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LAVEEZA SHAH (01-111201-130)
MARIAM NOOR MALIK (01-111201-060)
WALEED ALI BAIG (01-111201-120)
AHMED AMJAD (01-111201-010)
AWAIS HASSAN (01-111201-070)


Sadeeqa’s Learning System (SLS) Montessori & High School was founded in
1982 by Asiya Talha and Talha Omer. It began as a nursery school on Tulsa
Road in Lalazar, Rawalpindi with five students. After studying at the London
Montessori Center, Asiya Talha introduced Maria Montessori’s methodology
in 1992, making SLS the first school in Rawalpindi practicing the Montessori
Method. The first Matriculation batch of SLS School graduated in 1996.SLS
opened its Islamabad campus in 1999 and moved to its purpose-built campus
in G-11/4 in 2009. SLS has 12 campuses in Rawalpindi, one campus in
Islamabad, and one campus close to DHA/Bahria.
Mission of SLS Montessori & School:
“The SLS Montessori & School prepares its students to understand, contribute to, and succeed
in a rapidly changing world, hence making this world a better and more just place. We will make
sure that the students studying in our school develop both the skills that a good education
provides and the competencies necessary for success and leadership in the emerging creative
economy. We will also head in generating practical and theoretical knowledge that helps
people to know the world better and improve the conditions for both local and global

Vision of SLS Montessori & School:

The vision of our school is to make the students able to “seek the light and spread it.”

This means that the students will be able to absorb all the knowledge and spread it to other

Objectives of SLS Montessori & School:

“The mission of this elementary school is to create a safe, challenging learning environment in
which students (a) experience the excitement of achieving success while setting and striving to
obtain progressively higher and higher goals; (b) work had to achieve their goals while
maintaining an appropriate balance of academic, physical and social endeavors; (c) learn to
think and solve problems and make decisions in a rapidly changing world; (d) develop personal
responsibility, leadership, self-discipline; (e) and develop ability to work cooperatively with
others regardless of differences.”

Power and politics:

power and politics are very closely related with the power comes the politics and in the
organizations like these schools or banks there is a hierarchy system that helps in distributing
power among different level Organizations provide a power base for individuals. From a purely
economic standpoint, organizations exist to create a surplus of income over costs by meeting
needs in the marketplace. But organizations also are political structures which provide
opportunities for people to develop careers and therefore provide platforms for the expression
of individual interests and motives. Still another factor which heightens the competition for
power that is characteristic of all political structures is the incessant need to use whatever
power one possesses.
The management hierarchy of the school works in such a way that the head of all branches are
the owners of the school i.e. they are the top managers. The head office has appointed
coordinators for all 8 major subjects who look up to the teaching standard at every branch.
Each branch is leaded by The Principal and Vice Principal is also appointed to fulfill the absence
of The Principal any time. They act as middle managers for the school. Then there is a senior
coordinator who acts as the first line manager and looks after all the subject teachers and non-
teaching staff for example janitors, security guards and canteen. Another main influence of
power is through policies of an organization which it possess for a particular post like if there

are board of directors

Then it have different influence in comparison to if it have given all the power to principal that
according to my idea can easily be manipulated. Politics is necessary like in this school system
the politics we get to know is both good and bad like some policies made by SLS are

 Provide a tutor for every child performing below grade level.

 Offer free breakfast and lunch to all the students, regardless of income.
 Ensure opportunities to combine college preparatory academics with technical training
and workplace experience.
 Support, train and pay teachers like professionals.
 Create a safe and healthy environment in our schools.

Policies like these are of great benefits for students that can only be done through politics but it
also affects teachers specially new comers there is always leg pulling, transfer issues, classes
issues and many more that is an impact of bad politics but it is necessary for an organization to
have someone in power and to have politics below it.
All human beings are unique. This is an obvious perspective. But managers sometimes forget to
realize and recognize the differences in their workforce. First, we will look on what are major
characteristics like age. Gender, race and abilities which may affect an employee’s capability.

Demographic Characteristics:
According to a survey, most of the workforce in any organization in Pakistan is male as
compared to female. But now, even internationally, women are more likely to be employed full
time as compared to earlier times. In Pakistan, the major task force consists of the Punjabi’s
and Muhajrs but in Sindh, the 80% task force in any organization is Sindhi according to a survey.
Balochi people are very less likely employed and even their reserved quota for government jobs
is low.

Workers around the age of 55 are increasing in large portion globally. For example, right now in
Australia, there are more workers in Australia over the age of 55 in contrast to the number of
workers below the age of 25.

Demographic Characteristics in SLS Montessori and School:

By taking the interview of the one of the coordinator at the organization, we got to know that
females dominated the number of males in the organization. There are 2 females against 1
male working in the organization. Most of the teachers working at low level are female. Only
few of them are males. However, there are higher number of males in the upper managerial
levels which are the coordinators in the organization and Principal of every branch is a female.

