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Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72

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Position Statement

Practical implementation, education and interpretation guidelines for

continuous glucose monitoring: A French position statement
S. Borot a,*, P.Y. Benhamou b, C. Atlan c, E. Bismuth d, E. Bonnemaison e, B. Catargi f,
G. Charpentier g, A. Farret h, N. Filhol i, S. Franc j,k, D. Gouet l, B. Guerci m, I. Guilhem n,
C. Guillot o, N. Jeandidier p, M. Joubert q, V. Melki r, E. Merlen s, A. Penfornis t, S. Picard u,
E. Renard h, Y. Reznik p, J.P. Riveline t, S. Rudoni u, P. Schaepelynck i, A. Sola-Gazagnes v,
N. Tubiana-Rufi d, O. Verier-Mine w, H. Hanaire q, Société francophone du diabète (SFD),
Société française d’endocrinologie (SFE). Évaluation dans le diabète des implants actifs
Department of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Diabetes, Besançon University Hospital and Franche-Comté University,
25030 Besançon cedex, France
Department of Diabetology, pôle DigiDune, Grenoble University Hospital, Grenoble Alpes University, 38700 La Tronche, France
Department of Endocrinology, Luxembourg Hospital, 1210 Luxembourg,Luxembourg
Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology, Robert-Debré Hospital, AP–HP, 75019 Paris, France
Department of Pediatric Medicine, Tours University Hospital, 37044 Tours cedex, France
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Bordeaux University Hospital, 33000 Bordeaux, France
Center for Study and Research for Improvement of the Treatment of Diabetes (CERITD), 91058 Evry cedex, France
Department of Endocrinology and UMR CNRS, Montpellier University Hospital and University of Montpellier,
34090 Montpellier, France
Department of Diabetology, Marseille University Hospital, 13005 Marseille, France
Department of Diabetology, Sud-Francilien Hospital, 91110 Corbeil-Essonnes, France
Department of Diabetology, La Rochelle General Hospital, 17000 La Rochelle, France
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition, Nancy University Hospital,
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Rennes University Hospital, 35200 Rennes, France
Diabetes LAB, French Diabetes Federation, 75011 Paris, France
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Strasbourg University Hospital, 67091 Strasbourg, France
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Caen University Hospital, 14033 Caen, France
Department of Diabetology, Toulouse University Hospital, 31400 Toulouse, France
Department of Endocrinology, Lille University Hospital, 59000 Lille, France
Point Medical, Dijon Dijon, France
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Lariboisière Hospital, University Paris 7, AP–HP, 75475 Paris, France
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Dijon University Hospital, 21000 Dijon, France
Department of Diabetes, Cochin Hospital, AP–HP, 75014 Paris, France
Department of Diabetes, Valencienne General Hospital, 59300 Valencienne, France

Abbreviations: AGP, Average glucose profile; AJD, Association d’aide aux jeunes diabétiques (Young Diabetics Help Association); CGM, Continuous glucose monitoring;
CODEHG, Collège des diabétologues et endocrinologues des hôpitaux généraux (College of General Hospital Diabetologists and Endocrinologists); CNP-EDMM, Conseil
national professionnel d’endocrinologie, diabète et maladies métaboliques (National Professional Council of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases); CV, Coefficient
of variation; EVADIAC, Groupe d’évaluation dans le diabète des implants actifs (Evaluation Group of Active Implants in Diabetes); FFD, Fédération française des diabétiques
(French Diabetes Federation); FGM, Flash glucose monitoring; FSL, FreeStyle Libre; IG, Interstitial glucose; IQR, Interquartile range; PLGS, Predictive low-glucose suspend;
TLGS, Threshold low-glucose suspend; SFD, Société francophone du diabète (Francophone Society of Diabetes); SFE, Société française d’endocrinologie (French Society of
Endocrinology); SMBG, Self-monitoring blood glucose; T1D, Type 1 diabetes; T2D, Type 2 diabetes; TIR, Time in range.
* Corresponding author. Department of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Diabetes, hôpital Jean-Minjoz, 3, boulevard Fleming, 25030 Besancon cedex France.
E-mail address: (S. Borot).
1262-3636/ C 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
62 S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72


