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Fashion designer.
 What is the needed education/ background to be a …?
To become a fashion designer, you should have a bachelor's degree in which you
learn about textiles and fabrics and how to use CAD technology. It is necessary for
fashion designers to develop portfolio - it is a collection of design ideas that
demonstrates their styles and abilities.
 What experiences are needed to be a fashion designer?
Fashion designers often gain their initial experience in the fashion industry
through internships or by working as an assistant designer
 What qualifications are needed to be a fashion designer?
Fashion designers should get experience through internships or by working as an
assistant designer. Which provide them chance to know the design process, build
the knowledge of textiles and colors and of how the industry works.
 What are the responsibilities of a fashion designer?
Do you know fashion designers are responsible for creating original clothing,
accessories, and footwear. They sketch designs, select fabrics and patterns, and
give instructions on how to make the products they design.
 What are the required skills/ qualities of a fashion designer?
There are some qualities/required skills that you need if you want to become a
fashion designer including artistic ability, communication skills, computer skills,
creativity, decision – making skills and detail oriented.
 What is the most challenging/ important qualification of a fashion designer?
Well, the most challenging qualification of a fashion designer is that you must be
able to creative. Because the world of fashion never stays still, there are always
new fashion trends, you must capture them promptly and give new and unique
ideas. That’s really a challenge.
 What was your first job out of college?
Well, my first job was actually for my second internship for Calvin Klein – it was
famous for men’s denim at that time.
 What is your favorite part about being a designer?
I just love to sketch every day. I really enjoy all of the creative, artistic, and
aspects of designing my clothing.
 Why is fashion designers need artistic ability?
Fashion designers must be able to show their ideas through paper designs or on
computer software
Why is fashion designers need Communication skills:

Fashion designers often work in teams throughout the design process

and therefore, they must be effective in communicating with their team members.
Computer skills?

Fashion designers must be able to use computer-aided design (CAD)

programs and be familiar with graphics editing software.

Creativity. Fashion designers work with a variety of fabrics, shapes, and

colors. Their ideas must be unique, functional, and stylish.

Decision - making skills. Because fashion designers often work in teams, they are
exposed to many ideas. They must be able to decide which ideas to incorporate
into their designs.

Detail oriented. Fashion designers must have a good eye for small differences in
color and other details that can make a design successful.

Make a talk about the qualifications and the responsibilities of a

 What are the responsibilities of a merchandiser?
Firstly, garment merchandisers are responsible for working with many other
departments during manufacturing the product including costing, sampling,
planning and production department. They have to receive the tech pack from the
buyer and send cost sheet and sample to buyer for approval. Also, after several
steps, they follow up on the payments for goods.
 What is the needed education/ background?
A merchandiser should have a high school degree or a college degree in which
they learn about garment technology.
 What qualifications are needed to be a merchandiser?
 What experiences are needed to be a merchandiser?
they should get experience through internships or by working in the garment
manufacturing company. Which provide them chance to know more about the
production process and build the knowledge of textiles and materials.
 What are the required skills of a merchandiser?
There are some key qualities/required skills that you need if you want to become a
merchandiser including communication skills, computer skills, time management
skills, math and budgeting and good analytical ability.
 What is the most challenging/ important qualification of a merchandiser?
The most challenging qualification of a merchandiser is that making the product in
timely because they have to work with a large workload, so the completion of the
right term will become pressure, easy to cause stress.
Act 4

1. How many departments does a merchandiser work with? What are they?

= who does a merchandiser work with?

= whom does a merchandiser work?

Answer: a merchandiser works with 3 departments : sampling department, costing

department and production unit. Beside a merchandiser also works with buyer,
concerned dept …

2. who does a merchandiser obtain tech pack from?

He obtains tech pack from Buyer

3. what are the merchandiser’ works when coordinating with sampling

department ?

After being obtained tech pack from buyer , merchandiser wil give it to the
sampling department .then, the sampling department will develop sample as per the
tech pack and proto sample to sent to buyer for approval

5. after cost sheet and sample being appoved ,what does a merchandiser have to
= after cost sheet and sample being appoved , what are responsibilities of a

He / she have to conformation of order

6. after cost sheet and sample not being appoved ,what does a merchandiser have
to do?

They have to do cost sheet again

7. what does the merchandiser’ works when coordinating with sampling

department ?

They have hold preproduction meeting with the production unit and follow up with
production departments and updates the buyer

8. What are the responsibilities of each department?

* The responsibe of costing department is Preparing cost sheet from sample

* The responsibe of sampling department is Developing proto sample

*The responsibe of production unit is Obtaining PCD and details

9. Which programs are used in garment merchandising process?

Programs are used in the garment merchandising process are CAD, IED.

10 What does the merchandiser do after the customer approves the sample?

They hold preproduction meetings with the production unit to execute the bulk
order, follow up with production departments and update the buyer.