When we talked about age, we got to know that most of the teachers employed are around the
ages of 25 to 30. But there are some senior teachers around the ages of 40 as well which have
been working in the organization for many years. At the upper level in the head office, all of the
workforce is over the age of 40.

Levels of Diversity:

Surface level diversity refers to the differences which are seen in characteristics such as race,
ethnicity, gender, and age, which do not regularly reflect the way in which people think or feel
but can affect the certain stereotypes.

Deep level diversity refers to the differences in values, traditions and personality which
become more important over a period of time in finding out the similarity as members get to
know one another.

The workforce at SLS Montessori and School may have surface level diversity as the workforce
consist of both genders and people from different parts of the country and ethnicity but as the
employees get to know one another, they usually share the same set of values, personality and
work preferences.

Stereotype Threat:

Stereotype threat refer to the extent to which we accept on the inside with generally negative
stereotyped perceptions of our circles.

In SLS Montessori and School, there is not any major stereotype type but however, the school is
less likely to employ old age teachers for its Montessori and lower level because it is accepted
that the younger teachers teach children of this age better.

Discrimination in the Workplace:

Discrimination in the workplace can be of many types including sexual harassment,
intimidation, mockery and insults etc.

The organization has policies and takes action for whoever in its workplace commits any of
these activities. For example, the school has a rule for immediately firing any teacher
whosoever does sexual harassment on any other teacher or any member of the faculty.

Biographical behavior:

Biographical characteristics consist of personal characteristics for example age, gender, race
etc, which can easily be captured from personal records. They represent the surface level


The workforce is quickly maturing. By 2015, the individuals who are 55 and more seasoned are
assessed to comprise 20% of the workforce in the United States. A similar pattern is by all
accounts happening somewhere else on the planet. In the European Union, employees more
than 50 years old are projected to increment by 25% in the following 25 years. Avery, D. R.,
McKay, P. F., and Wilson, D. C. (2007). Drawing in the maturing workforce: The connection
between saw age comparability, fulfillment with collaborators, and employee engagement.
Diary of Applied Psychology, 92, 1542–1556. As per International Labor Organization (ILO), out
of the world's functioning populace, the biggest gathering is those somewhere in the range of
40 and 44 years of age. Conversely, the biggest portion in 1980 was the 20-to 24-year-old
gathering. Worldwide Labor Organization. (2005). Yearly insights. Geneva, Switzerland: ILO. At
the end of the day, age diversity at work will fill later on.

Age Diversity at SLS Montessori and School:

When we talked about age, we got to know that most of the teachers employed are around the
ages of 25 to 30. But there are some senior teachers around the ages of 40 as well which have
been working in the organization for many years. At the upper level in the head office, all of the
workforce is over the age of 40.
The organization embraces the age diversity in its workforce but it mostly employees young
people to teach the students. The prinicpals are senior over the age of 40. And even at the
upper level at the head office, the organization mostly employees people over 40 with work


Throughout the long term, gendered terms have come to be deciphered all the more
extensively; that is, as alluding to the two men and women, however the language is not really
comprehensive. In reality, the idea of gender as parallel—that is, either female or male—may
itself be a chronological error. As the conventional thoughts of gender and gender identity are
advancing and to adjust to an evolving reality, the language and working system should change
as needs be.

In spite of the fact that gender roles are changing, and gender itself is turning into a more liquid
idea, customary roles actually impact our correspondence practices. For those associated to
customary female gender standards, a significant motivation behind correspondence is to make
and cultivate social associations with others. Interestingly, the objective of men's
correspondence is essentially to set up identity. This is cultivated by showing autonomy and
control and engaging or performing for other people.

Sex diversity at SLS Montessori and School:

Females dominated the number of males in the organization. There are 2 females against 1
male working in the organization. Most of the teachers working at low level are female. Only
few of them are males. However, there are higher number of males in the upper managerial
levels which are the coordinators in the organization and Principal of every branch is a female.

There is no such sex discrimination in the organization. Both the males and females are
employed on the basis of their capabilities. However, for the children in the Montessori and
lower grades, female teacher are mostly employed because they are thought to perform better.
All of the staff is equally paid irrespective of their gender.

Race and Ethnicity Diversity:

The race diversity primarily refers to the diversity on the basis of the race of people and their
ethnicity. It is a controversial issue and defined as the heritage people utilize to describe
themselves. The ethnicity explains the moreover cultural characteristics of people.

Race and Ethnicity Diversity at SLS Montessori and School:

There is absolutely no race or ethnicity discrimination at SLS Montessori And School. All the
people are employed basis on their abilities. A lot of diversity of race does exist in the
organization. People from all over the regions of the country work in the organization.


It is the diversity basis on the religion of the people. In many parts of the world, a lot of
discrimination exists. In the Europe, some countries refuse to work with Muslims and similarly
discrimination against other religions such as Jews and Hindu exists in other parts of the world.