Article history: The use by diabetes patients of real-time continuous interstitial glucose monitoring (CGM) or the
Received 21 July 2017 FreeStyle Libre1 (FSL) flash glucose monitoring (FGM) system is becoming widespread and has changed
Received in revised form 16 October 2017 diabetic practice. The working group bringing together a number of French experts has proposed the
Accepted 17 October 2017
present practical consensus. Training of professionals and patient education are crucial for the success of
Available online 11 November 2017
CGM. Also, institutional recommendations must pay particular attention to the indications for and
reimbursement of CGM devices in populations at risk of hypoglycaemia. The rules of good practice for
CGM are the precursors of those that need to be enacted, given the oncoming emergence of artificial
Continuous glucose monitoring
Flash glucose monitoring
pancreas devices. It is necessary to have software combining user-friendliness, multiplatform usage and
Guidelines average glucose profile (AGP) presentation, while integrating glucose and insulin data as well as events.
Patient education Expression of CGM data must strive for standardization that facilitates patient phenotyping and their
Subcutaneous insulin infusion follow-up, while integrating indicators of variability. The introduction of CGM involves a transformation
Type 1 diabetes of treatment support, rendering it longer and more complex as it also includes specific educational and
Type 2 diabetes technical dimensions. This complexity must be taken into account in discussions of organization of
diabetes care.
C 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Introduction decreased (up to 6 min) [5]. The estimated time for FSL is
4.5  4.8 min [6].
The use by diabetes patients of real-time continuous interstitial As a result, the observed differences between capillary blood
glucose monitoring (CGM) or the FreeStyle Libre1 (FSL) flash glucose and IG are even greater when glycaemic variations are
glucose monitoring (FGM) system is becoming more and more extreme and rapid. Device trend arrows provide information on the
widespread and has changed patient, caregiver and researcher direction and speed of variations in IG levels ( 1–2 mg/dL/min for
practices. Recommendations have been published recently for the first level,  2–3 or > 2 mg/dL/min for the second level, and
CGM use and data-reporting in clinical trials [1]. The working > 3 mg/dL/min for the third level, depending on the CGM system).
group bringing together a number of French experts [Conseil The trends are generated from the slope of glucose values over the
national professionnel d’endocrinologie, Diabète et maladies previous 15 min and provide vital information for interpreting the
métaboliques (CNP-EDMM; National Professional Council of displayed values. The given information must be considered as
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases), Société franco- inseparable value/trend pairs for determining the action to be taken.
phone du diabète (SFD; Francophone Society of Diabetes), Société
française d’endocrinologie (SFE; French Society of Endocrinology),
Collège des diabétologues et endocrinologues des hôpitaux The different devices currently available
généraux (CODEHG; College of General Hospital Diabetologists
and Endocrinologists), Groupe d’évaluation dans le diabète des Table S1 (see supplementary data associated with this article
implants actifs (EVADIAC; Evaluation Group of Active Implants in online) summarizes the main characteristics of the different
Diabetes), Fédération française des diabétiques (FFD; French systems that are currently available.
Diabetes Federation) and Association d’aide aux jeunes diabétiques
(AJD; Young Diabetics Help Association)] has proposed the present CGM devices
consensus to assist professionals in integrating these new
technologies into their daily practice. Its main message is that Two types of devices provide real-time CGM:
the training of professionals and patient education are crucial to
the success of CGM. The main recommendations of the working  independent devices with sensor, transmitter and receiver:
group are summarized in Table 1.  Dexcom G41 and G51 (Dexcom, San Diego, CA, USA),
 FreeStyle Navigator II1 (Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, IL,
What is measurement of interstitial glucose? USA),
 Guardian Connect1 (receiver is a smartphone or Apple iPod;
CGM/FGM devices are based on the semi-continuous measure- Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA);
ment of glucose in interstitial tissue. However, there is a  devices with sensor and transmitter connected to a subcutane-
discrepancy between the displayed value of interstitial glucose ous insulin pump, which acts as the receiver:
(IG) and that of capillary blood glucose due to the time delay of IG  Animas1 Vibe1 (Animas Corporation, West Chester, PA, USA),
equilibration relative to blood glucose as well as the delay with  MiniMed 640G1 (Medtronic).
measurements using subcutaneous electrodes due to converting
the electrical signal into glucose levels and displaying the results These systems need to be calibrated to capillary blood glucose
on a screen [2,3]. Furthermore, the relationship between blood at least twice a day. The service life of the sensor is 5–7 days. They
glucose and IG is not just shifted in time, but is a more complex are capable of producing alarms and some can automatically
pattern reflecting the dynamic profile of glycaemia, characterized suspend the basal rate of the pump when either hypoglycaemia
by a glucose lag (difference in glucose values in blood vs. arises [threshold low-glucose suspend (TLGS) systems] or before it
interstitial fluid at each time point) and a time lag (differences happens [predictive low-glucose suspend (PLGS) systems]. Some
in times when IG is equal to blood glucose) [4]. The delay is about systems can remotely transmit data to a third party in real time
10 min with increased blood glucose, but can be shorter if it is (Dexcom G5, Guardian Connect).
S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72 63

Table 1
Summary of the French position statement on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).
Indications FGM is considered an alternative to SMBG through the use of faster, easier, more frequent and more informative self-monitoring. Its use
is recommended as a replacement for SMBG in patients with T1D or T2D (adults and children) on intensified insulin therapy (pump or
multiple injections)

CGM systems are recommended in patients with T1D presenting with major hypoglycaemic problems (severe hypoglycaemia,
hypoglycaemia unawareness, phobia of hypoglycaemia). The working group suggests that particular attention be focused on populations at
risk of hypoglycaemia as per institutional recommendations concerning indications for and reimbursement of CGM devices

Real-time transmission of data should be considered in children and non-autonomous or isolated patients, and raises the issue of care
organization geared towards telemedicine

Patient education When starting CGM/FGM therapy, specific education should be provided to patients by caregivers trained in the use of these techniques
and follow-up as well as in therapeutic education, preferably with a multidisciplinary team

Initial education on FGM devices should include at least technical knowledge of sensor application, sensor reading and data entry, and
education on real-time decision-making according to values and trends

Initial education on CGM devices (FGM excluded) should include additional education on making calibrations and alarm management,
the settings of which should be defined with the patient

A 1-month trial is recommended before considering longer-term prescription of CGM

During follow-up, it is important to assess technical handling and potential problems such as wearing the system and its tolerability, data
management and impact on glycaemic control as well as patient satisfaction and quality of life (positive and negative points, alarm frequency)

Patient use of CGM/FGM Values and trends should be used to adjust real-time decision-making:
in real time – modulation of timing and level of insulin correction
– modulation of timing and quantity of carbohydrate intake to avoid or treat hypoglycaemia
– modulation of insulin pump basal rate
– increase in glucose checking frequency in specific situations (such as physical activity, unusual meals, driving)

Retrospective analysis Retrospective data analysis requires prior training of healthcare professionals (downloading and interpretation) and patients’ education

For data downloading, the working group recommends the use of secure and multiplatform software apps that provide an AGP and/or
standard daily profile and graphic representation of hypoglycaemic events, and allow IG and insulin data synchronization

It is recommended to prospectively add daily event notes (insulin dose and timing, food intake, physical activity to IG data for 1 or
2 weeks before the patient’s next visit

Analysis of patterns must take into account the patient’s personalized glycaemic goals, established with the agreement of both the
patient and healthcare professional

Excluding certain specific situations and with the goal of standardization in mind, the working group proposes the objective of > 60% of
time spent in the range of 70–180 mg/dL (3.9–10.0 mmol/L), with < 10% of time spent at < 70 mg/dL; a coefficient of variation > 36% is
considered excessive glucose variability

The structured data analysis must successively address the following points: is the level of compliance appropriate?; are basal insulin
doses correct?; is prandial insulin coverage effective?; are there recurrent hypo- or hyperglycaemic events?; are there indications of
device or data misuse?; the time and expertise of caregivers for downloading and analyzing data must also be considered

Specific characteristics The working group agrees with the international paediatric recommendations stating that the medical indications in children and
in children and adolescents adolescents are totally consistent with those of adults

FGM: flash glucose monitoring; SMBG: self-monitoring of blood glucose; T1D/T2D: type 1/type 2 diabetes; AGP: average glucose profile; IG: interstitital glucose.

