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& JANKIDEVT UBLIC Si Now Binatone ia Leering SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION BIOLOGY — SCIENCE PAPER 3 STD: X DATE: 28.01.2022 TIME: 1Hr 30mins. MARKS: 40 ‘Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any three questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ J. This paper consists of three printed pages. Nothing should be written on this question paper. SECTION A (Attempt all questions.) Question 1 ‘Name the following by choosing the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question. Write the correct answer only.) [10] (The uid that transports fatty (a) Perilymph (b)Endolymph (©) Lymph (@) Cerebrospinal fluid and glycerol: (ii) Hyper secretion of ACTH causes: (a) Gigantism (b) Addison’s Disease (c) Acromegaly (@_Cretinism (iii) The structure wi (a) Corpus luteum (b) Diencephalon (©) Corpus callosum (Pons joins the two cerebral hemispheres in humans (iv) Glomerular filtrate is received by: (a) PCT (>) Bowman's capsule (©) Henle’s loop (® DCT (vy) Which of the following is not the function of cerebrum? (a) Seat for thinking and memory (b) Reflex centre for muscular act (©) Responds to heat and pain (a) Controls emotions and speech Cont'd on page 2. (vi) The artery that supplies blood to all parts of the body is called (a) Dorsal aorta (b) Pulmonary Arch (©) Ventral aorta (d) Systemic Arch (vii) The hormone which regulates the basal metabolism of the body is: (a) Prolactin (b) Antidjuretic hormone (©) Growth hormone (@) Thyroxine (viii) The thin membrane covering the entire front part of the eye (a) Sclera (b) Conjunetiva (c) Comea (@) Eyelids (ix) Deficiency of Insulin leads to: (@) Diabetes insipidus (b) Diabetes mellitus (c) Decreases glucose level (@)_ Excess formation of urine (%) The thin membrane present at the end of the auditory canal is: (a) Tympanum (©) Pinna (©) Membranous labyrinth (@) Malleus SECTION B (Attempt any three questions from this Section.) Question 2 (What are the characteristics of the image formed on the retina of the eye? 2 Gi) a) What is osmoregulation? Ry ') Explain the steps involved in urine formation, (iii) Given besides is the diagram of the cross section of human eye. ) Label the parts shown 1 and 7. ') State the location of Fovea centralis. ©) Explain the cause of hyperopia and the position of the image formed. (iv) What are the causes and symptoms of Exophthalmic Goitre? is Mister the causes »phthalmic Goitre? Which organ is linked to the G3] Cont'd on page 3... Question 3 (0) Explain the term pulse, Name the blood vessel which begins and ends in capillaries. 2] Gi) "What is the speciality of pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein? 2] (i) State the function of cerebellum. Why does injury to the medulla oblongata result in death? [3] (Ww) Which endocrine gland is present above the k idney? Which part of the nephron has the highest amount of urea? What is glycosuria? BI Question 4 (© What isan antibody? What isthe antibody present in blood group AB? R) (®) What constitutes the malphigian body? Why does blood flows with igh hydrostatic 2] pressure into the nephron? AG) Give the exact location of Thyroid gland. State two hormones secreted by this gland, By (Whats reflex arc? Identify the type of reflex in ease of B] 2) Applying brakes of a cycle b) Sneezing (i) How are cytons and axon (ii) Given besides is a dia, answer the following: 's arranged in the spinal cord? QI) ‘gram of the human ear. Observe and (5) a) Name the parts labelled B and C. b) Name the audio receptors present in the part labelled A. ©) Identify the diagram. 4) Name the fluid present in B. (iti) What are the different types of corticoids? How is Addison’s disease caused? 13] List any two symptoms of this disease. Question 6 () ‘State the location ofthe brain. In what ways is the brain protected? Q (i) "State the function of the following: Q) (@) Henle’s loop (0) Ureter (il) Draw a neat diagram of the excretory system and label four pats, State the function of the malphigian body in a nephron, (i) State the location ofthe Pituitary gland, State two hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and their functions. BI BI

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