Religion Diversity at SLS Montessori and School:

As Pakistan is an Islamic country, most of the workforce of the organization are Muslims. But
there are few Christian teachers as well. The janitorial staff is majorly Christian but however
there is no religious discrimination in the entire organization.

Emotion and Moods:

Emotions are the strong feeling which we feel for someone or something. Mood refers to the
feelings which are less strong as compared to emotions and lack contextual stimulus. While
Affect is the wide range of emotions which people goes through.
At the organization, all of the faculty including the teaching staff and janitors and guards
experience all type of emotions which sometimes affects their behavior and mood for the job.
For example, sometimes the teachers may get angry at students for not doing their homework,
the coordinators can get mad at any teacher for not doing his or her work properly. The
teachers may also feel hungry at times since the job timings are usually 8-2. The teachers may
feel a certain type of love for their students as well. All of these emotions affect the behavior of
the individual.

Emotional Labor:

A circumstance under which the workers show organizationally desired emotions during
personal activity.
At SLS Montessori and School, mostly the teachers have to do surface acting and keep a happy
face and show a positive attitude with the students especially to the ones in lower grades.

Sometimes they might also have to do deep acting in front of the parents in the parent teacher
meeting to keep the parents which are customers of the organization satisfied.

Felt emotions are the emotions which a person actually experiences while displayed emotions
are the type of emotions which a firm requires for an employee to portray.

Facial Expressions Convey Emotion:

The facial expression is a major factor in conveying emotions. It is widely known saying that
whatever you do or you are is written on your face. At SLS Montessori and School, the faculty,
mainly the teachers have to keep a happy face on in order to show a positive attitude for the

Gender and Emotions:

Traits of Men:

In general, men work based on passing on and acquiring information. Focus is coordinated to
the main job and the information important to finish it, rather than creating relationships and
communicating their sentiments about the errand. As leaders, men settle on choices dependent
on system and strategy as opposed to thinking about their sentiments or instinct. As per an
examination introduced at the 2009 Forum on Public Policy, men are almost certain than
women to take part in unscrupulous conduct in the workplace. The cutthroat idea of men in the
workplace and the longing to work out arrangements dependent on numbers and advantages
to uphold thoughts.

Traits of Women:

As per the book "Leadership and the Sexes," women are bound to multitask than men and,
thusly, bound to wander off-subject during a gathering. During negotiations and meetings,
women will in general peruse facial expressions and sentiments better than men. While most
men are probably going to spend a gathering taking notes and not visually connecting, women
much of the time visually connect with the speaker and gesture their arrangement. They
additionally really like to talk about issues exhaustively prior to discovering an answer and
regularly speak more during the day than men. As leaders, women are frequently more intuitive
than their male partners, focusing less on strategy and method than on their intuitions with
regards to deciding.

At SLS Montessori and School, female teachers are majorly employed to teach the children in
lower grades because they are considered friendlier. Even in the higher grades, a majority of
female over male staff exists. But in the management and the head office, more male teachers
are employed since they are considered stricter and better leaders.


Reflects how we feel about something.

Three main components of an attitude:

Affective – The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude. For example: happiness, anger etc

Cognitive – The opinion or belief segment of an attitude. For example, my pay is low.
Behavioral – An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something. For
example, I am going to look for another job that pays better.

Major Job attitudes:

• Job Satisfaction

– A positive feeling about the job.

– High level job satisfaction leads to positive feelings

– Dissatisfied person holds negative feelings

• Job Involvement

– Degree of psychological identification with the job where perceived performance

is important to self-worth.

– Results in reduced absences and lower turnover rate

• Psychological Empowerment

– Belief in the degree of influence over the job, competence, job meaningfulness,
and autonomy in their work.

• Organizational Commitment

– Identifying with a particular organization and its goals, while wishing to maintain
membership in the organization.

– Three dimensions:

• Affective – emotional attachment to organization

• Continuance Commitment – economic value of staying

• Normative – moral or ethical obligation

• Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

– Degree to which employees believe the organization values their contribution

and cares about their well-being. For example, employee is given support for
child care problem.

– Higher when rewards are fair, employees are involved in decision-making, and
supervisors are seen as supportive.

• Employee Engagement

– The degree of involvement, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the job.

– Engaged employees are passionate about their work and company.

Causes of job satisfaction:

• Pay: Money may bring happiness, but not necessarily job satisfaction. Rewards &
incentives are necessary to keep the employees motivated/satisfied

• Personality: Negative people are usually not satisfied with their jobs. Those with
positive core self-evaluation are more satisfied with their jobs.

• Low Stress Environment: Job satisfaction increases when employees can enjoy a stress-
free environment in which they know they're appreciated and they're not in fear of
losing their jobs if they make a mistake.
Outcomes of job satisfaction:

• Job Performance: Satisfied workers are more productive AND more productive workers
are more satisfied

• Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Satisfaction influences OCB through perceptions

of fairness.

