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Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 43, Nos 12±13, pp.

1721±1728, 1998
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0013-4686(97)00322-8 0013±4686/98 $19.00 + 0.00

Kinetics of the autocatalytic deposition of Ni-P

alloys in ammoniacal solutions
M. Ebn Touhami,a,b E. Chassainga* and M. Cherkaouib

Centre d'Etudes de Chimie MeÂtallurgique-CNRS, 15 rue G. Urbain, 94407 Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Faculty of Sciences Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, Morocco

(Received 28 May 1997; in revised form 23 July 1997)

AbstractÐAiming at a better knowledge of the kinetics of the Ni-P electroless processes we have carried
out a steady-state polarization investigation and electrochemical impedance measurements, not only at the
deposition potential but also in the cathodic and anodic ranges. We studied the e€ect of solution pH,
nickel sulfate and hypophosphite concentrations. A reaction path is developed, which accounts for the
main features observed. It also explains the interqactions between the anodic and cathodic processes.
# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: autocatalytic, electroless, Ni-P coatings, electrochemical impedance, kinetics.

INTRODUCTION and cathodic processes. The reaction paths devel-

oped so far do not account for all the experimental
The deposition kinetics of electroless Ni-P layers
results [9]. According to some authors, the process
has been widely investigated due to the interesting
is essentially electrochemical [5], whereas others
properties of Ni-P alloys, such as corrosion and
wear resistances [1]. The Ni-P layers are also used consider the participation of direct transfer between
as non-magnetic undercoats in the electronic indus- nickel ions and hypophosphite [6].
try. Despite the large number of investigations, the In the present work to gain information on the
deposition kinetics is so far not well established. in¯uence of the anodic and cathodic partial reac-
Several reaction paths have been proposed, which tions, we have investigated the steady-state polariz-
were developed from plating rate measurements, ation not only at the deposition potential but also
alloy composition dependency as a function of ex- in the anodic and cathodic ranges. In addition elec-
perimental parameters, dc polarization studies, trochemical impedance was carried out which may
chronoamperometric and chronopotentiometric in- provide information on the elementary steps of the
vestigations and electrochemical impedance reactions [10]. The in¯uence of the various exper-
spectroscopy [2±7].
imental parameters (hypophosphite and nickel sul-
It is well-known that the autocatalytic deposition
fate concentrations, pH) was studied.
is the result of (i) anodic processes (oxidation of
hypophosphite), (ii) cathodic processes (reduction In a previous voltammetric investigation we
of the Ni2+ species and hypophosphite, evolution showed that during the oxidation process three
of hydrogen and possibly its incorporation into the peaks were observed corresponding to the oxidation
growing NiP alloy). Kinetic investigations based on of hypophosphite and the dissolution of two nickel
mixed potential theory have been applied [8]. phases, a nickel-rich and a phosphorus-rich one [11].
However mixed potential theory does not account Interactions between the cathodic process and the
for the interactions observed between the anodic oxidation of hypophosphite were shown to occur:
the presence of Ni2+ species increases the hypopho-
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. sphite oxidation rate, the presence of hypophosphite
E-mail: enhances the nickel discharge [11].
1722 M. Ebn Touhami et al.

Table 1.
Electrolyte compositions, Mdmÿ3. All solutions also contained 0.2 M sodium citrate and 1 M ammonium acetate. The
pH was adjusted by the addition of ammonia
Electrolyte NiSO4, 7H2O NaH2PO2, H2O pH

1a 0.05 0.1 9
1b 0.05 0.1 10
2a 0.05 0.2 9
2b 0.05 0.2 10
3a 0.05 0.5 9
3b 0.05 0.5 9.5
3c 0.05 0.5 10
3d 0.05 0.5 10.5
4 0.1 0.5 9
5 0.16 0.5 9


A classical three-electrode cell (200 ml) was used.

