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Shuriken shadow clone jutsu hand signs

NameKanji 屍⿁封尽Rōmaji Shiki FūjinLiteral English Dead Demon Consuming SealAlternative Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death SealSealing Technique: Dead Demon Consuming Seal (封印術‧屍⿁封尽, Fūinjutsu: Shiki Fūjin)DataClassification Fuinjutsu, KinjutsuRank S-rankClass OffensiveRange All RangesHand seals Snake → Boar → Ram → Rabbit →
Dog → Rat → Bird → Horse → Snake → Clap HandsThe Dead Demon Consuming Seal is a seal which invokes the power of a spectral entity known as the Shinigami (死神; "Reaper"; Literally meaning "death god") that can only be seen when it grasps one's soul. When summoned, the Shinigami hovers behind the user to wraps prayer beads over the
summoner's arm as a seal appears on the stomach. The soul of the summoner is then partially separated from the body and restrained by the Shinigami's hair as it thrusts its arm into the user's chest to grab the soul of its target. At the user's command, the Shinigami then performs the sealing by dragging the target's soul into the user whose stomach is
branded with the seal's mark. However, the sealing is double-edged as the user's soul is devoured by the Shinigami along with the target's, both souls trapped for all eternity within the fiend's stomach. It is also possible for the user to seal multiple targets through the use of shadow clones. The methods of sealing vary, Hiruzen needing to get close to his
targets in order to perform the sealing. while Minato was able to extend the Shinigami's hand to grab Kurama.In the two known cases where the Dead Demon Consuming Seal was used, Minato and his predecessor Hiruzen are unable to completely take their respective opponents' entire souls with them. In Minato's case, due to the immense chakra that
Kurama possessed would be too much for the Shinigami to consume, he instead has the entity devour Kurama's Yin chakra so the weakened Tailed Beast's composition would be purely Yang. In the scenario Hiruzen having the Shinigami only take a part of Orochimaru's soul within his arms, it reveals that the body parts dealt in such a manner suffer from
necrosis and paralysis, causing the target extreme pain that worsens over time. However, prior to entering a new host to undo the damag, Orochimaru sought Tsunade as her talent as a medical-nin could heal his arms. NameKanji ⼟遁影分⾝Rōmaji Doton Kage BunshinLiteral English Earth Release Shadow CloneAlternative Earth Style Shadow
CloneDataClassification Ninjusu, Clone TechniquesType Earth ReleaseClass SupplementaryParent jutsu Shadow Clone TechniqueThis technique creates a shadow clone made of mud of the user. Since its made of mud, it can continue to reform and mold itself back to its original shape. After reverting to mud, it can hold the opponent in place. NameKanji ⼟
遁‧⼼中斬⾸の術Rōmaji Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no JutsuLiteral English Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation TechniqueAlternative Earth Style: Groundhog Technique DecapitationEarth Style: Head-hunter JutsuDataClassification NinjutsuType Earth ReleaseRank D-rankClass SupplementaryRange Short-rangeThis technique conceals the user
underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. In addition, they can start another attack. NameKanji ⼟遁‧⼟⿓弾Rōmaji Doton: DoryūdanLiteral English Earth Release: Earth Dragon BulletAlternative Earth Style: Earth Dragon BombDataClassification NinjutsuType Earth ReleaseClass OffensiveRange
Long-rangeParent jutsu Earth Release: Earth Flow RiverWhen used with Earth Release: Earth Flow River, this technique can create a dragon-like head to fire balls of mud at an opponent. This can also be combined with a fire technique to shoot searing hot rock towards an opponent. NameKanji ⼟遁‧⼟流⼤河Rōmaji Doton: Doryū TaigaLiteral English Earth
Release: Earth Flow RiverAlternative Earth Style: Great Mud RiverDataClassification NinjutsuType Earth ReleaseClass OffensiveRange Short-rangeHand Seals TigerDerived jutsu Earth Release: Earth Dragon BulletAfter forming the needed hand seal, the user transforms the ground underneath their opponent into a river of mud that throws them off balance
