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Customer Satisfaction Towards Products and Services

of McDonalds in Lipa City, Batangas

A Research Paper Presented to

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Arellano, Khrys Ythyl
Dizon, Joyce Ann
Lubigan, Mikee
Magpile, Kimberly
Reyes, Cresel


Approval Sheet
This research entitled “Customer Satisfaction Towards Product and Services of McDonalds in
Lipa City, Batangas” prepared submitted by; Arellano, Khrys Ythyl, Dizon, Joyce Ann, Lubigan, Mikee,
Magpile, Kimberly, and Reyes, Cresel in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement

Ms. Daisy Cepillo


This research humbly acknowledged with deep gratefulness and appreciation the generous and
priceless assistance extended by the following individual without whom this research work would not be

Ms. Daisy Cepillo, our enthusiastic Research adviser, for helping us and guiding the work of a
research by teaching proper instruction in doing our study.

Our family, who have been praying earnestly to complete successfully this study and who have
been so supportive to our financial needs; and

The Master Teacher, Our LORD ALMIGHTY, for His Immeasurable Love and Mercy.

Approval sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of contents iv
Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 1
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………... 2
Null Hypothesis……………………………………………………………………
Significance of the study………………………………………………………….
Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………...
Definition of terms………………………………………………………………..


Related Literature………………………………………………………………..
Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………….
Theoretical Framework………………………………………………………….
Research Design………………………………………………………………….

Research Instrument…………………………………………………………….

Data Collection and Presentation……………………………………………….

Statistical Treatment…………………………………………………………….
Respondents of the study………………………………………………………..
Frequency and Percentage……………………………………………………...
Weighted Mean………………………………………………………………….




Through so many years has past, many fast food chains were established and famous

through their product and services. We know that customer satisfaction is a one big help to them

to maintain and pursue their fast food chain. They will Satisfied as long as their customer loved

their products and have a satisfaction. The customer satisfaction brings help them to have a good

performance in society and inspired to continuous their establishing a Branches. Many Filipino

wants a delicious meal and attract them to new dishes that present by fast food chain. In this

research were conducting the sympathy of the customers that brings by a products and service of

McDonald's in Lipa City, Batangas. The satisfaction of a customer regarding the performance of

services and products. We acknowledge some customers that McDonalds one of the best fast

food chain in the world, what their satisfying products and services in McDonalds.

In this generation where society are surrounded by many kinds of fast food chain, it is

difficult to choose the best one. Fast food chain is one of the favorite Destination all over the

world. It is not only about the famous name of the fast food chain but the product and services

that the crews showed on their customers. McDonald is one of the popular fast food Chain in the

world. McDonald is known for its hamburgers.

McDonald is one of the fast food chains which perform to the society with good benefits

to their customers. It serves a products and services which other fast food chain also did. Every

fast food chain has a unique trademark to have own identity to the mass. McDonald are known

by their own products and own strategies to create a new customer’s and maintain them to their

product. Their logos, famous desserts, and meals are the best known by McDonald's. Some

customers choose to know more in McDonald’s because the service of the crews to their

customers are so gentle with assuring service and they display their sweet smile on their faces.

Making business, especially a fast food chain is not easy to handle nor to develop, it may

encounter some failures and lack of products. It would have a competitor’s which are higher than

your business, few investors and maintain the products and goods. We all know that McDonald’s

start with a little franchising until they reach what they are now today. They begin in a small and

unknowledgeable, but now you are the one who experience their successful through their

products and so much branches worldwide.

Hence, McDonald’s are not totally enough to all customers to satisfy they needs but

customers choose to patriotically them. McDonald’s shows that in the beginning of their service

to their beloved customers they will continuously servicing until the end of their restaurants.

They improving their products and services to the customers each season to create more

customers and satisfy to their products. Their improvements are not just only for the sake of their

corporation but also on their loyal customers.

McDonald's fast food chain restaurants starts in 1948 up to present. This fast food chain

owned by McDonald's brother namely Maurice "Mac" and Richard MacDonald in San Bernardo

California. Then Raymond Albert Kroc, an American restaurateur and a pioneer of the fast food

industry with worldwide McDonald’s enterprise, offered to begin a franchise in Des Plaines,

Illnois McDonald brothers launched also in the same year the McDonalds Corporation. Before

the end of the decade McDonalds outlets would top 1000 because of boosted by steady growth

and the company’s stock began trading policy in 1965.

