Research Business Paper - Edited

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MAR024-1 Researching Business and Management

Assignment number and title- 2

Individual written report
Reference Harvard
Student name
Student ID
Table of Contents

Analysis of Qualitative Data......................................................................................................3

Identification of Different Types of Data...............................................................................3

Conducting Literature Research.............................................................................................3

Methods used for Examination of data..................................................................................4

Similarity and Differences in Themes....................................................................................4

Theoretical and practical Implications...................................................................................4

Analysis of Quantitative Data....................................................................................................5

Hypothesis and Measures Used..............................................................................................5

Description of Study Sample.................................................................................................5

Data Collection Method.........................................................................................................6

Data Analysis Techniques/Methods Used to Analyse the Data.............................................6

Explanation of Study Findings...............................................................................................6

Practical Implications.............................................................................................................6



Research is an extensive process to work with the different types of data and information,
where a wide range of theories, tools, and procedures are followed for the analysis of
collected data. The concerned paper has an aim to understand the two different approaches of
data analysis, namely the qualitative and quantitative analysis. Two articles from the
international business review- strategic decision-making processes and international
munificence.., and integrating embeddedness with the dynamic capabilities are taken to
analyze in the concerned report. This research work purposefully analyses the link of results
with literature along with the identification of methods in the two different cases of the
research papers.
Analysis of Qualitative Data
Identification of Different types of Data
Researchers selected different types of data based on the philosophy of research work and the
need to perform the study. de Dieu Basabose (2019) argues that research objectives and
background identify the research problem that defines the types of data that can be used for
the research work. Frasquet et al. (2018) have an approach to illustrate the integration
between the theoretical embeddedness and dynamic nature of the fashion brands. The
theoretical analysis approach of this paper focuses on the key information collected from the
interview process with the key informants of the international fashion retail industry. de Dieu
Basabose (2019) argues that usage of theoretical information along with the adoption of
interviews for the purpose of qualitative analysis can identify the research data as of mixed
types, where the secondary data sources offer the theoretical information and the interview,
as a primary data source defines the embeddedness at a different level in reality.
Conducting Literature Research
Kraus et al. (2021) argue that the literature review of a study is the backbone that creates an
awareness of researchers regarding the challenges faced by different researchers while
executing the study in the same field. Application of literature research into the research
findings can make an insightful study. Frasquet et al. (2018) identify that the applicability of
embeddedness can be evaluated through three forms of embeddedness, which include social
embeddedness, network, and technological embeddedness to improve the international
retailing experiences. It further claims that economic sociology, power management, and
controlling the interaction between the non-financial and financial elements can create an
organizational strength for the embeddedness in the international perspective. The research of
Frasquet et al. (2018) further opines that cross-cultural strength for diversity management and
the power to capitalize on the market opportunity based on flexibility are some key strengths
required for international embeddedness. Identifix caution of above concepts from the
literature can be found in the findings of the study, which claims societal embeddedness
through the cultural competency, flexibility to improve core brand with managerial capacity,
as well as knowledge management are the key strengths for embeddedness. Hence, the
literature of the study aligns with the findings and defines its correlative nature in the
qualitative study.
Methods used for Examination of data
The literature review is performed on the analysis of the research objectives of a selected
research paper. Frasquet et al. (2018) take the integrating concepts as well as the research
objectives to review the literature of the selected paper. The themes for the Literature review
are prepared with the consideration of the dynamic capabilities of the fashion retailing brands
along with the consideration of their market embeddedness.
The methodology of the research paper penned by Frasquet et al. (2018) considered the real-
life context along with the theoretical aspects for the analysis of collected data. Qualitative
research design is used for the data analysis is taken for the analysis of the interview data
collected regarding the embeddedness.
Similarity and Differences in Themes
Findings are structured in keeping similarity with the literature, considering the three blocks
of embeddedness, where findings of 4.2 talks about the strengths required for the
embeddedness, which is similar to the managerial capabilities for efficient embeddedness as
illustrated in the A1 subheading of theme 4.1, as both talks about the strength required for the
embeddedness (Frasquet et al., 2018). Knowledge management is a brand-building capacity
that has a similarity with the channel management and adaptation capacity of the retailing
groups. These themes are funds to be similar. Adaptation capacity and brand building
capacity are the two distinctive approaches as adaptation is a generic approach for
embeddedness considering the firm-specific approach of network management. This is found
to be distinctive between themes of research.
Theoretical and Practical Implications
Retailers expanding in a new country to operate in the fashion retailing segment need to have
an understanding regarding the culture of the targeted market as well as the financial capacity
of the population of the targeted market for accelerated success in the internalized market
(Vlachopoulos and Makri, 2017). These two aspects help to frame the product portfolio
matching with their cultural background as well as the affordability of customers. These are
the practical implications of the research findings. Furthermore, the management of the
external environment and cross-cultural organizational issues within the organization, while
the managerial approach of the network stimulates that knowledge transmission process.
Analysis of Quantitative Data
Hypothesis and Measures Used
The hypothesis is a proposed supposition or a belief that is used for the explanation of
specific research work to investigate more profound information for the data collection
process. Clark and Vealé (2018) argue that coding and sorting are the two most prominent
tools used for data analysis in quantitative research approaches. However, a transitional
process exists between the data collection and analysis in a research paper, where Petrou et
al. (2020) talks about the information management process for the decision making to frame
the hypothesis. The first hypothesis entails that the rationality approach in SMEs is less likely
to be effective in international operations. The second hypothesis talks about the context of
political approaches in decision making that reduces effectiveness in the international
operation. The third hypothesis is formed with a statement that the procedural approach in an
SME is less effective for internationalization, where international magnificence is an
important restriction. International maleficence also posed a negative effect on the politically
modified decision making as represented in the second subsection of the third hypothesis.
Petrou et al. (2020) illustrate that the research paper utilizes Post Hoc and Harman's one-
factor analysis approach for reducing bias in the data collected through the questionnaire
survey. The selection of Greek firms for the analysis is chosen considering the dependent
variable of six years of internationalization. Independent variables used in the study are re-
run analyses for measurement of international munificence along with the usage of the
Cronbach alpha value scale. However, the distinction between the manufacturing firm and
service firm is achieved with the implementation of a dummy variable called Cronbach
alphas, as illustrated by Petrou et al. (2020). The method used for the data collection is a
survey, where the questions are sometimes arranged in the backward direction to create
distinctiveness in the questionnaire design.
Description of Study Sample
The study sample selected the SMEs from Greece, which has employee bases between 10 to
250. The selected firms are to be internationalized through the process of export, joint
venture, or wholly-owned subsidiary ventures. Elliott (2018) argues that a higher number of
data samples offers more reliability of research work. The research sample for the selected
research work of Petrou et al. (2020) selected 200 SMEs from the ICAP database, where the
random selection process using the above-stated restrictions is used to select the information
for data collection.
Data Collection Method
The aforesaid discussion shows that selected research tackles the primary data from the
SMEs through the survey processes. Hence, it can be stated that the selected research work
adopts the primary data collection method for the research work. The variables of the primary
research works of this study are framed from the analysis of secondary resources. Petrou et
al. (2020) define that the selected research paper uses a 'key information process' for the data
collection, where the phone calls are arranged with the CEOs of the selected firms to
participate in the survey. After three weeks of the first survey, a second set of the
questionnaire is sent to the selected samples, where the research received 208 responses
which amount to the 22% of the selected populations for the survey.
Data Analysis Techniques/Methods Used to Analyse the Data
Two specific techniques are used for the data analysis in the research paper, which are
Descriptive statistics and correlations analysis along with the Binary regression analysis.
Petrou et al. (2020) argue that Descriptive statistics are used especially for the analysis of
variables of the study, that 63% of responses show accelerated internationalization. The
variable Inflation factor is used for the linear regression model of data analysis, where
multicollinearity can not be a problem for the data analysis as identified by Petrou et al.
Explanation of Study Findings
Procedural rationality and politicization have a significant impact in a negative way on the
interpretation of the SMEs, where munificence is identified as a factor that accelerates the
negative effect on the firms. The study draws a subtle line between the accelerated
internationalized and slows nationalized SMEs, considering the SMEs from the decision-
making approach of an organization (Petrou et al., 2020). Accelerated SMEs operate with
less rationality and politicization compared to slow SMEs. However, the results of the
findings justified the hypothesis and confirmed the predictions of the hypothesis are in line
with the desired result of the research work.
Practical Implications
This study can be entrepreneurial aspects of the internalization considering the small firm's
approach to internationalize. This research has less attention on the strategic processes of a
firm, where the strategic management and high information strength can improve the
decision-making approach of the SMEs in the internationalization aspects. Furthermore, the
speed of the decision-making approach of the SMEs can be evaluated as well as the elements
of the precise decision-making process can be identified with the findings of this research
There remains a significant difference between the approaches of qualitative and quantitative
analysis. The volume of the sample, as well as the selection of variables, are important for the
quantitative research work, while qualitative research work is more concerned about the
authenticity of the selected information as well as the selected themes to analysis. However,
both the research work has an approach to represent error-free information to audiences.

