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Activity I

Give your insights or opinions regarding the following global problems.

1. How did global issues affect the Filipinos and the Philippines?
Globalization has created numerous job opportunities for all Filipinos in the Philippines. The
government encourages foreign companies to set up shop and provides many opportunities for
Filipino workers to work abroad. The impact of globalization makes the Philippine community
more aware of what is going on in the country. It also gives many Filipinos the impression that
they should be more knowledgeable about Philippine society. Globalization is currently more
effective in the Philippines because it benefits local and foreign businesses, culture, education,
and the economy.
Globalization can help Filipinos understand their country's international status and rights. The
Philippines has also been friendly to a foreign country, and they now keep in touch in terms of
product exchange and some investment. Globalization has also contributed significantly to the
advancement of local and social culture in the Philippines. Through investments and some
business opportunities, it also connects relationships in other countries.
2. Give another positive effect of globalization. Explain your answer.
Globalization has the potential to increase employment opportunities.
 It will increase Filipino employment because of the opportunities for many foreign
countries to set up businesses here, and there are many job vacancies for Filipinos.
There are numerous multinational corporations that have established themselves in the
Philippines and have hired a large number of Filipinos to work for them. Furthermore,
globalization has the advantage of allowing people to work in different countries. There
are many overseas Filipino workers who work in other countries and can be successful.
Because of the World Trade Organization, anyone can work in a different country and
live there as a citizen of the country they live in. Foreign companies are expanding in the
Philippines, and many Filipinos are now working for them.
3. Give another negative effect of globalization. Explain your answer.
Globalization is not also good in terms of environment and effect to human being.
 Because we all know that if the government assists Filipino farmers by providing modern
technology that can create or produce as much rice grain in every quarter of the year,
they can produce a lot of rice. The country itself has an abundance of natural resources,
and if the government teaches all Filipinos how to value and preserve our natural
resources, we will no longer need to export some products to other countries. Filipinos
are gifted and hardworking people. If every Filipino backed the Philippine government,
the Philippines could become one of the richest countries in Asia. However, because of
the modern technology available, the effect of globalization can sometimes encourage
Filipinos to be lazy and unproductive.
4. Explain the graphic organizer of the Impact of Globalization.

5. What is Globalization? Explain it with your own words and ideas.

 Globalization has led to the movement of goods and services, people, capital, and
knowledge across borders.
6. Explain the effects of globalization to the following ideas:
 It has an impact on religion, specifically on the methods religions use for teaching,
proselytizing, and belief systems. Notable developments include the fact that any
religion can now spread beyond national borders, allowing even small new religious
movements to engage in overseas proselytization activities and leading to previously
unseen religious developments.
 Ethnic identity has emerged as a useful discourse through which people can process and
articulate their experiences.
 Globalization accelerates technological development. It intensifies global knowledge
flow points. Globalization enables countries to gain easier access to foreign knowledge.
Furthermore, it increases international competition, including as a result of the rise of
emerging market firms, which strengthens firms' incentives to innovate and adopt
foreign technologies.
Health care
 Health care administrations are influenced by globalization. Developed nations can
attract clients by advertising high-quality well-being care at a lower cost than is available
in their home country.
Climate change
 Globalization causes an increase in global demand, which leads to an increase in
production. This indirectly contributes to environmental exploitation and the depletion
of natural resources.
 Governments and international organizations are increasingly focused on the impact of
globalization on poverty eradication. Economic arguments for globalization emphasize
the positive relationships between increased international trade and investment flows
and faster economic growth, higher living standards, accelerated innovation, the
diffusion of technological and management skills, and new economic opportunities.
Migration across nations
 The impact of earlier globalization on cross-border development of individuals and work
has been much more limited. Later globalization patterns have been characterized by
more notable integration of global markets for goods, services, and capital. The central
idea is that growing social, financial, and social interconnectivity, as exemplified by
"globalization," has encouraged ever-increasing movement between nations.
 Globalization may have an impact on populations, but not necessarily on population
growth. It could go either way, and in my opinion, it's already headed in the direction of
rapid depopulation. This is not obvious to most people because the majority of people
live in cities, but to demographers, the declining numbers of people in certain sectors of
the population are very clear.