This study aims to show what customer needs and what services needs to satisfy then, we

all know that fast food chain like McDonalds is not all about the food that sell but also the

services that crew and staff give the customers like they said in their vision " To be the best

quick service restaurant experience". Being the best means providing put standing quality,

service, cleanliness, and value; so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.

The purpose of this research is to know the capable of McDonald's through products and

services. The information about the satisfaction of their customers, because this research problem

is advantage to get a new information and sources in basis of fast food chain in chosen area. This

will help to new researcher for references and guide to their research.

Many customers are used to patriotism McDonalds because of their interminable

products and service in their customers. And now McDonalds are interminable improving and

developing products to our society in the 21st century.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to find out the customers satisfaction towards products and

services of McDonalds in Lipa City, Batangas

Specifically, it intends to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of respondents?

□ Age

□ Gender

□ Civil Status

2. How does the customers satisfaction affect by the?

a. Employee’s performance

b. Services and products

3. What is the level of customer satisfaction in terms of:

a. Delivery

b. Staff and Services

c. Prices

d. Market

4. What is the alternative recommendation that can be applied by McDonald’s to attain


Null Hypothesis

a. Employee’s performance does affect the customer’s satisfaction.

b. Employee’s performance does not affect the customer’s satisfaction.

c. Services and product do affect the customer’s satisfaction; services and products does not

affect the customer’s satisfaction.

Significance of the Study

This research paper has impacts on the following beneficiaries:


They will have the eagerness to improve their services and undergo trainings and

seminars to expand their skills and knowledge to have a better performance.


Through this the manager will be able to think seminars and trainings for the employees

to maintain the customer satisfaction.


They will improve the quality of their products and services.


The future researcher will use this as their basis in conducting their future study.


The researcher aims

1. To gather the profile of respondent

2. To know the customers satisfaction towards products and services of McDonald’s in Lipa

City, Batangas.

3. To find out customers satisfaction affected by the employee performance, services and


4. To deliver the right and fair products that our customer should fell the satisfaction.

To give the best services that can give to the customer to satisfy them.

To give the cheapest price that all kinds of customer.

To gather all classes of customer that we can serve our product.

5. To know the alternative recommendation that can be applied by McDonalds to attain

customer satisfaction.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on the customer’s satisfaction toward products and services in

McDonald and input classes of customer that dine to their every restaurant’s in the Philippines.

Furthermore, this study includes the different kinds of customer and their concerns and

demands to the services that they give.

Likewise, this study discussed the customer rights, demand and it is a measure of how

products and services – supplied by the company meet or surpass customer expectations,

customer satisfaction in incredibly important to the health of the business. If the customer is

unhappy, they’ll leave and no business can survive and compute long term with a serious churn


This study is conducted around four months only. The scope of this study is limited only

to the area of Lipa City, Batangas. The respondent will be maximum of one hundred customers

of McDonalds in Lipa City, Batangas. The study focuses only in Lipa City, Batangas.

Definition and terms

Churn – is when customer cancel their accounts, don’t renew their contract or remain your

customer but pay you less.

Surpass – to better or greater than someone or something.

Divulge – to make information known.

Patriotism- love for devotion.

Disquisition- a long speech or written report on a subject.

Chapter 2

Related Review Literature

A consumer is a substantial stakeholder of a company who aims of fulfilling some needs

and maximizing satisfaction to contribute payments for the goods and services of the company

availed. When a customer gets contented with the services or products it is known as satisfaction

(Goodman, 2009). Customer satisfaction can be defined in terms of meeting the expectations of

customer in terms of satisfaction (Malik, E, and Ghaffor, M. 2002). The quality of service that is

given to the consumers is lot more important not only for the consumers but also in the service

provides (Huber and et. al., 2001). Furthermore, service quality is an important generalization in

the service diligence and more momentous in financial service providers (Saghier et. al., 2013).

