Final Year Assessment SMT 2 2022

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s}'H. lr',,.

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

c. Have a dinner.
Woman Have you finished your D. See the man.
E. Do her math homework.
Man Not yet. I planned to borrow
Alan's exercise book and copy 4.
it. Man : I don't think you will lose in this
Woman lf I were you, I wouldn't do that. lf . competition. Your capability is
our teacher knows, you both will better than them.
get punishment. Our assignment Woman : Do you think so? l'm so neryous.
needs our own idea. Man : Just do the best. You can sing
Man Ah, you're right. well.

What does the woman suggest the rnan? What does the man think of the woman?
A. Borrow her assignment. A. She is a good singer.
B. Copy his friend's exercise book. B. She will be lost.
C. Give her an idea. C. She cannot win.
D. Do his assignment by himself. D. She is nervous.
E. Lend his assignment to his friend. E. She doesn't have any capability.
2. 5.
Man Are you still mad at Dodi? Man : Would you like me to help you
Woman No, l'm not. move the wardrobe?
Man He told me that you still ignored Woman : lt's really heavy. Do you think
him. you can do it?
Woman Well, if I see him, I will say hello. Man

What willthe woman do when she meets Dodi? What is the best response to say next?
A. Greet him, A. lt's a hard wardrobe.
B. Ask him to say hello. B. I think I can buy it. '
I C. lgnore him. C. l'm able to do it.
D. Say that she is angry. D. I don't have any ability.
E. Tell him about the man. E.l'm capable of finishing the task.
3. 6.
Man Are you busy tonight? Man Hi, Nadya. When did you come
Woman No, I'm not. Why? here?
Man You're good in math, so my Woman Two days ago. I missed my
younger sister wants you to help grandma.
her do her homework. She will Man How long are you staying here?
meet you at seven. Woman
Woman Well, I will have had dinner at 10
seven tonight. How about half
past seven? What is the best response to say next?
Man okay, l;lltell her. A. llll be here for two weeks.
B. I would have stayed here. -
What willthe wornan do at seven tonight? C. I have been there so long.
A. Help her sister. D.' I stayed there two days ago.
B. Meet the man's sister. E. I stayed at my grandma's house.
tr,.irr trn,l t.ilJ' riL
This text is for questions 11 to 13.
Man : I need to talk about my remedy,
Ma'am, ls tomorrow convenient
Big Birds
for you?
Woman:l think I have another ln our backyard in a tall green tree
appointment on Monday. Sat two big vultures, splendidly!
Man : How about' the day after Their heads were ugly, red and rough
tomorrow? As far as birds go, they looked tough!
When they spread their wings to fly,
UJoman: ... They seemed to wipe out all the sky.
What is the most appropriate response to Their grand place in the scheme of things
r next? Obviously involves those splendid wings!
Taken lrom: The Phone Poem Book
A - af raid l'm busy on Monday.

3 ::r't think you have time on that day. 11. We know from the poem that the big birds
r:.ris : - : - re we can meet on Monday. are....
ti 5 ) -:- -"ow suits me. A. crows D. pelicans
F --:-: -.avfgf mg. B. ostriches E. vultures
This text is for questions 8 to 10. C. cassowaries
12. The rhyming scheme of first verse is . . . .
Jamie - l,:,-;
to my friend's house. I A. AAAA D. AAAB
Amanda ,' ,*:': I wouldn't go there. B. ABAB E. ABBB
BN? D,r ': : a-:emic, we should stay at C. AABB
i- 3,-; ' :
" - ivant to talk to him, call
hj- 13. The second verse tells about . . . .
Jamie Bu: - = -':?.i, I need to return A. the birds'look
his t":,:.. -: "eeds it to do his B. the birds'behavior
horn€ +., :,..
ra-. 11: :-:'1.
C. how the birds fly
Amanda You but you should D. the birds wings
W€?l' r'3'-' -,3-ir
Jamie Okay.
E. how the birds hunt
Amanda Remen'cr- _-:: -eturn his book. This text is for questions 14 to 16.
You sho" : :,: -:-? right away.
Jamie Alright. s'', s,;,:-1-- 3,5{g;. Stars
Poet: Robert Frost
8. What is the relationsl' : :€:,{een Jamie and How countlessly they congregate
Amanda? O'er our tumultuous snow,
A. They are friends. Which flows in shapes as tall as trees
When wintry winds do blow!
B. They are siblings . As if with keenness for our fate,
C. They are cousirx. Our faltering few steps on
D. They are mother aFC s.:' To white rest, and a place of rest
E. They are classmates Invisible at dawn,
And yet with neither love nor hate;
9. Why does Jamie wan: :. ;o his friend's Those stars like some snow-white
house? Minerva's snow-white marble eyes
A. He needs to talk to hirr Without the gift of sight.
B. His friend is sick.
C. He wants to return his fr',eno s book. 14. According to the poem, what does "stars"
D. He wants to do homeworx rogether. mean?
E. He needs to borrow his ooox. A. Human life. D. Mistakes.

