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Question 2: Use the name “plague thrips” to search the Nucleotide database

a) The specific name of the plague thrips is Thrips imaginis

b) Nucleotide sequences are recorded: 13

c) Which genes or genomes of the plague thrips have been sequenced?

• For genome: - Thrips imaginis mitochondrion, complete genome

• For gene:

- Thrips imaginis isolate Ti-104 cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene , partial cds;

- Thrips imaginis isolate Ti1 elongation factor 1 alpha (EF1a) gene, exons 1, 2 and partial cds

- Thrips imaginis genes for 5.8S rRNA, ITS2, 28S rRNA, partial and complete sequence,
specimen_voucher: NCHU:Qua125-1

- Thrips imaginis genes for 5.8S rRNA, ITS2, 28S rRNA, partial and complete sequence,
specimen_voucher: NCHU:Qua58-1

- Thrips imaginis genes for 5.8S rRNA, ITS2, 28S rRNA, partial and complete sequence,
specimen_voucher: NCHU:Qua58-2

- Thrips imaginis isolate 1F cytochrome b gene, partial cds; mitochondrial

- Thrips imaginis voucher TH43 28S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence

- Thrips imaginis voucher TH43 18S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence

- Thrips imaginis voucher TH43 histone 3 (H3) gene, partial cds

- Thrips imaginis genes for 5.8S rRNA, ITS2, 28S rRNA, partial and complete sequence,
specimen_voucher: NCHU:Aus-0

- Thrips imaginis genes for 5.8S rRNA, ITS2, 28S rRNA, partial and complete sequence,
specimen_voucher: NCHU:Qua58-3

- Thrips imaginis genes for 5.8S rRNA, ITS2, 28S rRNA, partial and complete sequence,
specimen_voucher: NCHU:Qua71
d) Provide information of the most recent publication that reported the mitochondrial genome of
the plague thrips including the authors, year and title of the publication, title of the journal, volume and
page numbers.

• Name: Thrips imaginis mitochondrion, complete genome.

• Accession number: AF335993 version: AF335993.2

• Author: Shao,R. and Barker,S.C.

• Year: 2003

• Title of the publication: The highly rearranged mitochondrial genome of the plague thrips,Thrips
imaginis (Insecta: Thysanoptera): convergence of two novel gene boundaries and an extraordinary
arrangement of rRNA genes

• Title of the journal: Molecular Biology and Evolution

• Volume: 20, Issue 3

• Page number: 362-370

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