Assig Nmen T5: International University Bioinformatics

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Group’s member: Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Yến - BTBTIU18355
Đỗ Thụy Hồng Nhung - BTBTIU18185
Hoàng Nguyễn Minh Châu - BTBTIU18374
Nguyễn Huỳnh Thùy Trang - BTBTIU16139
Course: Bioinformatics
Lecturer : Dr. Nguyen Minh Thanh

Question 1: Report frequency (%) of the following amino acids:  
a. Ala of Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee) & Macropus robustus (Kangaroo)  
_ Ala of Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee): 8.20 % 
_ Ala of Macropus robustus (Kangaroo): 8.23% 
b. Met of Homo sapiens (Human) & Mus musculus (Mouse) 
_ Met of Homo sapiens (Human): 1.41% 
_ Met of Mus musculus (Mouse): 1.01 % 
c. Gly of Gorilla gorilla (Gorilla): 9.22% 

Questions 2: Based on the pairwise distances for amino acids, report:

a. Which species is the closest relative of human?

b. Which species is the most distant relative of human?

Most Distant


a. Which species is the closest relative of human?

According to the p-distance, the p-distance between chimpanzee and human is the
smallest (0.0203). Hence, the closest relative of human here is chimpanzee.

b. Which species is the most distant relative of human?

Observing the p-distance between crodile and human which is the largest p-distance
compared with p-distance of human and other species. This indicates the crodile and
human have the most distant relation.

Question 3: Which groups in the NJ tree have Bootstrap support value >50%?

 Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee), Homo sapiens (Human): 94%

 Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee), Homo sapiens (Human), Gorilla gorilla

(Gorilla): 100%
 Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee), Homo sapiens (Human), Gorilla gorilla
(Gorilla), Papio hamadryas (Baboon): 100%
 Hyla japonica (Frog), Crocodylus johnsoni (Crocodile): 58%
 Hyla japonica (Frog), Crocodylus johnsoni (Crocodile), Pomacanthus
imperator (Angelfish): 85%

Questions 4: Compare the NJ and ML trees:

a. Do two trees have the same topology?
No, they do not have the same topology
b. Report the sum of branch length for each tree.
Neighbor-Joining Tree: 1.21778294
Maximum-likelihood tree: 1.74743661
c. Identify two groups that are well supported in all of two trees.
1. Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee), Homo sapiens (Human), Gorilla gorilla (Gorilla)
2. Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee), Homo sapiens (Human), Gorilla gorilla (Gorilla),
Papio hamadryas (Baboon).

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