and away from the user. The mud created by this technique can also be used as a medium for the Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet technique. NameKanji ⼟遁‧⼟流壁Rōmaji Doton: DoryūhekiLiteral English Earth Release: Earth-Style WallAlternative Earth Style: Mud WallDataClassification NinjutsuType Earth ReleaseRank B-rankClass DefensiveRange
Short-rangeHand Seals Tiger → Hare → Boar → DogDerived jutsu Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall of Ten Thousand RiEarth Release: Multiple Earth-Style WallThe user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defense. Chakra is either converted to earth within the, and then spat out to form the wall or the user can manipulate pre-existing earth to form the
wall. The earth then instantly rises up and takes form. The barrier itself is also coated with chakra, making its strength incomparable to that of a normal mud wall. Because of the earth's special characteristics, the wall is highly resistant against, for instance, fire and water. Also, for a Kage-class shinobi it is possible to create a vast volume of earth. When used
by Kakashi he creates a wall composed of bulldog sculptures. NameKanji ⽕遁‧⽕⿓弾Rōmaji Katon: KaryūdanLiteral English Fire Release: Fire Dragon BulletAlternative Fire Style: Fire Dragon BombDataClassification NinjutsuType Fire ReleaseClass OffensiveRange Short-rangeHand Seals TigerThe user exhales a flame breath from their mouth. This
technique is used in conjunction with Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet to ignite the projectiles fired by the latter technique, making it more devastating. NameKanji ⽕遁‧⽕⿓炎弾Rōmaji Katon: Karyū EndanLiteral English Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame BulletAlternative Fire Style: Dragon Flame BombDataClassification NinjutsuType Fire ReleaseRank
B-rankClass OffensiveRange Short to Mid-rangeHand Seals Ram → Horse → Snake → Dragon → Rat → Ox → TigerThe user kneads their chakra into flames, which are then manipulated into a genuine-looking dragon. Since the art of having the flames obey the user's will is outrageously difficult, its mastery is restricted to a limited number of skilful shinobi.
The flames are divided to launch a left side, right side, and frontal assault in all three directions at once, turning the enemy into ash in a matter of seconds. NameKanji ⽡⼿裏剣 Rōmaji Kawara ShurikenLiteral English Roof Tile ShurikenAlternative Ninja Art: Tile ShurikenDataClassification Ninjutsu, ShurikenjutsuClass OffensiveRange Short to Mid-rangeHand
Seals Tiger → Dragon → Rat → Horse → TigerThis technique allows the user to remotely control, levitate and hurl spinning tiles in the nearby area. In addition to being able to control the tiles remotely, the user can pressurize them with chakra to make them far stronger than normal. NameKanji 影分⾝の術Rōmaji Kage Bunshin no JutsuLiteral English
Shadow Clone TechniqueAlternative Art of the Shadow DoppelgängerShadow Clone JutsuArt of Shadow Body SplittingDataClassification Ninjutsu, Clone TechniquesRank B-rankClass SupplementaryHand Seals Clone sealDerived jutsuAll Directions ShurikenClone Body BlowClone Great ExplosionClone Spinning Heel DropClone Spinning ShurikenDance of
the Crescent MoonDouble Black PantherEarth Release Shadow CloneHarem TechniqueSexy: Boy on Boy TechniqueSexy: Girl on Girl TechniqueLightning Release Shadow CloneLightning TransmissionMultiple Shadow Clone TechniqueBig Ball Spiralling Serial Zone SpheresNaruto Uzumaki Two Thousand ComboUltra-Many Spiralling Serial
SpheresNaruto Uzumaki ComboReverse Mist BeheadingShuriken Shadow Clone TechniqueSuicide Bombing CloneUzumaki FormationSimilar to the Clone Technique, this technique creates clones of the user. However, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction
of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows, though even then it may not be enough, as evident when during the Fourth Shinobi World War a few more notable clones of Naruto took heavy hits but didn't disperse. The clones can also
disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the actual person even by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance. NameKanji ⼿裏剣影分⾝の術Rōmaji Shuriken Kage Bunshin no
