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(EASDIDTESELEASEROUT Saute anders tisk | res coe 02220010 sear anser she, Flre todos me slit FORM TP 2014180/*' MAYUUNE 2014 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE UNIT 2 - Paper 01 1 hour 30 minutes 27 MAY 2014 (p .) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. ‘This test consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer ther. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this test. Each item in this test has four suggested answers letered (A), (B), (C),(D). Read each iter you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item Suspended particles in water cause Sample Answer (A) acidicy ®OE (B) alkalinity ©® o@ © salinity (©) wbidity The best answer to this item is “wrbidity”, so answer space (D) has been shaded. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely and fill in your new choice, ‘When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can, If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. ‘You may return to this item later: Your score will be the total number of correct answers You may use silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2012 Caribbean Examinations Conne "A. WhihofetotowingtasheGREATEST ¢ on | ) chiy ©) fis ei apy sam 2. Monoculture agriculture is characterized 7. ee. 1 genie ee 1 watt tony ‘ (B) Land 1 only - IOV i,t and it only tinea ‘2. "The we of inorstie fertile enues tnt pe ae BD suis ached ont ofthe i by rain (©) awesome acing ond og ting | (dnp eae sng ©) hwevanbicconpenas mg ns 4 Sere e flovng suite me Ocoee ® Tae (© Crnoattion sige & seen o In answering items 4-5, each option may ‘be used once, more than once oF not at all 4 Which practice is specifically designed for se on very steep Ina?) 5. Whichpractiseinvciesthe LEASTamoun oF cominuous human labour? 3 cb A DISADVANTAGE of adding organic ferilizers to soils is that the A) B®. rations are velsed loy -) leaching of nutrients i reduced (D) —_waterholding capacity increases soil structure is improved Sewage sludge would be unfit for use as fertilizer iti is contaminated with (PF heavy metals B) nitrates (©) orgenic compounds (D) phosphates ‘The gene for herbicide resistance can be applied to.a wide range of erops, A benefit ‘of adding this gene to erops in a chemical ‘Weed control programme is that (A) _alltypes of weeds will be destroyed (B) more weedicides have tobe applied 4Qy, only specific targeted weeds will be destroyed ©) weeds with the specific gene will not survive Apig farmer collects spoiled tomatoes and uses them to feed his pigs, This sustainable ‘agricultural practice is known as (A) conservation tillage (B) contour farming (©) crop rotation AD}y postharvest management Which ofthe followingisNOTanadvamtage of aquaculture? (A) Iisa reliable source of fish for ‘consumption, (B) There isa reduction in the demand for fish from natural sourees. A@y involves theintroduetion of exotic species into @ new environment. (D) There is a decrease in the effor to catch fish, sem 11 refers to the following table which shows the contributions to GDP by the Agriculture Sector of several Caribbean countries. ‘Agriculture Country ise) Anguilla 4 Barbados 6 Dominica 18 ‘Grenada 5 Hath 25 Jamaica 5 ‘Trinidad’ end Tobago t In which country does agriculture make the greatest contribution to GDP? By Haiti (8) Anguilla (©) Dominica (D) Trinidad and Tobago 12 refers to the following graph which shows pesticide use and fish kills for the period 1970-2010. Lem 2 =e iz gee bik 1970 1980 1990 200 =—«2010 Time (years) ‘The relationship between the use of pesticides and fish kills over 1970-2010 is (A) not correlated (B) significantly different (er directly proportional (D) inversely proportional oa Item 13 refers to the following table whieh shows some eharacteristis of rwo farms. ‘Characteristic | FarmA | Farm B Sizeofland _[80ha [2h ‘Size of labour force __| 40 People 3 people Marketing Export__| Central market Level of mechanization | High nae 13. Towhich of the following farming systems does Farm A belong? (A) Maricuteure (B) Hydroponics (©) Peasant farming MD)y Commercial farming tem 14 relates to