General Intercessions OGCC Mass 27 May 2022

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1. May God’s Word bring light to our nation and guidance to those who hold
office and exercise authority, especially our Government Corporate
Counsel, Elpidio J. Vega, and all OGCC employees that we may always be
filled with the spirit of justice and truth; of wisdom and compassion; and
mindfulness of our responsibility to promote the welfare of those we serve.
Let us pray to the Lord.

2. We pray for the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel as it

continues to be the premier law office of all government corporations.
Make us able counsels to all of our clients, worthy officers of the courts
and loyal servants of your justice. Let us pray to the Lord.

3. Bless our retirees, GCC Vega, AGCC Derayunan, AGCC Reyes, AGCC
Capili, AGCC Isidoro, and all the other OGCC retirees with vigorous
body, mind and spirit. Reward their years of faithfulness, love and service
for OGCC with happiness and contentment in their retirement life with
their families, friends, and loved ones. Let us pray to the Lord.

4. To our OGCC employees who will be temporarily leaving us, may Your
presence be always with them as they choose new paths and new
horizons. Open new doors of service that will satisfy their desire to give
and that will make a lasting difference in our world. May they find many
receptive hearts and minds for the wisdom they have to offer and many
recipients to receive their love and care. Let us pray to the Lord.

5. We earnestly pray for the immediate signing of the OGCC Bill by

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte into law to enable the office to more
efficiently and effectively perform its mandate of providing legal services
and better address the expanding needs of its clients. Let us pray to the Lord.

6. We also pray for our client government corporations and their officials and
employees, who are our partners in nation-building. May they continue to
find resilience as they deliver essential services to the Filipino people
during these challenging times. Let us pray to the Lord.

7. Bless all those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and other calamaties
especially the OGCC employees and their families. May they find refuge
and strength, and receive the comfort and protection of God’s love in their
distress. Let us pray to the Lord.

8. For the elderly, the lonely, and the sick, that they and their families may
find strength, healing, and hope in Jesus who suffered for us all. To all our
brothers and sisters who have departed from this life, especially our loved
ones, may they find eternal rest and enjoy everlasting peace in God’s
loving arms. May those who mourn be blessed with the comfort of God’s
love that they may face each new day with hope and purpose. Let us pray
to the Lord.

9. Let us pray for the urgent concerns of our agency and our personal
intentions (a moment of silent prayer). Let us pray to the Lord.

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