10. What does Amanda suggest Jarnie after his

.B. Dream. E. Problems.

bussiness is done?
C. Hope.
A. Go to her friend's house. 15. The figure of speech simile can be found in
. B. Stay at home. stanza/s..".
, C. Cali his friend. A. 1 only D. 2and3
D. Wea. his mask. B. 2 only E. 1 and3
E. Go home immediately. C. 1and2

;1"iln x.t., xl
Semester 2

16. "O'er our tumultuous snow," Rosa V"Vell, l'm free on Saturday morning.
The underlined word means . . . . Willthat be okay?
A. or D. oh Smith That's fine.
B. over E. ore Rosa Great. We can meet on Saturday at
C. order 10 a.m. I'm sorry for the change.
Smith No problem. I can understand.
This text is for questions 17 to 19.
Rosa Thank you. Bye.
Smith Bye. 24
At Your Age
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tom Squires came into the drugstore 20. What is the dialogue about? .

to buy a toothbrush, a can of talcum, a gargle, A. Making an appointment.

Castile soap, Epsom salts, and a box of cigars.
Having lived alone for many years, he was
B. Making a reservation.
methodical, and while waiting to be served
C. Canceling a meeting.
he held the list in his hand. lt was Christmas D. Booking a ticket.
week and Minneapolis.lvas under two feet of E. Confirming an appointment. This
exhilarating, constantly refreshed snow, with
his cane Tom knocked two clean crusts of it 21. What is Rosa's purpose in rescheduling I
from his overshoes. Then, looking up, he saw appointment? n
the blonde girl. A. Someone changes her schedule. u
She was a rare blonde, even in that B. She is not in a good condition. h
Promised Land Scandinavians, where pretty
blondes are not rare. There was warm color in
C. She doesn't want to meet Smith. a
i her cheeks, lips and pink little hands that folded D. She forgot her appointment. t(
'powders into papers; her hair, in long braids E. Something urgent has come up. u
twisted about her head, was shining and alive. t(
She seemed to Tom suddenly the cleanest person
This text is for questions 22 lo 24. rtl

he knew of, and he caught his breath as he a'

forward and looked into her gray eyes. Sr

:::rr"O W


17. Relatedto the structure, the text above ti

belongsto.... a
A. introduction D. climax e

B. exposition E. denouement dr
C. conflict For sensitive skin For sun-aging defense
18. The setting of the story is in . . . .
Protects and fiourishes Helps prevenlr,:-.':r Ci
A. summer D. autumn reactive cqmplello.,qE.
Soo*res and oalms'thC Boosts collagen ahd

B. spring E. fall skin ard sensB8. elastin produetion; 25.'

C. winter
tloor: One$crcs Skin care
19. We know from the story that . . . I

Tom worked in a drugstore.
Tom followed the blonde girl.
:*{& Safe, etfective, organic skiil care, without
arlificial color, synlhetic {ragrance or

C. Tom recognized the blonde girl.

D. Tom wasn't patient waiting for his turn,
E. Tom was attracted to the woman. 22. The text belongs to . . . .
Thls text is for questlons 20 and 21.
A. brochure D. memo
B. leaflet E. poster
x, l
Rosa Hello, this is Rosa from Keyls Company. C. banner
Smith Hello, Rbsa. What's wrong? 23. The purpose of the text is . . . . i
Flosa I'm calling about our meeting. l'm sorry,
but I have to cancel the meeting as
A. to inform the detailed information about t
something urgent has'come up. a product of Mooi organic skin care (

Smith It's okay. When is it convenient to meet B. to announce the new product of Mooi t
you then? organics skin care t

