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Student Assessment Task Booklet

SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations

SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations

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Ashton College Pty Ltd Assessment Pack SITHKOP005
Current Version: 03:01/2020 RTO: 22234

SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations

Note: To be removed by the Assessor and returned to the student

Student Name:
Student ID No:

(Please Circle)
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1 Theory task S | NS

Assessment Task 2 Practical activity S | NS
Assessment Task 3 Practical activity S | NS
Final Assessment Result for this unit
C - Competent, NYC – Not yet Competent (Please Circle)

Assessor Feedback:
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback

Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

please cut here
Assessor Declaration: (to be filled out and given to the student when assessment is handed in)

SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations

Student Name:
Student ID No:

Student has submitted this assessment on ____/_____/_____

Trainer Signature: ____________________________

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Assessor use only

SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations

This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency.
All student submissions are to be attached to this summary sheet before placing on the students file.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Please attach the following documentation to this form (Please Circle)
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1 Theory task S | NS

Assessment Task 2 Practical activity S | NS

Assessment Task 3 Practical activity S | NS

Final Assessment Result for this unit

C - Competent, NYC – Not yet Competent (Please Circle)

Marking Criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each assessment task to be deemed
competent in this unit

Assessor Feedback:
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback

Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

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Assessment process overview

This Student Assessment Task Booklet is used to assess your performance against the requirements
of the following units of competency SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations. You must
satisfactorily complete the following assessment tasks to be deemed competent for this unit:

Assessment Task Assessment Outline

1. Theory task Provide written responses to a number of questions.

2. Practical activity Prepare food preparation plan and organise food supplies.

3. Practical activity Coordinate kitchen operations

Assessment requirements
You will be provided an assessment schedule by your trainer. This will indicate the dates
assessments will be undertaken e.g. for practical activities and/ or the dates for assessment
submissions e.g. for written work.

Prior to assessment your assessor will provide you information on how to prepare. Ensure you are
fully prepared for each assessment task. The resources required for each task are indicated in each

If you have identified special learning needs the assessment process and/ or materials may be
adjusted to address these requirements. If you feel there is an issue that will impact your
performance during an assessment task, it is important to bring this to the attention of your assessor
prior to attempting the task.

Read all assessment task information in full. Contact your assessor to clarify assessment
requirements if you are unsure about any aspect of the assessment process or task requirements.

Each assessment task includes a set of instructions that guide you on requirements. Information is
also provided on the assessment context (e.g. where it will be undertaken) and conditions (e.g.
closed book).

For performance to be deemed satisfactory in an assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all
the assessment criteria. You must satisfactorily complete each assessment task to be deemed
competent in this unit.

Submitting assessments
You will be informed the process for submitting any written work and what has to be submitted. This
information will be supplied with each task. You must submit all work by the due date. Failure to do
so may count as a submission attempt.

Complete the Student declaration section of the Assessment Cover Sheet that is supplied with each
assessment task. Submit this to the assessor along with your work. Retain a copy of all work
submitted for each assessment task.

Academic conduct

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Cheating, plagiarism and unauthorised collusion in any form during assessments will result in the
assessment submission being invalidated.

Assessment feedback
You will be provided feedback on performance on completion of the task. The feedback will be
provided in the Assessment Cover Sheet and will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed all the
assessment criteria and indicate the assessment result as S – Satisfactory or NS - Not satisfactory.
Assessors will discuss your performance in each task when providing feedback.

Assessment resubmissions
If you do not answer every question correctly, then your assessor will give you the opportunity to go
over the incorrect answers or ask you a similar multiple choice question.
If you still do not answer all questions correctly then your assessor will arrange for you to re sit the
entire assessment. Your trainer will provide guidance as to the areas of the learning materials that
you need to review.
You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be not
satisfactory (NS), your Trainer/Assessor will provide feedback and will arrange a date for your 2nd
attempt. If your 2nd attempt is not satisfactory (NS), or you fail to attend of date scheduled for the
2nd attempt, you will receive an overall Not yet competent result for this assessment task. Only one
re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task.
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.

Assessment appeals
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Tips for submitting written work

Assessment questions, report briefs and project instructions include words that guide you on the
expected level of response. The information below is a guide on the expected level and type of
response required by questions and instructions that include the highlighted words below.

Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

List Identify information in a list format. A short response is required e.g. a list of food
items required for a menu.

Identify Similar to list. A short response is required e.g. identify 3 types of cheese.

