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B Jim “Muscala and WAW Productions PUBLISHED BY #€ TSR RULES Pe2Z0 Os Br) OME Rules for exact hit location and damage determination; for use with gunpowder period man-to-man rules. By Jim Muscala and WAW Productions © 1974 by Jim Muscala and WAW Productions printed in u.s.a. WIQUIKIES REGARDING THESE RULES SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A TOTSR RULES PORTS. LAKE GENEVA. Wi AMPED FNVELOME AND SENT 1-1 INTRODUCTION BIO ONE was created in 1974 to incorporate o degree of realism into a field of war- goming which was sorely lacking. BIO ONE provides @ complete end accurate system of damage location and effects for any gunpowder period of warfare. BIO ONE will prove an interesting addition to any set of men-to-mon rules which uses gun fire. BIO ONE may at first cppear confusing, but by simply following the step-by-step proceedure and trying a few sample applications, the system will be mastered in no time at all. 2-1 MATERIALS. Any set of man-to-man rules for a gunpowder period (i.e., TSR's BOOT HILL, etc.) . -One six-sided die -As many decimal dice os cre available (BLO ONE can be used with only one, but seven or more is easiest) . ~Paper and pencil -BIO ONE, which you now hold in front of you 3-1 PROCEDURE BIO ONE can best be thought of as ¢ flow-chart, each event follows a definite sequence, starting with a bullet being fired and ending with a wound of a certain degree of seriousness. This is determined by a combination of probability and chance. 3-2 DETERMINATION OF GENERAL AREA OF DAMAGE Assuming that a bullet hits the body (determined by using the rules of the period of your choice), adie roll is made on Table A, using two decimal dice to derive a score from 01-100. This score is cross-indexed with the proper row for the torget position with respect to the firing person. This cross~indexing will show which generc| area (leg, arm, heod, etc.) the bullet hit. EXAMPLE: IF the target was lying down, facing 90 degrees away from the crigin of the shot and the shot originated from a higher elevation, the Lying, Side, Upper row would be consulted and a die score of, say, 83 would ploce the wound in a leg, A roll of a six-sided die would be made to determine if the right leg or left leg were hit; 1,2,3 = right leg and 4,5, 6 = left leg. 3-3 DETERMINATION! OF EXACT LOCATION AND DAMAGE After the determination of which general area wos hit, the wound Is further pinpointed by the use of charts 1 through 6. Each chart is explained below. CHART #1. ABDOMINAL WOUNDS. This chart is a matrix of the torso which shows the specific areas of organ arrangement and determines exactly where the bullet hit the torso, To use this chart roll one decimal die for the x axis and one die for the y axis. The y axis number is used on either the front or side track, ond the x axis number is used either on the upper er lower track; this is determined by the result on Table A. These two numbers are then cross~ indexed to determine the exact abdominal region which was hit (in BIO ONE, the abdomen refers to the entire area of the body except for the head, arms, and legs). After it is determined which area is hit, go to chart 42 to determine if any organs are hit. CHART #2. ABDOMINAL WOUNDS. This chart deals with wht the bullet hit afer it entered the body. First, find the corresponding number of the area hit (crea 1, area 2, etc.) on Chart 41, Then roll two decimal dice and obtain o score from 01-100. This score determines what