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Course Title Inclusiveness

Course Code SNIE 2011

Credit Hours 2
Prerequisite No Prerequisite
Program BA Degree in Accounting and Finance
Academic Year
Instructor Name
Course Coordinator
Department Head
Course Description Special needs education refers to people with divers’ disabilities,
gifted and talented, and divers’ population being at risk of education
and development. As per the institutional reform that is focusing on
enhancing development for all population, the field of inclusive
education is taking center stage in institutional planning and
improvement. This course introduces the process of achieving
inclusion with all appropriate accessibility and established support
system at institutional level. In this course, the higher education
students will learn how to assess, understand and address the needs of
persons with disabilities and provide relevant support or seek extra
support form experts. He/she also learns how to adapt and
implementing services for an inclusive environment that aimed to
develop holistic development such as affective, cognitive and
psychosocial skills of the population with disabilities. Identification
and removal/management of environmental barriers would find a
crucial place in the course. The students learn how to give more
attention and support for students with; hearing impairments, visual
impairment, deaf-Blind, autism, physical and health impairments,
intellectually challenged, emotional and behavior disorders, learning
difficulty, communication disorders, gifted and talented student, and
those at risk due to different reason (population who are
environmentally and culturally deprived, abused, torched, abandoned,
and orphaned and vulnerable..etc). All University students will be
given the chance to study the specific developmental characteristics of
each group of students with disabilities and come up with appropriate
intervention strategies in inclusive settings of their respective
professional environment and any development settings where all
citizens are equally benefited.
Course Objective Upon the completion of the course, students should be able to:
 Aware the needs of people with special needs, their potential and
include all aspects of developmental needs
 Identify population with special needs, their potentials and the
learning and working styles of all population with special needs in
their environment.
 Demonstrate desirable attitude towards all population with special
needs in their learning, working and living environment
 Apply various assessment strategies for evidence-based planning
to meet their needs
 Attempt to adapt environments they are working and living in
according to the need and potential of the population with special
 Develop an accommodative and inclusive attitude help to think for
the wellbeing and development of population with special needs
 Identify and select appropriate support and services method that
addresses the life needs of population with special needs
individually and on group bases
 Collaborate with experts and relevant others for the life success of
all persons with disabilities in all environments
 Create and maintain successful inclusive environment
Chapte Topic Allotted
r time
1 Understanding students with diverse needs/special needs 4hrs
1.1. Definitions of disability and vulnerability
1.2. Types of disabilities and vulnerabilities
1.3. Causes of disability and vulnerability
1.4. Historical movements from segregation to inclusion
1.5. The effects of attitude on the move towards inclusion
1.6. Models of disability
2 The Concept of Inclusion 6hrs
2.1. Definition of Inclusion
2.2. Rationales for Inclusion
2.3. Factors that Influenced Development of Inclusion
2.4. Benefits of Inclusion
2.5. Features of Inclusive Environment
2.6. Inclusive Environments
3 : Identification and Differentiated services 6hrs
3.1. Impact of Disability and Vulnerability on daily life
3.2. Needs of Persons with Disabilities and Vulnerabilities
3.3. Creating Welcoming (Inclusive) Environment
4 Promoting Inclusive Culture 6hrs
4.1. Definition of Inclusive Culture
4.2. Dimensions of Inclusive culture
4.3. Building inclusive community
4.4. Means of establishing inclusive culture
4.5. Characteristics of an Inclusive Organization
4.6. Inclusive values
4.7. Indigenous inclusive values and practices
5 Inclusion for Peace, Democracy and Development 6hrs
5.1. Definition of Peace, Democracy and Development
5.2. Inclusion for Democracy
5.3. Inclusion for Development
5.4. Respecting divers needs, culture, values, demands and
5.5. Cultural Diversity
5.6. Religious diversity
5.7. Gender differences
6 Legal frame work 4hrs
6.1. General Overview of Legal frameworks
6.2. Legal Frameworks Regarding Inclusion
6.3. International and National Legal Frameworks

Teaching and Learning Methods

 Interactive lectures,
 Group activities,
 Collaborative learning,
 Independent/self-learning,
 Institutional/school visits and
 Seminars,
 Guest lecture and Others…
Assessment Methods Points
Test 1 10
Test 2 10
Quiz 1 5
Class activity and Participation 10
Assignment (group) 15
Final Exam 50
Total Points 100

 Module prepared by MoSHE

 Alemayehu Teklemariam and Temsegen Fereja (2011). Special Need Education in Ethiopia:
Practice of Special Needs Education around the World. Washington: Gallaudet University Press.

 Alemayehu Teklemariam (2019). Inclusive Education in Ethiopia: WILEY and Blackwell:


 A Teachers Guide (2001). UNESCO. Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary
Education (2004).

 Berit H. Johanson and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2006). Towards Special Needs Education as a
University Discipline: An Important step on the way to Education for All. In When All Means All.
Hakapaino Oy: Helsinki

 Tirussew Teferra and Alemayehu Teklemariam (2007). Including the Excluded: Integrating
disability into EFA Fast Track Initiative Process and National Education Plans in Ethiopia. World

 MOE (2007). School Improvement Program

 MOE (2010). Special Needs Program strategies implementation guide.

 MOE (Ministry of Education). (2006). Special Needs Education Program Strategy. Addis Ababa

 Understanding and responding to children’s need in inclusive classroom (2010). www.european-

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