Test 1 Klasa 4

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Test 1 Name _______________________________________ Class ______ Date _________

I.Write the words for members of the family- Who is who? _____/6


1. John is Lucy’s ____________________________. 2. Louis is Harry’s__________________________.

3. Lisa is Jane’s ____________________________. 4. Gertrude is Peter’s ________________________.
5. Jane is Lucy’s ___________________________. 6. Harry is Loren’s___________________________.
II. Write the missing letters to find the rooms in the house ______/8

1. ___ E ___ R ___ ___ M 2. K ___ ___ ___ H E ___

3. G ___ R ___ ___ E 4. B ___ ___ H ___ ___ O M
5. ___ I V ___ ___ G R O ___ M 6. G A ___ ___ ___N
7. D I ___ I___ ___ R O__M 8. ___ A U ___ D ___ ___
III. Show possession . Use -‘s Whose is this? ____/4

1. It’s (Wendy) _____________ bag. 2. It’s (Ali) ______________ dog.

3. It’s (Ahnak) ___________ igloo. 4. It’s (Mia) ____________ bedroom.

IV. Write the correct possessive adjective – my, your, his, her, its, our, their. _____/8
1.Marry has got a dog. _________ dog is brown.
2. I have got a book. ____________ book is interesting.
3.Peter has got a cat. __________ cat is small.
4. They have got a bedroom. ___________ bedroom is pink.
5.You have got a brother. ____________ brother is nice.
6. It is a crocodile. ___________ colour is green.
7. We have got a garden. ____________ garden is big.
8. The Simpsons have got a TV. ___________ TV is old.
V. Look at the picture and write the prepositions of place – on, behind, in front of, under, next to, in,
above, between. _____/8

1.The cat is ____________ the armchair.

2.The vase is ____________ the table.
3.The paper is ____________ the table.
4.The painting is ____________ the clock.
5.The table is _________________ the armchair
and the sofa.
6.Thew fireplace is _____________ to the
7.The flowers are __________ the vase.
8.The plant is _______________ the bookshelf.

VI.Use the correct form of ‘to be’- affirmative _______/6

1.Jane _________ my sister. 2. Jacob and Sara __________ brother and sister.
3. Juliette ___________ in the bedroom. 4. My mother and I ___________ in a shop.
5. Teachers __________ in the teachers’ room. 6. I ___________late for school.

VII. Use the negative form of ‘to be’ _______/6

1. She _________ in her room. 2. We ___________ at home.

3. I ___________ready. 4. Tom ___________ my cat.
5. They ___________ students. 6. It _____________ a bird.

VIII. Write interrogative sentences using ‘to be” and give short answers. ________/ 8

1._________ you in the kitchen? Yes, ______ ________.

2. _________ your parents at home? No, they _____________.
3. __________Tweety a bird? Yes, it ___________.
4. __________ we in the 5th grade? No, _______ ________

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