Belajar Praktis Bahasa dan Sastra lnggris SMA/MA Kelas Xl Seme
:.{lrN t
marning. C. to persuade the readers to use the 27. Whal example of the school rules taught her
product of Mooi organic skin care to do well in her studies?
D. to explain the readers about the A. Going to bed on time.
urday at
disadvantages of parabens B. Doing homework.
E. to tell the readers the testimonies of C. Cleaning up.
using Mooi organics \
D. Speaking politely.
24. "Safe. effective. organic skin care, without E. Wearing uniform.
artif icial color. synthetic f ragrance or
This text is for questions 28 to 31.
-[.e ,,,3"] 'arlificial" mean Speech anxiety, also called stage fright, is the
I 'ase D. genurne, fear or anxiety you have when speaking to an
-= audience, or even when planning to speak.
unnatural '
Feeling anxious before giving a speech is
C. oange'o-s normal for many people. Speech anxiety may be
This text is for questions 25 lo 27. greater in some people than others, and ranges
from mild nervousness to severe anxiety. The
9:j-:luling As a new student, I was famous because I did sign of speech anxiety are different for each
not like to obey the rules of the school. I wasn't
person. You may have physical, emotional,
iue used to following a lot of rules because when I or mental reactions. Physical symptoms may
had lived at home, my parents usually left me include stomach upset, sweating, or a rapid
alone to do what I wanted. At school dormitory heartbeat. Your hands might shake and you may
rith. feel light-headed. You also might find yourself
however. I had to obey many rules, such as going
to bed on time. doing homework, and cleaning stuttering or repeating words such as like, you
tn up. The older students at our school helped me know, uh, or um. Emotionally you may feel
to see the importance of these rules because nervous, worried, or upset. Mentally you might
that was the tradition at our school. The older tell yourself that you are going to be terrible.
students took care of the younger students. The Taken from: Essential Speech

seniors were stncr n'ith me rvhen I did something

wrong. At first. when they corrected me, I did 28. The text is about . . . .

not obey them. Ho.,..ever. I slowly learned that A. why we feel stage fright
the rules of the schooi helped me to live easily B. how to deal speech anxiety
and well. Going to bed on time meant that I got
enough sleep. Doing rni, homework helped me
C. when we experience speech anxiety
do well in my studies. Cleaning up made the
D. how to be confident on stage
environment look prettier and also gave me E. why we cannot control our emotion
pride in my school. Later. when I had to take 29. tr,nn, is feeling scared or nervous when
care of junior students, I again learned the
importance of following rules.
A. we talk to someone
25. The text tells us about . . . ,
B. we deliver speech in front of public
A. the school rules in general C. we perform dancing on the stage
B. the writeis disagreement with the school D. we feel emotionally on the stage
' rules - E. we meet audience outside the crowd
C. the writer's experience when she was 30. Which of the following is not the symptoms
young of stage fright?
D. the importance of school rules for the A. Fast heartbeat.
writer B. Sweating.
E. the importance of being famous at school C. Stuttering particular words.
26. Why did the writer not like to obey the school D. Talking and smiling more often.
rules?Because.... E. Stomach upset.
A. she wasn't used to following a lot of rules 31. The following are some words that are usually
tion about B. she lived far from her family repeated when we feel nervous, except . . . .
I Care C. she liked freedom and ignorance A. um D.
all right
X of Mooi D. she didn't like others being close to her B. uh E.
you know
E. she wanted to be famous at school C. like
*,*H 8
",,".- -=-'
eetatar Praktis Bahasa dan Sastra tnggris SMA/MA Ketis Xt S.r.-.t-::..1.

