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Leo the Great’s Outdoor Learning Garden Center

Team Members: Jeremiah Rufus, Olivia McConaghy, Illan Vargas

Class information: ENGR 110 Spring 2022 Dr. Jessica Kuczenski

Partner: St. Leo the Great

Executive Summary

● Problem Statement
● Motivation & Background
● Critical Customers and Needs
● Design Specifications
● Design Process
● Conclusion
● References
Problem Statement

“How can we design a garden that

provides interactive learning and can
be used as an additional food source
for the community?”
Motivation & Background

Mission:“St. Leo the Great School is a welcoming, inclusive, and

diverse community where students encounter Christ in a rigorous

curriculum designed to educate the whole child”


This project will also be a project for the community to build over the

summer and reap the benefits from the produce as it will be used

not only for educational purposes but as a food source as well for

the parish community food drives and school lunches.

Critical Customer & Needs
● Teachers
● Parish community
● Students
● Outside garden
● Accessible teaching
● Food source
Design specifications

● Garden that is kid friendly

○ No splinters
○ Pest prevention
○ No hard corners
○ Accessible height
● Garden that can be used for the community
○ Plants that produce food
● Garden that is under budget: $5,000
○ Shared budget with St. Leo Rainwater
● Garden that can be accessible for teaching
○ Preferably movable planter boxes
○ Plants that can have easy to track life cycles
Design Iterations
● Wooden Design (1) ● Design layout
(1 & 2)
Final Design (1)
Analysis of Final Design (1)

Pros: Cons:

● Planter box is long lasting for 20+ years ● Stationery

● Metal is recyclable ● Needs Add-Ons
○ Wheels (durable and locking wheels)
● Planter box has 6 different configurations
○ Mesh bottom
● 17 inches high for optimal root health ● Poor Drainage
● Easy to assemble ● Heavy
● Rounded edges for safety ○ 1,179.885lbs
Final Design (2)
Analysis of Final Design (2)
Pros: Cons:
● Planter box is long lasting for 20+ years ● Expensive
● Metal is recyclable
○ $150 increase in price per bed
● Planter box is elevated off the ground
● Tall
● 17 inches deep bed for optimal root health
● Easy to assemble ○ May come as an inconvenience for
● Rounded edges for safety smaller students
● Heavy Duty Wheels Attached ● Delayed shipping time
○ Movable
○ Ships late July to mid August
● Water reservoir
Societal Impact

● Increase in the quality of education

● More knowledge of sustainability
● Increase in food production/distribution
● Creates connections between school and community

Over the past ten weeks we have:

● Addressed the problem statement by finding a logical solution backed with research
● Created design for a space where the school and community can come together as
one to practice sustainability
● Followed all design specification and guidelines to create the most safe and durable
space for students
● Researched, reached out to community members, and collaborated as a team to
reach end goal
● Within the week plan to have all needs met and materials ordered upon completion
of this course

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