FGM device: FreeStyle Libre an increased risk of hypoglycaemia [8]. Although a relationship has
been established between daily SMBG and HbA1c levels [9], < 30%
The Abbott FreeStyle Libre (FSL) has a sensor that can also be of patients on a basal/bolus regimen perform the number of SMBG
used as a transmitter. Unlike CGM systems that automatically that meets the recommendation of at least four measurements per
communicate data to the receiver, the FSL receiver only displays a day [10]. In contrast, the IMPACT study [11], T1D patients using FSL
value if the patient scans the sensor. The service life of the sensor is performed an average of 15.1  6.9 scans/day.
14 days and no calibration is necessary. It is also possible to send
data remotely in real time (LibreLinkUp app). Metabolic and economic efficacy of CGM/FGM
The entire system (sensor, transmitter, receiver) must never be
exposed to X-rays (computed tomography, radiography) or Studies conducted during the first decade following the introduc-
electromagnetic radiation (magnetic resonance imaging), but it tion of CGM have sampling biases related to the inclusion of both
can withstand metal detectors. patients with high HbA1c and those with hypoglycaemia in the same
study, resulting in neutralization of the results as regards HbA1c
improvement or reduction in hypoglycaemic events. CGM/FGM
Literature data efficacy should be based on glucose control (time spent in target range
and/or HbA1c), hypoglycaemic events, quality of life, patient
An alternative to self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) satisfaction and cost [12]. However, each parameter should be
integrated differently according to CGM/FGM indications (hypo-
Glycaemic control of type 1 diabetes (T1D) retains priority over glycaemia, high HbA1c, diabetes variability, diabetes-related dis-
recommended objectives [7], as HbA1c improvement is limited by tress. . .). Studies reported since 2012 has focused on either patients
64 S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72

with frequent hypoglycaemia and/or poor awareness of hypogly-  patient responsiveness with regard to therapeutic adjustments;
caemia, with a 40–50% reduction in time spent in hypoglycaemia  patient commitment: as the efficacy of CGM correlates with
without modification [13] and even improvement in HbA1c of 0.2– sensor wearing time, patients must agree to use it permanently
0.5% [14,15], or uncontrolled patients, with improvement in HbA1c of after being informed of the related conditions and usage
0.43–0.6% and a reduction in hypoglycaemic events [16–19]. Efficacy constraints.
has been demonstrated in patients whether on pumps and receiving
multiple injections [16,18]. Initial therapeutic education
The FSL FGM system also demonstrated reductions of 38–43% in
time spent in hypoglycaemia without worsening of HbA1c in both The use of CGM devices must be guided by structured
T1D [11] and type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients on basal/bolus regimens therapeutic education, which is essential for the acquisition of
[10]. The determinants of CGM efficacy are device usage time and technical skills as well as the capacity to manage glucose
education on its use [20] and the number of ‘scans’ with FSL information in both real time and retrospectively [19]. Such
[21]. CGM systems paired with a pump that offers automatic education needs to be provided by caregivers trained in the use of
suspensions (TLGS or PLGS) have shown benefits through reduction the techniques as well as in therapeutic education, preferably with
of hypoglycaemia (severe and moderate) in patients with severe a multidisciplinary team, and should also aim to assess the
hypoglycaemia or hypoglycaemia unawareness [13,22,23]. expectations, fears or difficulties of patients and their personal
On the other hand, cost-effectiveness studies are complex, as experience of the use of these new tools.
they need to consider in each population the cost of failure to
implement CGM/FGM, including the cost of emergency manage- Trial period and evaluation
ment of severe hypoglycaemic events (emergency room visits,
hospitalizations, mortality, morbidity, work interruptions) and the A 1-month trial period is recommended, followed by an
cost of decreased quality of life and long-term complications, evaluation to identify technical problems, compliance (wearing
within a diversity of pricing systems [12]. A recent study supports a time, number of scans), benefits and drawbacks, and the personal
favorable cost/efficacy ratio of CGM due to a 32% reduction in experience of the patient, before considering longer-term CGM
hospitalizations for hypoglycaemia, a saving worth $54 million for prescription.
a T1D population of 46,500 patients [24].
Given the data in the literature, the working group considers
Initial technical education and patient follow-up
FGM an alternative to SMBG through the use of faster, easier, more
frequent and more informative self-monitoring. Its use is
Organization of data collection (CGM/FGM)
recommended as a replacement for SMBG in patients with T1D
or T2D (adults and children) on intensified insulin therapy (pump
For retrospective analysis of the data, it is important to train
or multiple injections; Fig. 1).
patients in prospective data collection. An exhaustive collection
CGM systems are recommended in patients with T1D
over a representational period (2 weeks) prior to consultation will
presenting with major hypoglycaemic problems (severe hypo-
make the retrospective analysis more effective for treatment
glycaemia, hypoglycaemia unawareness, hypoglycaemia phobia).
adjustment. It will therefore be necessary to document meals
The working group suggests that institutional recommendations
(time, quantity of carbohydrates, daily food journal, photos. . .),
pay particular attention to populations at risk of hypoglycaemia in
insulin doses and timings; activities (hobbies, sports); medication
terms of indications for and reimbursement of CGM devices
treatments (acetaminophen) [25]; and sleep position (side, back or
(Fig. 1). Also, real-time transmission of data should be considered
stomach) because of their possible interference with CGM
in children and in non-autonomous or isolated patients and raise
measurement. It is recommended that these parameters be entered
the issue of care organization geared towards telemedicine.
directly into the system to facilitate the retrospective analysis.