The auxiliary electrode was a platinum coil. The
reference electrode was a saturated calomel elec-
trode (sce) against which all potentials were referred
and corrected for ohmic drop. The working electro-
des were mild steel or copper discs rotating up to
1000 rev minÿ1, on which Ni-P layers had been pre-
viously plated.
The electrolytes were made up of analytical grade
chemicals. The electrolytes were held at 78 2 28C
and deaerated by nitrogen bubbling. The solutions
contained sodium hypophosphite as reducing agent
and nickel sulfate. Sodium citrate (0.2 M) and am-
monium acetate (1 M) were added as complexing
agents (Table 1). Electrolyte 3a, which acts as a
reference in the work, was deduced from the sol-
ution developed at the laboratory for the autocata-
lytic deposition of Ni±Cu±P alloys [12]. The pH
was varied between 9 and 10.5 by the addition of
ammonia. The e€ects of nickel sulfate concentration
(0.05 to 0.16 M) and sodium hypophosphite con-
centration (0.1 to 0.5 M) have been investigated.
The steady-state polarization curves have been
recorded galvanostatically in the cathodic range and
potentiostatically in the anodic range. They were
corrected for ohmic drop. The composition of the
Ni-P layers, plated at the deposition potential or in
the cathodic range, was determined by X-ray energy
dispersion in the scanning electron microscope. The
Faradaic eciency was calculated, in the cathodic
range, taking account of the deposit composition.
In the cathodic range, phosphorus incorporation is
supposed to occur according to the following
reaction [1]:

H2 POÿ ‡ ÿ
2 ‡ 2H ‡ e ! P ‡ 2H2 O
Fig. 1. Impedance plots recorded at the deposition poten-
i.e. one electron per deposited phosphorus atom is
tial, Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev minÿ1. AÐ
Electrolyte 3a (0.05 M NiSO4, pH = 9) (tP=12.5 wt%)
The partial nickel, phosphorus and hydrogen dis- BÐElectrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4, pH = 10.5) (tP =5.4
charge curves were then calculated taking account wt%) CÐElectrolyte 5 (0.16 M NiSO4), pH = 9) (tP=7.4
of the deposit composition and Faradaic eciency. wt%).
Kinetics of the autocatalytic deposition of Ni-P alloys in ammoniacal solutions 1723

Table 2.
Charge transfer resistance as a function of hypophosphite concentration and pH
Electrolyte 1a 2a 3a 1b 2b 3b

pH 9 9 9 10 10 10
NaH2PO2, H2O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3
Rt, Ocm2 23 21 1021 72 1 9.521 721 8.5 21