• Customer Satisfaction: Satisfied frontline employees increase customer satisfaction and


• Absenteeism: Satisfied employees are moderately less likely to miss work.

• Turnover: Satisfied employees are less likely to quit.

• Workplace Deviance: Dissatisfied workers are more likely to unionize, abuse

substances, steal, be tardy, and withdraw.

• This all leads to superior financial performance of the organization

Employee’s responses to job dissatisfaction:

• Exit: leaving the organization

• Voice: Active and constructive attempts to improve conditions

• Neglect: Allowing conditions to worsen

• Loyalty: Patiently waiting for conditions to improve

Job satisfaction in SLS:

– Teachers are highly satisfied as they are paid well

– Promoted if they perform well

– Trainings & workshops are organized for teachers which keeps them motivated

– Cooperative management which addresses their issues promptly

– A comfortable environment to work in

LEADERSHIP: is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals. A leader does
not have to be someone who holds a formal position or title. They can emerge from a group
and provide vision and motivation to those around them.

Essential leadership traits: extroversion, conscientiousness, openness, and emotional

intelligence (EI)


– Fiedler’s Model

– Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory

– Path-Goal Theory

Fiedler Model: In this theory Fiedler is trying to match the leader to the context. He proposes
that leadership style is fixed. So that if the situation needs a charismatic leader and your
current leader does not exhibit that style, you need to change leaders.

After the leadership style is determined, you can match the leader to the situation. There are
three dimensions to find a successful match. The first situational factor is the leader-member
relationship; this ties back to our behavioral studies by looking at the degree of trust and
respect the employees have for the leader. The second factor is the amount of structure that is
embedded in job assignments. The last factor is the amount of influence the leader has over
decisions that represent power such as hiring, firing, and rewards.

In Fiedler’s model you need to find a leader to fit the situation or change the situation to fit the
leader in order to achieve effective leadership for the organization.

Situational Leadership Theory: The Situational Leadership Theory offers a model that takes a
look at the other side of the equation, the followers. The focus of this theory is on the
readiness of the follower to follow. Each follower can decide for themselves whether they will
accept or reject the leader. If the leader is to be effective, the followers much choose to
accomplish the task the leader has given them.

A leader should choose one of four behaviors depending on follower readiness. If followers are
unable and unwilling to do a task, the leader needs to give clear and specific directions; if they
are unable and willing, the leader needs to display high-task orientation to compensate for
followers’ lack of ability and high relationship orientation to get them to “buy into” the leader’s
desires. If followers are able and unwilling, the leader needs to use a supportive and
participative style; if they are both able and willing, the leader doesn’t need to do much.

The Path-Goal Theory: In this theory it is the job of the leader to provide the followers with the
information, support, and other necessary resources to equip them to achieve their goals. The
very name of the theory “path-goal” implies that if a leader is going to be effective, they must
clarify the follower’s path to the goals of the organization and in fact make the journey easier
by removing roadblocks.

the four main types of leaders discussed in this theory are: Directive, Supportive, Participative,
and Achievement-Oriented.

The Directive approach focuses on the work tasks that need to be accomplished, the Supportive
approach is more about relationships and the well-being of the worker. In a Participative
approach the leader works with the employees to include them in the decision-making process
and in the Achievement-Oriented approach the leader sets challenging goals and encourages
the workers to accomplish those goals.

Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory:

In Groups

• Members are similar to leader

• In the leader’s inner circle of communication

• Receives more time and attention from leader

Gives greater responsibility and rewards

Out Groups

• Managed by formal rules and policies

• Receive less of the leader’s attention / fewer exchanges

• More likely to retaliate against the organization

Charismatic Leadership:

The leader must have vision, expressed as an idealized goal. The leader must be willing to take
on high personal risk and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision. In doing so the leader
needs to remain sensitive to the feelings and needs of their followers.

Transformational leaders:

Help followers to look at the bigger picture and commit to the good of the organization, even if
it means setting their own goals aside. Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own
self-interests and who are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers.

Transactional Leaders:

Leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying
role and task requirements
Authentic leaders:

These are leaders who engage in reflection and understand who they are, what they believe
and bring those two aspects together in their actions. The second component is of ethics and
leadership. When we look at leadership, we need to look at more than the results of the leader
– we must also look at the steps the leader took to achieve those results.

Leadership in SLS:

SLS has a principle, under which a vice principle works. There are section heads/coordinators as
well who are divided class wise for e.g.: 1 coordinator would be in charge of junior/Montessori
branch whereas the other one would look after the other sections.

Leadership style followed in SLS:

Transformational leadership: as the Head/principal at SLS empower their school teams to have
a say in decision-making processes and enable collective goal-setting. Through role modelling,
these leaders create a culture of innovation and improvement and a shared sense of purpose as
this sets the foundations for growth and success of the institute. 