Outline A brief response of 1 or 2 sentences is required that includes a brief overview of the
main parts/ aspects of the question subject.

Summarise A brief response of 1 or 2 sentences is required that includes a brief overview of the
main parts/ aspects of the question subject.

Describe This requires a more comprehensive response than outline or summarise. When
describing something you provide more detailed information of the question

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subject. You may be often asked to describe processes or aspects/ features or
qualities of the question subject. Expected responses will be between 3 to 4
sentences in length.

Explain When explaining something you provide detailed information on the question
subject. You may be asked to explain reasons justifying why you would complete
processes in a certain order or why something happened. Expected responses will
be between 3 to 4 sentences in length.

Analyse When responding to questions asking you to analyse something, you should identify
key aspects or features of the subject. Expected responses will be between 3 to 4
sentences in length.

Quick summary of assessment process

1. Review task requirements to identify assessment criteria and task requirements.
2. Clarify anything you don’t understand with your assessor.
3. Ensure you are fully prepared to undertake the task.
4. Complete the Assessment Agreement. Provide this to your assessor prior to attempting
assessment task 1.
5. Complete the Assessment Task Cover Sheet and submit to you assessor at the
commencement of a task that is observed by your assessor or when submitting written work.
6. Undertake the task in accordance with task requirements.
7. Your assessor will provide written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet and discuss
this with you.
8. If required identify and confirm part of the task that must be resubmitted and confirm your
understanding of requirements with the assessor.
9. Complete the Student Declaration – Acceptance of assessment result section of the
Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the feedback provided in the Assessment Task
Cover Sheet.

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Current Version: 03:01/2020 RTO: 22234
Assessment Agreement
You are required to complete this agreement prior to attempting the assessment tasks in this
booklet. Prior to completing the agreement read through the assessment tasks in this booklet.
Clarify any requirements/ information with your assessor if required. Once you have read and
understand the assessment requirements complete the agreement below.

I have read all the assessment requirements for this unit  Yes  No

I understand the assessment process and requirements for each task  Yes  No

I agree to be assessed in the manner indicted in each task  Yes  No

I understand the Ashton College re-assessment process  Yes  No

I am aware of my right to access the Ashton College assessment appeals process  Yes  No

I understand the definitions of cheating, plagiarism and collusion as indicated in the Ashton College
Academic conduct policy and procedure during the assessment process.  Yes  No

I am aware of the requirement to comply with the Ashton College Academic conduct policy and
procedure during the assessment process.  Yes  No

I have specific learning needs that should be considered (if yes outline needs below) Yes No



Student name: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Student signature: _____________________________________________

Assessor name: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Assessor signature: ____________________________________________

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Assessment Task 1

Unit Code: SITHKOP005

Unit Title: Coordinate cooking operations

STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other person's work, except where due
acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such
collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_______

Student Name:

Student ID:

Trainer/Assessor Name:

Result Result
(Please Circle)
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed S | NS
Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:

Assessors signature: Date:

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Assessment Task 1 – Theory task – Written questions

In this task you are required to provide written responses to questions.

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment task. Students may refer to their notes during this task. This task is
to be completed at an agreed time and date. Submit the completed Assessment cover sheet and
question sheet to your assessor at the completion of this task.

Assessment criteria
For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete
each part of the task (provide an appropriate response to each question). If part of this task is not
satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate
satisfactory performance.

You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.

You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements
Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure
about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification. Consult with the
assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting
this task.

Required resources
Laptop with internet access


1. Identify 3 different formats and content for kitchen workflow schedules. Retain a copy of each
and submit with this completed question sheet.


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2. Identify 3 different formats and content for mis en place plans. Retain a copy of each and
submit with this completed question sheet.


3. Identify 3 different formats and content for food preparation lists. Retain a copy of each and
submit with this completed question sheet.


4. Assume you work in a kitchen in a residential care home for the elderly. Choose three of the
following food production methods. Outline two factors to consider during the food production
process for each method.

 bulk cooking
 cook chill for extended life
 cook chill for five day shelf life
 cook freeze
 fresh cook


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5. Assume you work in a social club kitchen. Identify two critical control points in the food
production process where food hazards must be controlled. For each critical control point
outline a method for controlling the hazard.


6. Choose three of the following types of food service styles that restaurants may provide. Outline
two factors to consider when preparing food for each style.

 à la carte
 buffet
 set menu
 table d’hôte
 bulk cooking operations
 functions and events
 festivals


7. Assume you are working in a cafeteria of a large corporate organisation. Outline two factors to
consider when calculating and ordering food supplies. Your response must address ordering
and receiving supplies.


