendet wird, Ist bes der max. Eshugeschwinaigkeit von 6 km/h eine max. Uborlastung von 30% mit Erhohang des Reifondiuckes um 0.3 4g/cm? 2ulassig. Wenn der Schlepper mit Anbaugers ten ausgeruster ist, ist bet dev max Fabrgaschwindigkert von 16 km/h eine max. Uberlastung von 29% ohne Erhchung des Rottendruckes 2413339 "9 28 PRESCRIZIONI PER IL RODAGGIO Ducante le prime 89 ara di funzionamenta, la macchina dave essere Utlizzata esercitando particolan precauzioni, nel corso e a termine.

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