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ENGLISH 3 – 20% Reading Task

Full name: ____________________________________ I.D: _________________________

Course: English III Curse code: ___________ Score: __________

Purpose: Identifying different personality traits.


- Reading task 20%

- The Reading task takes 50 minutes.
- Do not use dictionary or open windows on your device.
- Do not speak during the task.

Read carefully each personality to answer the questions below.

Sean is one of those people that always gets on well with his fellow
workers. He is always willing to help and is the person that people
turn to in an emotional crisis. He is usually the first one to arrive at
work and nearly always the last one to leave. He is one of those
people that always looks scruffy no matter what clothes he is wearing and people
are always trying to groom him. Part of this problem is that he is always having small
mishaps and often spills things on his clothes. Although it’s necessary to explain
things to him several times before he understands what to do, he is always a
dedicated worker.

1. Read Sean´s description again to select the correct word to complete

the statement. (1.5 points, 0.5 each one)

A. He is a _________ worker.
1.nice 2.unfaithful 3.pessimistic 4.grumpy

B. Sean is __________ to go to the office.

1.late 2.punctual 3.lazy 4.tolerant

C. He is very ________ to get dressed.

1.formal 2.complicated 3.cheeky 4.elegant
Roberta is always playing jokes on her colleagues, which doesn’t
always go down too well. However, she is very good at motivating
people in a crisis and her team love her. The door to her office is
always open and she is as loyal to her team as they are to her. Her
memory can be a bit faulty but her secretary is always there to help her. Despite
her frivolous nature, she takes finances very seriously and controls every aspect of
her team’s budget. Her projects are usually completed under-budget although this
never causes problems with quality.

2. Read again and match the meaning with the personality according to
Roberta´s description from A to E. (2.5 points, 0.5 each one)

__Saying jokes A. hard-working

__Working a lot B. faithful

__Caring about people C. motivator

__Being loyal D. helpful

__Giving motivations E. funny

3. Read both descriptions again to complete the sentences using one

work in every space. (1.0 points, 0.5 each one)

A. Roberta says _________ on her workmates.

B. Sean looks _________, he does not matter what he wears.

Good luck

Exercises adapted from:
Task designed by: Mg. Juan De Dios Marin Murillo. ITM English Teacher. August 2021.

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