Initial therapeutic education

Calibrations (CGM only)

Prerequisites Special attention should be focused on teaching patients how to

perform calibrations during a period of glycaemic stability.
The following are necessary before the introduction of CGM: Patients must also be made aware of the possibility of erroneous
 good manual dexterity; values if calibration is performed poorly [26]. Evening calibration is
[(Fig._1)TD$IG] good cognitive ability;
 also recommended to avoid nocturnal ‘reminders’.

‘Hypoglycaemia issues’?
Frequent episodes that impact quality of life, severe hypoglycaemic events,
hypoglycaemia unawareness, phobia of hypoglycaemia


CGM devices FGM devices (FreeStyle Libre®)

± automatic basal rate suspension (TLGS, PLGS)

Fig. 1. Algorithm for choosing continuous (CGM)/flash glucose monitoring (FGM) devices for diabetes patients on insulin pump therapy or multiple injections. TLGS/PLGS:
threshold/predictive low-glucose suspend.
S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72 65

Alarm settings (CGM only) satisfaction and impact on quality of life, number of daily alarms
and effects on glycaemic control with the CGM system.
It is essential to limit the number of activated alarms initially,
and perhaps even to not have any activated in the first place, to Use of CGM/FGM in real time
avoid immediate rejection of the system. If an alarm does become
activated, patients need to know how to change the settings or Compared with standard SMBG, the management of insulin
deactivate it. This requires specific educational assessment. therapy is modified by the additional information (more values,
There are several alarm categories, including: changing trends) offered by CGM. This results in more frequent
decision-making, leading to more rapid metabolic improvement
 ‘threshold’ alarms, which warn patients when the IG level [11,18]. However, decision-making itself becomes more complex,
crosses the ‘hyper’ or ‘hypo’ threshold. The threshold for the requiring therapeutic education to limit the risks of glycaemic
hypo alarm should be determined with the patient (50–90 mg/ instability, anxiety and/or rejection of the technology.
dL) and the upper limit can also vary considerably according to
the patient (180–300 mg/dL). It is recommended that the ‘hyper’ Use of arrow trends in real time
alarm be set very high (> 350 mg/dL) to detect infusion
problems or forgotten boluses, as setting it at < 200 mg/dL is Learning how to analyze IG levels and trends is essential for
liable to trigger a large number of warnings; good therapeutic decisions in real time and patients need to
 ‘predictive’ alarms, which warn patients before IG levels reach integrate value/trend data pairs before taking action (Table 2).
the predefined hypo- or hyperglycaemia threshold (after
establishing the time interval before the hypo- or hyperglycae- Contribution of CGM/FGM to corrective short-acting insulin doses in
mia threshold is reached). These take into account not only the real time
IG value, but also the trend, and they precede ‘threshold’ alarms,
allowing patients to act before hypoglycaemia manifests An anticipatory correction factor taking into account arrow
(preventative glucose administration, temporary pump output). trends (an increase of 10% or 20% with the appearance of single or
Activation of the predictive ‘hyper’ alarm is not recommended; double arrows) has been proposed for rapid calculation of insulin
 ‘trend’ or ‘speed’ alarms, which warn patients of an increase or doses [27]. Others have proposed calculating the short-acting
decrease in IG levels that are too rapid, regardless of value, as insulin dose from the predicted glucose level at 30 min [4].
reflected by the number of arrows or speed in mg/dL/min. These
alarms may sometimes ring to indicate an expected glycaemic Contribution of CGM/FGM to management of hypoglycaemia in real
variation (correction of hyperglycaemia, glucose administration time
following hypoglycaemia). An upward trend alert can indicate a
forgotten bolus; a downward trend alert can sometimes With hypoglycaemic symptoms, glucose administration is
forewarn of imminent sudden hypoglycaemia; indicated if the displayed value is low or normal with a downward
 ‘reminder’ alarms or ‘repetitive’ alerts, which repeat an alarm trend [28]. If the displayed value is low but with a trend upwards, it
based on a defined interval of time until the parameter is corrected. is possible to wait and recheck, especially if there was prior glucose
The MiniMed Paradigm Veo1 and 640G1 (Medtronic) insulin In the absence of symptoms in patients on multiple daily
pumps paired with CGM have additional TLGS or PLGS alarms. The injections, notification of impending hypoglycaemia (predictive
former is accompanied by a strong audible warning for a threshold hypoglycaemic alarm, down-pointing trend arrows with values
that cannot be < 50 mg/dL, whereas the latter alarm can be activated that are still normal) can help to decide whether to stop the
on discontinuation and/or resumption of the basal rate; most physical activity underway, implement controlled preventative
patients prefer to delete these alarms and to only be warned if the glucose administration or continue but with frequent monitoring
hypoglycaemic threshold is crossed despite basal rate discontinua- (every 5 min).
tion. The recommended PLGS threshold is generally 60–65 mg/dL, In the absence of symptoms and the IG value is not too low,
but can vary from 55 mg/dL to 70 mg/dL, depending on the patient. patients on pumps can choose to temporarily lower their basal rate
or turn it off for a mean duration of 30 min, which can be renewed
Patient follow-up if necessary, while bearing in mind that each 30-min interruption
of infusion results in a delayed 30-mg/dL increase in blood glucose
It is important to assess technical handling and any potential [29,30]. It is important to remind patients who use basal rate
problems, wearing the system and its tolerability, patient suspension, rather than temporary basal rate reduction, to restart

Table 2
Summary of real-time therapeutic decisions according to glucose values and trends.

IG # Stable "

Below target Carb intake Carb intake if symptoms Carb intake if symptoms
Pump:  temporary basal rate Recheck in 15 min Pump: temporary basal rate (and last carb intake > 15 min)
Recheck in 15–30 min Recheck

On target Carb intake if ## or symptoms [TD$INLE] Recheck in 30–60 min

Pump:  temporary basal rate
Recheck in 30–60 min

Above target Recheck in 1–2 h Correction bolus Correction bolus

Or give correction bolus (unless last bolus < 2 h) (unless last bolus < 2 h)
(unless ## or last bolus < 2 h) Recheck in 1–2 h Recheck in 1–2 h
Pump: ketone and KT control
(if fasting IG > 250 mg/dL)

IG: interstitial glucose; KT: catheter.

