Aurels Scene

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Aurel’s Scene

[Black background with Aurel’s token in the center]

[ Mozart Requiem Lacrimosa (Redux) [Epic, Rock, Hybrid, Trailer] plays till 1:10]


At the core of the human experience, when faced with the utmost heinous of lives, subjected
to taunter evil and merciless cruelty, we find ourselves asking the same questions over and


Ravage, raid, rampage and rage.

[ plays in the background as ambience]

[Switch to burned down village page]

What is pain? Not of the body, not of the soul or the heart. But true pain. Borne of the most
cardilnal of sins, birthed into the world not crying and dripping with the tears of a loving
mother but in a splatter of waste and guts.

[Switch to the forest of impaled page]

What is evil? Not of oppressive structures, unfair deals,coercion of the strong, illegitimate
ruleship and bondage to a foreign god. But twenty thousand impaled men, women and
children in a forest of sadism. Blood dripping down the poles like dew on the vine.


Mothers laid astride their children

[Switch to Church background, with Aurel’s token in the center]

[Remove all sound tracks]
[Play ]

What is justice? Is it not prayer for the unwell, bread for the poor, salvation for the damned,
and pardon from one's sins. No. Justice is fire. Righteous and direct, which singes the
clothes, flesh, blood, bones and all. Leaving nothing but ash, repentance has one face and
one only.
And that man knows none. And he shall have none. For Justice is coming.


His final death.


[Play looped Whip Crack Sound Effect ]

[Strained and pained with each strike]

Though this flesh, weak as it is right now, is not hopeless. Enlightenment comes to those
with an objective. A crusade. I am to be his jailor, his bloodhound. His sentence and the
sword. Judge, jury and executioner, for his peers shall not have him. Will not have him. A
man undeserving of rights and morals, left with only cold unfeeling conviction.




Can you see me, Țepeș? You will laugh. You will drink. And you will grow complacent and fat
in your presumptions. I am guided by a higher purpose. I am here to end you.

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