following graph which shows how seed production in a plant species varied with population density in 2 fragmented habitet, j oem, ij Seed production Population density 14, Ina fragmented habitat, seed production is GREATEST with a population density that (A) low (By high (C) average (D) fairly high Item 1S referstothe results illustrated inthe followingfigure. Theresults were obtained by students investigating the components of & 500-gram sample of soil taken from four different locations, I, I, II] and 1V. = BD Humes Dsana chy uo | oy n 0 Proportion ofeach component (%) es eee ary: Location 15, What is the percentage of sand in the soil sample at Location II? 10 a 2 © 70 @) 9 16. Which ofthe following illustrates the term “potential energy”? (A) Abody in motion (B) A fluorescent bulb (©) A windmill in motion ADjy A body due to its position 18, 19, 20. a ose Which of the following primary energy soutees ean be regardedasnon-renewable? (A) Solar energy (B) Geothermal energy (©) Ocean thermal energy Diy Nuclear fission and fusion A photovoltaic cell converts light energy (A) heat energy (B) kinetic energy electrical energy (D)’ potential energy When hot water produced by an electricity generation plant is pumped into natural Waterways, itis referred to as (A) vaporization AB)y__ thermal pollution (©) water enrichment (D) water contamination Which of the following types of energy is fossil fuel an example? A) Wind (B) Solar Chemical (D)Hydroelectre Which ofthe following materials CANNOT. be used as biomass to make biofuels? Ay Dead corals (B)" Forest products (©) Animal residues (D) Organic household waste 22, 23. 24, ‘Whichofthe following doesNOTeontribute twan increase in energy efficiency? Increasing the number of people using public transport in Caribbean counties Increasing the number of households using only compact uorescent bulbs Manufacturing reftigerators that ‘consume less energy than those ‘manufactured in the past The use of heavier materials in the manufacturing of motor vehicles A) ® © Anincandeseent light bulbused for lighting has an efficiency rating of 5 per cent. For every 1.00 joule of electrical energy consumed by this bulb, how much light ‘nergy is produced? 0.05 joule (B) osojoule (C) 1.00 joule (D) —1.05joules 12m 24 refers tothe following graph which shows how oil production and demand are expected to change inthe future Time (years) At what points the price ofl likely to be HIGHEST? oA ® 8B i G @y Dd 26. 26. 2. 6 ‘A house designed with windows to make ‘maximum use of sunlight for heating is an example ofthe use of (A) afuel cell (B) active solar energy (©) aphotovoliaic cell {@)y passive solar eneray Which of the following are the benefits of building large dams and reservoirs? 1. Disruption of migration and spawning of fish Il. Production of cheap electricity IIL. Recreation and swimming TV. Reduction of downstream flooding (A) Land only () Wand ii only 4) MancV ont OY Litany Which of the following are disadvantages of using nuclear energy? 1, Itisa non-renewable resource. IL Itis a renewable resource. HL There is the risk of « meltdown. IV. Space is needed for storage of waste (A) Tand Ill only (B) Mand Itt only 1,111 and 1V only ) Ui, and IV only ems 28-29 refer to the following diagrams which illustrate an activity in which students are investigating the efficiency of two bulbs. Z Z ow ‘Thermometer Incandescent Thermometer Bor Box? 28. Which ofthe following is the MOST likely 29, observation after three hours? ey (B)_ The temperature of the ar in Box 2 is higher than in Box 1. (©) There is no change in the temperature ofthe air in both boxes. “The increase in the temperature of the airin both boxes isthe sare The temperature of the air in Box. Tis higher than in Box 2. © ‘Some ofthe precautions that are necessary for this activity are 1. use cardboard boxes JI, take atleast three readings UL, read the thermometer at eye level IV. take readings within the same time period (A) Land I only (8) L.Mand1V only (© 1, Mand 1V only 1, Ul and IV only Fluorescent Te lem 30 refers to the following figures which illustrate the use of various energy sourees in four countries, 1 Il M1 and IV, ‘Which country is MOST likely to produce long-lived hazardous wastes? 