Nhãn hàng:
Make a question to ask and answer about your favorite brand and give the reason.
 What is your favorite brand? Why?
The fashion brand I like the most is Coco Chanel. Chanel’s products have classic,
elegant beauty, and it's also very unique and luxurious
Unit 2:
Working conditions in garment factory
1. What is the name of the garment factory?
I work as a merchandiser in Esquel factory.
2. What is the light source used in the garment factories?
In garment factories, the workplace is considered to have good lighting if sunlight
is the main source of light. Some artificial light might be used. Still, direct sunlight
causes bad damage to worker’s eyesight, therefore, they should eliminate direct or
indirect glare sources for good visual performance.

3. How about the personal working space in garment factory?

The personal working space in garment factories is good. Workers have leg space
for easy movement and reasonable working space among workers. Besides,
workers work quite comfortably to each other.
4. Is the table wide enough for placing all the materials and tools?
Yes. garment factories often have suitable table size. It has enough width to put all
materials and tools.
5. Does the garment factory provide small boxes on each working table? Are
they within workers easy reach?
Each worker is provided a small box for tools, supplies and accessories and it is
within their easy reach.

6. Do workers work with good posture?

Honestly, the posture of workers in garment factories is not good. Workers not
always keep their back straight. The chairs are not in correct seat heights and don’t
have backrests and footrests particularly for seated workers. Besides, employers
should provide all the materials and tools within their easy reach so workers don’t
have to waste energy between up and down posture.
7. What do you think about the working condition in garment factory?
In general, the working conditions of garment factories are quite good. They use
both natural and artificial light; have enough personal working space and table
size; and they also provide small boxes for workers, but enterprises still need to be
more complete to achieve higher productivity and create a good working condition
for workers.
8. Do you have any suggestions to make improvements for the working
condition there?
In my opinion, natural lighting is often better than artificial lighting and the way
artificial lighting is arranged and maintained is also important. Honestly,
garment factories in VN have almost no sunlight, it only uses artificial light, so
I think we should have both natural and artificial light to not affect worker’s
some problems related to working condition and its proposed
We have just had 2 months of internship at Garco Ten Company and found that
the company still has some problems with working conditions. Here are some
suggestions to solve working conditions more effectively.
First, it's back pain. This incident is caused by workers sitting and working with the
wrong posture. Workers have to work for too long and sit in one place. This
condition, if prolonged, can lead to health and productivity problems. I suggest
that the company provide enough chairs that are wide enough for workers and
have a backrest and legroom.
Second, I see that our factory is still messy, and the allocation of work is not
reasonable. I think the company should provide each sewing machine with a
garbage bag and need to provide a small box to set up need to provide a small
box to put up the needle, bobbin, thread...
In addition, the company should have some time Take short breaks so that
employees can relax and exercise to work more efficiently.
So, in order to ensure the best working environment, the company needs to
consider the suggestions that we get during our 2 months of training at the
company. By improving the working conditions, workers will feel more satisfied
with the company and improve their individual productivity.
1.What is this problem?
the problem is back pain
2.How long has this problem been going on?
the problem occurred since changing the chair type
3.What causes this problem?
This incident is caused by workers sitting in the wrong position, having to work for
too long and sitting in one place.
4.Who can you talk to about this?
I can talk to the factory manager
5.What are some solutions?
I suggest the company should provide enough chairs wide for workers and chairs
with backrest and legroom.
In addition, the company should have some time Take short breaks so that
employees can relax and exercise to work more efficiently.

1. How to welcoming and introduction to the participants in the meeting?

To welcome the participants in the meeting and introduce myself, I will say like
this: good morning and welcome to the meeting today. For those who don't know
me, I’m Hoai from Sales Department. Today, we’re going to focus on the order
you have made.

2. How to introduce the agenda in a meeting?

To introduce the agenda in the meeting, I will say like this: Please look at the
agenda in front of you. There are 3 items on our agenda. I would like to start with
the first one.

3. How to give the timing in a meeting?

To give the timing in the meeting, I will say like this: Oh, Time’s running out, and
we need to draw things to a close.

4. How to give conclusion in a meeting?

To give conclusion in the meeting, I will say like this: I’ll try and sum up what’s
been decided.

5. How to give thanking to the participants in a meeting?

To give thanking to the participants in the meeting, I will say like this: Thank you
for your time. I look forward to speaking to you next week.

6. How to introduce the 1st point (order’s details)?

Well, to introduce the 1st point in the meeting, I will say like this: firstly, let’s see
the order’s detail: the component is polyester, the item is polo shirt, the model is
HHO4561 and the number is 4500.

7. How to introduce the 2nd point (price)?

To introduce the price in the meeting, I will say like this: move on to the second
point, the price is $12 per item and we will discount 5 percent for at least 5000

8. How to introduce the 3rd point (delivery date)

Thirdly, let's discuss the delivery date. According to the terms of the contract, the
goods will be delivered on October 25, door-to-door.

9. How to suggest customers purchasing at least 5000 items?

I recommend purchasing at least 5000 items, then you will get 5 percent discount
and you can save at least 3000 dollars.

10.What do you do if customers don’t approve the price?

We would like to assure the product’s quality and brand’s reputation that ma¬tch
the price we given.