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Assessment Task 2

Unit Code: SITHKOP005

Unit Title: Coordinate cooking operations

STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other person's work, except where due
acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such
collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_______

Student Name:

Student ID:

Trainer/Assessor Name:

Result Result
(Please Circle)
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed S | NS
Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:

Assessors signature: Date:

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Assessment Task 2 – Practical activity – Plan food production

In this task you are required to plan food production processes in accordance with customer and
organisational requirements. You will then calculate and order ingredient supplies. You will be
observed by the assessor when completing part of this task.

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment. Students may refer to their notes during this task.
Part A of this task is to be completed in the student’s own time and submitted by an agreed date.
Checking kitchen ingredient supplies for part B of this task is to be completed at the Ashton College
commercial kitchen at an agreed time with your assessor.
The assessor will observe your performance when checking kitchen ingredient supplies for part B
this task.
During this task the kitchen will have traffic of people, noise, other cooks undertaking tasks and
cooking workflows in operation.
The assessor is the kitchen supervisor.

Assessment criteria
For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete
each part of the task. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete
further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.

You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.

You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements
Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure
about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification. Consult with the
assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting
this task.

Required resources
 Commercial kitchen, equipment and resources for food preparation, cooking & storage
 Equipment manufacturer manuals
 A wide variety of ingredients that facilitate cooking for customers with special dietary
requirements including meat, fish, poultry, Vegetarian, Halal, Hindu and food intolerances/
 A selection of recipes to address special dietary requirements including: Vegetarian, Halal,
Hindu and food intolerances/ allergies
 Kitchen supervisor – The assessor is the kitchen supervisor
 Other members of the kitchen team (other students undertaking their own tasks)

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 Kitchen policies and procedures in relation to Organisational Health & Safety and Food
handling, preparation and storage, stock control and kitchen/ personal hygiene
 Guidelines relating to food disposal, storage and presentation requirements
 Documentation for ordering, monitoring and maintaining stock
 Customer order dockets
 Standard recipe card
 Standard recipes and recipes for special dietary requirements
 Stock ordering paperwork
 Food safety plan
 Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals

Task instructions (part A)

Assume you are working in a kitchen. You will be provided a food order by the assessor. You are
then to identify kitchen recipes and plan food production processes and resources to address food
order and organisational requirements. The order will be for four dishes. The dishes are to address
four of the following types of food service styles:

 à la carte
 buffet
 set menu
 table d’hôte
 bulk cooking operations
 functions and events
 festivals

When undertaking this task you are to complete the following activities in accordance with
organisational practices, policies and procedures.

Record the customer order and confirm requirements with the assessor.

Access the kitchen recipe book, identify and select the correct recipes to address requirements.
Prepare copies of the recipes for kitchen personnel.

Identify ingredients and amounts to prepare each dish. Prepare an ingredient list per dish.

Identify required equipment and preparation times for each dish.

Provide one suggestion on how the cooking method/s for each dish could be amended to improve:

 nutritional value
 quality e.g. taste, flavour, presentation or others
 structure of foods

Document each suggestion and submit to your assessor.

Develop a work flow schedule for each service style. Work flow schedules are to include:

 instructions for safe handling of food and PPE

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 mis en place requirements (addressing ingredients and equipment). List activities in the
order they are to be completed.

 activities to be completed when preparing ingredients

 activities to be completed when cooking each dish

 guidance for garnishing and presenting each dish

 timings for completion of each activity

 instructions for clearing up and storing unused ingredients

Task instructions (part B)

In this task you are required to calculate required food supplies, check existing stock and order
ingredient supplies for four of the following service styles:

 à la carte
 buffet
 set menu
 table d’hôte
 bulk cooking operations
 functions and events
 festivals

Assume that each dish will be ordered 25 times during the period.

Considering the above food orders and organisational requirements, you are to:

List ingredient requirements (combined for the four dishes)

Calculate the quantity of ingredients required for the period.

Prepare an ingredient checklist that can be used for identifying current stock levels. Check kitchen
stores for the existing quantities available of required stocks.

Identify the quantity of each ingredient to be ordered.

Prepare an order for additional stock that will ensure sufficient supplies of the raw ingredients
required for the dishes.

Submit the order to the supplier (your assessor) via email. Attach the order to the email. In the body
of the email text, inform the supplier of the purpose of the communication.