66 S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72

the pump when values return to > 100 mg/dL with a trend arrow flow rate change. . .) [19]. Nevertheless, patients need to be aware
that is at least stable. Stopping the basal rate for more than 2 h can that some sensors can be defective and that the FSL system is less
expose patients to hyperglycaemic rebound [23], which is often reliable during the first 24 h of use [6]. However, any discrepancy
slow and delayed. PLGS systems avoid having patients manually between the value given by the system and clinical judgement
manage flow rate interruptions and limit the risk of too-long basal requires verification with capillary blood glucose.
rate suspension.
CGM/FGM helps to manage the quantity of glucose adminis-
tration, which should be smaller when trend arrows point upwards Retrospective analysis and self-analysis of IG profiles
and glucose is taken to prevent hypoglycaemia, and when the basal
rate had been stopped for several minutes, spaced apart from a The retrospective analysis of data requires prior training of
bolus. Patients with PLGS need to take care not to take glucose healthcare professionals (downloading and interpretation) and
systematically whenever the pump preventatively stops and, patient education [33] and is largely facilitated by collecting daily
instead, wait for symptoms or the hypoalarm. This can be difficult events (insulin doses and timing, food, physical activity. . .) in real
for patients who fear hypoglycaemias. Conversely, glucose time at least 1–2 weeks before consultation. Analysis of patterns
quantities can be larger when the IG value is low with a down- has to take into account the personalized glycaemic goals of the
pointing arrow. patient, mutually established by both the patient and professional.
It is reasonable to propose IG monitoring at least every 10 to Structured analysis of the data must successively address the
15 min as long as the IG is not > 100 mg/dL with a horizontal or following points:
upward trend arrow.
 is the level of compliance appropriate?
CGM/FGM and driving  are basal insulin doses correctly regulated?
 is prandial insulin coverage effective?
It is important to check the screen, receiver or scanner before  are there recurrent hypo- or hyperglycaemic events?
driving and, thereafter, at least every 2 h. European law only  are there any indications of misuse of the device or data?
authorizes driving [31] with very regular blood glucose monitor-
ing, which patients must be able to demonstrate if involved in a How to download?
vehicular accident. If IG is < 90 mg/dL (or higher if the trend is
clearly downwards), patients must either stop or postpone Dedicated programmes are used to harvest data. The stan-
departure and eat instead [32]. Similarly, if the level is high but dardized presentation proposed for the average glucose profile
with a downward trend, it is advisable to wait before taking a (AGP) combines graphic and statistical information into a single
corrective bolus or take a smaller bolus. figure and provides three new insights into glucose control:

Contribution of CGM/FGM to meal coverage in real time  medians of averaged glucose patterns reflect total exposures to
Apart from certain situations that require particularly strict  high fluctuating interquartile ratios and 10th–90th percentiles
glycaemic control, it is inadvisable to correct postprandial between the different AGP timepoints reflect high between-day
hyperglycaemia within 1.5 h of the first prandial bolus to avoid glucose variability – in other words, a lack of synchrony in day-
‘overbolusing’. If necessary, using bolus calculators, which take to-day glucose patterns;
into account on-board insulin, can limit secondary hypoglycaemia.  fluctuations of AGP medians in the horizontal axis reflect within-
CGM can prove to be particularly helpful for irregular day variability, although high between-day glucose variability
mealtimes, as it can guide patients’ decisions to split boluses or should raise the question of whether or not within-day
manage the potentially delayed postprandial hyperglycaemia. variability has been correctly assessed. In most cases, high
between-day variability does not allow any firm conclusions
When should the screen or scanner be consulted for making regarding within-day glucose variability, but it is highly likely
a decision? that, in such circumstances, within-day variability can be
dubbed ‘erratic’.
The frequency of IG value consultations varies greatly from
one patient to another as well as in the same patient, depending The working group supports the use of programmes providing
on events (symptoms, trend arrows) and the system (CGM, FSL). the AGP, as such an attempt at standardization can facilitate the
The working group considers it imperative to check when analysis and comparison of data. The aim is to have a report that
symptoms are present, and at least before each carbohydrate synchronizes IG data with daily events (doses of insulin,
intake and/or insulin injection, and 2 h afterwards. It is also carbohydrate intake, physical activity . . .); this calls for graphic
recommended to check before and at least every hour during representations of hypoglycaemic events (number, cumulative
physical activity. durations). Some software features (automatic analysis of patterns
Checks can be frequent (every 5 to 10 min) if the trend is with possible explanations for the hypo- or hyperglycaemic event,
downwards with a normal–low IG value in the absence of glucose analysis of postprandial trends) can reduce the time-consuming
intake. However, patients need to learn to not ‘overreact’ and to nature of comprehensive data processing. The goal is to design
recheck values to make sure there is a real trend that requires software apps that combine user-friendliness and multiplatform
action. usage (any CGM/FGM system, Mac/PC, Web, smartphones/tablets).

When should capillary blood glucose be checked? Who downloads and how often?

