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Which of the following is NOT a feature of sustainable agriculture? (A) Social equity (B) Political equity (©) Economic viability (D) Ecological soundness Monoculture agriculture is characterized by 1. slash and burn Il, agrochemical usage II. large-scale production (A) Land only (B) Land Ill only (© Mand ti only (D) 1, Mand 1 ‘One negative effect of using organic fertilizers is (A) an increase in the number of soil micro-organisms (B) the unavailability of some nutrients to the plants (©) they do not leach out quickly from the soil (D)__theyare less likely to contribute to water pollution Which of the following is NOT associated with organic farming? (A) Crop rotation (B) Soil salinization (©) High-yield polyculture (D) Biological pest control ‘The gene for herbicide resistance can be applied to a wide range of crops. A benefit of adding this gene to crops in a chemical ‘weed control programme is that (A) __alltypes of weeds can be destroyed (B) more weedicides have to be applied (C)__ only specific targeted weeds will be destroyed (D) weeds with the specific gene will not survive Which of the following practices causes soil erosion? (A) Terracing (B) Crop rotation (©) Monocutture (PD) Contour ploughing Planting the same crop year after year may result in (A) improved crop yield (B) decreased soil erosion (©) the retention of essential nutrients in the soil (D) _ increased damage to crops by insects and diseases Which of the following statements does NOT reflect an advantage of aquaculture? (A) _ It is a reliable source of fish for consumption. (8) Thereisa reduction in the demand for fish from natural sources. (©) Itinvolves the introduction of exotic species into a new environment. (D) There is a decrease in the effort to catch fish, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (02220010/MJ/CAPE 2020 we 3s 9 Which f 7 form of soil degradati caused by capillary acieny no” MAY % 10. Which of the following are features of intensive aquaculture? (A) Salinization ©) Acidifeation 1. High fish densities ©) Watclogsing Il. Food supply from natural sources (O)), Soilcamasare Ill. High water demand (A) Land I only (B) Land Il only (©) Wand tt only (D) 1 Wand It ems 11-12 refer to the following diagram which shows a commercial farm. 11. The structure labelled A represents (A) adigester (B) —_ aninsulator (C) — arespirator (©) anincubator 12. River Y will MOST likely show high levels of (A) toxins (B) nitrates (C) sulphates (D) carbonates (0222001 0/MS/CAPE 2020 wi aa ae following isMOST likely the . a of genetic di ina food rap sot eet iversiy 4 Decreased kernel size aes Potential yield Increased dependence on chemical fertilizers (D) Increased Susceptibility to plant diseases. ‘item 14 refers to the following graph which shows the average price of tomatoes in Trinidad and Tobago. JEFMAMITASOND ‘Months of the year 14, ‘The MOST likely reason for the increase in the price of tomatoes during the rainy season is that (A) farmers lose their crops due to flooding (B) more tomatoes are produced in the rainy season (C) less farming is done in the rainy season (D) the culture of the country is to produce less 02220010/M3/CAPE 2020 Fertilizer kg/ hg. 15. 16. 17. Item 1S referstothe following graph which shows fertiliser use and yield for several countries. 250 18 200 we ue 150 ns Ws 100 2 i So 50 3 Key G - Fertilizer} G-Viela Which region has the MOST efficient fertiliser to yield ratio? (A) Asia (B) Europe (©) North America (D) Former Soviet Union Pumping water from the turbines of an electricity generation plant into natural waterways is referred to as (A) vaporization (B) water enrichment (© thermal poltution (D) water contamination ‘An environmental hazard associated with the use of nuclear energy is the production of (A) toxic waste (B) greenhouse gases (©) particulate matter (D) ozone depleting substances GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 19, 20. 21. A photovoltaic cell converts light directly to ight energy 22. (A) heat energy (B) kinetic energy (© potential energy (D) electrical energy Which of the following illustrates the term “potential energy’? 23. (A) Abody in motion (B) A fluorescent bulb (©) Awindmill in motion (D) A body due to its position Which of the following are limiting factors in the supply of energy within a Caribbean country? 1. Topography of communities Il. Availability of fossil fuels IIL. Time of the year (A) Land Ilonly (B) Land IIT only (©) Wand If only ©) [land ill Cogeneration and combined cycles are methods of improving energy (A) efficiency ze) (B) utilization (C) conversion (D) consumption 02220010/MJ/CAPE 2020 person: ji ffer “The persons that are MOST likely to su negative health effects due tothe generation of electricity are those livng (A) nearawi id farm (B) _neara biogas powered plant (C) downwind from a coal-fired power plant : (D) downstream from a hydroelectric plant ‘What energy conversion occurs when the brakes are applied and cause a car to stop? (A) Potential > kinetic (B) Electrical + kinetic (© Kinetic —> potential (D) Kinetic —> chemical Item 24 refers to the following diagram which shows an electricity generator. Electricity ‘Waste heat produced used for anaes temperature ‘The diagram BEST describes (A) abattery (B) cogeneration (©) conservation (D) _acombined cycle GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. ¥ Item 25 refers to the followi ene ‘ng graph which shows the change in oil production and demand over ae ction Demand Demand A B c D ‘Time (years) 25. At what point is the price of oil likely to be HIGHEST? (Ay A ®) B (aac @) D 26. ‘An incandescent light bulb used for lighting has an efficiency rating of 5 per cent. For every 1.00 unit of electrical energy consumed by this bulb, how many units of light energy are produced? (A) 0.05 ®) 0.50 © = 1.00 (D) 1.05 (0222001 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 27, Item 27 refers to the following figure which shows, ita energy: ion i rs percapita ‘consumption in four devel and developing countries in a certain year. oY % ee Hm ta (°c ‘Country Which of the following countries are MOST likely to be P, Q, Rand S respectively? United States United States India (@) | United States tem_28 refers to the following table which shows the generation cost for electricity produced from natural gas. 15 25 30 20 40 28. Which of the following BEST explains why Trinidad has the lowest generation cost? ; (A) Technology is available. (B) The economy is booming. (©) Assource of energy is readily available. (D) Electricity generation is subsidized. 