Personal Development - 1.2behavioral Competencies & Setting Goals - The Business UI

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_1 Personal development > skills and qualities > SMART objectives PPM Cee cure eeu cn Behavioural competencies El You work for Global Sounds, a tour management organization, arranging tours and concerts for musicians from around the world. What challenges and obstacles does this present you with? What skills are key in your job? Ei Behavioural competencies are observable skills and qualities required for effective performance in a job. Look at Global Sounds’ list of behavioural competencies and put ‘them into the correct column, analytical thinking client focus decision-making effective communication flexibility holding people accountable innovation intercultural competence leadership managing change networking results orientation self-awareness _self-development time management Cee astute SMART time-bound Teamworking ‘Managing and Customer service Problem-solving developing yourself Ell Use the correct form of the words in the box to complete the definitions of five behavioural competencies below. analyse apply communicate expect prioritize 1 being able to bring disciplined to data and situations, to see cause and effect and to use this to make effective decisions 2. the ability to use the appropriate channel, means and style of ___with tact in a variety of situations 3. the willingness and ability to give to customers, delivering high quality services which meet their needs 4 the ability to adapt with ease to a variety of situations; ti also about not being disconcerted by the c 5 the ability to find opportunities to develop your skills and attributes through self-study, training, practical" and/or support from others Now match each definition with a competency from Exercise 2. Listening © 107 Tony is a Project Manager at Global Sounds and is having a performance appraisal with his manager. Which of the behavioural competencies from Exercise 2 do they discuss? EID 107 Now listen again. What examples does Tony give to support his points? Setting goals [Gi Read the text below. Choose one word from each box to make a suitable collocation to fill in the spaces. clear measurable performance realistic valuable written appraisal guidelines This section aims to provide you with (1) “First, be sure to make sure you set Q advisable to set short- and long-term ‘concentrating only on the final outcome gives minimal chance for reviewing the stages you reach on the way. * Secondly, make sure you set (3) You must know you'll be able to achieve ther, Being overambitious won't help, and your confidence in achieving them. Make sure Insight objectives ___. This means being precise in terms of time and quantity, and wil ultimately hhelp you to achieve your goals. ts also record. targets in setting objectives + Remember also that a (4) __of ‘your goals means you'll have a document t0 refer to regulary. Don't just keep your plan in your head! Don't forget that having a clear plan of your “objectives gives you (5) into your priorities and aspirations for yourself, or others, With this in ind, your (6) should be a meeting you can look forwatd to, ‘and use as an opportunity to set mare exciting {and challenging goals for a bright future! objectives: * won't help you have al the support you'll need, in terms of both people and resources Vocabulary Read this extract taken from the end of the conversation between it with the given word in the correct form. ‘Well, I think overall you've had a pretty (1) (succeed) year, with a number of major 2) (achieve). In particular, your (3) __ (perceive) ‘ofhow your own team of staf are doing is very astute. I'm pleased about that, as good (4) (evaluate) skils are important in managing a department. However, ‘when things go wrong, try not to get (5) (Gefend). [understand it's difficult, Bt as you've seen, your colleagues have been so (6) (Gespond) that 1 don’t think you need worry. I’s much better to be upfront, and work together to put things right. Outon the road you experienced a few problems in relation to the behaviour of the musicians on the Bosnian tour. We discussed the importance of communicating, 0 (effective) and making it clear that any costs Incurred from damage to hotel rooms o facilites will not ‘be met by Global Sounds. This should avoid a rerun of the infamous swimming pool incident! Standards of behaviour vary across the world and you may want to think about focusing on intercultural communication in the coming ‘months, especially given the tour ofthe Far Fast you're going tobe working on with the American youth orchestra. ‘We've also talked about setting targets, and I think what's key for you, rather than be (8) (commit) is tobe more precise about what you want to achieve and by ‘when, and to set more interim targets El Look at some of the objectives from Tony's job plan. For each objective, underline the SMART aspects, i ing which criterion it relates to. (Reminder: SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) + To finalize 80% of promotional plans for artist publicity eight weeks before any eit planned tour date begins. To involve junior Staff in st least 50% of arrangements. To ensure publicity exposure covers at least three different channels (print, radio, the research Search fr the Web, mail, et). Keywords bea ura! + To update budgets by the end of each quarter. competencies and find out what other companies use these, and why. Report ur findings back to your are SMART. Read and compare your group. ‘your decisions! El Make a list of three short, three medium- and three long-term objectives, Make sure they ‘small groups and give feedback to each other on how realistic or idealistic these goals could be. Be prepared to outline, defend or change TheBusiness 20 } | { } | { ( { | | ill and Tony. Complete 19

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