Part A – Suggested improvements to recipe/ food preparation, two kitchen workflow schedules and
an ingredient list per dish.
Part B – E-mail with ingredient supply order attached.

End of task

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Assessment Task 3

Unit Code: SITHKOP005

Unit Title: Coordinate cooking operations

STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other person's work, except where due
acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such
collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_______

Student Name:

Student ID:

Trainer/Assessor Name:

Result Result
(Please Circle)
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed S | NS
Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:

Assessors signature: Date:

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Assessment Task 3 – Practical activity – Coordinate cooking operations

In this task you are required to supervise kitchen operations for a total of 12 Service Periods. A
service period is defined as 2 hours in duration. You will be observed by the assessor when
completing this task.

Assessment conditions & context

This is an open book assessment. you may refer to your notes during this task.
This task is to be completed at Ashton College’s commercial kitchen at an agreed time with your
The task is to be completed in approximately 120 minutes each time. This is to be done a total of 12
times across multiple days in the commercial kitchen
The assessor will observe your performance during this task

During this task the kitchen will have traffic of people, noise, other cooks undertaking tasks and
cooking workflows in operations

A service period is defined as 2 hours in duration. This task is to be completed 12 times.

Assessment criteria
For performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactory complete
each part of the task. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete
further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.

You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed each part of the task requirements.

If any part of this task is not satisfactorily addressed your assessor will explain why and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be arranged at a later time and date.

You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

Confirming requirements
Assessors will confirm requirements of this task with you prior to commencement. If you are unsure
about any aspect of the requirements, ask your assessor to provide clarification. Consult with the
assessor if you have any learning issues/ needs that may impact your performance when attempting
this task.

Required resources
 Commercial kitchen, equipment and resources for food preparation, cooking & storage
 Equipment manufacturer manuals
 A wide variety of ingredients that facilitate cooking for customers with special dietary
requirements including: meat, fish poultry, vegetarian, Halal, Hindu and food intolerances/
 A selection of recipes to address special dietary requirements including: Vegetarian, Halal,
Hindu and food intolerances/ allergies

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 Other members of the kitchen team (other students undertaking their own tasks)
 Kitchen policies and procedures in relation to Organisational Health & Safety and Food
handling, preparation and storage, stock control and kitchen/ personal hygiene
 Guidelines relating to food disposal, storage and presentation requirements
 Documentation for ordering, monitoring and maintaining stock
 Customer order dockets
 Standard recipe card
 Mise en place lists, menus, standard recipes, and recipes for special dietary requirements
 Stock ordering paperwork
 Food safety plan
 Safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals

Task instructions
 In this task you are to supervise kitchen operations for a total of 12 complete service
periods. This will involve monitoring and reporting on the quality of kitchen outputs.
 This practical activity will be delivered across 1 term in the commercial kitchen, you will take
part in a total of 12 service periods. A maximum of 3 service periods can be completed in
one day.
 Your assessor will inform you of your role as a Supervisor and/or other duties prior to the
start of these Practical activities in the Commercial Kitchen. You will be observed by the
assessor when completing the Service Periods as a kitchen Supervisor.
 When undertaking this task, you are to complete the following in accordance with kitchen
practices, policies and procedures.

Smoked salmon and avocado stack with horseradish cream

Ingredients (4 serving)
 Vegetable oil, to shallow-
Ingredients (4 serving)
 Vegetable oil, to shallow-fry
 12 small pappadums
 1/2 cup (125g) Tamar Valley Greek Style Yoghurt
 1 tablespoon lemon juice
 2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic chives
 1/4 cup finely chopped round mint
 12 slices smoked salmon
 2 Lebanese cucumbers, ends trimmed, sliced into ribbons
 1 ripe avocado, halved, stoned, peeled, thinly sliced lengthways
 1 cup mixed snow pea sprouts  1/2 cup round mint leaves

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1) Heat enough oil in a small frying pan over high heat to reach 1cm. Add pappadums, one at a time,
and cook, turning, for 1-2 minutes or until puffed and golden. Transfer to a plate lined with paper
2) Place the yoghurt, lemon juice, chives and chopped mint in a small bowl. Taste and season with
salt and pepper.
3) Place a pappadum on each serving plate. Top with a slice of smoked salmon. Arrange cucumber,
avocado, snow pea sprouts and mint on the salmon and drizzle with dressing. Continue layering with
remaining pappadums, salmon, cucumber, avocado, snow pea sprouts, mint and dressing. Serve