The electrochemical impedance was recorded A small inductive loop is observed with a charac-
between 60 kHz and 10 mHz using a 1250 teristic frequency around a few Hz. Its size
Solartron and a 1186 Schlumberger electrochemical increases, for low hypophosphite or large nickel sul-
interface, monitored by a MacIntosh microcom- fate concentrations and high pH values (Fig. 1(B),
puter. The perturbation signal was 15 mV. The line- (C)).
arity of the potential and current responses was At lower frequencies, a capacitive loop appears
checked using a Enertec-Schlumberger 5023 oscillo- whose size increases with pH. It increases with
scope. hypophosphite concentration and with nickel sulfate
concentration. This feature is oberved whatever the
anion nature, ie chloride or sulfate.
In a previous work we showed that the charge
1. Investigation at the deposition potential, Ed (open- transfer resistance does not depend on the rotation
circuit potential) speed between 500 and 1000 rev minÿ1 [11]. Hence
in the following all the impedance diagrams have
The deposition potential is characterized by a net
been recorded at 500 rev minÿ1. Rt, which is inver-
current equal to zero, resulting from two simul-
sely proportional to the plating rate, decreases
taneous anodic (oxidation of hypophosphite) and
when the nickel sulfate concentration increases [11].
cathodic processes (reduction of nickel species and
When the hypophosphite concentration is increased,
hypophosphite, and evolution of hydrogen) [1].
Rt decreases markedly for a pH value of 9, for
Figure 1 shows typical impedance diagrams
which the plating rate is maximum. The variatons
recorded at the plating potential, for various pH
are much less pronounced at pH of 10 (Table 2).
values and nickel sulfate concentrations. As pre-
This behaviour shows that interactions between H+
viously observed [11], it was checked that the phos-
species and hypophosphite oxidation exist leading
phorus content decreases when the pH or the nickel
to an inhibition of the plating process.
sulfate concentration is increased. The impedance
plots exhibit several characteristic features. In the 2. Investigation in the cathodic range
high frequency domain a capacitive loop appears
2.1 Steady-state polarization behaviour. Figure 2
which is related to the relaxation of the double
shows the steady-state polarization curves, corrected
layer capacitance whose value ranges between 75
for ohmic drop, for four electrolyte compositions
and 100 mFcmÿ2, in parallel with the charge transfer
(see Table 1). The e€ect of pH (9 and 10.5), of
resistance, Rt.
hypophosphite and nickel sulfate concentrations
have been investigated. Curve 1 corresponds to elec-
trolyte 3, reference electrolyte, at pH = 9. When
the pH is increased to 10.5 the polarization curve
(curve 2) is shifted towards more negative values.
The increase in nickel sulfate concentration (curve
3) depolarizes the discharge whereas a decrease in
hypophosphite inhibits the global process (curve 4).
More precise conclusions can be obtained from
the partial polarization curves shown in Figs 3±5.
When the pH is increased the hydrogen discharge is
markedly shifted towards more negative values
(Fig. 3, curves 1 and 2), the nickel discharge is
enhanced, especially at large polarizations (Fig. 4,
curves 1 and 2), no e€ect on the phosphorus incor-
Fig. 2. Steady-state cathodic polarization curves corrected
poration is observed (Fig. 5, curves 1 and 2). At
for ohmic drop. Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev minÿ1.
1ÐElectrolyte 3a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, low polarization, the nickel discharge is the main
pH = 9) 2ÐElectrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 reaction; the activation coecient with potential for
MNaH2PO2, pH = 10.5) 3ÐElectrolyte 4 (0.1 M NiSO4, this reaction is of the same order as for the phos-
0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 4ÐElectrolyte 1a (0.05 M phorus incorporation (6.52 0.5 Vÿ1). For hydrogen
NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9). evolution the coecient is much higher (25 2 2
1724 M. Ebn Touhami et al.

Fig. 3. Partial polarization curve for hydrogen discharge.

Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev minÿ1. 1ÐElectrolyte 3a
(0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 2ÐElectrolyte
3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 10.5) 3Ð
Electrolyte 4 (0.1 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 4Ð
Electrolyte 1a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9).

Fig. 4. Partial polarization curve for nickel discharge.

Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev minÿ1. 1ÐElectrolyte 3a
(0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 2ÐElectrolyte
3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 10.5) 3Ð
Electrolyte 4 (0.1 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 4Ð
Electrolyte 1a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9).

Fig. 6. Impedance plots recorded at i = 10 mA cmÿ2.

Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev minÿ1. A: Electrolyte 3a
Fig. 5. Partial polarization curve for phosphorus incorpor- (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9). E = ÿ 980
ation. Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev minÿ1. 1Ð mV/sce, tP=12 wt% B: Electrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5
Electrolyte 3a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) MNaH2PO2, pH = 10.5). E = ÿ 1025 mV/sce, tP=8.5
2ÐElectrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, wt% C: Electrolyte 1a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2,
pH = 10.5) 3ÐElectrolyte 4 (0.1 M NiSO4, 0.5 pH = 9). E = 1010 mV/sce, tP=10.5 wt% D: Electrolyte
MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 4ÐElectrolyte 1a (0.05 M NiSO4, 4 (0.1 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9). E = ÿ 920
0.1 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9). mV/sce, tP=9.5 wt%.
Kinetics of the autocatalytic deposition of Ni-P alloys in ammoniacal solutions 1725

