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Golden Ant Role / Best Row

Rating (5 the best /

Ant Role Best Row 2nd Best 3rd Best
1 the lowest)
Guard General Only buffs guardians on his row, 7th skill buffs all guardians on the March. Great for single unit type march with spyder and all guardians with 7h skill. 1 2 (Not advized) None 5
Acid General Only buffs shooters on his row, 7th skill buffs all shooters on the March. Great for single unit type march with mantis and all shooters with 7h skill. 2 3 1 5
New World General Only buffs carriers on his row, 7th skill buffs all carriers on the March. Great for single unit type march with skorpion and all carriers with 7h skill. 2 1 3 5
Bullet Ant Has 2 skills that hit 2 enemy rows. 2 1 3 (Not advized) 3
Slim Arched A simple front liner with disable on the end of the line. 1 2 (Not advized) None 3
Jack Jumper An improved version of Bullet. 2 3 1 4
Gold Armor A worst version of Slim Arched. 1 2 (Not advized) None 4
Giant Tooth Good for pvp has 2 debuffing skills. 1 2 None 4
Driver Ant A mix between pvp and dmg. Has both a dmg skill and a debuff skill. 1 2 3 (Not advized) 1
Golden Sugar The best range ant, perfect for 3rd row. Lower % of skill and dmg. 3 2 1 4
Golden Spiny Similar to Sugar, but with less range. 2 3 1 3

Tips for goldens/Special Ants

1 Dont unlock 5th skill before 6th skill.
2 You can unlock all the 4 skills, but 1st skill should be at 10 before upgrading all others.
3 After the 1st skill at 10 you can put 2nd/3rd/4th at lvl 4/5.
4 The skills are more important than stats, so after 1st and 6th skills priorityze 2nd and 5th before others.
5 Dont redeem golden/purple ants, they are needed to upgrade goldens, and try to have 10 blues also.
6 General ants only buff specific units, New World General buff carriers, Acid General Shooters, Guard General Guardians.
7 Generals are Overall the best goldens, but they have the limitation explained above.
8 Generals 7th skill buffs is specific unit on March, that makes General great for end game single unit Marchs.

Tips for Marchs/Golden

1 Look at the skills range and try to have the golden on a spot were it can hit at least 2 rows.
2 Your first team for pro should be the 3 first goldens you get a duplicate.
3 After that you can either unlock 5th skill or if u get a duplicate to a better ant for your pro, upgrade 6th.
4 All golden that you take out of your pro can go for the 2nd March.

Explaining Golden Range/Battle Mechanics

1 The battle it's done in turns.
2 The 3 lines will atack the enemy 1st line and vice versa on each turn.
3 When 1st line gets depleeted of ants (Injuries or deads) they will atack 2nd line and so on.
4 Each round goldens have the chance explained on the skill description of activation (Example 35%).
5 If the Golden ant only reaches 1st line and that line gets depleeted then no more skills will hit.
6 If the Golden skill can hit 2 units but range only reach 1 unit then only 1 unit will be hit.

March example:
Range Name of skill: Units it can hit
Units: 2nd Skill 5th Skill 2nd Skill 5th Skill 2nd Skill 5th Skill
3 Golden Sugar 5 5 Big Bite Piercing Strike 1 2
2 Golden Spiny 4 4 Big Bite Piercing Strike 1 2
1 Gold Armor 2 3 Big Bite Rampant Attack 1 2

1 This is an example of optimal setup, only the Gold Armour doesn't have range to hit enemy last row with is 2nd Skill.
2 When 1st and 2nd enemy row get depleted Gold Armor will not hit more skills, but both Spiny and Sugar can.
3 The best Setup would be 1st row with 3 range, 2nd row with 4 range and 3 row with 5 range. (On skills)
Skills Use example in Batlle:
All unit alive:
3rd Row 2ndRow 1st Row 1st Row 2ndRow 3rd Row

No Special Ant No Special Ant

Regular Ants Regular Ants Regular Ants Regular Ants Regular Ants Regular Ants

1st row dies:

3rd Row 2ndRow 1st Row 1st Row 2ndRow 3rd Row

No Special Ant No Special Ant

Regular Ants Regular Ants Dead Regular Dead Regular Regular Ants Regular Ants

Skill Miss

Skill Miss

1st and 2nd row dies:

3rd Row 2ndRow 1st Row 1st Row 2ndRow 3rd Row

No Special Ant No Special Ant

Regular Ants Dead Regular Dead Regular Dead Regular Dead Regular Regular Ants

Skill Miss

Skill Miss

Skill Miss Skill Miss

Skill Miss
Ant Use
Black Fire (Blue) Extra 50% XP when wild hunting
Superb Spiny (Blue) Extra 50% XP when wild hunting
2nd 5th 8th Total
New World General 105,9 Debuff 30% 2 units 0 0 107,6 0 213,5 2
Gold Armor 127,875 0 152,8 0 109,2 0 389,875 0
Slim Arched 110 0 118,8 0 72,3 0 301,1 0
Giant Tooth 62 0 97,5 0 118,2 0 277,7 0
Driver Ant 105,6 0 136,5 0 59,5 0 301,6 0
Golden Sugar 90 0 78,75 Debuff 30% 3 units 42,4875 0 211,2375 3
Golden Spiny 138,5 0 121,45 Debuff 30% 2 units 0 0 259,95 2
Acid General 110,25 0 86 Buff 30% Squad dmg 107,6 Debuff 18% 1 unit 303,85 2
Bullet Ant 174 0 102 0 45 0 321 0
Jack Jumper 119,2 0 128 0 104,25 0 351,45 0

4th 6th 7th (all lines) 8th Total

New World General 35 15 35 0 85
Gold Armor 30 10 30 0 70
Slim Arched 30 10 0 0 40
Giant Tooth 30 10 0 0 40
Driver Ant 30 10 0 0 40
Golden Sugar 30 20 30 0 80
Golden Spiny 30 20 0 30 80
Acid General 35 20 35 0 90
Bullet Ant 30 10 0 0 40
Jack Jumper 30 20 30 0 80

Best pure dmg setup

Gold Armor 390 0 135
Jack Jumper 351 0 145
Acid 304 1 150 Plus 30% from luck on skill hit
Total 1045
Shooters are for big spenders, they are glass cannons, they rely a lot on Insect level to succeed, the goal it's to do the
most damage in the smallest number of rounds possible.

Setup with highest dmg

Gold Armor
Jack Jumper
Acid General

Guardians are a good counter to big spenders, they are the worst ants on everything else, they are bad at wild hunt
and groundhog. They rely a lot on disables and defence to soften the shooters initial blow.

Setup with highest defense

Guard General
Giant Tooth/Slim Arched
Golden Spiny

Carriers are good all around, they have a mix between attack and defence, the best combat speed, the best
movement speed and the best carry capacity. They are good vs Wild and groundhog (not as good as shooters), they
do great counters and excel on disables.
Setup with highest disables/debuffs
Giant Tooth
New World General
Golden Sugar

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