The service quality was developed as “the overall evaluation of a specific service firm that

results from comparing that firm’s performance with the customer’s general expectations of how

firms in that industry should perform” (Childambaram et. al., 2012). According to Zairi (2000),

the feeling of pleasure and expectation fulfillment is known as satisfaction if the products and

services will not satisfy the consumer’s passions they will be dissatisfied in other words

customer satisfaction is the products and services that fulfill the consumer’s expectation. Kotler

and Keller (2012) elaborate that customer dissatisfied if expectations are not filled by the

rendition, in terms of satisfied it is important that the performance matches the consumer’s

satisfaction. Specially, if the performance doesn’t match in the feelings of the consumer the rate

of their company become low but if the performance of match to their consumer’s expectation it

has a bigger possibility that their rate will increase.

Customer Satisfaction in service has been defined as the degree which service

performance exceeds the customer’s expectations (Kumar. 2012; Lombard 2009; Santouriais and

Trivellas, 2010). In line with this, customer service is defined as satisfying customer anomalous

well to make this restaurant their store of choice (Kuzak, 2012). Generally, customer’s

satisfaction played a vital role in every restaurant’s they choose to remortgage. According to

(Agulo et. al., 2015) give of awesome external customer service is only possible when there is

excellent internal customer service in additional, internal customer service, pertain to a well-

being and a group who work together to help the consumers. If the crews/staff, are happy

conducting their job they can share this excitement to the buyers so that it will motivate then to

do their jobs respectively.

Experts have defined customer satisfaction in services as the extent to which customer’s

expectations are met through service performance (Santouridis @ Trivellas, 2010-330-340).

Furthermore, when a crew’s performance respect the consumer’s thoughts and opinions it has a

possibility that their performance will correspond to the expectations of their customers. Through

customer’s satisfaction, it is able to present a versatile to know the strength and weaknesses of an

individual when it comes to their behavior. This satisfaction can influence the customer’s

behavior so that they are willing to correct their errors. The consumer’s nowadays look not on

the price of the products but the treatment of the crews, though sometimes they can’t afford the

price they used to eat in the restaurant that has a good quality of service.

According to Zeithaml, Bitner customer satisfaction serves as standard against the

competitors of others restaurant. Meanwhile, it can also be an asset to gain more customers and

to attain the rate they want. Since many customers tend to have a higher expectation

staff/employee perform a great job to match this in their customer.

Customer satisfaction towards products and services played a vital role in every fast food chain.

This help the company to meet the expectation of every consumer. Specifically, customer

satisfaction is one of the assets that brings higher rate to any company.

The term "customer satisfaction" became popularized in the 1980's with the total quality

movement. Therefore, customer satisfaction postulate as one of the main indicators of business

performance. Customer satisfaction is about products, services and brand, while it’s always been

smart to keep customers happy. (Kotler, 2003). The customer satisfaction suggests that service

quality is more crucial than the products on offer (Allen, 2013). When it comes to service quality

the employee should do his or her best to have a good performance to make their customer

satisfied. It’s very hard if the customers do not like your performance it can make affect not just

the rate but also to the company. When a buyer develops satisfaction for a specific service they

also gradually develop a loyalty towards the brand and become a repeat customer (Pang, 2008).

The satisfaction of the customers is more on criticize in their service quality. The

consumer believes that if the service of one fast food chain satisfies them, therefore, the

consumer will have a good perspective, because service will make them satisfied. The

satisfaction of customers is direct related to their expectancy levels (Pang, 2008). Customer

satisfaction is an integrated indicator of performance, expectation equality, affect and

disconfirmation (Kimita, K, Shimomura, Y., Arai, 2009). Now a day, the success in a market

place is customer satisfaction. This is because the customer is very important for the organization

or in the business world. Customer is one of the important to business because they are the

people who give feedback to product or service, if they are satisfied in product or services to give

them, the business can proceed to another’s performance. All consumers are different. They have

different expectations and different criticizing a product. For the customer it is not necessary that

a better quality can be a better taste, if customer like the taste of food he/she will be willing to

pay for it. Therefore, restaurants focus is on taste of the food and services that has influence on

customer’s satisfaction (Lim, 2010).