Fig. 7. Rt.i product of the charge transfer resistance with

the current density. Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev min- Fig. 9. Rp/Rt ratio of the maximum of the real part of the
ÿ1. 1ÐElectrolyte 3a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2), impedance and the charge transfer. Electrode rotation
pH = 9 2ÐElectrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 speed: 500 rev minÿ1. 1ÐElectrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4,
MNaH2PO2), pH = 10.5 3ÐElectrolyte 4 (0.1 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 10.5) 2ÐElectrolyte 1a (0.05 M
0.5 MNaH2PO2), pH = 9 4ÐElectrolyte 1a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 3ÐElectrolyte 4 (0.10
NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2), pH = 9. M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9).

Vÿ1). Hence for large polarizations, the hydrogen 2.2 Electrochemical impedance investigation.
evolution becomes preponderant. Figure 6 shows the impedance diagrams recorded
When the nickel sulfate concentration is increased for various electrolyte compositions, for an elec-
from 0.05 M to 0.1 M, all partial currents, even the trode rotation speed of 500 rev/minÿ1, at 10 mA
phosphorus incorporation reaction, are increased cmÿ2. Similar relaxation features as those recorded
(curves 3 compared to curves 1). at the deposition potential are observed.
When the hypophosphite concentration is In the high-frequency range a capacitive feature
decreased from 0.5 to 0.1 M (curves 4 compared to related to the relaxation of the double layer capaci-
curves 1), no e€ect on hydrogen discharge is tance, whose value ranges between 50 and 100
observed. The global and partial phosphorus polar- mFcmÿ2, in parallel with the charge transfer is
ization curves are inhibited. In addition the nickel observed. The Rt.i product, product of the charge
transfer resistance and the current density, increases
discharge is also inhibited.
with polarization (Fig. 7). This may be explained by
This polarization investigation clearly points out
the participation of the anodic reactions and by the
that interactions exist between the hypophosphite
reversibility of the discharge reactions of the Ni2+
and the Ni2+ reductions.
species. It is nearly independent of the electrolyte
pH (curves 1 and 2), it slightly increases when the
hypophosphite concentration is reduced (curve 4)
and decreases when the nickel sulfate concentration
is increased (curve 3).
In the medium frequency range an inductive loop
is observed, which is more visible when the nickel
sulfate concentration or the pH is increased
(Fig. 6(B) and (D)). Its characteristic frequency
increases quasi-exponentially with polarization
(Fig. 8). It is slightly a€ected by the pH or the
hypophosphite concentration but increases with
nickel sulfate concentration (curve 2). A similar
inductive feature is observed in the deposition of
nickel and attributed to the two-step discharge of
the Ni2+ species through the intermediate NiIads
adion [13].
At still lower frequency a capacitive feature
Fig. 8. Potential dependency of the characteristic fre-
quency of the inductive feature. Electrode rotation speed: appears. Its size is appreciated by the ratio Rp/Rt of
500 rev minÿ1. 1ÐElectrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 the maximum of the real part of the impedance, Rp,
MNaH2PO2, pH = 10.5) 2ÐElectrolyte 1a (0.05 M by the charge transfer resistance (Fig. 9). For the
NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 3ÐElectrolyte 4 (0.10 reference electrolyte this ratio is close to unity, the
M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9). capacitive loop is not much pronounced. Its size
1726 M. Ebn Touhami et al.