Except for calibration, the need for or use of capillary The impact of retrospective CGM data analysis by caregivers on
measurements should be discussed with the patient. According metabolic control has been the subject of several randomized
to the current data, capillary blood glucose checks are not required controlled studies, with equivocal results for HbA1c: no change in
before any therapeutic action (glucose administration, correction, adults [34–36]; negative in children and adolescents [37–39]; and
S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72 67

favorable with HbA1c reductions of 0.3–0.4% [40,41]. A prospective metabolic benefit does not require permanent use of the system
paediatric study suggested that therapeutic modifications related but, instead, only a minimum use 40% of the time.
to CGM favor a reduction in the incidence of hypoglycaemias
[42]. During pregnancy, retrospective analysis of IG data every 4–6 Metabolic phenotyping
weeks in T1D and T2D patients led to reductions in HbA1c in the
third trimester and in macrosomia compared with a control group The working group agrees with the recent attempts to
followed without CGM [43]. This positive effect of retrospective standardize glycaemic data expression [46], which is helpful for
CGM was the result of education. categorizing patients and evaluating therapeutic impact. These
Concerning the retrospective analysis of data by patients, a include:
recent single-centre, cross-sectional study of 155 adults and
185 parents of T1D children, some of whom were CGM users,  categorization of different glycaemic levels according to their
focused on ‘frequent downloaders’ ( 4 downloads/year), showed clinical impact, based on the spectrum summarized in Fig. 2;
that this proactive behavior was associated with significantly  use of time spent in the glycaemic target zone [time in range
lower HbA1c, with a difference approaching 1% [44]. Downloading (TIR)]; the working group proposes a TIR objective of 60% at 70–
of data by patients themselves, at their own pace, can be 180 mg/dL (3.9–10.0 mmol/L), with < 10% of time spent at
encouraged if they have received the interpretation keys. < 70 mg/dL;
As for data transmission by patients, we must strive for the  estimation of glycaemic variability, which is usually based on
implementation of a dedicated platform for telemedicine, thereby the dispersion of glucose values around the 24-h mean glucose
enabling automated analysis, and especially management with a concentration [46,47].
diagnostic and educational approach. This is facilitated by
cooperative protocols between doctors and nurses, with task From a statistical point of view, the standard deviation (SD) is
delegation. Indeed, treatment adjustment according to IG values is the most appropriate index for assessing glucose variability.
a complex task that is often difficult to master by many patients, However, the SD is usually positively correlated with mean glucose
who would therefore benefit from support by telemedicine concentrations. As a consequence, the coefficient of variation (%CV)
approaches. for glucose, calculated using the formula ([SD of glucose]/[mean
The working group acknowledges that the level of proof is still glucose concentration])  100, appears to be the most reliable
too low to claim that the retrospective analysis of IG data directly index for quantifying glycaemic variability, as it is adjusted against
contributes to improving HbA1c or reducing the incidence of mean glucose concentration [48]. When the %CV is computed from
hypoglycaemia. However, it is acknowledged that programmes for its mean over several consecutive days, it appears that the
downloading data play a facilitating role in the diagnostic task of threshold for separating ‘stable’ from ‘labile’ diabetes states can be
caregivers in the technical management of insulin therapy and a set at 36% [49]. However, it must be noted that the SD and %CV do
motivational and educational role in patients. not have the same meaning when computed using means
calculated from data collected every day over several consecutive
Treatment compliance days and when derived from AGP values. The two indices can be
referred to as the ‘mean daily %CV’ and ‘daily %CV by average’,
System wearing time can be deemed optimal if it enables the set respectively. However, the latter, which is easily calculated using
therapeutic objectives to be achieved. The benefits for HbA1c are the averaged glucose and related SD values, is automatically
also significantly correlated with sensor usage time [45]. However, indicated on the first page of CGM reports, and is usually lower and
the EVADIAC sensor study [19] showed that the achievement of less reliable than the former [50].

Fig. 2. Patient metabolic phenotyping. DKA: diabetic ketoacidosis; ER: emergency room (from Bergenstal et al. [46]).
68 S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72

Contribution of CGM/FGM to adjustment of basal insulin dose hypoglycaemia within 3 h, should raise the possibility of a bolus
given after the meal or apart from it;
CGM/FGM provides a more precise evaluation of the basal  there is a marked trend towards postprandial hypoglycaemia.
insulin dose effect. Its use is highly recommended during a fasting This suggests the prandial insulin dose is probably overestima-
test. It also helps to identify nocturnal episodes and the ‘dawn ted;
phenomenon’ or early-morning hypoglycaemia and to make  there is wide postprandial variability. Apart from repeated
treatment adjustments. It can identify when the pump is stopped forgetfulness or variable times of the bolus relative to meals, the
too frequently, but not when disconnections fail to stop the pump, most probable explanation is poor carbohydrate- (and/or lipid-)
which can then only be suggested by gradual increases in blood counting. In this case, it is helpful to work with a daily journal.
glucose. In the presence of high nocturnal variability, it is advisable
to consider low values (curve of the 10th percentile) before
increasing basal rates. The determination of basal needs during the Contribution of retrospective analysis to correction of hypoglycaemia
day and in the evening is more complex due to interference of the
prandial bolus effect. In this case, a short fast by skipping a single Excessive hypoglycaemia correction is revealed by glycaemic
meal can be useful. excursions beyond target values following a hypoglycaemic
In addition, CGM/FGM contributes by documenting the marked episode. Some systems offer automatic analysis of events
influence of physical activity on basal insulin needs during and preceding hyperglycaemia and can identify hypoglycaemia as
after the activity and also facilitates the implementation of suitable preceding a hyperglycaemic peak. CGM/FGM can promote
preventative measures [51]. overcorrection of hypoglycaemia due to the time lag between
Indeed, the availability of precise 24-h data can encourage glucose intake and IG increase as visualized by patients, who
patients to programme different basal rates over 24 h. However, should be warned of this unavoidable time lag. In addition, the
due to the kinetics of subcutaneous insulin, there are no benefits to possible anxiety-provoking effect of continually visualizing IG
multiplying the number of different basal rates and the time ranges results can induce inappropriate preventative glucose administra-
of pump basal rates should generally not be < 4 h. tion measures in patients fearful of hypoglycaemia, thereby
The use of TLGS or PLGS raises the issue of adjusting basal rates sometimes worsening the situation through prolonged interrup-
when repeated automatic stops occur within a given period. It tion of basal rates [52].
seems evident that the basal rate should be reduced when the
hypoglycaemic threshold is crossed despite stopping the pump Use of retrospective analysis for correction of hyperglycaemia
apart from a bolus. It has also been acknowledged that a
cumulative duration of > 3–4 h of overnight stopping observed The use of CGM/FGM in real time can prompt patients to give
repeatedly indicates an overdose of basal insulin, which can create themselves corrective boluses more frequently because of the
instability through hyperglycaemic rebound. graphic visualization of hyperglycaemic excursions. While this
action is advisable, such corrective boluses may sometimes be too
Use for determining prandial insulin doses frequent or too close together, which may result in hypoglycaemia.
This tendency can be spotted by the frequency of boluses or by a
It is difficult to obtain consistent postprandial glycaemic low basal/bolus ratio. Patient education must be improved by
control in daily practice, and a single postprandial value, taken at advising the systematic use of a bolus calculator for any corrections
any hour, is a very poor reflection of the glycaemic changes that and/or consideration of the active insulin before any manual bolus
take place rapidly after ingestion of carbohydrates and injection is delivered.
of prandial boluses. For a precise analysis, the working group Similarly, visualization of several correction boluses with no
recommends that meals be tagged on the curve to facilitate significant effects can lead to an increase in correction boluses
interpretation of the observed IG variations. When unloading (decrease in sensitivity coefficient).
data, it is possible to configure it for the usual mealtimes, which
can make the automatic analysis more relevant, especially if Analysis of patient experiences
the patient has unconventional mealtimes (shift workers, for
example). Most patients on CGM experience an improvement in quality of
Once meals have been identified, it is important to focus on the life and greater social and professional freedom. Some, however,
postprandial curves for each meal while attempting to identify a develop inappropriate behaviors, with overinvestment in or
reproducible tendency. Some programmes superimpose a pro- dependency on the sensor, with an abnormally high number of
posed pattern of curves from the beginning of the identified meal scans, unreasonable treatment adjustments (> 5 basal rate slots,
and focus more on the postprandial period to be studied. In other > 5 corrective boluses/day, frequent use of temporary basal rate)
systems, the superimposed curves or AGP can rapidly display the or pathological anxiety over usage interruption of sensors
glycaemic trend during main meals, provided that the meals are (manifested by repetitive capillary blood glucose tests to mimic
generally taken at the same time of day. continuous information from a sensor). The presence of these
Three situations can be considered: behaviors must be assessed and could raise doubts over
continuation of CGM. They also highlight the importance of
 there is a trend towards a postprandial hyperglycaemic gradient therapeutic education and patient support.
(> 1 g/L), with few hypoglycaemic events. This suggests the
prandial insulin dose is probably insufficient, but it might also be
that the prandial bolus was given too late in relation to the start Identification and correction of inappropriate uses and
of the meal or perhaps missed completely. With the AGP, the behaviors
recurrence of forgotten boluses can appear graphically, ranging
from a dome-shaped postprandial hyperglycaemia to significant Table 3 summarizes the causes to bear in mind when there are
glycaemic variability. Substantial postprandial hyperglycaemia reliability problems with results, frequent misuse or insulin
followed by an IG return to within-target values, or even therapy effects on CGM/FGM.
S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72 69