 According to official statistics, globalization has resulted in a rapid increase in people's
portability from the country to towns and cities.
 It promotes student collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Because teamwork is
essential in both the academic and business worlds, learning to actively contribute is a
valuable skill for students to acquire.
7. Differentiate Global North from Global South

 The Global North is made up of the most economically developed societies. While the
countries of the Global North are affluent, technologically advanced, politically stable,
and aging, their societies have zero population growth.

8. Explain the importance of social media in social globalization.

 It expands opportunities for firms in less developed countries to enter more and larger
markets around the world. As a result, businesses in developing countries have greater
access to capital flows, technology, human capital, lower-cost imports, and larger export

9. What is contemporary world?

 A continuously changing mix of social and political changes.

10. Give me one question that you want to ask to the world.
 .
Activity II
Task 1: In a bond paper, make a slogan/campaign about Environment. It will be graded
based on its content, creativity/ artistry, originality and message.

Task 2:
surroundings or environment. Give me an enormous phenomenal change that
happened in your community.

Task 3: Make an essay on how you will change the world.

Activity III
Give your opinion on different ideas about Environment.
1. How will you protect our forest and mountains from deforestation?
 By planting trees
 Waste segregations

2. How can you protect the environment?

 By just doing the three R's: reuse, reduce, and recycle, we should keep in mind that we
should take care of and protect the environment we have because it’s the main source
of our living. And waste management.

3. Differentiate living (biotic) or non-living (abiotic) things.

 Biotic factors refer to all living beings in an ecosystem, whereas abiotic factors refer to
all non-living components in an ecosystem such as physical conditions (temperature, pH,
humidity, salinity, sunlight, etc.) and chemical agents (different gases and mineral
nutrients present in the air, water, soil, etc.).
4. Who do you think is responsible for preserving the world’
s environments?
 Of course, us, as a human being we supposed to be take care the environment that we
have that gave us. So that the next generation will still see how beautiful the nature is.
5. What is the role of the government in protecting the environment?

The role of the government is;

 Restore the natural part of the ecosystem.

 Help small producers in the agricultural industry.
 Promote green energy.
6. Explain the picture below

Activity I

Direction: Choose the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

B 1. Who invented the telephone?

a. Abraham Graham bell

b. Alexander Graham Bell

c. Guglielmo Marconi

d. Guglielmo Macaroni

B 2. At what year, Telephone was invented?

a. 1894 b. 1876 c.1854 d. 1849

C 3. Who invented the radio?

a. Abraham Graham bell

b. Alexander Graham Bell

c. Guglielmo Marconi

d. Guglielmo Macaroni

A 4. At what year, Radio was invented?

a. 1894 b. 1876 c. 1854 d. 1849

C 5. Early alphabet in pre-mechanical age.

a. alibata
b. Sumerian alphabet

c. Phoenician alphabet

d. Phoenician alphabet

A 6. Pre- mechanical age ways of communicating through language and simple picture

a. petroglyph b. petroglyth c. petrogliph d. petroglith

A 7. In what age or period, number 0-9 invented?

a. Pre-mechanical b. mechanical c. electromechanical d. electronics

A 8. The gap of formulating 0 from 1-9?

a. 755 b. 757 c. 775 d. 777

B 9. This period is between 1450-1840?

a. Pre-mechanical b. mechanical c. electromechanical d. electonics

A 10. He invented the very popular mechanical computer?

a. Blaise Pascal
b. Alexander Graham Bell

c. Guglielmo Marconi

d. Aristotle

D 11. An 8 ft. high, 50 ft. long and 2 ft. wide and weighted 5 tons?


C 12. Morse code was created by_______________ in 1835?

a. Sam Morse
b. Morse Sam

c. Samuel Morse

d. Sams Morse

C 13. Telegraph was invented in what age or period?

a. Pre-mechanical b. mechanical c. electromechanical d. electronics

C 14. Telephone was invented in what age/ period?

a. Pre-mechanical b. mechanical c. electromechanical d. electronics

A 15. The first high speed digital computer?


A 16. 680 square feet and weighing 30 tons?