Fig. 10. Steady-state anodic polarization curves corrected

Fig. 12. Rti product of the charge transfer resistance with
for ohmic drop. Electrode rotation speed: 500 rev minÿ1.
the current density for electrolytes 3a (curve 1) and 4
1ÐElectrolyte 3a (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5 MNaH2PO2,
(curve 2).
pH = 9) 2ÐElectrolyte 3d (0.05 M NiSO4, 0.5
MNaH2PO2, pH = 10.5) 3ÐElectrolyte 4 (0.10 M NiSO4,
0.5 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9) 4ÐElectrolyte 1a (0.05 M
NiSO4, 0.1 MNaH2PO2, pH = 9).
fate concentration is increased (curve 3 compared
to curve 1) and towards more negative potentials
increases when the pH is increased (curve 1) or when the pH is increased (curve 2 compared to
decreases when the nickel sulfate concentration is curve 1). In a previous investigation, carried out by
increased (curve 2). Its characteristic frequency cyclic voltammetry, we showed that the current
increases from 0.1 Hz to 4 Hz with polarization. A density at this maximum, Ia, increases markedly
similar capacitive feature has been previously with hypophosphite concentration, slightly with
observed in the nickel deposition in acidic solutions nickel sulfate concentration. It exhibits a maximum
and attributed to interactions with adsorbed for a pH value of 9; this behaviour con®rms the
hydrogen [14]. existence of interactions between the hydroxyl ions
and the hypophosphite oxidation [11].
3. Anodic range
Electrochemical impedance investigation
3.1 Steady-state polarization behaviour. Figure 10
The impedance plots recorded in the rising part
shows the polarization curves for the various elec-
of the polarization curve show two small features
trolytes. A Ni-P layer was electrolessly deposited on
(inductive and capacitive) in addition to the large
the substrate prior to the anodic polarization inves-
high-frequency capacitive loop (Fig. 11).
tigation. The current density exhibits a maximum.
The charge transfer resistance decreases markedly
The current decay after the maximum has been
when the hypophosphite and the nickel sulfate con-
attributed to the deactivation of the nickel surface
centrations are increased, especially at low current
due to the adsorption of hydroxyl ions [15±17], or
density. It increases with polarization, probably as
of phosphorus atoms [18]. The curves are shifted
a result of the blockage of the electrode area
towards less negative potentials when the nickel sul-
(Fig. 12). The characteristic frequency decreases
with polarization, or with increasing nickel or hypo-
phosphite concentration. The small inductive fea-
ture has a characteristic frequency which increases
with the nickel sulfate concentration, it is indepen-
dent of the hypophosphite concentration and is
nearly constant when the polarization is increased.
The in¯uence of nickel sulfate concentration points
out the existence of interactions between the hypo-
phosphite oxidation process and the presence of
NiII species.

Despite the large number of investigations the
kinetics of electroless deposition is so far not well
Fig. 11. Impedance plots recorded for electrolyte 3, understood. According to Jusys et al., the overall
E = ÿ 865 mV/sce, i = 5.3 mA cmÿ2. Electrode rotation process is electrochemical: electrons are transferred
speed: 500 rev minÿ1. via the nickel surface. The rate of the hypopho-
Kinetics of the autocatalytic deposition of Ni-P alloys in ammoniacal solutions 1727

sphite oxidation depends on the electrocatalytic occur [2, 6, 7, 17]:

