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Ref No.: BESCOM/BC-51/2021-22//o5¢ Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (waolly owned Government of Karnataka undertaking) Dated: a5 -29- olay) ity of Solar Rooftop Photo Voltaic (SRTPV) systems installed as per the KERC(Implementation of Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Power plants) Regulations, 2016: 1, The SRTPV Application is invited from all the consumers of BESCOM through On-line mode only and no offline Applications are allowed, 2. Applications can be submitted from 1kWp to upto 2000kWp. 3. The fee details: Capacliy ofthe proposed | Registration | Paclitaion | oc gaan Ko. SRTPV system | Fee Fee a 1 | Rape eens ings inclusive of 5kWp i i applicable GST Charges: ‘Above Sp Upto and PRS 000/- pus 2 =2000/- | Reso 2 inclusive of 50KWp_ tb y: applicable GST Charges Above SOENP at US 7. 45,0007- plus a e5000/- | Rato000)- | ReAS.007- 000% f | applenbie St [Abo 1000eWp snd Upto | Re.S0007- | azs0007- [R= 30,000 poe 20004 spllabe OFT Charges 4. The Sub-divisional cificer (SDO) shall be Nodal point of contact for Solar RTPV. program. 5. ‘Type of Metering: Sino. | Type of Metering Eligible Consumers Gross Metering a | {HT Net Metering | Note: Com: Applicable for Domestic consumers, Hospital 7 and Educational institutions consumers, HT-2(C), LT2{a) & LT2(b)) 19.09.2016 har allowed one time irrevocable option of either gross or net metering for ‘consumers at the time of signing of PPA vide “order dated Applicable to Industrial, Commercial and all 2 Net Metering categories of consumers other than Domestic I 6, 8. 9. ‘The Power Purchese Agreement(PPA) Execution and Approval letter issuing Authority for SRTPY installations: Capacity wise SRTPVPPA]—SSS—SS~S execution & Approval letter BESCOM Office: Issuing Authority ‘Tasistant Executive 1 From 1Wp to SOOkW>p Engineer(Ele) ©, 0 & M Sub-Division 2. | Above SOOKWp upto 2000kWp Executive Engineer(Ele) ©, 0 & M Division ‘The SRTPV plant Commissioning & Synchronizing Authority: Ee Capacities BESCOM Officer's Assistant Executive Engineer( ile) 1 KW te 17.SKWP |G, 0 ae M Sub-Division ‘Assistant Executive Engineer(Ele) 2 | Above 17 5kW to upto |, 0 & M Sub-Division in 500kWp Co-ordination with Meter Testing (MT) staff Executive Engincer(Ele) Above SODKWp to upto 2 2000Wp | C, 0 & M Division in Co-ordination = with Meter Testing (MT) staff ‘The draft PPA for capacity above 50OkWp shall be submitted to DSM Section, Corporate Office for KERC approval alongwith following documents: a) Demand Draft of Rs.5000/- in favour of The Secretary, KERC. ) Online Application and Technical Feasibility Report (0) The Detailed Project report. ) SelfDeclaration from the applicant for investment under CAPEX ‘scheme €) Specifications of the roof type along with photographs certified by ‘concerned EB. 4) Land ownership or lease agreement documents whichever is applicable. 2) Latest Electricity bill copy. Note: In case of lease agreement, the PPA shall be executed for the duration of lease period or maximum for 25 years, whichever is earlier, ‘The Applicant can select any PV modules and system installer to install the SRTPV System. 10. The Applicant shall use only tested Bi-directional Meters from BESCOM cmpanclled firms available at Vendor outlets. 11, ‘The Applicant shall use Grid tied inverter from BESCOM empanelled firms only. 12, Interconnection voltages as per KIRC Regulation-2016, sl. No. 6 (1)(a) shall bbe as below: ‘si ‘System Capacity Voltage level Wo. 1 | From IkWp Upto &@ inclusive SKWD 240 Volts 2 | Above 5 Wp & upto 50 kW>p 415 Volts ew 13, The cost of distribution network upto the interconnection point shall be borne by the applicant as per KERC Regulation-2016, sl. No. 6 (1)(). 