This text is for questions 32 and 33. It can cause eventual back issues and
let's face it; doing that isn't comfortable. Providing 38.
Today people are asked to consume students with a place to lock their books up until
vitamin C. Vitamin C occurs naturally in some then allows them to take that weight off their
foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C backs and better concentrate on the things that
supplements are also hvailable. ln my opinion, matter most; studying and not an aching back
' and shoulders.
we should consume vitamin C every day.
Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for health. lt Well, those are strictly the facts. ln my
helps form and maintain bones, skin, and blood opinion, installing lockers will be useful for
vessels. lt is also an antioxidant. The benefits students. They can help the students solve
of vitamin C may include protection against their problem in carrying some school stuff.
immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular 39.
disease, prenatal health problems, eye 34. Based on the writer, why should school have
disease, and even skin wrinkling. lockers for the students?
Vitamin C is water sqluble, and the body A. Students can hide their private things.
does not store it. To maintain adequate levels B. Sludents can keep their belongings and
of vitamin C, we need to consume food that prevent backache.
contains it every day.
C. Students do not need a bag to school. B.
32. The topic of the text i; ... .
D. Having lockers makes the school look
elegant. 1.
A. when we consume vitamin C
E. Having lockers makes the students lazy
B. the advantages and disadvantages ol
and arrogant.
consuming vitamin c
C. why we should consume vitamin C 35. What should the students concentrate at
D. how we consume vitamin C school?
E. the description of vitamin C A. Tuition.
33. The main idea of the second paragraph is
B. Achievement.
C. Studying.
A. the definition of vitamin C D. An aching back.
B. hbw we can get vitamin C E. An aching shoulder.
C. the benefits of vitamin C 36. "Well, those are strictly the facts."
D. fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C The underlined word has similar in meaning
E. the health problems caused . by to....
consuming vitamin C A. mildly .D. boldly
This text is for questions 34 to 36. B. loosely E. surely 2.
C. liberally
Why Schools Should Provide Lockers
This song is for questions 37 to 39.
There are some schools which have
lockers for the students, some schools have I Turn to You
no lockers. I think schools must have lockers (Artist: Christina Aguilera)
because in many cases lockers are useful for When I'm lost in the rain,
their students ln your eyes I know l'll find the light to light my
The case for'having lockers available way.
to students in schools is pretty straightforward. When l'm scared and losing ground;
Students have lots ol books and other school When my world is going crazy, you can turn it
supplies that they need, and depending upon all around.
And when l'm down you're there; pushing me
the classes they take, those supplies can
to the top.
include paints, laptop computer, specific and
You're always there; giving me all you've got.
additional athletic uniform. That is a very
convincing argument for a school to provide +.
lockers to students. 37. The purpose of the song is . . . the listeners.
It is a good idea for schools to provide
lockers. Now there certainly with obesity, there
A. to amuse 5.
are concerns about students getting enough
B. to motivate
exercise during their early years, but having a C. to inspire
kid lug around a heavy backpack full of books D. to criticize
while at school is not'exercise'. E. to express the feeling to

-L--:-- -^i tu
)r:l;ding 38. "When my world is going crazy, yo1- can iurn 40. Read the verse below!
s .! until it all around."
c* J]eir The word "it" refers to . . . ,
She's so lucky. sae's a star
ri'tat But she cry, cry, cnes tn her lonely heart,
lr :a3k
A. my world
I B. the rain lf there's nothing missing ir: my life
E. rn my c. ihe light Then why do these tears come at night?
seful for D. the ground (Lucky, by Britney Spears)
rts solve
E. my way
The italic line shows .

39. "You're always there; giving me allyou've got." A. imagery
The sentence above belongs to . . . . B. assonance

le things.
A oe'sonification D. hyperbole C. personification
rrngings and
3 -E:achor E. repetition D. sirnile
E, repetition
to scnool.
sdrooi look
B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!
1. r:al :ne dralogue below!
udents lazy
i;;a-^.1_- Hello?
iello, is this Mr. Alan?
centrate at :]:S::'S:' !'es. speaking.
=--- This is Fahri. You may remember we met some time ago.
Sa:-::'s:^ Yes of course.
Far - I m calling to continue our talk. lt's about a speaker box you offered a while ago. Are
they still available?
Sales:= -= : - Ah yes. I have it in front of me.
Fahri l m rnterested to buy one. Can I visit your store tomorrow at eleven?
Salespe'.: - That s good. Sure. I will be free at that time.

What is the pu.oose of the phone call? Why does Fahri want to meet the salesperson?

ly 2. Read the text berotv!

Boy didn't expect ,:hat Emma would hate him. He was alone in his room and was thinking what he
should do. Father came and sat on his bed. "lf you do not do something wrong; she will know some
day." he said. "But Dad. she didn't believe all what I said," Roy answered. Mother entered the room and
srniled at him. She knew tnat Emma was her son's best friend. "Tonight, Emma will have had dinner
witl', her family in our restaurant. You can meet her there," bhe said. "Really, Mom?" Roy was excited.
o light my He rugged his mother

Why v,as Roy sad? What was mother's suggestion to Roy?

:an turn it

shing me 3. What are ihe similarities of brochure, leaflet, banner, and pamphlet?
u've got. rJ_

4. Write a bre{ c a ogue about booking a bus ticket!

he listeners. a:
5. We should nc: eat too much spicy food.
Write a brief hortatory exposition based on the topic above!
* .\\l ll

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News Desk. (2020, April 2). Whyyou should get suntight even during self-quarantine.The Jakarta Post. Accessed from
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"When to Use Hand Sanitize/', Ashi and Medic First Aid Blog, Accessed 6 October 2021. <httpst/emergencycare.hsi.
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