Table 3
Summary of technical issues and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) misuse or inappropriate management of insulin therapy under CGM.

Problems Causes Actions to take

Reduced data accuracy and/or First 24 h of FreeStyle Libre (FSL) sensor [4] Start new sensor at bedtime, with caution as to value
IG/SMBG discrepancy accuracy on the first night
Calibration issues (CGM only): mishandling, calibration Pay attention to calibration timing/values when
delay [23], IG lability period, wrong SMBG value downloading data
Partial or complete sensor detachment Check sensor, check sensor application, adapt adhesion
Defective sensor Change sensor
Sensor life exceeded Follow manufacturer recommendations
Acetaminophen (overestimation by 20–30 mg/dL for Avoid acetaminophen, inform patients
7 h) [22]
No interference described with FSL
Vitamin C, aspirin
Pressure artefact (low IG value returns to normal after Avoid applying sensor to pressure areas (waist, sleeping
pressure is released) position)

Repeated alerts (CGM only) Unnecessary alarms Evaluate alert frequency based on downloads, patient’s
Premature thresholds point of view (risk of demotivation, lack of reactivity)

Poor glucose control Missed prandial boluses Analyze data with patient, try to understand precisely
Delayed prandial boluses how patient is dealing with the situation
Carbohydrate variability not covered by insulin
Excessive basal rate suspensions
Basal/bolus imbalance
Overbolusing (overinvestment)
Premature or excessive hypoglycaemia corrections

Anxiety Psychological dependence on sensor Evaluate psychological impact and quality of life related
to CGM/FGM use

IG: interstitial glucose; SMBG: self-monitoring of blood glucose; FGM: flash glucose monitoring; Cobelli et al. [4]; Bergenstal et al. [23]; Buckingham et al. [22].

Specific characteristics in children and adolescents weight of the device. Recent devices enabling data transmission to
parents in real time have clear safety benefits, but also raise the
Specific studies issue of freedom of choice in older children as to whether or not to
share their data in real time.
The results of a dozen randomized controlled trials conducted
in children (> 1000 children and adolescents with T1D) since Sensor insertion
2006 show a remarkable effect on hypoglycaemic events [20],
particularly with the TLGS function [13]. The benefits for HbA1c are As children and parents often fear insertion of the sensor, it is
significant, albeit slightly inferior to those obtained in adults. These important to prepare the family well and to prevent pain, using an
benefits remain particularly dependent on device wearing time anaesthetic cream during initial insertions. The choice of site,
and disappear when its use is discontinued. The available data ‘in particularly in young children, depends on subcutaneous tissue
real life’ from large cohorts of young patients highlight the need to thickness, while prioritizing the upper buttocks. We recommend
identify possible obstacles to the use of the technology [53]; this is supporting families during the first two or three insertions until
because only 4–6% of children use CGM in the long term [54] and, there is complete comfort, as that is an important factor for long-
of those, < 15% download data regularly. In this context, the term acceptability. Trained nurses can also be supportive during
establishment of therapeutic educational and structured support initial insertions.
programmes for families seems mandatory.
Setting alarm thresholds
Indications for CGM systems
Setting alarm thresholds depends on the context – age, diabetes
The working group agrees with the international paediatric stability, insulin regimen, priority objectives – of the given patient.
recommendations [55,56] stating that the medical indications in For children who are not under parental care during the day, we
children and adolescents are totally consistent with those of recommend not activating the hyperalert, which could create
adults. The distinctiveness of paediatric cases lies in the reasons for difficulties for nannies or teachers.
the implementation of such systems when system requests can The PLGS function has its limitations when the basal rate is low
come from caregivers, and also patients and their families, thus (or even zero), which is commonly seen in paediatric cases,
requiring an educational assessment that takes into account family especially in the morning [57]. Patients and their families need to
issues and the motivations of relatives and patients, which can be warned of these limitations, but reassured that the hypoalert
sometimes differ (a desire for alarms and remote data access vs. an will ring in case of system failure.
obligation to take better care of their diabetes, risk of alarms at
night or during social life, aesthetic aspects, fear of being Real-time use in paediatric cases
monitored. . .).
Real-time use depends on the fact that children are away from
Choice of system in children their parents during most of the day and lack enough autonomy to
react appropriately. With the hypoalarm, children are trained to
Certain system characteristics may be important, such as the notify an adult informed by their parents as to the correct quantity
diameter and length of the electrode and guide needle and size and of carbohydrates to administer and how to read the screen to verify
70 S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72