This helps in high-performance of the institute, developing people through individual support,
building productive relationships and providing instructional support. Leaders/admin of SLS
instill trust, admiration, loyalty and respect – which inspires teacher motivation, morale and

Group behavior:
A group can be defined as two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come
together to achieve particular objectives. A group behavior can be stated as a course of action
a group takes as a family.
“The SLS Montessori & School prepares its students to understand, contribute to, and succeed
in a rapidly changing world, hence making this world a better and more just place. We will make
sure that the students studying in our school develop both the skills that a good education
provides and the competencies necessary for success and leadership in the emerging creative
economy. We will also head in generating practical and theoretical knowledge that helps
people to know the world better and improve the conditions for both local and global
communities. It main objective is to seek light and spread it so this group come together for this
Group behavior are classified which are following:

 Formal group.
 Informal group.
 Command group.
 Interest group.
 Task group.
 Friendship group.
Formal group:
A formal group is a designated work group, one that is defined by an organization based on its
hierarchical structure, with designated tasks related to its function. In the workplace, that might
be the finance group or the human resources group.
The SLS Montessori and school is working as formal group it consists of many formal
organization like It has a group of people who are expected to perform certain tasks. It has a
clear authority structure which is hierarchical. It has clear rules and regulations governing the
performance of duties by individuals. It has clearly stated channel of communication.
Informal group:
An informal group is one that's not organizationally determined or influenced and usually
formed by the members themselves in response to the need for social contact.
In SLS Montessori and school informal groups are exist in almost every form of social
organization. The types of informal groups that exist in the classroom of Mam samina qaisar are
the elite student group, sports group, movie lovers or actor lover group, class bunkers' group,
Command group:
Command group is a group consisting of individuals who report directly to the manager.
Interest group − It is a group formed by individuals working together to achieve a specific
objective. Example − A group of workers working on a project and reporting to the same
manager is considered as a command group.
In SLS Montessori the command group is follow as order is given by the principle to
headmistress than to teachers and teachers give orders to the students.
Interest group:
It is a group formed by individuals working together to achieve a specific objective. Example −
A group of workers working on a project and reporting to the same manager is considered as a
command group. A group of friends chilling out together is considered as interest group or say
members of a club.
In SLS schools there are many groups which are working for interest of students like debating
group, media group, wellbeing, charity etc. Every student select the group according to their
Task group:
Task groups are formed to achieve a specific set of tasks or objectives. Social workers are apt to
interact with or become involved in a variety of task group. A board of directors is an
administrative group charged with responsibility for setting the policy governing agency
In SLS Montessori the task group, students can learn and practice crucial skills in vivo while they
work together to complete a task. The counselor's strategic attention to promoting task
completion while facilitating SEL can serve to highlight the benefits of group work in the school
learning environment.
Friendship group:
Those united on account of their common advantages or normal attributes is known as kinship
bunch. In SLS Montessori and schools also have these types of groups like friendship group.
Every student is involve in groups to interact socially which is need of every person. For
example in staff room there are groups of teachers whom have same interests.

Why people join groups:

The accompanying focuses assist us with understanding the need of joining a gathering by

 Security mirrors strength in numbers. Status pinpoints an eminence that comes from
having a place with a particular gathering. Incorporation in a gathering is considered as
significant on the grounds that it gives acknowledgment and status.
 Confidence sends individuals' sensations of self-esteem. Participation can at times raise
sensations of confidence like being acknowledged into an exceptionally esteemed
 Affiliations with gatherings can meet one's social requirements. Work bunches
altogether add to address the issue for kinships and social relations.
 Gatherings address power. What generally can't be accomplished exclusively gets
conceivable with collective endeavor. Force may be intended to shield themselves from
absurd requests. Casual gatherings give alternatives to people to rehearse power.
 Individuals may join a gathering for goal achievement. Once in a while it takes more
than one individual to achieve a specific assignment.
Many students join SLS School for the Learn basic skills. School provides an environment where
we can learn a lot of basic skills, Gain knowledge, and the world has an abundance of
knowledge and information. Develop your talents. Learn from experts. Meet friends. Teachers
join SLS for sharing their love of learning, great job security, Job encouraged, great schedule,
intangible rewards, satisfaction, achieving goals, refining skills which they learn and to interact
with people to learn to be competitive in society.