C 17. Speeded in large part by technological diffusion. The spread of technology across

a. Social globalization
b. Economic globalization

c. Technological Globalization
d. Political Globalization

D 18. Technology came from the ________ word techne and logos?

a. Latin b. British c. Dutch d. Greek

A 19. another term for very popular mechanical computer.

a. Pascaline
b. Petroglyph

c. abacus


C 20. In what age or period, telecommunication began?

a. Pre-mechanical b. mechanical c. electromechanical d. electronics

Test II

H 1. Douglas Engelbart

I 2. Robert Metcalfe

G 3. Tim Bernerslee

A 4. Marty Cooper

D 5. Fujio Masuoka

B 6. Gerald Lawson

J 7. Ken Thompson

E 8. Jack Niles

C 9. Norman Abramson

F 10. Nathaniel Boreinstein

Test IV

1.Advantages at disadvantages of technology in present time.


 Solar Electrical Power

 Disabled People to Make Them Able

 Used for Communication

 Saves our Precious Time

 Banking Through Modern Technology

 Easy Access to Information


 Reduce the Creativity of People

 Causes Social Isolation of the People

 Causes Environmental Problems

 Addiction to Technology of the People

 It causes Wastage of money

 People Dependency in technology

2.How does technology affect globalization?

 It lowers the costs of cross-national transportation and communication, facilitating

global sourcing of raw materials and other inputs.

3.What is the relationship between Globalization and Information Technology?

 Globalization enables faster information transactions, faster transportation, and a

broader range of mobility options from country to country in order to find the most
efficient and cost-effective location.

4.“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Explain

 Being in the age of modern technology makes everything a reality. For example, we can
transport anything else to different places or countries via air. It gives us the impression
that true magic is still present, even if it isn't completely.

5.Explain the History of Information Technology.

 It tackled the use of any computer, storage, networking, and other physical devices,
infrastructure, and processes to create, process, store, secure, and exchange all types of
electronic data.

6.What would happen if there was no technology?

 If there’s no technology, we are still living in ancient times where they are the one who
making, and transporting by itself. And there would be no social media if technology did
not exist, which could mean needing to look for a new job or hobby, saving time, and
feeling less anxious. Many of us would benefit from not having social media because we
would start doing other things with our lives instead. Furthermore, not every country is

7.The importance of social media in Technological Globalization

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer .
A 1. An example of good ______________________ is volunteering to do things for your
A. physical health B. emotional health C. mental health D. social health

B 2. The media can influence us through which of the following ways?

A. Making opinions and unsupported stories seem like facts

B. All are ways the media can influence us

C. Making things seem more dramatic than they are to scare people into paying attention

D. Making some activities (healthy or unhealthy) seem cool, fun, or otherwise acceptable
through movies, shows and music

A 3. An example of good____________________________ is getting 9 hours of sleep every


A. lifestyle B. physical health C. emotional health D. mental health

D 4. The Term __________means having all four dimensions of health in good shape and
equally balanced.
A. Social Health B. Physical Health C. Refusal Skills D. Wellness

C 5. The term ____________ means the way you recognize and deal with your feelings.

A. Social Health B. Mental Health C. Emotional Health D. hygiene

D 6. The term ___________means keeping clean to prevent the spread of disease.

A. Wellness B. Social Health C. Refusal skills D. hygiene

B 7. Having good mental health means that you?

A. Can solve problems with little trouble.

B. Can deal appropriately with sadness.
C. Share your true feelings with your friends.
D. Show respect for other people.

A 8. Which of the following diseases is NOT affected by hereditary?

A. Chicken pox B. Cancer C. Asthma D. Allergies

D 9. Your environment includes

A. The traits that were passed down to you by your parents.

B. Only the non-living things around you.
C. Only the living things around you.
D. The living and non-living things around you.

B 10. The life skill that helps you deal with problems and emotions in an effective way is

A. Setting goals B. communicating effectively

B. Assessing your health D. coping

A 11. Opening your mind to new ways of doing things can improve your

A. Mental health B. Emotional Health

B. social health D. physical health

C 12. The way you act, think or feel that causes you to make one choice over another is

A. Heredity B. Environment C. Attitude D. Lifestyle

C 13. How are Health and wellness Related?

A. Our health is made up of four different wellnesses.

B. They aren’t related.

C. Wellness is a balance of all four dimensions of health.

D. Health and wellness are exactly the same thing.

D 14. Which is not a question you would ask yourself in a personal health assessment?

