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05 Jun 2022 16:35:04

Kenny Sandi (15309490) | Old Testament (OT) | Genesis-Ruth

1/36 | 2.78%
1 Correcto | 0 Incorrecto | 35 Sin contestar

Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Opción del alumno Estado de la pregunta Sugerencia de aprendizaje

Q2 When Satan confronted Moses, Sin contestar See Moses 1:13.

what did Moses remember that
gave him the strength to resist

Q3 What has Jesus Christ Sin contestar See Moses 1:32–33.


Q4 What did Heavenly Father do Sin contestar See Moses 4:2.

during our premortal existence
that provided a way for us to
overcome the effects of the

Q5 Which of the following correctly Sin contestar Principles related to the Fall:
identifies the conditions of what was done in the
Adam and Eve after the Fall? premortal life to overcome the
Fall (see Moses 4:2),
conditions after the Fall (see
Moses 3:17; 4:11; 5:2; 6:48; 2
Nephi 2:22–23), and what
Adam and Eve learned about
the Fall after it occurred (see
Moses 5:9–11)

Q6 Which of the following Sin contestar See Moses 5:9–11.

statements about Adam and
Eve and the Fall is true?

Q7 Why must we be "born again"? Sin contestar See Moses 6:59.

Q8 Which of the following illustrates Sin contestar See Moses 7:26–30.

the true nature of God and

Q9 What was one benefit of the Sin contestar See Moses 8:22; 2 Nephi
Flood to God's children? 26:24.

Q10 The Abrahamic covenant Sin contestar See Abraham 2:9, 11.
teaches that Abraham's
descendants have a
responsibility to __________.
05 Jun 2022 16:35:04
Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Opción del alumno Estado de la pregunta Sugerencia de aprendizaje

Q11 What can Abraham's Sin contestar See Genesis 22:10–12; John
willingness to sacrifice Isaac 3:16.
teach us about Heavenly

Q12 What did Esau's choice to give Sin contestar See Genesis 25:34; 26:34–35
up his birthright tell us about
what he valued?

Q13 What accompanies sincere Sin contestar See Genesis 44:16–34


Q14 What do the consequences of Sin contestar See Genesis 45:7–8; 50:20–
Joseph being sold into Egypt 21.
teach us about trials?

Q15 Who was the "choice seer" Sin contestar (See Joseph Smith
(Joseph Smith Translation, Translation, Genesis 50:26 [in
Genesis 50:26) prophesied the Bible appendix]; 2 Nephi
about by Joseph who was sold 3:6–7.
into Egypt?

Q16 What did the Lord tell Moses Sin contestar See Exodus 3:12, 17.
when he expressed concern
about his calling to deliver the
children of Israel from Egypt?

Q17 What truth can we learn from Sin contestar See Exodus 12:21–23
the symbolism of the Israelites'
putting lambs' blood around
their doors?

Q18 What did the Lord tell the Sin contestar See Exodus 16:4–5.
Israelites to do daily that would
remind them to rely on Him?

Q19 Why did the Lord instruct the Sin contestar See Exodus 25:8, 22; 29:43–
Israelites to build the tabernacle 46.
while journeying in the

Q20 What did the sacrifices outlined Sin contestar See Leviticus 1:2–9; 4:20–31;
in the book of Leviticus help the 16:21–22.
children of Israel understand?

Q21 Ten of the spies Moses sent to Sin contestar See Numbers 14:7–9.
explore the land of promise
brought back an "evil report."
What did Joshua and Caleb do
after seeing the Israelites'
response to the "evil report"?

Q22 What is symbolized by Moses Sin contestar See Numbers 21:8–9; Alma
lifting up a brass serpent on a 33:19–22; Helaman 8:14–15.
pole to heal those bitten by
poisonous serpents?
05 Jun 2022 16:35:04
Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Opción del alumno Estado de la pregunta Sugerencia de aprendizaje

Q23 Which of the following Sin contestar See Joshua 6.

statements expresses a major
principle illustrated in the
Israelites' destruction of

Q24 Which of the following charts Sin contestar Bible Dictionary,

shows the correct chronological "Dispensations"; see also
order (first to last) of some of Bible Chronology
the Old Testament prophets?

Q25 Sarah Sin contestar See Genesis 21:1–8; see also

Bible Dictionary, "Sarah or

Q26 Ruth Sin contestar See Ruth 3:11; see also Bible
Dictionary, "Ruth".

Q27 Abraham Sin contestar See Genesis 17:1–7; Genesis

26; see also Bible Dictionary,

Q28 Jacob Sin contestar See Genesis 25:24–26;

Genesis 32:28; Guide to the
Scriptures, "Israel,"

Q29 According to Moses 1:39, what Sin contestar See Moses 1:39.
is Heavenly Father's work?

Q30 Which scripture teaches that Sin contestar -

God chose "noble and great"
spirits in the premortal life to be
leaders in His kingdom on

Q31 Which scripture teaches that Sin contestar -

we are created in God's

Q32 Which of the following scripture Sin contestar -

mastery passages teaches the
importance of keeping the
Sabbath day holy?