Service Quality

The concept of service provides a comprehensive account of the needs of every

customer’s and how the company will deliver that service. Service quality is well known as

SERVQUAL (Sivadas and Baker- Prewitt, 2000). The study of consumer satisfaction has

developed into significant ways which need to be found out and for satisfying the wants and

needs of every consumer’s (Rajendran and Anantharaman, 2002). Studying the customer’s

satisfied we may know if the customers are satisfied to the services that a company provided. If

the company provides a product that every consumer can afford the employee should stand were

the result has goods for the company.

Quality in customer service

The quality of service that is given for the consumers is lot more important not just for

the consumer but it also very important for the service providers too (Huber and et. al., 2001).

Specifically, when the staff or employee are new, they need to provide his or her good

performance to the customer to maintain the positive outcomes for the company.

In recent times, customers are more concern about the services. If the service is good

then automatically the customer feels satisfied. Service is more important in every company.

Service to customers is widely used in the fast food industries. Service quality has a significant

impact on the customer satisfaction (Butscher, 2002). Customer satisfaction is the front lines of

business and it may be negative or positive depending on the customer service quality. From

cheese burgers to onion rings, fast food is becoming one of the fastest mushrooming industries of

the world. The demand for the product of McDonalds is quite high (Grigoroudis and Siskos,

2009). The stewards are very prompt in responding to the requests and orders of the
Service customers

and no one has to wait. The staff is very polite towards the guests and is always ready to help.

The quality of food has been the same but with an improvement in services, there was a
remarkable increase in customer satisfaction at the outlet (Hurth, 2006).


Preference Assurance



Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.

This figure shows that the service quality, responsiveness, assurance, privacy and

reliability are the customer preference of customer satisfaction towards products and services. It

is the satisfaction of a consumer near in Lipa City, Batangas.

Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework of this study is organized around theoretical based from existing

resources such as websites. The theoretical base is related to customer expectation and customer


Customer Satisfaction materialize as a distinct area of disquisition (Churchill &

Surprenant, 1982). Business both big and small have a part to know the benefits of customer

satisfaction and the services they perform, the achievement they got in the customers will help to

their business in many aspects (Szymanski and Henard, 200 cited in Yu et al, 2005). Customer

satisfaction information helps the company to know their errors, abilities and also the way in

meeting their expectations (Zeithaml et al, 2009). Customers who are satisfied will help the

business through offering to others what the business can provide for them and tell the others the

positive benefits they can get (Goodman, 2009).

Expectation are reasons to cause positive effects on satisfaction because “without

observing the performance, expectations may have already predisposed. The consumer to

respond to the product in a certain way (the higher the expectations, the higher satisfaction or

vice versa)” (Oliver, 1997, p.89). If high expectation preside to more favorable ratings, then one

may suggest that a business should strive to raise expectation strongly made the product

performance in order to obtain higher product evaluation (Yi, 1990).


This chapter covers an overview of methodology used in the study. This study brings into

play the descriptive method referring to the used of surveys. It also includes the research design,

research instrument, data collection and presentation, statistical treatment of data and

respondents of the study.

Research Design

This study will make sure of the descriptive method of research to gain the assurance of

getting the main objectives of assessing the customer satisfaction towards products and services.

Research Instrument

The main instrument used by the researcher are survey questionnaire.

To determine the customers satisfaction towards products and services of McDonalds in

Lipa city, Batangas.

Data Collection and Presentation

Through the distribution of the survey-questionnaires all the information needed to

complete this study was gathered. The collected data were tallied and record in succession with

the items found under the statement of the problem.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researcher used the survey questionnaire to know the perception of respondents

about these certain problems.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study are the one hundred (100) customers of McDonalds in Lipa


Frequency and Percentage

The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondent`s profile is presented to

describe the respondents and their age, gender, and civil status.

Simple frequency counts tallies, the number of times the score is achieve. This is used to

determine the proportion of frequency of respondent`s profile.

Weighted Mean

Weighted Mean was used as a measure of data to reflect the respondents rating on. The

assessment of customer satisfaction using survey-questionnaire.