Stages of group development:

Forming stage
The primary phase of gathering advancement is the framing stage. This stage presents a period
where the gathering is simply beginning to meet up and is portrayed with nervousness and
vulnerability. Individuals are tactful with their conduct, which is driven by their longing to be
acknowledged by all individuals from the gathering. Struggle, discussion, misconception and
closely-held convictions are kept away from despite the fact that individuals are beginning to
shape impressions of one another and acquire a comprehension of what the gathering will do
together. Common outcomes of the shaping stage incorporate accomplishing a comprehension
of the gathering's motivation, deciding how the group will be coordinated and who will be liable
for what, conversation of significant achievements or periods of the gathering's objective that
incorporates an unpleasant task plan, laying out broad gathering decides that incorporates
when they will meet and disclosure of what assets will be accessible for the gathering to utilize.
At this stage, bunch individuals are realizing what to do, how the gathering will work, what is
generally anticipated, and what is worthy.
Storming Stage
The second phase of gathering improvement is the raging stage. The raging stage is the place
where debate and contest are at its most prominent in light of the fact that currently bunch
individuals have a comprehension of the work and an overall vibe of belongingness towards the
gathering just as the gathering individuals. This is the stage where the ruling gathering
individuals arise, while the less fierce individuals stay in their usual range of familiarity. Inquiries
around administration, authority, rules, strategies, standards, duties, structure, assessment
measures and prize frameworks will in general emerge during the raging stage. Such inquiries
should be addressed with the goal that the gathering can move further on to the following
Norming Stage
In this stage, the gathering gets fun and pleasant. Gathering connection are part simpler, more
agreeable, and useful, with gauged compromise, open correspondence, holding, and common
regard. In the event that there is a debate or interruption, it's similarly simple to be settled and
the gathering refocuses. Gathering administration is vital, yet the facilitator can venture back a
little and let bunch individuals step up and push ahead together.
Performing Stage
When a gathering is clear about its necessities, it can push ahead to the third phase of
gathering improvement, the norming stage. This is the time where the gathering turns out to be
truly joined together. At this stage, the resolve is high as gathering individuals effectively
recognize the abilities, abilities and experience that every part brings to the gathering. A feeling
of belongingness is set up and the gathering stays zeroed in on the gathering's motivation and
objective. Individuals are adaptable, reliant, and trust one another. Administration is
distributive and individuals will adjust as indicated by the necessities of the gathering.
Adjourning Stage
This phase of a gathering can be confounding and is typically arrived at when the undertaking is
effectively finished. At this stage, the venture is reaching a conclusion and the colleagues are
moving off in various ways. This stage takes a gander at the group from the point of view of the
prosperity of the group rather than the viewpoint of taking care of a group through the first
four phases of group development.
Group development stages on SLS Montessori and schools:
Shaping Stage. Groups in this stage are simply beginning. People will shape a plan group, do
foundation research, and examine openings and difficulties that they may experience.

 Configuration group is shaped

 Jobs and cycles aren't unmistakably characterized
Storming Stage In this stage, individuals from the plan group set up the models and cycles for
administration, instructing, learning, and the executives that will be utilized once the school is
running. The plan group will likewise foster the school proposition and secure self-governance
arrangements. The Storming stage is the most serious of the relative multitude of stages, with
various advances and plan contemplations. Configuration group grows further, following jobs
and cycles set up in the Forming stage. The group likewise makes jobs and cycles for the school
administration group that will run the school in the Norming, Performing, and Transforming
stages. Conceivable group jobs: facilitator, school proposition organizer, and governmental
issues guide.
Norming Stage. Groups in this stage are progressing from the plan group to the school
initiative group that will run the school. Not all individuals from the plan group proceed to be
individuals from the school initiative group. The school administration group dispatches the
school and creates societies and cycles that reflect choices made by the plan group in the
Storming stage.

 Configuration group advances to the school authority group.

 School initiative group accepts the jobs and cycles made by the plan group, refining
depending on the situation.
 Conceivable group jobs: pioneers (lead instructor, head, or head panel), council seats,
and parent contacts.
Performing Stage. School authority groups in this stage realize how to run their instructor
fueled school. Colleagues are inspired to accomplish objectives set by the group, and they work
skillfully inside set up structures. In the Performing stage, groups figure out how to keep away
from social commotion during hierarchical changes and perceive when change is important to
guarantee proceeded with progress.

 School initiative group is completely practical.

 Jobs and cycles structure the Norming stage proceed, with refinements on a case by
case basis.
Adjourning Stage. Groups in this stage have made, and are currently supporting, fruitful
educator controlled schools. Colleagues are zeroing in on the undertaking of changing

 What’s more, educating.

 School administration group takes on undertakings to change instructors and educating.
Jobs and cycles extend to incorporate offering backing to and becoming familiar with educator
fueled school local area.

Group behavior model:

External condition imposed on group:

 Organization’s overall strategy.
 Authority structure.
 Formal regulation.
 Resource constraints.
 Selection process.
 Selection process.
 Performance and evaluation system.
 Organizations culture.
 Physical work setting.

Group member resources:

Interpersonal skills

 Conflict management and resolution.

 Collaborative problem solving.
 Communication.
Personality characteristics

 Sociability.
 Initiative.
 Openness
 Flexibility.

Group structure roles:

Formal leadership

 Leadership imposed on group by organization.