Greek salad, homemade vinegarette

Ingredients (4 servings)
 1 egg tomatoes, halved, each half cut into 4 wedges
 1/2 Lebanese cucumbers, halved lengthways, thinly sliced
 1/2 red capsicum, halved, deseeded, thinly sliced
 1/2 green capsicum, halved, deseeded, thinly sliced
 1/2 red onion, quartered, each quarter cut into thin wedges
 80g kalamata olives
 100g Greek feta, cubed

Red wine vinegar dressing

 20ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil
 1/2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
 Salt & freshly ground black pepper
Method 1) To make the dressing, place the oil, vinegar and oregano in a small bowl, and stir to
combine. Taste and season with salt and pepper
2) Combine the tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums, onion, olives and feta in a large bowl.
Drizzle with the dressing and gently toss until combined.

Crumbed calamari, fresh garden salad & homemade tartare

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Ingredients (4 servings)
 1 1/2 cups (150g) dry breadcrumbs
 Finely grated zest of 2 lemons, plus juice of 1/2 lemon
 1 cup (150g) plain flour  3 eggs, lightly beaten
 400g cleaned squidtubes, sliced into 1cm rings
 1 cup (300g) whole egg mayonnaise
 1 small garlic clove, crushed
 4 cornichons, chopped

Prepare to monitor kitchen operations

Liaise with the assessor to identify tasks to be completed by students during the service period.
Review shift food preparation and organisational requirements prior to shift commencement.
Confirm your understanding of requirements with the assessor prior to the commencement of the
shift. Ask questions to clarify information where required.

Meet with the kitchen staff team and discuss the following:

 Food handling and kitchen safety

 Advice students on dishes to be produced
 Inform students on food production sequences
 Allocate tasks to be performed
 Advise of deadlines for food production
 Providing instruction to students on how to comply with food handling and other kitchen
safety procedures.
 Invite questions.
 Seek input/ feedback from kitchen staff and discuss process improvements and changes to
food production and service requirements.
 Listen closely to questions/ feedback and provide an appropriate response.
 Seek approval from the assessor on any suggested amendments

Monitor kitchen operations during the service period and:

Provide feedback on progress and completing processes in accordance with deadlines.

Provide feedback on safe food handling and kitchen safety

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Identify hazards and associated risks (where required). Intervene to reduce/ remove hazards within
your scope of responsibility or report hazards out with the scope of your responsibility to the

Report any equipment or utensil maintenance issues out with the scope of your role to the assessor
(if required)

Ensure clean and organised workspaces are being maintained. Provide feedback on
compliance with kitchen requirements.

Review ingredients prepared to ensure compliance with recipe. Provide feedback on compliance.

Review the equipment and ingredient preparation at each work station. Provide feedback on
compliance with recipe and kitchen requirements.

Provide feedback on storage of ingredients during the preparation process.

Provide feedback on correct use of equipment and utensils.

Review cooking processes and recommend possible actions to achieve optimum nutritional values
and quality of finished dishes.

Provide instruction to achieve kitchen effeiciency/ smooth workflows and avoid blockages to
workflows e.g. are tasks being completed in logical order, how to work together, avoiding actions
that negatively impact others, usage and storage of equipment and ingredients.

Review wastage and disposal of waste and provide feedback on compliance with kitchen
requirements. e.g. peeling/ trimming ingredients, returning unused ingredients to containers,
disposal of waste in appropriate location.

Inspect and taste finished dishes and provide feedback on compliance with recipe. Recommend
possible amendments where required. e.g. in accordance with recipe, balance of flavours, texture,
consistency, moisture content, mouth feel, temperature and eating properties.

Review presentation of finished dishes and provide feedback on compliance with recipe and
organisational requirements. Recommend possible amendments where required. e.g. visually
appealing, portions sizes, spills, drips, colour/ contrasts, service dish, use of decorations, garnishes
and sauces.

Review use of storage containers and storage of ingredients and finished dishes. Recommend
possible improvements where required. e.g. use of containers, returning to correct location,
avoiding, cross contamination

Review cleaning and storage of work stations and equipment utensils. e.g. identifying mirror issues,
clean benchtops, correct use of cleaning agents, storage locations, cleanliness of utensils and

Inform the assessor on instances where the quality of finished products is not in accordance with
recipe and kitchen requirements.

Ashton College Pty Ltd Assessment Pack SITHKOP005
Current Version: 03:01/2020 RTO: 22234
End of task

Ashton College Pty Ltd Assessment Pack SITHKOP005
Current Version: 03:01/2020 RTO: 22234

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