Interval Formula:

5−1 4
ı= = =0.80
5 5
Formula for Weighted Mean
X wi =
Wi = Number of respondents (100).
Xi = Scale (5, 4, 3, 2, 1).
Scale Weighted Mean (WM) Verbal Interpretation (VI)

1 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Dissatisfied

2 1.81 – 2.60 Dissatisfied

3 2.61 – 3.40 Neutral

4 3.41 – 4.20 Satisfied

5 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly




Distribution of Respondents

Age in Years Frequency Percentage Rank

17 – 25 69 69% 1

26 – 33 18 18% 2

34 and above 13 13% 3

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 1 shows the frequency distributors of the respondent`s profile according to age of

the respondents. It shows that sixty-nine percent (69%) of the respondent`s belong to the age

group of 17 – 25 as indicated by the frequency sixty-nine (69). While the least is the

respondent`s aging 34 and above year old with the frequency of 13. This only shows that most of

the respondents are raging at the age 17 – 33.



Distribution of Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 46 46% 2

Female 54 54% 1

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 2 showed the frequency distribution of the respondents according to their gender. It

can be gleaned from the table that most of the respondents are female as indicated by the

frequency of 54. Meanwhile, male respondents had a frequency of 46. This is clear indication

that there were more female respondents used in the study than males.



Distribution of Respondents

Civil Status Frequency Percentage Rank

Single 82 82% 1

Married 17 17% 2

Widow 1 1% 3

Separated 0 0% 4

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 3 present the profile of the respondents in terms of their civil status as noted in

table, the respondents that are single ranked first in the survey with the frequency of 82. On the

other hand, the widow ranked last in the survey.



Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation
(WM) (VI)

1. The customer service addresses my issue. 4.24 Strongly Satisfied

2. Employee speaks clearly. 4.22 Strongly Satisfied

3. The ambiance in the fast food chain is comfortable enough. 4.09 Satisfied

4. The staff is friendly and helpful. 4.05 Satisfied

5. The staff is always available to serve customers anytime. 3.99 Satisfied

6. The fast food chain staff understands the specific needs of their 4.09 Satisfied

7. The staff is approachable. 4.03 Satisfied

8. The services meet the expectation of the customer. 3.87 Satisfied

TOTAL 32.85

COMPOSITE MEAN 4.07 Satisfied

Table 4 shows the respondents level of customer satisfaction in terms of service. The

statement “The customer service addresses my issue” got the highest weighted mean score of

4.24 which is verbally interpreted as strongly satisfied while the statement “The services meet

the expectation of the customer” got the least weighted mean count of 3.87 or satisfied. It means

that the respondents have good satisfaction regarding the level of service. It is note that in this

study the respondents have no neutral, dissatisfied, and strongly dissatisfied when it comes to the

level of service.


Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation
(WM) (VI)

1. The fast food chain offers a variety menu of items. 4.38 Strongly

2. The food is tasty and affordable. 4.12 Satisfied

3. The food presentation is usually appealing. 4.14 Satisfied

4. The foods appearance looks good. 4.16 Satisfied

5. The products are attractive in the customers. 4.20 Satisfied

6. The product meets the expectation of the customer. 4.07 Satisfied

TOTAL 25.07

COMPOSITE MEAN 4.18 Satisfied

Table 5 indicated by the composite mean of 4.18 where it is verbally interpreted as

satisfied. The statement “The fast food chain offers a variety menu of items” got the highest

weighted mean of 4.38 as strongly dissatisfied while the statement “The product meets the

expectation of the customer” got the least weighted mean of 4.07 as satisfied.


Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation
(WM) (VI)

1. Delivery on time performance and commitment to meet your 4.10 Satisfied

delivery expectation.

2. The speed in which the service was delivered. 3.93 Satisfied

3. The person in charge in delivery are responsible. 3.91 Satisfied

4. The expectation from delivery is met. 3.91 Satisfied

5. The customer delivery is good. 4.04 Satisfied

TOTAL 19.89

COMPOSITE MEAN 3.98 Satisfied

The statement “Delivery on time performance and commitment to meet your delivery

expectation” got the highest weighted mean of 4.10 as satisfied while statement “The person in

charge in delivery are responsible” and statement “The expectation from delivery is met” got the

least weighted mean of 3.91 as satisfied. Table 6 indicated by the composite mean of 3.98 where

it is verbally interpreted as satisfied.


Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation
(WM) (VI)

1. The product price is competitive. 4.28 Strongly Satisfied

2. The product price meets satisfaction. 4.01 Satisfied

3. The price is stable. 3.89 Satisfied

4. The price of the product are affordable by the customer. 4.07 Satisfied

5. The products price are match to the food they offered. 4.04 Satisfied

TOTAL 20.29

COMPOSITE MEAN 4.06 Satisfied

The statement “The product price is competitive” got the highest weighted mean of 4.28

as strongly satisfied while statement “The product price meets satisfaction” got the least

weighted mean of 4.01 as satisfied. Table 7 indicated by the composite mean of 4.06 where it is

verbally interpreted as satisfied.


Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary findings, conclusion, as well as the recommendation

of the study.


The study is entitled Customer Satisfaction towards products and services of McDonalds

in Lipa City, Batangas.

Specifically, this study aimed to find answer to the following specific questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents?

□ Age

□ Gender

□ Civil Status

2. How does the customers satisfaction affect by the?

a. Employee’s performance

b. Services and products

3. What is the level of customer satisfaction in terms of:

a. Delivery

b. Staff and Services

c. Prices

d. Market

4. What is the alternative recommendation that can be applied by McDonald’s to attain


Null Hypothesis

a. Employee’s performance does affect the customer’s satisfaction.

b. Employee’s performance does not affect the customer’s satisfaction.

c. Services and product do affect the customer’s satisfaction; services and products does

not affect the customer’s satisfaction.

The method of research utilized was the descriptive method of research. The basic data

gathering tools was survey-questionnaire prepared by the researcher and validated.

The locale of the study was Lipa of the Division of Batangas where customers of

McDonalds were involved. The respondents were 100 customer – 46 males and 54 females.

The statistical devices used in the treatment of data was the frequency, percentage, rank,

weighted mean and composite mean.


The study came out with the following findings:

A. On Age and Gender

1. Twenty-four or twenty-four percent (24%) of the male respondents were 17-25 years old

while forty-five or forty-five percent (45%) of the female belong to the same age bracket.

2. Thirteen or thirteen percent (13%) of the male respondents were 26-33 years old while

five or five percent (5%) of the female belong to the same age bracket.

3. Nine or nine percent (9%) of the male respondents were 34 and above years old while

four or four percent (4%) of the female belong to the same age bracket.

4. The overall mean of the male was 15.33 while for the female, it was 18.

B. Effects of customer satisfaction in terms of Services

Perception of both Male and Female was “satisfied” (mean of 4.07)

C. Effects of customer satisfaction in terms of Product

Perception of both Male and Female was “satisfied” (mean of 4.18)

D. Level of customer satisfaction in terms of Delivery.

Perception of both Male and Female was “satisfied” (mean of 3.98)

E. Level of customer satisfaction in terms of Prices.

Perception of both Male and Female was “satisfied” (mean of 4.06)

F. Alternative Recommendation that can be applied to attain satisfaction.

To attain the satisfaction, they need to change their strategy.


From the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The Male and Female respondents generally corresponding to their age although the

female respondents were a little younger than the male.

2. The perception of Male and Female respondents was more satisfied in terms of products

than services, delivery, and prices.

3. The behavior of Male and Female respondents will always have bearing to the successful

of a business.


From the findings, and conclusions brought about by the study, this recommendation are hereby


1. The fast food chains discipline policies should consider the situation needs, nature and

capabilities of every customer, more so of the male and female customer.

2. The fast food chains performance is already satisfying but can still be improve if

supervision is really performed by the heads and managers in the form of conference and

formal observations.

3. Customer should be given opportunity in the formulation of the discipline policies and

also their execution, for them to find out the value of responsibility imposed upon by all

organization for their own development.


The main aim of this research is to know the customer satisfaction regarding service and

products in McDonalds Lipa City, Batangas. The customer satisfaction brings the important

detail for the company of McDonalds. The satisfactions it is either good or bad are have an

impact to the growth of McDonalds in our industry. It gives the information to know the details

about their services and products. To know the expectations and capability life of the McDonalds

in the area of Lipa City, Batangas. The customer satisfactions are the key to identify if the

satisfies are met by customer. The methodology of research used a descriptive research, which

getting the main objectives of the study. The researcher collect data through survey-

questionnaire and used weighted mean to solve the total of distribution of respondents. The main

purpose of this study is to know the capable of McDonald`s through product and services.


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