A. Do I have the best shoes in class?

B. Do I get at least 8 hours of sleep each night?

C. Do I have friends or family that I talk to openly each day?

D. Do I deal well with stress and anxiety?

B 15. Which is not an example of preventive healthcare?

A. Eating healthy food, getting exercise, and sleeping 8-10 hours each night.

B. Brushing and flossing your teeth.

C. Avoiding behavior you know can get you into trouble.

D. Going to the doctor when you had a fever and other flu-like symptoms for more than a few

C 16. A set of behavior that you live by is called your_______________.

A. Attitude B. Conscience C. Lifestyle D. Belief System

D 17. Which is not one of the nine life skills?

A. Assessing your health

B. Providing other wrongs

C. using refusal skills

D. Evaluating media messages/ analyzing influences.

A 18. Traits that can include having a higher risk for certain diseases are passed down to us
from our ancestors through what process?

A. Heredity C. Media Influence

B. Family Behaviors D. physical environment

B 19. which one of the following is not part of our environment

A. Peers B. Our DNA C. Family D. Media

A 20. Which is not a way that peers can influence our health?

A. Causing us to have a higher risk for developing schizophrenia.

B. Talking us into joining an activity such as band, a club or a team of some

C. Making Fun

D. Influencing us to choose to avoid fatty foods.

1. What are the effects of covid-19 in our health?
 The effects of Covid in our health are Pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), multi-organ failure, septic shock, and death are all possible complications.
2. “Prevention is better than cure”. Explain
 Yes, preventing is preferable to curing. Because it is preferable to be aware of and
knowledgeable about the disease in order to prevent it from worsening.
3. How will you address the health disparity?

4. What are the ways to prevent the spread of diseases?

5. List your healthy lifestyle or your secrets in healthy living.

Activity III

In an Oslo paper, draw a meaningful piece about “Awareness on Global Health Issues”.

Activity I

1. How does Illiteracy affect our country?

2. Give your concrete plan in resolving the illiteracy problem in our country.

3. Differentiate ignorance from illiteracy.

4. What are the consequences of being illiterate?

5. How does illiteracy affect people’s health?

Activity II
Make a short story about “ILLITERACY”. Apply the elements of a short story.

Activity I
1. How did Education affect Poverty(vice-versa)?
2. How does Social Class affect people’s lives?

Make an Acrostic Poetry. Use the word POVERTY

Activity II

1. The effects of population explosion in poorest countries?

2. Imagine you are a leader (president), how can you solve the problem of population

3. Observe the families living on a squatter or on a rural area. How they overcome the
challenges of life despite of having difficulties specially on their necessary needs. What do
you think is the primary dilemma? (Consider their social status, health, population (family
size), educational attainment).

4. What are the implications of migration?

 Positive Impact
 Unemployment is reduced and people get better job opportunities.

 Migration helps in improving the quality of life of people.

 It helps to improve social life of people as they learn about new culture, customs, and
languages which helps to improve brotherhood among people.

 Migration of skilled workers leads to a greater economic growth of the region.

 Children get better opportunities for higher education.

 The population density is reduced and the birth rate decreases.

 Negative Impact

 The loss of a person from rural areas, impact on the level of output and development of
rural areas.
 The influx of workers in urban areas increases competition for the job, houses, school
facilities etc.

 Having large population puts too much pressure on natural resources, amenities and

 It is difficult for a villager to survive in urban areas because in urban areas there is no
natural environment and pure air. They have to pay for each and everything.

 Migration changes the population of a place; therefore, the distribution of the

population is uneven in India.

 Many migrants are completely illiterate and uneducated; therefore, they are not only
unfit for most jobs, but also lack basic knowledge and life skills.

 Poverty makes them unable to live a normal and healthy life.

 Children growing up in poverty have no access to proper nutrition, education or health.

 Migration increased the slum areas in cities which increase many problems such as
unhygienic conditions, crime, pollution etc.

 Sometimes migrants are exploited.

 Migration is one of the main causes of increasing nuclear family where children grow up
without a wider family circle.



What are the impacts and implications of the following ideas in understanding the modern







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