Clark, K.R. and Vealé, B.L., 2018. Strategies to enhance data collection and analysis in
qualitative research. Radiologic technology, 89(5), pp.482CT-485CT.
de Dieu Basabose, J., 2019. Introduction, Research Objectives and Overview. In Anti-
corruption Education and Peacebuilding (pp. 3-9). Springer, Cham.
Elliott, V., 2018. Thinking about the coding process in qualitative data analysis. The
Qualitative Report, 23(11), pp.2850-2861.
Frasquet, M., Dawson, J., Calderón, H. and Fayos, T., 2018. Integrating embeddedness with
dynamic capabilities in the internationalisation of fashion retailers. International Business
Review, 27(4), pp.904-914.
Helmich, E., Stenfors, T. and Barrett, A., 2018. How to… choose between different types of
data. The clinical teacher, 15(5), pp.366-369.
Kraus, S., Mahto, R.V. and Walsh, S.T., 2021. The importance of literature reviews in small
business and entrepreneurship research.
Petrou, A.P., Hadjielias, E., Thanos, I.C. and Dimitratos, P., 2020. Strategic decision-making
processes, international environmental munificence and the accelerated internationalization
of SMEs. International Business Review, 29(5), p.101735.
Vlachopoulos, D. and Makri, A., 2017. The effect of games and simulations on higher
education: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Educational Technology in
Higher Education, 14(1), pp.1-33.

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