JutsuLiteral English Shuriken Shadow Clone TechniqueAlternative Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone JutsuDataClassification Ninjutsu, Clone Techniques, ShurikenjutsuRank A-rankClass OffensiveRange Short to Mid-rangeHand Seals Ram → Rat → Bird → Boar → TigerParent jutsuShadow Clone TechniqueRelated jutsuAll Directions ShurikenThe user
creates a thousand shadow clones from one shuriken, striking down the enemy. This is a technique that combines ninja tools with ninjutsu. Compared to normal shadow clones, clones of material objects are said to be on a far higher level. There is no need for preparations beforehand, like stocking up on shuriken, yet since the shadow clones are real and
not illusions, all the shadow blades that fly around are equally lethal. Because the clones form in just an instant, completely evading them is next to impossible. NameKanji ⼝寄せの術 Rōmaji Kuchiyose no JutsuLiteral English Summoning TechniqueAlternative Shinobi ConjurationSummoning JutsuDataClassification Ninjutsu, Space-Time NinjutsuRank C-
rankClass Offensive, Defensive, SupplementaryHand Seals Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram The Summoning Technique is a space–time ninjutsu that allows the summoner to transport animals or people across long distances instantly. Before an animal summoning can be performed, a prospective summoner must first sign a contract with a given
species. The contract comes in the form of a scroll, on which the contractor uses their own blood to sign their name and place their fingerprints and once signed it is valid even after the contractor’s death as long as the contract itself remains intact. After this they need only offer an additional donation of blood on the hand they signed the contract with, mold
their chakra with hand seals and then plant the hand they signed the contract with at the location they wish to summon the creature. The amount of chakra used during the summoning determines how powerful the summoned creature can be.Monkey King: Enma (猿猴王‧猿魔, Enkōō: Enma) was the personal summon of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage.
He was a long-time companion to Hiruzen, implying that he is also rather old. NameKanji遠眼鏡の術Rōmaji Tōmegane no JutsuLiteral English Telescope TechniqueAlternative Crystal Ball JutsuDataClassification NinjutsuRank A-rankClass SupplementaryRange Long-range A technique that uses a crystal ball to track a particular individual anywhere they are.
There are a few restrictions about the person that is subjected to pursuit. The user must know that person's chakra pattern. If someone can be targeted for pursuit, they may be very far away, the crystal ball will be able to confirm their position. As this technique is infallible for intelligence purposes, the Third Hokage used it to maintain public order in the
village. NameKanji ⽕遁‧灰積焼 Rōmaji Katon: Haisekishō Literal English Fire Release: Ash Pile BurningAlternative Fire Style: Burning AshDataClassification NinjutsuType Fire ReleaseRank B-rankClass OffensiveRange Mid-range Hand Seals Snake → Rat → Snake → Tiger The user spews a stream of chakra infused gun-powder from their mouth, which
surrounds the region. As the gunpowder is composed entirely of ash, it stays in the air around the victim like a cloud, which can be used like a smokescreen. After surrounding the enemy with the ash, the user can ignite it with a flint placed on their teeth beforehand to create a spark, resulting in a violent explosion, burning the enemy. However, this technique
requires keen senses to read the air currents, the insight to read the movements of the enemy, the tactical experience to not also enfold one's allies in the flames, and careful attention for the timing of the ignition. NameKanji ⽕遁‧豪炎の術 Rōmaji Katon: Gōen no Jutsu Literal English Fire Release: Great Flame TechniqueAlternative Fire Style: Majestic
Flame Jutsu DataClassification NinjutsuType Fire ReleaseClass OffensiveRange All Ranges The user kneads chakra in their stomach and expels a large stream of flames from their mouth that progressively widens with range. The flames are hot enough to quickly evaporate large quantities of water within a relatively short amount of time. what is the hand
sign for shadow clone jutsu

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