organs were hit, or the number of argans which were hit, or thet no organs were hit (nothing). IF it is determined that the bullet hit only one organ or none at all, go on to Chart #3. If the result is more than one", o further die roll 1s necessary to determine which organs were « This is done by rolling either two or three decimal dice on the second part of the chart for each respective area. The resulting numbers refer to the organs listed in the First part of the chart for the same orea. EXAMPLES: In crea one, o toll of 23 would indicate that the trachea was hit, In which case you would go on to Chart #3.1f, again in area one, a roll of 86 was scored, it would indicate that more than one organ was hit and another roll of three dice should be made, Suppose the second die roll scores a 944. This would then indicate that organs 1,3 ond 5 were hit; #1 being the esophagus, #3 the spine and #5 the rib. Then proceed to Chart #3 for each of the organs hit. Note that Chart 2-2 is a continuation of Chort 2-1. CHART #3. ABDOMINAL WOUNDS: DAMAGE TO ORGANS. After deter~ determination of which organs were hit using Chart #2, Chort #3 is used to find the extent of the damage. The organs are listed alphabetically, The numbers to the right of the organ name indicate how many decimal dice should be rolled to determine the number of Damage Points received. EXAMPLE: On a diaphrcgm hit 7 dice would be rolled, and on a cardiac hit 7 dice would be rolled twice. After the Damage Points are calculated, determine whether the wound is to be considered light ar incapacitating. It is considered incapacitating if it equals or exceeds the number shown on the second line. Then the Bleeding Factor (bf for short) is determined. Cross-index the Damage Points on the small chart under each organ, The result is a number from 1 to %, with 1 being the least severe. Then refer to Chart 7~1 for blood loss, 7-2 if the victim tries to stop the bleeding, 7-3 for the effect of sustained blood loss, 8 for the possibility of unconsiousness and 9 to determine whether the victim dies due to his wounds. Each chart ts covered individually latter on in these rules. EXAMPLE: Intestinal hit: die rolls of 5,3,7,8,0,4 and 9,9,6,3,2,6~ total of 62. It is over 15, so it is incapacitating and has a bf of 8. CHART #4, HEAD WOUNDS. After first determining the direction from which the bullet hit the head roll for percent in the proper column (the first twa digits being the percent) which will show what part of the head was hit. The next number shows how mony dice must be rolled twice to determine the damage points received. The last number shows the base for the bleeding factor, the bf may val, according to the cmount of damage points received, as shown on the chart just kelow the main chart. To determine the results of the Damage Points and bleeding see Charts 7,8, and 9. CHARTS #5 and #6. HAND, ARM and LEG WOUNDS, The procedure for each of these is clmost identical, ond involves the following steps: 1) Roll for percent to determine whet part of the hand or limb is hit. EXAMPLE: On an arm hit, a roll of 44 would place the wound in the upper 2) The line under each crea name indicates how many dice should be rolled to determineDamage Points. 3) The lines after that indicate the bleeding factors due to the different damage situations. 