properties of the nickel surface [4, 5]. Hwang et al.,
ads ! H2 O ‡ e
also con®rm through investigations by atomic force
microscope, that the mechanism of electroless depo- The evolution of hydrogen may come from the
sition is electrochemical [19]. However according to recombination of the adsorbed hydrogen (reaction
Abrantes et al. the reaction would be only partly (6)) and from the reduction of the protons from the
electrochemical. The participation of a direct chemi- solution (reaction (7)). For simplicity, reaction (7) is
cal transfer between the Ni2+ species and hypopho- considered as a global two-electron process:
sphite would explain the large deposition rates [6].
The experimental results can be explained accord- 2Hads ! H2 …6†
ing to the following reaction path. In agreement 2H‡ ‡ 2eÿ ! H2 …7†
with other authors [2, 6, 7, 11, 20] we consider that
The cathodic processes lead, in addition to the
the oxidation process starts from the deprotonation
hydrogen evolution, to the nickel discharge and the
reaction of the hypophosphite anion. It occurs only
incorporation of phosphorus. The discharge of
on catalytic surfaces such as nickel. It has been
nickel is usually considered as a two-step
shown that the adsorption of the hypophosphite
process [13, 14] according to:
anion and its change into a reactive species
occurred with a good eciency on etched nickel [21]. Ni2‡ ‡ eÿ ()NiIads …8†
The intermediate anion, NiIads, generated in the two-
step discharge reaction of the Ni2+ species would NiIads ‡ eÿ ! Ni …9†
be the catalyst which helps the adsorption of the
The relaxation of the surface coverage by the inter-
hypophosphite anion:
mediate adion NiIads is responsible for the inductive
NiIads ‡ H2 POÿ
2 ! Ni ÿ H2 PO2 …1† feature, always observed in the nickel deposition
process, whose characteristic frequency increases
This NiH2PO2 compound gives rise to a radical with polarization [13].
anion, HPOÿ 2 , to a hydrogen species, Hads adsorbed The reversibility of reaction (8) explains the pre-
on a fraction y1 of the electrode area. The NiIads sence of the adion NiIads at the deposition potential
adion is regenerated, hence acting as a catalyst. and in the anodic polarization range, leading to cat-
NiH2 PO2 ! HPOÿ I alytic sites for the deprotonation of hypophosphite
2 ‡ Niads ‡ Hads …2†
(reactions 1 and 2) [5].
These two reactions are a development of the The lower frequency capacitive feature, whose
deprotonation reaction of hypophosphite. They size increases with polarization, with pH, with Ni2+
demonstrate the role of the nickel species. and hypophosphite concentrations, may be related
In the anodic domain, the main reaction is the to the relaxation of the coverage by the adsorbed
oxidation of hypophosphite. Indeed the radical hydrogen, Hads, resulting from the deprotonation
anion HPOÿ 2 is known to be a strong reducing reaction (2). This adsorbate will inhibit the hydro-
agent [22]: gen evolution and interact with the nickel discharge
as already observed for the nickel deposition [14],
HPO2 ‡ OHÿ $ H2 POÿ
3 ‡e
according to:
According to literature data [16], the oxidation of NiIads Hads ‡ eÿ ! Ni ‡ Hincl: …10†
hypophosphite leading to several hydrolyzed com-
pounds would be responsible for the current The incorporation of phosphorus occurs according
decrease observed on the polarization curves (see to:
Fig. 10). Indeed the formation of a hydroxide com-
Ni2‡ ‡ H2 POÿ ÿ
2 ‡ 3e ! Ni ÿ P ‡ 2OH
pound such as [HPO2(OH)2]ads, would adsorb and
block a fraction y2 of the electrode area, inhibiting The reaction explains the role of nickel in the
reaction (2): `induced' codeposition of phosphorus, which cannot
HPOÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ be separately discharged [23]. It accounts for the in-
2 ‡ 2OH $ ‰HPO2 …OH†2 Šads ‡ 2e …4†
teractions observed between phosphorus and nickel
The relaxation of this adsorbate is responsible for during the codischarge, leading to a nearly constant
the capacitive additional loop observed in the phosphorus content in the alloy. It also explains the
anodic range, whose size increases with polariz- increase in the phosphorus content with an increase
ation. The reaction rates of reactions 3 and 4 of the nickel sulfate concentration in the electrolyte.
depend on the solution pH and on the surface con- As a consequence the nickel deposition results from
centration of the HPOÿ 2 radical. Both reactions will the four reactions 8 to 11.
be enhanced when the hypophosphite concentration The reaction path accounts for the interaction
or the surface coverage by NiIads adion will increase. between the anodic and cathodic processes: the
In addition, it has been shown that in parallel deprotonation reaction is catalysed by NiIads adions
with reactions 1±3, the following reactions and it generates adsorbed hydrogen species, Hads.
1728 M. Ebn Touhami et al.

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