the increase in glucose. For children using FSL, the scan may be Funding
done by either the child or an adult trained by the parents to do a
scan if hypoglycaemia is suspected. In practice, few real-time This work has been supported by the SFD, which covered
adjustments are made in young children during the day and new scientific meeting travel expenses.
tools for remote data transmission to parents in real time are
eagerly anticipated. In older children, however, these tools Disclosure of interest
require active authorization by the patient (to respect privacy)
and the course of action will have been chosen together with the S. Borot discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
parents. tancies from Abbott, Animas/Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Roche.
P.-Y. Benhamou discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
Self-analysis/retrospective analysis of patterns consultancies from Abbott, Animas/Johnson & Johnson, Dexcom,
Insulet, Medtronic, Roche.
Frequent self-analysis (weekly vs. infrequently) has shown an C. Atlan discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
improvement of 1% in HbA1c [58]. It is therefore important to train tancies from Abbott and Medtronic.
patients/parents on how to download and analyze CGM data in E. Bonnemaison discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
order to adjust their treatment and evaluate the actions to be consultancies from Medtronic.
undertaken. B. Catargi discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
consultancies from Abbott.
G. Charpentier discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
Conclusion consultancies from Abbott, Dexcom, Medtronic.
N. Filhol discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
CGM in real time is a considerable step towards refining useful tancies from Roche.
tools for the daily management of diabetes. Maintained by S. Franc discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
caregiver and patient training, to which the present work aims to tancies from Animas/Johnson & Johnson, Roche.
contribute, it allows an integrated mode of treatment that is a D. Gouet discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
precursor to future advances towards an artificial pancreas. tancies from Abbott.
Indeed, we have already witnessed its first fruits with the B. Guerci discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
availability of insulin pumps connected to glucose sensors tancies from Abbott, Dexcom, Medtronic, Roche.
capable of interrupting their output when hypoglycaemia occurs C. Guillot discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
or is anticipated. Such systems have already generated a change tancies from Abbott, Dexcom.
in attitude towards hypoglycaemic episodes and what to do when M. Joubert discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
the situation arises. More recently, a regulation on the adminis- consultancies from Abbott, Medtronic.
tration of insulin in hyperglycaemia was authorized in the US. A. Penfornis discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
Thus, little by little, we are moving closer to the artificial consultancies from Abbott, Medtronic.
pancreas. In addition to the technological advances made by S. Picard discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
device manufacturers and algorithm engineers, clinical skills and tancies from Abbott, Animas/Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic.
solid patient training now need to be added before taking the next E. Renard discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
steps in this development. consultancies from Abbott, Animas/Johnson & Johnson, Dexcom,
The working group responsible for the present recommenda- Insulet, Medtronic, Roche, Ypsomed, Cellnovo.
tions emphasizes certain promising aspects in the short- and Y. Reznik discloses congress invitations, honoraria and consul-
medium-term future of these technologies: tancies from Medtronic.
J.-P. Riveline discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
 institutional recommendations need to pay particular attention consultancies from Abbott, Animas/Johnson & Johnson, Dexcom,
to populations at hypoglycaemic risk as regards the indications Medtronic.
for and reimbursement of CGM devices; P. Schaepelynck discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
 the rules of good practice for CGM, especially those related to consultancies from Roche.
technical training in the use of sensors and knowledge of the A. Sola-Gazagnes discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
causes of measurement error, are precursors to those that need consultancies from Abbott, Medtronic.
to be enacted with the oncoming emergence of artificial N. Tubiana discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
pancreas devices; consultancies from Abbott, Insulet, Medtronic.
 the time required for complete processing of CGM data by O. Verier-Mine discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
healthcare professionals is considerable. Consequently, it is consultancies from Abbott.
necessary to design software combining user-friendliness, H. Hanaire discloses congress invitations, honoraria and
multiplatform usage and AGP presentation that also integrates consultancies from Abbott, Animas/Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic,
data on glucose and insulin concentrations and events; Roche.
 the expression of CGM data must strive for standardization to A. Farret, I. Guilhem, N. Jeandidier, V. Melki, E. Merlen,
facilitate the phenotyping of patient data and follow-up of their E. Bismuth and S. Rudoni declare that they have no competing
evolution. Indicators of variability (%CV, interquartile range, TIR) interest.
are all helpful in the evaluation of quality of treatment;
 the introduction of CGM, while improving the quality of
management for patients with diabetes, has also involved the
transformation of treatment support, rendering it longer and Appendix A. Supplementary data
more complex, as it also comprises specific educational and
technical dimensions. This complexity must be taken into Supplementary data (Table S1) associated with this article can
account in discussions of the organization of care in diabetology be found, in the online version, at
and their evaluation. and
S. Borot et al. / Diabetes & Metabolism 44 (2018) 61–72 71

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