4) At the kottom of each general orea is the number determ| incopacitating or light. ing if @ wound is 3-4 BLEEDING CHART #7-1, RATE OF LOSS. After the bf is determined, the initial loss of blood is checked by rolling the number of dice shown under the bf on the chart. Each tum thereafter, the number of dice shown under the some bf, but under the "sustained" row are rolled and added to the previous tum's blood loss total. This continues until the bleeding is stopped or the victim dies (see Charts 7-2 and 7-3). CHART #7-2, STOPPING BLEEDING. When person receives a wound, he may want to fry to stop the bleeding. Each time that a seperate person trys to stop a wound from bleeding, roll once on Chart 7-2. More than one person may try per turn. Each person may do nothing else during @ tum in which he tries fo slop. © wound from bleeding. CHART 47-3, EFFECTS OF SUSTAINED BLOOD LOSS, After a person looses 100 units of blood, he must roll the appropriate number of dice according to the mount of blood he has lost, as shown on Chart 7-3. The result is the number of damage points the person sustains due to the loss of blood. These rolls must be made during each turn that the person continues to lose blood. 3-5 UNCONSIOUSNESS CHART #8. To receive a large number of Damage Points in one turn might cause Unconsiousness. Chart #8 deals only with Damage Points received during the current turn. Each turn that a person receives Damage Points, check on Chart 8 for loss of consiousness 3-6 DEATH CHART #9. When a person receives o certain number of Damage Points, he stands a chence of dying from his wounds. This is shown on Chart 9. Damage Points count full value only on the turn in which they cre sustained. They only count 1/2 value on each turn thereafter. Therefore five wounds in succession are less likely to cause death then five sustained in one turn. ABDOMEN HEAD ARMS. LEGS UPPER@ LOWER¢ SIDE+ 2 Full 00-11 12-31# 34-63% 64-81 82-99 | & 00-13 14-31% 34-62% 63-75 81-89 90-99% SIDE 00-15 16-31# 34-61% 62 63 64-994 LYING;SIDE 00-17 18-374 4o-71# 72 23 Th-99H 00-27 28-56" 59-24 75 76 27-90% LYING;FRONT 00-35 36-73% 36m 93-99 LYING; BACK 00-09 10-25% 28-99% 78-85 LYING; FRONTs UPPER 00-29 30-61" 64-81" 82-92 LYING; 23 UPPER 00-31 32-65* 68-87" 88-90 95-994 LYING; SIDE; UPPER 00-32 33-67" 68-69* 70-85" 86-89 93-998 Full- Subject is standing or rumning directly facing or facing away from shot origin. Side- Subject is facing 90 degrees away from shot origin. Lying;Side- Sudject 1s lying down, facing 90 degrees from shot origin. Lying: Front- Subject is lying down and facing shot origin. Lying; Front;Upper~ 4 Fie : ; "T- Same as normal lying position, but shot eying) Side EEee origin ic from higher olevation. #- Position is between one preceeding and one following. - A 50-50 chance that shot hits either the left or right one. - Hit on the side that the shot originated from. @- Roll on Upper axie and Front axie of Chart #1. ¢- Roll on Tower axis and Pront axis of Chart #1. +- Roll on Right or Left Side axis (as applicable) and roll on Upper or Lower axis (50-50 chance for either upper or lower). ABDOMINAL WOUNDS CHART #1 Qe FRONT (¥ axis) ¥Y axis ABDOMINAL WOUNDS CHART #2-1 AREA 1 AREA 3 00-10 1-Esophagus 00-19 1-Lung 11-25 2-Trachea 20-39 2- Trachea 26-35 prSpine 40-49 3-1 Major artery Major Artery 5 8 A ey A 0 5. wi FEPUWAU FU Fur 00-24 1-Collar Bone 25-4. 2-Rid 45-49 Both 50-99 Nothing 65-82 BO 22 0-64. TR! oe More than one: 2 dice ie 2 00-2 2i-3k PEP REA 4 00-44 Shoulder Joints: 5-99 Nothing REA 5 0. Li 1-Cardiac 2-Major Artery 3-Spine 4_Esophagus 5-Ribs Nothing More than one: 3 dice 000-099 1.2 100-199 200-299 300-396 Loo-4a 5h 5-69 Q-27 8-99 WON ERNE Ur EWU FU 79 880-889 890-899 143.4 900-909 1,3,5 910-919 2,3,4 920-929 2,545 oot ag 90-957 1,2, 958-975 1,2,5 976-993 1.4.5 99h 1,253.4 88 oon Arent? 