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March 2021

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
 classify invertebrates as Porifera, Coelenterates, Platyhelminthes, Nematodes, Annelids,
Mollusks, Echinoderms and Arthropods.
 Describe the distinguishing characteristics of Invertebrates.
 Practice ways of caring and protecting animals.

II. Subject Matter

A. Science Concepts
Animals are classified according to the absence and presence of backbone.
B. Processes
a. Scientific Skill
Identifying, Classifying, Describing, Observing, Communicating, Comparing,

b. Thinking Skills
Comparing, Identifying
c. Scientific attitude and noble values
Systematic Curiosity
C. Materials
Manila Paper, Marker, Activity Cards, Pictures, Video
D. References
The New Science Link 6, LM pages 188-189, and SLM Invertebrates Week 5.
III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activity

1. Review:
Who can tell me on what was our lesson yesterday?
2. Word Drill:
Porifera Arthropods
Mollusks Echinoderms
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Group the class into 3 groups. Hand them an envelope that contains picture
puzzle and name on it, let only the leader to arrange the given puzzle, put it in
a 1/8 illustration board and pin it to the board so that others would be able to
see it.
Let one of each group to read the given word.

2. Presentation
Show set of pictures.
Ask: What do you observe in the picture.
What do you observe?

These are animals with no


3. Developmental Activity
A. Unlocking of Difficulties
- Let them arrange the scrambled letters.



- These are animals without backbones.


1. Porifera
- Sponges or pore-bearing animals are aquatic, or they live in water. They have simple bodies
with many small opening or pores which serve as passage for their food and gases.
2. Mollusks
- Mollusks are soft-bodied animals that are usually covered by shells. They are found in fresh
water, oceans, seas and moist land environment.
3. Arthropods
- Arthropods are joint-legged animals. They have also segmented bodies. They can live on land,
water or in air.
4. Echinoderm
- Echinoderms are spiny-skinned invertebrates that live in seas and oceans. Their bodies have
hard shells and are covered with spine.
- Coelenterates are animals with hollow or soft body and have stinging cells or tentacles. The
bodies of coelenterates have two layers of cells which form a hollow tube.
- Platyhelminthes or flatworms have thin body that look like ribbons. Most flatworms are
parasitic that can live freely in the bodies of animal. Flatworms have no digestive system.
- Nematodes have elongated and unsegmented bodies. Round worms are both found in water
and land. Some are parasitic that attached to plants and animals.
- Annelids are segmented worms with bodies divided into segments with a ringed appearance.
They live almost everywhere.
B. Activity Proper
1. Set the standards for group Activity.
2. Performing the activities. Activity Cards will be given to each group.

Group 1
Paste the following pictures of animals in the manila paper. Based on their
characteristics. (By classifying the different invertebrates in a diagram.)

Group 2
Write letter if the animal is vertebrates and I if Invertebrates

Group 3
Given a 5 different group of picture, they will describe the characteristics of each

B. Post Activity Discussion

Let the pupils report their outputs.
Process the answers or outputs of the pupils.
What did you do in your activity?
How do we classify animals based on the activity?
What are the characteristics of each classification?
What do we call these animals?
C. Generalization

Invertebrates are animals without backbone.

What will happen if these animals will no longer exist?
Can you give ways on how to take care and protect animals?

D. Application
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in
your notebook.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Classify the vertebrates based on their characteristics. In your activity sheet, write
the letter of the animal found in the box to the group where they belong.
Find the meaning of the following:
mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes in your assignment

Prepared by:


Grade-VI Adviser

Name: _______________________________ Section/Grade:______________ Score:__________

Directions: Classify the vertebrates based on their characteristics. In your activity sheet, write the
letter of the animal found in the box to the group where they belong.

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