11. What do you say if customers want to receive the good earlier?

We really wish to deliver the cargo to you as soon as possible, but my company is
working on other 04 big orders, so we hope you understand this. Earlier delivery
can negatively affect the product’s quality.
Unit 4:
The overall sample looks good. However, there are still some details that do not
match the spec sheet requirements.


Firstly, let’s focus on the lapel. Spec sheet has leather piping to cover the lapel, but
actual sample doesn’t have. I think we should add leather piping to the actual

Following this, it seems that the design and shape of the lapel in spec sheet is
different from one in actual sample. It might be a good idea to add label as required
in the specs.


Secondly, I see that specs requires 6 buttons, but there are only 4 buttons in the
sample. So, I recommend adding 2 more buttons as required in the spec sheet.


Next, look at the color: the actual sample used scarlet instead of crimson. I believe
the pattern maker has to work with the supplier to place a new color of the right

Sleeve length

Move on to the next point, as I see, the sleeve length in the spec sheet is 27( thenty
seven) inches, but in actual sample, it’s about 25 inches. In my opinion, we should
take off the sleeve 2 inches shorter.


In the spec sheet, the waistline is 33( thirty three) inches, but it only has 27 inches
in the sample. Therefore, we need to let it out 6 inches.

Last but not least, the shoulder in the spec sheet is 20 inches, but in the actual
sample, it is 24 inches. I suggest that we should take it off 4 inches as required of
the specs.

That’s all my opinion about the actual sample. I just hope that after repairing, the
actual sample may be the same as the spec sheet as possible.

I 'm 3rd year student in HN university of industry.

I want to become a fashion designer after graduating.

My hobbies are reading books and drawing, watching movies in

1. What is your major?
My major is garment technology. I love reaserching new trends and creating new
designs. Especially, I love to sketched manually and sketched digitally with the help of
computer –aided design, and I have a passion for fashion and graphics

2, Bạn sẽ làm gì sau khi tốt nghiệp?

I want to apply for the position of fashion designer because

I love reaserching new trends and creating new designs.

Especially, I love to sketched manually and sketched digitally with the help of computer –aided design,
and I have a passion for fashion and graphics.

And I believe that environmental design is always active, youthful and helps me grow day by day

3, Đã từng làm thêm chưa? Có thích cv làm thêm k?

I have never done any work related to the major

During my three years of college, I worked with part-time jobs. My longest job is as a
salesperson at Lapo English for more than 1 year

sure, I really enjoy my job at Lapo, that's why I've been with Lapo for more than 1 year.

Due to the dense study schedule and I prefer graphics to sales

4, Chuẩn bị gì cho công việc?
I always knew that in just a year, I would graduate and have my job. So I have to prepare
a lot of things right now: graphics and even photoshop, recognize the characteristics of
fabrics, soft skills: communication skills, teamwork skills, solving problem, presentation
skills, , command of English ..

3. Kỹ năng gì cần chuẩn bị cho tương lai?

I have prepared necessary specialized skills such as computer skills, presentation skills,
teamwork. about experiences based on learning processes such as recognizing fabrics,
colors, design processes...

4. Điểm mạnh?
I would say My greatest strengths are having the knowledge and skills to serve the job,
withstand high pressure at work, foreign languages and be dynamic at work. there are
many perspectives when looking at design problems and i believe there are always
simple solutions for them. it also depends on clients as well and which direction they
want to take

5. Điểm yếu?
My weakness is sometimes lack of confidence in certain situations, I don't dare to stand
in front of the crowd, however, recently i'm taking a course to improve my presentation
skills to be more confident

6, 5 năm tới?
In the next 5 years, my goal is to be the head of design and to lead the company to the
top of the region.

7, What is a garment tech pack?

A tech pack is also known as a specification sheet. Tech packs contain detailed
information about your garment design like the size measurements, care label
instructions, art-work placement, fabric specifications, packing instructions etc.
Factories use your tech pack to quote price and make samples.

8, Công ty muốn ứng tuyển là?

After graduation, I want to work in a small business.

Because I want to learn more than just professionalism and discipline.

I used to work in a startup, and I learned a lot of things, I learned how to do many
things at once, I learned the passion, the fire of the entrepreneur. And more than that,
in a startup, there is a very competitive promotion, I love that

9, Sau 30 tuổi
I want to try my hand at many places during this time. In my 30s, I will find myself a big
company to work for

10, What attracted you to our company?

As you can see, I love fashion and I want to work in an environment that can help me
develop and show my creativity. your company is a leader in the garment industry with
a good working environment, so it attracted me.

11, Vị trí bạn muốn ứng tuyển?

I want to apply for the position of fashion designer because

I love reaserching new trends and creating new designs.

Especially, I love to sketched manually and sketched digitally with the help of computer –aided design,
and I have a passion for fashion and graphics.

And I believe that environmental design is always active, youthful and helps me grow day by day

12, Tại sao muốn ứng tuyển vị trí này?

I am suitable for this job because I have the skills and creativity of an art lover. And I
believe that when you accept me for this position, you will not be disappointed

13, Có muốn mở công ty riêng không?

Initially, I wanted to go to work to gain experience. Then learn more courses on human
resource management. Then I will open my own company

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