996-997 1,2,4,5 99 1,35455 999 2Bst 5 AREA 6 60-14 1-Esophagus 15-2 2-Major Artery -Spine AREA 7 50-99 Nothing ABDOMINAL WOUNDS ARRA 13 00-14 1-Cardiac 00-09 i-Spine 15-34 2-Lung 10-24 2-Pancreas 35-54 3-Major Artery25 Both 55-69 4_Ri 26-99 Nothing 70-79 Nothing 80-99 More than one:AREA 14 AREA 8 2 dice 00-14 1-Pancreas oo-14 15-24 2-Kidney 15-34 25-26 Both 6 27-99 Nothing AREA 15 00-09 1-Pancreas 3 10-34 2-Stomach ay 35-36 Both 4 37-99 Nothing 4 AREA 16 AREA 9 00-09 1-Pancreas 00-19 1-Diaphragm 10-19 jéiney 20-39 2-Spine 20-44 3-Stomach 40-59 3-Esophagua 45-91 Nething 60-86 Nothing 92-99 87-99 More than one: 2 dice 2 dice 00-15 1.2 00-31 1.2 16-55 1,3 32-62 1,3 56-95 2,3 63-93 2,3 96-99 1,2,3 94-99 1,2,3 AREA 17 ARRA 1o & 44 00-19 Diaphragm 20-99 Nothing 20-99 Nothing AREA 18 AREA 12 00-19 00-19 1-Diaphragn 20-44 20-29 2-Gall Bladder 45-54 30-31 Both 32-99 Nothing 2-Stomach 5-Spleen 55-93 Nothing $4-97 1 & 2 above 68-9 1,2,3 above CHART #2-2 AREA 19 00-14 i-Traneverse Colon 15-29 2-Stomach * 40-03 Both 44-99 Nothing AREA 20 00-14 Transverse Colon 15-99 Nothing AREA 21 00-09 1-Spine 10-34 2-Stomach 35-36 Both 37-99 Nothing AREA 22, 24 & 25 00-39 Intestine 4O-$9 Nothing AREA 23 00-39 1-Investine ho-bg 2-Spine More than one:50-52 Both 53-99 Nothing AREA 26 00-29 Hip Joint 30-99 Nothing AREA 27 00-19 Transverse Colon 00-09 Rib 10-99 Nothing 1-Transverse Colon AREA 28 00-99 Genitals ABDOMINAL WOUNDS Cardiaci7x2 dice 18+ Incap 00-15 6 16-35 74 36-45 Bi Net oi Collar Bone; 5x2 dice 20+ Ineap 00-15 16-35 ce 50 Z 65 He Diaphragm; 7 dice 15+ Tneap 06-10 11-25 ho 26-40 5b la+ 6D Esophaguss6x2 dice 20+ Incap 00-10 4 11-20 54 21-30 64 1-ko 7h 4+ Ba Gall Bladder;6 dice 15+ Incap 00-20 4 21-40 5 aa 6 Genitale;5x2 dice 10+ Incap 00-10 4 11-20 5 21-30 6 Bi-NO 7 M+ 8 Eip Jeint;6 dice Tneap 00-20 2 21-30 3 31-40 4 & é 44-50 5i+ tine;6x2 dice 20+ Incap 00-15 16-25 26-35 96-45 he-55 564 ONAN EW CHART #3 Kidney;6 dice 20+ Incap 00-15 3 16-30 31+ 8 Lung;6x2 dice 20+ Incap 00-15 2 16-30 ae 4-45 42 6-65 54 664 6i Major Artery; 6x2 25+ Incap QG-10 3 11-20 21-25 26-30 5 32 a 3e2h3 8 ‘9 Att Panereas;5 dice 20+ Incap 00-15 2 16-30 2 31+ Rib; 5x2 dice 26 Incap 00-15 1 16-40 2 44-65 3m 66+ Am Shoulder Joint;6 20+ Incap 00-20 2 21-40 2 Lae Spine;6x2 dice 12+ Tncap 00-60 1 61+ 1s Stomach; 7x2 dice 15+ Incap 00-40 9 11-20 44 21-30 54 1-ho 64 1-60 73 61+ 84 Traverse Goton;6x2 dice 20+ Incap 00-15 4 16-30 5i 31-45 Gi 46-60 7i 61+ Ba Tracheas6x2 dice 12+ Incap 00-15 1 16-30 1b a, apt dice SBR Nothing;all areas except 4, 26, 27; 6 dice 30+ Incap 00-30 2 1 tee a Nothing; areas 4, 26, 27; 4 dice 30 Incap 00-30 2 31+ 3 50% chance of internal bleeding. 1 cic/turn. Unstopable. b- Breathing difficulty. 25% chance of coll— apsing if subject runs. dice m- Movement restricted. Running, jumping, etc. cause 2 damage points. Subject may not move trom waist down. HEAD WOUNDS CHART #4 4 SIDE 3 BACK *Top 12-5-5 20-5-5 15-5-5 , 20-5- *Forehead 1o7-6 Byles jele-3 28 *Upper Back 31-6-5 43-6-6 39-7-6 40-8-7 *Nosebridge ie-8s +*Nose 4-7-7 5 + Eyes L7H8-8 Ears 57-9-8 + Nasal 61-9-8 Cheek 75-8-8 Mouth 81-7-7 *Jaw/Chin 85-7-B *Lower Back 89-7-7 89-7 60-9-8 *Mid Back 9-8-7 948-8 B4-9-8 @ Neck 99-7-7 99-7-7 99-7-7 Over 25 Damage Ponts indicates Incap Bleeding: (In all but underlined cases) 00-30 subtract 2 bf In underlined cases, bleeding 31-G0 subtract 1 bf factor is always as printed, 61 use printed