14, The check meter shall be provided for SRTPV systems capacity of more than 17.5 kW. 15, CP's, PI's and Metering Cubicle shall be procured from BESCOM approved Vendors only. 16, For Gross Metering and Net Metering, meters shall be procured from BESCOM approved/ empanelled Vendors only. 17, For HT installations, as per BESCOM order no. BESCOM/GM ( M & C)/DGM (M//BC-24/F-1013/12-18 dated 12.02.2013, if the existing metering system is 3 phase 3 wire, it shall be converted to 8 phase 4 wire. 18, SRTPV applican: shall be totally responsible for planning, design, construction, reliability, protection and safe operation of all the equipment’s subject to the regulations for construction, operation, maintenance, connectivity and other statutory provisions as per KERC Standardized PPA classe 1.6 (a. 19, The Technical, Sefety, Grid Connectivity standards are to be followed as per KERC Standardized PPA as below: ‘a, clause 1, Technical and Interconnection requirement, b. clause 2 ( Safety) & e. Clause 7 ( Metering) 20. BESCOM personnel reserve the right to inspect the entire plant routinely at any time as per the Conditions of Supply to the Distribution Licensees clause 18:00, access to Consumer Premises, 21. SRTPV plant of less than SOKW capacity shall be connected only to the cexisting distribution transformer through which the eligible consumers are being supplied clestricty as per KERC regulation 2016, elause 61 )(). 22, The total capacity of the existing SRTPV and proposed SRTPV plants on that Gistribution transformer shall not exceed 80% of the rated capacity. Example: If the rcted capacity of the distribution transformer is 100 KVA, the total allowable capacity of the SRTPV plants to be connected shall be 68kWs (80 va) 23, SRTPV plant of more than SORW shall be connected only to the existing L1kV Distribution System, 24. The total capacity of the existing SRTPV and proposed SRTPV plants shall be limited s0 that the line current does not exceed 80% of the rated current carrying capacity of that line. 25. The Sub-divisionel officer ($DO} shall verily for Technical feasibility of the installation and the application is technically feasible, shall issue the intimation letter for execution the Power Purchase Agreement ( either for full oo partial SRTPY capacity), Example > Existing DTC capacity of 100kVA > Already consected/ under progress (SRTPVs) is 60 KWs > Newly propesed is 50 KWs capacity > Then total Solar capacity on the DTC is 110kW ( > 80% of the DTC capacity > Hence, the application is technically feasible for partial capacity of 8 KWs only (for total 80% ie 68 Kws/ 80 KVA) as against newly proposed capacity of SOkWs. 26. If the applicatioa is not technically feasible, the SDO shall cancel the Application and intimate the same to the Applicant. 27. The SDO/DO shall execute the PPA and iseue the Approval letter for start of SRTPV work to the applicant. Note: For above SOOkWp SRTPY plants, draft PPAs are to be approved by KERC through Corporate Office. 4 28. 29. a. 22, 33. ‘The Application shall be cancelled by the SDO/DO , if the consumer does not cuit forward for execution of the PPA within 09 days from the date of intimation letter. ‘The eonsumer portion of work has to be completed and work completion report has to be submitted within 180 days from the date of approval letter for having entered into PPA. ‘The SDO/DO shall inspect the SRTPV plant within 5 working days from the date of work completion report for commissioning of the project. ‘The SRTPV plant shall be commissioned within 180 Days from the date of approval or deemed approval of PPA, after ensuring that the SRTPV applicant has attended all the observation made by SDO/DO/MT staff, if any. ‘The SRTPV Consumer shall pay the Electricity tax and other statutory levies, pertaining to SRIPV generation, as levied from time to time as per KERC PPA clause 6 (¢) [As per Government of Karnataka Notification No, EN 135 BBS 2018 dated 27.08.2018, ‘A. Generating units having capacity to produce electricity above 1 MW from Solar Rooftop sources of energy shall be inspected by the Electrical Inspector before commissioning, B, Solar Rooftop generation units installed as per the KERC (implemertation of Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Power plants) Regulations, 2016 shall be inspected periodically as per Regulations 30 of Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Blectric Supply) Regulations, 2010. In case of consumer intending to install SRTPV plant with multiple RR nos. in single premises with or without SRTPV unit, any change in| Joad/contract