 Leaders who derive power from position they occupy in organizational structure.
 Formal leaders may be or may be not also be the informal leaders of group in which
they work.
Roles in group structure:
Role identity

 Behaviors and attitude of person consistent with a role.

Role perception

 View of an individual that he or she is supposed to work to act in given situation.

Role expectation

 How others believe a person should react in certain situation.

Psychological contract

 An agreement which is unwritten that sets out what management expects from the
employee and vice versa.
Standard of behaviors with in group which are shared my group members.
Adjustment of one behavior to align with norms of group.
Reference group
Important groups to which individual belongs or want to belong.
Deviant workplace behavior
Organizational members who intentionally violate norms and that results in negative
consequences for organization, it member or for both.
Group cohesiveness
Degree to which group members are attracted to each other and motivated and stayed in

Group tasks
Decision making
Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering
information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-making
process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant
information and defining alternatives.

 Strength
More authentic information.
Diverse views.
High quality decision.
Rise in acceptance of solutions.

 Weakness
Time consuming.
More pressure.
Ambiguous responsibility.

Learning theories:
What is learning?
The method of learning is non-stop which starts off evolved right from the time of birth of a
person and continues until the death. We all are engaged within the studying endeavors for you
to increase our adaptive abilities as according to the necessities of the changing surroundings.
For a mastering to occur, matters are vital. First is the presence of a stimulus within the
surroundings. The innate tendencies like emotional and instinctual inclinations. A person
continues on learning across all of the ranges of life, by constructing or reconstructing studies
under the have an impact on of emotional and instinctual tendencies. Psychologists in trendy
outline Learning as relatively everlasting behavioral changes which take place due to enjoy. This
definition of mastering stresses on 3 important factors of learning:

 Learning entails a behavioral trade which can be better or worse.

 This behavioral exchange ought to take location due to practice and revel in. Changes as
a result of maturity or increase cannot be taken into consideration as getting to know.

 This behavioral exchange ought to be noticeably everlasting and last for a particularly
long term sufficient.

 Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning is a form of learning that takes place unconsciously. When you research
thru classical conditioning, an automated conditioned response is paired with a selected
stimulus. This creates a conduct. The first-rate-known example of that is from what some
accept as true with to be the daddy of classical conditioning: Ivan Pavlov. In an experiment on
canine digestion, he located that over the years puppies were salivating now not most effective
when their food became supplied to them, but while the who fed them arrived. To take a look
at his principle that the puppies were salivating due to the fact they had been associating the
human beings with being fed, he commenced ringing a bell and then providing the food in
order that they’d associate the sound with food. These dogs discovered to partner the bell
ringing with food, inflicting their mouths to salivate whenever the bell rang — not simply once
they encountered the meals. Conditioning is beneficial in an evolutionary experience as it’s
helped us create expectations to put together for future occasions