bf regardless of damage points. gis add 1 bF - Concussion possible, For damage rolls of over 60, there is a 30% chance of blacking out for from 1 to 6 turns. +- Lose of eyesight possible. On damage rolls of over 60 (in all areas execpt the eyes, where anything over 35 will cause permenant blindness) a 50% chance of blindness exists; over 90, there is an 80% chance of blindness. A further roll of one decimal dic ie taken and a 1,2,3 or 4 indicates temp~ orary loss for that many turns. A roll of 5 or more indicates the blindn is permanent. @- Spinal damage occurs if damage is over 70. If over 110, a Mejor Artery is also hit. See Abdominal Wounds Charts. 10 ARM & HAND WOUNDS CHART #5 Arm: 00-18 Shoulder Joint 5 dice ao-20 21-30 31+ - 19-30 Shoulder Muscles 4 dice 00-25 3 264 & 31-53 Upper Arm 3 dice 00-20 20+ 54-62 Elbow 3 dice 00-25 26+ 63-99 Lower Arm 3 dice 00-25 26+ Any wound over 25*Incap Kands Go-11 Wrist 3 dice 00-25 zen 12-61 Backhand/Palm 62-73 Thumb Base 74-83 Thumb (3 above) 2 dice 00-15 2 16+ 3 84-86 #1 Pinkey 87-90 #2 91-95 #3 96-99 #4 Index finger (4 above) 1 die 00-08 4 09- 2 Any wouné over 15=Ineap LEG WOUNDS CHART’ #6 00-45 Thigh . 6 dice 09-20 3 21-30 31-40 5 M+ 6 46-58 Knee 4 dice 00-20 3 21-30 4 31+ 5 59-81 Lower Leg 3 dice 00-15 2 16-20 3 21+ & 82-87 Ankle 3 dice 00-20 2 21+ 3 88-99 Foot 3 dice 00-151 16-20 2 21+ 3 Any wound over 25=Incap uv BLEEDING CHART #7 7-1 RATE OF Loss (in units of blood) bt 123456789 Initial 112235344 5 dice/turn, first turn only Sustained 011223344 dice/turn thereafter, until stopped 7-2 ABILITY TO STOP BLEEDING Roll of Roll of _ reduces Area stops sustained by 1 : hee e z 5 Each person may only attempt to cae ae 3 stop one wound per ‘turn. Head 1,2 Abdominal ee (non-arterial) Abdominal o.4 (arterial) ?-3_EPFECT OF BLOOD Loss UNCONSIOUSNESS CHART #8 bf lost dice damage points score for uncon. 100 5 0-40 - 125 é 4a -50 Ord 140 4 51-60 0,1,2 150 8 61-70 0,4,2,3 160 9 7+ Ort,2,5.4 170 10 if subject goes uncon., 1,2,3* start 180 4a of turns 4,5,6= end of turn. 190 12 Uncen. lasts’ for one die roil worth 200 a of turns. Head wounds use decimal 210 + die; others use 6-sided dic, ete. ete. DEATH CHART #9 Damage Points are are considered at Damage Points ©00-070 071-090 ogt-1to 111-120 $2t-130 131-140 141-150 151+ Sco: 12 gounted full only on turn received. value thereafter. They z re for death Bua poooooo bee fooccs . GRR R BE ee acon EXOND EU Wolo ae OrEr BOO of: SLn PRODUCTS LIST TSR HOBBIES OFFERS. CAVALIERS AND ROUNDHEADS — English Civil War miniatures rales, 1:20 figure ratio VALLEY FORG! 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LITTLE WARS — Quarterly magazine for the historical battle-pame enthusiast, LW con- {tains features on every major hisiorical period from Ancient to WW II/Modern warfare Includes: OB's. color uniform & flag data, battle reports, weapons cata, rules, reviews, letters and historical articles. Single issue $1.50; 6 issue subscription mailed 2nd class) $9.00. Overseas (vis airmail) §20.00, Published Jan,, April. July. and Oct. MULTE SIDED DICE SETS — Each set contains one 20-, 12-, 8-, 6- and 4-sided die PERCENTILE DICE SETS — A sct of two20-sided dice WATCH FOR MORE TITLES SOON TO BE RELEASED. “TSR pass all postage. Wisconsin residents rust add 4% Sales Tax. Send your order to ‘TSR HOBBIES, INC POB 756 LAKE GENEVA, WI 53147 5350 $5.00 $13.95 5400 $5.00 310.00 $3.00 5500 310.00 310.00 33.95 $ s.00 3850 3 250 3 3.00 S1L9s 3 4.00 31.49 s 89

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