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Multidevice Programming Lecture 1

 Why it is called muiti-device programming?

 This course introduces students to the tools & technologies used
for front end designing and development for a software product.
In particular, it focuses on technologies to design, develop, debug
and test front-end part of a software application. After the end of
the course the students are expected to learn the skills needed to
design and develop robust, responsive and easy to test user
interface (front-end)
 Front-end development
o Source:
What is a Front-End Developer?
The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you
see when you’re navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colors to
dropdown menus and sliders, is a combo of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being
controlled by your computer’s browser.
Front-end developers are responsible for a website’s user-facing code and the
architecture of its immersive user experiences. In order to execute those
objectives, front-end devs must be adept at three main languages: HTML, CSS,
and Javascript programming. In addition to fluency in these languages, front-end
devs need to be familiar with frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, Backbone,
AngularJS, and EmberJS, which ensure great-looking content no matter the
device, and libraries like jQuery and LESS, which package code into a more useful,
time-saving form. A lot of front-end developer job listings also call for experience
with Ajax, a widely used technique for using Javascript that lets pages dynamically
load by downloading server data in the background.
A front-end dev is responsible for the interior design of a house that’s been built
by a back-end dev.
Using these tools, front-end developers work closely with designers or user
experience analysts. Strong front-end developers can also accurately identify
specific issues in user experience and provide recommendations and codified
solutions to influence the design. It’s also important to be able to fluidly partner
with other teams across the business to understand specific goals, needs, and
opportunities, and then execute on those directives.

 Unit 1.Overview of web application, HTML Introduction, editors to write

HTML, Syntax, Basic HTML Tags, Fonts, Properties & Attributes, HTML
Tables, Forms, Lists, DIV, Hyperlink, HTML 5: Important highlights

What Is Markup Language?

Most of us have used a markup language at one time or another. Think about it,
have you written a short note or underlined a specific word for emphasis? Have
you ever written an entire word in capital letters or used italic letters to
emphasize a phrase? Have you used a highlighter in your textbook to isolate a
If you've done any of these, then you've used a markup language. In the context
of computerized communications, a markup language is considered a type of
communicative language used to separate, annotate, emphasize, or otherwise
distinguish text on a page from other displayed text.

 Visual studio code

o Download link:
o Basic usage tutorial:
 HTML: Hyper-text Markup Language

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