 Operant conditioning
Skinner is appeared as the founder of Operant Conditioning, however his paintings turned into
based totally on Thorndike’s regulation of effect. According to this precept, behavior this is
followed by using great outcomes is likely to be repeated, and conduct followed by ugly effects
is less in all likelihood to be repeated. Skinner introduced a brand new time period into the Law
of Effect - Reinforcement. Conduct that is strengthened tends to be repeated (i.e., bolstered);
conduct which is not strengthened tends to die out-or be extinguished (i.e., weakened). Skinner
studied operant conditioning by means of conducting experiments. Skinner recognized three
kinds of responses, or operant, that can observe behavior.
• Neutral operant: responses from the surroundings that neither growth nor decrease the
opportunity of a conduct being repeated.
• Reinforces: Responses from the surroundings that boom the opportunity of a conduct being
repeated. Reinforces may be both positive and bad.
• Punishers: Responses from the environment that lower the chance of a conduct being
repeated. Punishment weakens conduct.
Social learning
Social gaining knowledge of concept indicates that social behavior is learned by gazing and
imitating the behavior of others. Psychologist Albert Bandura evolved the social studying theory
External link as an opportunity to the sooner work of fellow psychologist B.F. Skinner,
acknowledged for his influence on behaviorism. While behavioral psychology makes a specialty
of how the surroundings and reinforcement have an effect on behavior, Bandura positioned
forth that individuals can study behavior through remark. The social gaining knowledge of
principle External hyperlink has four mediational methods that assist decide whether or not a
new conduct is acquired:
Attention: The diploma to which we be aware the behavior. A behavior ought to snatch our
interest before it is able to be imitated. Considering the range of behaviors we study and do
now not imitate daily indicates attention is vital in whether or not a conduct impacts imitation.
Retention: How properly we recall the conduct. We cannot perform the conduct if we do now
not keep in mind the behavior. So, while a behavior may be noticed, until a reminiscence is
fashioned, the observer will now not carry out the conduct. And, due to the fact social learning
is not immediately, retention is essential to behavior modeling.
Reproduction: The capacity to carry out the conduct. This is the capacity to breed a behavior
we study. It impacts our decision about whether or not to try appearing the behavior. Even
when we want to mimic a determined conduct, we are limited by means of our physical
Motivation: The will to emulate the conduct. This mediational method is known as vicarious
reinforcement. It includes mastering through observing the effects of movements for other
humans, in preference to via direct revel in.
In addition to the conduct, rewards and punishment that follow may be studied by the
observer. If the observer perceives the rewards to be extra than the charges (punishment) then
they’ll maximum likely imitate the conduct? If, however, the vicarious reinforcement isn't
always valued sufficient via the observer, they'll now not model the conduct. Example In
normal life there are examples, with one of the maximum obtrusive being the behaviors of kids,
as they imitate own family members, pals, well-known figures and even tv characters. If a child
perceives there is a meaningful praise for such behavior, they will carry out it in some
unspecified time in the future.
Shaping: A managerial role
Managers will be involved with teaching personnel to behave in approaches that most
advantage the employer. Learning takes location at the process in addition to previous to it.
When we attempt to mold people by guiding their mastering in graduated steps, we're shaping
conduct. Consider the scenario in which an employee behavior is drastically distinct from that
sought by means of management. If the control rewarded the man or woman best while she or
he confirmed perfect responses, there might be very little reinforcement taking area. On the
sort of case, shaping gives a logical approach towards achieving the favored conduct. We shape
conduct by systematically reinforcing each successive step that movements the man or woman
in the direction of the favored reaction. If an employee who has chronically been a half of-hour
late for work is available in most effective 20 minutes overdue, we can beef up that
improvement. Reinforcement might growth as responses greater intently approximated the
desired conduct.
Methods of Shaping Behavior:
There are 4 methods wherein to form behavior: thru advantageous reinforcement, bad
reinforcement, punishment, and extinction. Following a response with something pleasant is
known as positive reinforcement. This would describe, as an example, the boss who praises an
employee for a task properly accomplished. Following a reaction with the aid of the termination
or withdrawal of something ugly is known as terrible reinforcement. If your university trainer
asks a query and also you don’t recognize the answer, searching through your lecture notes is
likely to preclude your being known as on. This is a negative reinforcement because you've got
learned that looking busily through your notes prevents the trainer from calling on you.
Punishment is causing an ugly condition in an ugly circumstance in an attempt to take away an
undesirable behavior. Giving an employee a two-day suspension from paintings without pay for
showing up drunk is an example of punishment. Eliminating any reinforcement that is
maintaining a behavior is called extinction. When the behavior isn't strengthened, it tends to be
regularly extinguished. College instructors who want to discourage college students from asking
questions in elegance can eliminate this conduct in their college students via ignoring people
who boost their hands to ask questions. Hand-elevating turns into extinct whilst it is continually
met with a lack of reinforcement. Both advantageous and negative reinforcement result in
getting to know. They give a boost to a reaction and increase the chance of repetition. In the
preceding instance, praise strengthens and will increase the behavior if doing an amazing job
because praise is favored. The conduct is further strengthened and accelerated by way of its
terminating the unwanted outcomes of being called on by the instructor. However, each
punishment and extinction weaken behavior and have a tendency to lower its next frequency.
Q1: Are u satisfied with your job?
Q2: Do you think salary is the only factor that keeps u satisfied with the job you are currently
Q3: If u are ever dissatisfied with your job, what course of action would u take?
Q4: Do you think your branch Principle has traits of a good leader?
Q5: According to you which Leadership style is being followed by SLS?
Q6: Lastly, do you think your other colleagues working in SLS are as involved in their job as you
Q7: Could you please tell me about demographic characteristics at SLS
Q8: what is the stereotype threat at sls?

Q9: Could you tell me about discrimination at your workplace if any exists.

Q10: what is age diversity at sls?

Q11: what is emotional labor at sls?

Q12: can you please introduce us to your organization?

Q13: who is the most powerful man in this organization is it Dean or are there any partners?
Q14: what type of politics you see in your organization?
Q15: So can you that you have to face political pressure to have some of your work done?
Q16: Being a part of SLS, in your opinion, what values you would want to achieve for the better
growth of your organization?
Q17: What do you observe from looking at the members of SLS, do they prefer quantityof life or
quality of life?
Q18: How do you get to know that the members working under you are fully satisfied with their
job and what steps you would take to keep them motivated?
Q19: What personality traits do you look for in a person before selecting him/her for the job?
Q20: How much do you agree with me that conflicts among groups or members of organization
is a positive force and is necessary for the efficient performance?
Q21: What difference do you find between the negotiation skills of men and women in SLS?
Q22: Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure?
Q23: How do you handle a challenge? Give me one example?
Q24: Have you made mistake? Tell me how did you handle it?
Q25: How operant theory apply on your organization?
Q26: How learning theory help your children?


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