1 ou © m © Wv 31 32. ‘Accelerated eutrophication instreams, and bays will result from the introduction of (A) herbicides 4B)y,_ phosphates (©) bacteria and viruses (©) acid wastes and salts Which ofthe following is NOT-a parameter used to monitor water quality? (A) Biological oxygen demand (B) Chemical oxygen demand Mass per unit volume of liquid (D) Total suspended solids Which of the following metals is NOT ‘considered to be a toxic pollutant? (A) Cadmium (8) Lead & Mereury Potassium Photochemical smog is formed when dp sitrogen oxides reat with volatile organic compounds in the presence of heat and sunlight (B) nitrogen oxides react with volatile organic compounds and aldehydes (©) nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides are exposed to sunlight energy (D) ozone reacts with peroxyacyl nitrates 35. The persistence of a pollutant is related to 39. ‘The overuse of pesticides can result its ability to in accumulation and magnification in organisms. Which of the following (A) move through soil statements is true? (B) be removed from the soil emainia the sol] without breaking (A) Magnification occurs only in down animals Dy bres dona md remsin|in Zor! (8) Accumulation occurs in autotrophs only. 36. Sediment pollution is caused by {@y Magnification occurs at higher levels ofthe food chain (A) toxie waste water (0) Accumulation occurs atthe lowest (B) disease-causing agents level ofthe food chain (©) release of heated waste water AD) unsustainable agricultural practices Items 40-41 refer to the table below which ems 37-38 refer to the following showssomemajortypesofwterpolition disgram illustrating @ simple pathway through which air pollutants move from [Category | Examples Sources ‘one area to another, Infectious |X “Human and animal agents excreta Y Avmorpre Y ‘Acids, caustics, | Industrial efiuents, salts, metals | household cleaners Sediment_[Soil, sit Zz % é (0 Conpey Vie MOST ian cad (8) organic chemicals Extent (B) inorganic chemicals See alee 2 So volatile inorganic compounds 37. What categories ofpollutantare located at 41, Z is MOST likely to be Points X and Y if the pollutant at X reacts with another chemical in the atmosphere 4, runoff 1 form Y? (B) sewage (©) fertilizer x y yy Primary Secondary (D) land erosion (B)" Persistent Primary (©) Secondary Primary {D) Secondary Persistent 38. What form of earbon compound is MOST likely to be relessed at Point X? (A) Carbonic acids Carbon monoxide (©) Carbon tetrachloride (D) Chlorofuorocarbons 2, 8, Which of the following are DISADVANTAGES of phytoremediation? |. Insects can eat the plants, 1. Cheeper than conventional methods, IIL, Plants cannot remove contaminants present in the soil deeper than thei roots normally grow. IV. Plants must be disposed of in « hazardous waste landfill (A) Tand Honly ) 1, Mand IIT only KE yy 1,101 and 1V only ©) Ll, Wana iy [Ucin.43 refers tothe following graph which shows the changes in density ofa population of algae and pond fish. The pond water is supplied by @ community river, : a N | 4 - % Density of fish population (Qoundred km? ) a 3 Density of algae popalation g Se 3 Which of the following statements BEST describes the variations ofthe algae population? (A)y Increases sherply aftr the fish population decreases below 200/kmn? (BY Decreases from 400 tO per square kilometre {C) Decreases significantly while the fish population decreases Decreases significantly as the density ofthe ih increases above 100 km? 44 45. “10. tems 44-45 refer to the following graph which shows ozone concentrations forthe period 1955-2000. ‘ ae He fi al a on ia 19551960 1965 197019751980 1988 19901995 2000 Year ‘Which statement about ozone concentration BEST describes this graph? (A) Generally increased over the period Generally decreased over the period (C) Fluctuated drastically over the period (D) Remained fairly constant over the period What was the ozone concentration in 1955? (A) 0.80 ppm 0.95 ppm (©) 0.99 ppm () 1.00 ppm END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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