02220010/MJ/CAPE 2020 = trend shown in the graph is thet as esac too wel dxreere ®) ‘energy will be used more than fossil fuels (©) __ renewable energy will be used more than fossil fuels Dae for renewable energy will continue to increase (02220010/MI/CAPE 2020 31. 32. Photochemical smog is formed when (A) ozone reacts with peroxyacy| nitrates (B) nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides are exposed to sunlight (C) nitrogen oxides react with volatile organic compounds at (D) nitrogen oxides react with volatile organic compounds in 0222001 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 Which country is MOST likely to produce long-lived hazardous wastes? (eo ® © WW © Ww The treaty negotiated in 1982 to establish a comprehensive set of rules called (A) MARPOL, (B) _Lawof the sea (C) Montreal protocol (@) Cartagena convention 33. 34, 35. 36. Ts Which of the followi ing metals is NOT con i sidered to be a toxic pollutant? ae (A) Lead (8) Mercury (C) Cadmium (D) Potassium ‘A mutagenic pollutant is one which (A) causes cancer 38. (B) causes embryo malformation (©) causes chromosome alteration (D) interferes with physiological processes ‘The persistence of a pollutant is related to its ability to (A) _ move through soil (B) _ be removed from soil (©) _ break down and remain in soil (D) remain in the soil without breaking down ee Which of the following statements represent disadvantages of incineration? 1. Itis very costly Il. Itrequires large land space II. It requires fossil fuels to combust the waste (A) Land Ionly (B) Land Ill only (©) Mand IIT only (D) 1, Wand Itt An abandoned field was polluted by the dumping of hazardous waste material. The BEST ecologically friendly way toclean up this site is (A) incineration (B) pump and treat (C) bioremediation (D) dump ina landfill Which of the following statements concerning non-point sources of pollution is TRUE? (A) The pollutants are discharged at specific locations. (B) The pollutants are not mobile and remain at the point of discharge. (©) The pollutants cannot be traced to any single site of discharge. (D) The pollutants are easier to control ‘when compared to point sources. Which of the following are sustainable methods of recycling? 1. The conversion of plastic beverage containers into polyethene sheets Il. The use of empty plastic beverage containers for growing crops IIL. Thecombustion of plastic beverage containers to produce fuel (A) Land Ionly (B) Land Il only (©) Mand Ill only (D) Land it GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE = tem 40 refers to the following experiment which was; investigate conducted to in the effect of traffic density on the level of soot (carbon particles) in the air. Four locations were chosen; three of them were close to three different roadways, and one i ps gent airs Sea esos ethos peck Tae Soe=ibe ‘The soot in the air was collected by drawing 5 m? of air through a filter at each location. It was assumed that the dark colour on the filter was due to the soot in the air. One of the locations was used as a control. The state of each filter after the experiment is shown in the diagrams, I, II, III and IV respectively. @@00 49, The conclusion that can be drawn from the experiment is that the level of soot (A) increases as traffic density decreases {B) _ increases as traffic density increases (©) decreases as the traffic density increases (D) _hasno relationship with the traffic density GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02220010/MJ/CAPE 2020 Re a Which of the followii i h lowing tests is MOST suitable for assessing the water quality of abody of water used mainly forrecreation? (A) Faecal coliform {B) Total suspended solids (©) __ Dissolved oxygen content (D) Biological oxygen demand Jtem_42 refers to the following graph which ‘showsthe changes in density ofapopulation of algae and pond fish. The pond water is supplied by a community river. ERS 23 Te Density of algae population hundred/ker) Which of the following statements BEST describes the variations of the algae population? (A) __ Increases sharply after the fish population decreases below 200/km* (B) Decreases from 400 to 0 per square kilometre (©) _ Decreases significantly while the fish population decreases (D) Decreases significantly as the density of the fish increases above 100 km? (02220010/MJ/CAPE 2020 PMB Fs. (© CFI, +hv— CF, Which of the following pairs of equations represents the destruction of ozone? (A) CF,Cl, (g) + hy > CF,C1(g) + Cl. @) Cl. (g) +0, (@) = C10, + @ (B) CF,Cl, (g) > CF,Cl(g) + Cl.) C1.@) +0, (¢) > C10, +0, 97 ch @) ". CL @) £0, @ + ClO, (D) CF,Cl, +0, CFCI(e) Cl.(g) +0, + ClO(g) + 0, (8) Item 44 refers to the following graph wi shows the concentration of methane in the atmosphere for the period 1850-2100. 18: 47. 16 15: 14: 13; 12: Ad 1.0: 09. os: 07. 06. 1800 1900 20002100 per million Parts Whatisthe approximate percentageincrease in methane levels from 1850 to 2000? (A) 0.78% @) 18% © 78% (D) 780% GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘Temperature change°C a +05 SESSSSESESH Year 45. Whatis the approximate difference in temperature between the years 1000 and 2000? (A) 01°C (B) 06°C © 10°C (D) 60°C END OF TEST ve ‘ IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS ‘TEST. 0222001 0/MJ/CAPE 2020

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