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Physics-11th JAYSHREE PERIWAL High School Practical

Viva Voce Question

1. What is a simple pendulum?
Ans. An ideal simple pendulum consists of a heavy point mass (called bob) tied to one end of
a perfectly inextensible, flexible and weightless string. It is suspended from a rigid
2. Do we really use an ideal simple pendulum?
Ans. No. The bob has some size. The string is also extensible.
3. Define length of a simple pendulum.
Ans. It is the distance between the point of suspension and the C.G. of the pendulum which is
C.G. of bob itself.
4. What is the relation between time period and length of the simple pendulum?
Ans. The relation is, T  2 l / g
5. Does a wall clock run slow or fast in winter?
Ans. A wall clock runs fast in winter, because decrease of length of pendulum decreases its
time period.
6. Does a wall clock gain or lose time in summer?
Ans. A wall clock loses time in summer, because its time period increases due to increase of
length of the pendulum.
7. What is damping?
Ans. It is opposition to free vibrations of bob of a simple pendulum due to presence of air
(medium) around it.
8. How does damping affect the amplitude?
Ans. The damping decreases exponentially the amplitude after each vibration.
9. What is second’s pendulum?
Ans. A simple pendulum whose time period is two seconds, is called a second’s pendulum.
10. What is the length of a second’s pendulum?
Ans. The length of a second’s pendulum on earth surface is about 99.4 cm.
11. How is time period of a simple pendulum get affected with change in value of ‘g’?
Ans. The time period, T  . As ' g ' decreases at height and depth, T increases. Effect of g
becomes zero in free fall or in a satellite. In that case, T becomes infinite. At centre of
earth, g becomes zero, then T becomes infinite. The pendulum will not oscillate.
12. Which pendulum is not effected with change in value of g?
Ans. A spring pendulum, working on inertia and elasticity has no effect on its time period
due to change in value of g.
13. What type motion is executed by simple pendulum?
Ans. Simple harmonic motion (SHM).
14. What is simple harmonic motion?
Ans. A particle is said to execute simple harmonic motion if it moves to and fro about a mean
position under the action of a restoring force which is directly proportional to its
displacement from a mean position and is always directed towards the mean position.
15. What is the restoring force on pendulum?
Ans. F  mg sin  .
16. What are damped oscillations?
Ans. When the amplitude of oscillations of a body continuously decreases in air boyd
continuously decreases in air (medium) due to action of damping force, then oscillations
are called damped oscillations. For example, oscillation of simple pendulum in air
loaded spring.
17. Is the time period depend upon the amplitude of bob?
Ans. If amplitude is small and angular displacement is small, then time period does not
18. Can we use a pendulum watch in an artificial satellite?
Ans. No,  g  0 , T  2 
The pendulum does not oscillate.
19. What is the time period of oscillation, if the its length made half?
l1 T12 l 2 2
Ans.  2 or  2
l2 T2 l / 2 T2
or T2  2s.
20. What is effect on time period, if the Cu bob is replaced by identical bob made of wood?
Ans. No effect, because time period does not depend upon material, shape and size of bob in

Note : -
1. Viva questions will not necessarily be same (could be similar type).
2. Also read oscillation chapter from NCERT.

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