demand, change in tariff category of consumer alre 1. Procedure and Time Lines for Grid connected SRTPV plants A. For SRTPV plants ranging from 1kWp to upto SOOkWp. Stop Procedure —~S”S”~*dsCPovmate | Fimelinco ‘| Te Applicat shall be submit oat | Applica 6 submit Step-1 | ontine Application to the Sub-divisonal | pyrmaey | Officer {S00} Pusee ae =. tthe Applica ay | | actble Pula) Purl | | | 3 days fom the Date ‘he SDO shal ianue the intimation eter | | goreeebees to the Applicant for Execution ofthe Power | [eestor ‘Step -2 | Purchase Agreement (PPA). | Format-2 | b. the Application is not Technically | | ibe: | | ‘he SO shall cancel the Application | | tnd intiute the nas to the Appbeant 5| ‘The Applicant shall submit the PPA SDO for exestion, in the monjudiclat 5.200/- staryp paper as per the KERC eons Step -a | standard PPA Porinat srormacs | a peta a.__Gross Metering ‘issued by SDO- , Net Metering ‘The SDO shall exeoute the PPA and issue the Approval letter for stat of SRTPY wore 2.days fom the Date Step-4 | i the Applicant fails to submit the PPA of subrniseion ofthe within Taya fom the date of itimation Pea Teter, the SbO shal cancel the Application | Format fa intimate the same tothe Appian The consumer portion of work has #0 be 5 Completed ani work completion report Tappan step-5 | has to be submitted within 8 months | Format-5 en from the date of Approval eter for start of a us SRIPV work | | fate The SDO shall Inspect the SRTPV plant 1 within 5 working day’ from the date of work completion report for | commissioning of the project after ed aaye comtns step -6 | ensuing tha: the SRTPV applicant has date of spprovl or attended all the observation made by | ie slesued epeweral et SDO/MT staff, if any. See ae Synchronization Certificate shall be issued by SDO 7 || 30-days from the date step-7 | Billing Procese | “crecmmiesionng of & tke SRIPY plat Nove: ONLINE PoRTAL (0) rgenaM inane, 2M0 stsioqad ,MOde3E 0- eolsgns oid FL B, For SRTPV plants ranging Above S00kWp to upto 2000kW>p: Nove: ON-LINE PoRTAL , step Procedure | Formats | Time tines | | "The Appiieant shall submit Oniy Online Step-1 | application toe Sub divisional Officer (Spo) | Ferma] Fully/ Partially ‘The SDO shallissue the intimation leter to 3 days from the the Applicant for Execution ofthe Power Date of Step -2 | Purchase Agreement (PPA). Format-2 | Registration of , ithe Applicaton is Not Technically Application feasible | “The SDO shall eaneel the Applteation and intimate the sane tothe Applicant. he Applicant shail submit the PPA to DO Tor Sa ‘execution, in the non judicial R8200/~ stamp days from the | ‘Step -3 | paper as per the KERC standard PPA Format: | Format-3 Date of fa Gross Metering [Sem _| intimation letter .__Net Metering Format-3A | issued by SO “The DO shail execute the PPA and forward Tor KERC approval 2 days from the step -4 | Hfthe Applicant fails to submit the FPA within 7 2 Date of days from the date of intimation letter, the DO submission of shall cancel ths Applicaton and intimate the the PPA ‘same tothe Apricant. (7 days from the ‘The Corporate Office (CO), BESCOM. shall - step-5 ane i Date of receipt of forward the PPA for KERC Approval aa soe Te | |S days trom the ‘The CO, BESCOM shall forward the approved a pe pean ee Step-6 | KERC letter to DO oe i vu ~~ | 3 days from the _ g | Te DO shall ismse the Approval letter for start | Date of eceipt of Step -8 | or sRTPV work Formats | “Approval letter iain _ from CO ‘The consumer portion of work has to be eae step -9 | completed and work completion repert has t0 | Formats | oi “p°* | be submitted within § months from the date of | completion of the approval of letter of DO project ‘The SDO shall inspect the SRTPV plant within 5 worleng days from the date of work. completion ze2ort for commissioning of the 180 days from project after ensuring that the SRTPV the date of applicant has attended all the obscrvation | Format | | approval or a. Jemed appro rade by SDO/MT staf, if any. rae Synchronization Certificate | shall be issued by SDO ora i 30 days rom the date of step -11 | Billing Process fee ee the SRIPV plant.

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