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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

Evaluation of a Lesson Taught

VTFT Intern Name: Miyah Speller

Evaluator Name: Joy Josker

Lesson Topic/Title/Subject: 2nd Grade Time Signature, Duple vs Triple Time Signature

Date of Lesson: May 18, 2022

4 outstanding)
Rating ••• (1 = needs improvement; 2= acceptable; 3= well done: . = .•
E f • . . Rat1na ,
va uahon Cntena N/A 1 2 ",,, a 4
. ~. • ..i •q,' X
Statement of.Learning ·
Was the objective/learning target shared with and clear for the
students? X
Anticipatory Set/Hook/Intro
Did the beginning of the lesson engage the learner & relate to
content? X
Presentation of Lesson (Process)
Was the sequencing of instruction purposeful? Were directions clear?
Was there evidence of an "I do, We do, You do" model? X
Content Knowledge
Was the learning presented was accurate and aligned with
curriculum, VDOE standards, and/or obiectives? X
Questioning Skills
Do the questions build in-depth and critical thinkinq?
Learning Accommodations
Is there evidence that different learning styles/abilities were taken into
account during the planning of this lesson?
Were all students enaaaed in the lesson?
Were the assessments purposeful and related to the objectives?
Was there a clear and purposeful closure?
Instructional Materials & Supplements X
were the materials organized? Was the intern's use of the materials,
(includinq technoloayl comfortable and well-rehearsed?
Professionalism X
Did the intern speak and look professional?
ovirall assessment of th~'iesson

. ' .,, X
. . -

What did the mtern d o well? What were some h1ghhghts of th" 1s 1esson?
Ms. Speller is enthusia_stic, prof~ssio~al, and prepared to teach. She has b . .
group of students involved In this lesson and utilizes that in her I uilt rapport with the
strategy. She upholds consistent expectations of students. She hasca~ssroom_management
for the direction of the lesson. organized flow and plan

What are this intern's opportunities for growth?

Pacing and reading student responses is an area for growth Sh .

lesson forward in the direction that supports authentic stud Y

lessons and opportunities in front of students with diag
do it, but increasing her capacity to read what students rea·II e is emerging with the abTt
erstand and then
~n growth. We worked. mho ve
Y to
nosing where 1n er mini
exactlv sh lrlo.n~ .... ·- .

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