Q33 What have the Old Testament Sin contestar See Moses 3:18–25.
and modern prophets taught
about marriage? Your
response should explain the
following: Reasons why
marriage between a man and a
woman is ordained of God.
(This is evaluated as number
33; you will receive 1 point for
including this.)
05 Jun 2022 16:35:04
Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Opción del alumno Estado de la pregunta Sugerencia de aprendizaje

Q34 What have the Old Testament Sin contestar See Genesis 28.
and modern prophets taught
about marriage? Your
response should explain the
following: Blessings that are
reserved for individuals who
remain faithful to their temple-
marriage covenant. (This is
evaluated as
number 34; you will receive 1
point for including this.)

Q35 What have the Old Testament Sin contestar See Moses 3:18–25.
and modern prophets taught
about marriage? Your
response should explain the
following: The relationship that
should exist between a
husband and wife. (This is
evaluated as number 35; you
will receive 1 point
for including this.)

Q36 What have the Old Testament Sin contestar See Moses 2:26–28; 6:1–23.
and modern prophets taught
about marriage? Your
response should explain the
following: Commandments that
God has given those who are
married as husband and wife.
(This is evaluated as number
36; you
will receive 1 point for including

Respuesta del alumno sobre “Explicar”

Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Respuesta estándar Respuesta del alumno Estado de la pregunta
05 Jun 2022 16:35:04
Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Respuesta estándar Respuesta del alumno Estado de la pregunta

Q33 What have the Old Reasons why marriage - Sin contestar
Testament and between a man and a woman
modern prophets is ordained of God: God
taught about intends that a man and a
marriage? Your womanprogress together
response should toward eternal life; together
explain the following: they provide the best setting
Reasons why for the rearing and nurturing
marriage between a ofchildren (see Moses 3:18–
man and a woman is 25).You may have written
ordained of God. (This something similar to one of
is evaluated as these statements:• Being
number 33; you will married and raising a family
receive 1 point for helps us become more like
including this.) our Heavenly Father (see
Moses 6:9–10).• The Lord did
not intend for us to be alone.
Families help us grow, give us
strength and love, and help us
developChristlike attributes.•
A man and a woman bring
unique perspectives to
marriage that strengthen and
bless the family.• A man and a
woman are both needed to
create children and fulfill the
plan of salvation.• The plan of
salvation was provided so that
we could have families and
live with our Heavenly Father
in an eternalfamily. The family
is an important part of God's
plan of salvation.
05 Jun 2022 16:35:04
Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Respuesta estándar Respuesta del alumno Estado de la pregunta

Q34 What have the Old Blessings that are reserved for - Sin contestar
Testament and individuals who remain faithful
modern prophets to their temple-marriage
taught about covenant: If we marry inthe
marriage? Your covenant and remain faithful,
response should then we will receive the
explain the following: blessings of Abraham (see
Blessings that are Genesis 28).You may have
reserved for written something similar to
individuals who remain one of these statements:• Only
faithful to their temple- those who are faithful to their
marriage covenant. temple marriage can receive
(This is evaluated as the highest degree of glory in
number 34; you will the celestial kingdom.• We
receive 1 point for can have all that our Heavenly
including this.) Father has.• If we are faithful to
our temple covenants, we can
live together forever as a
family.• God's plan of
happiness enables family
relationships to continue
beyond the grave. The earth
was created and thegospel
was revealed so that families
could be formed, sealed, and
exalted.• An individual who
keeps his or her covenants will
be blessed—even if others
choose to break their
covenants. TheLord will
provide an opportunity for
individuals to receive all of the
blessings of keeping their

Q35 What have the Old The relationship that should - Sin contestar
Testament and exist between a husband and
modern prophets wife: Husbands and wives are
taught about to be equal partners
marriage? Your (seeMoses 3:18–25).You may
response should have written something similar
explain the following: to one of these statements:• A
The relationship that husband and wife should be
should exist between a honest, loyal, and trusting of
husband and wife. each other, as well as equal
(This is evaluated as partners in their relationship.•
number 35; you will Marriage should be a
receive 1 point partnership of equals, with
for including this.) neither person exercising
control over the other, but with
eachencouraging, comforting,
and helping the other.• A
husband and wife should treat
each other with respect and
05 Jun 2022 16:35:04
Pregunta Texto de la pregunta Respuesta estándar Respuesta del alumno Estado de la pregunta

Q36 What have the Old Commandments that God has - Sin contestar
Testament and given those who are married
modern prophets as husband and wife: God has
taught about commanded those whoare
marriage? Your married as husband and wife
response should to have children and teach
explain the following: them the ways of God (see
Commandments that Moses 2:26–28; 6:1–23).You
God has given those may have written something
who are married as similar to one of these
husband and wife. statements:• A commandment
(This is evaluated as that God has given to married
number 36; you couples is to multiply and
will receive 1 point for replenish the earth—to have
including this.) children.• Parents are
responsible to teach their
children the ways of God.•
"Parents have a sacred duty to
rear their children in love and
righteousness, to provide for
their physical andspiritual
needs" ("The Family: A
Proclamation to the World,"
Ensign, Nov. 2010, 129).•
Parents should teach their
children "to love and serve one
another, observe the
commandments of God, and
belaw-abiding citizens
wherever they live" ("The
Family: A Proclamation to the
World," Ensign, Nov. 2010,

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