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REGION: Manicaland _______________________________________________________

PROGRAM: Banchelor of Arts Honours in Media Studies

______________________________________________INTAKE:2 __________




CONTACT TELEPHONE/CELL:0775505704 ___________________________ ID. NO.: 13-


COURSE NAME: Communication Skills ___________________________________________


ASSIGNMENT NO. e.g. 1 or 2:1 ________________________ DUE DATE:


ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Discuss the good study skills which mould a student as competent in
academic situations . Give examples and situations in the



MARKER’S COMMENTS: ______________________________________________________


OVERALL MARK: _____________ MARKER’S NAME: ________________________

MARKER’S SIGNATURE:_______________________________ DATE: __________

Study skills are approaches applied to learning or any skill which boost one’s
ability to study , retain and recall information which assist in passing exams .This
include time management and motivational techniques .Students who use these
skills feel their work and effort more worth- while .According to Wikipedia study
skills are an array of skills which tackle the process organizing and taking in new
information or dealing with assessment .Study skills include planning , reading
techniques , note taking , study groups , critical reading and revising work .

To begin with , planning is the first study skill that one need in order to succeed in
academic issues , it is wise to plan your work during the beginning of the semester
or year so that you know what you are going to do your work during the year .This
help you with an overview of tasks across the semester and prepare for it
early .Divide and priorities your daily tasks making sure that is , enough time for
tasks and your chores at home so that they don’t merge .Planning can be like this
taking a comprehensive view of your expected tasks , view your engagements
and activities outside .Arrange your tasks in order starting with most important to
the less important and set deadlines to finish them leaving time to revisit them
again .It is always a good idea to embark on a task early , when you start with a
task don’t back up go forward .This work to students who travel and always have
chores at home so that they break their tasks in order to balance their
work .Planning makes one to get organized to study which is very important to
effective study .

Another study skill that can mould a student as competent in academic issues is
rehearsal and rote learning ,this include memorization and cramming .This study
skill is often a deliberate mental process taken in order to store information and
later on recall , this include reading notes then rewrite those notes to test how
much you still remember .This can be done after a lesson or after reading books
this is usually good for those who are not naturally intelligent and when you are
expecting an exam too son than expected probably because you didn’t hear that
there will be an exam or when you can’t digest the data .The bad area of this type
of studying is that it there is no critical thinking yet the students must learn to
think critically and then weigh up evidence that they have understood arguing
John Dewey .

Studying technique that is useful again is the summarizing what you have read
and understand .This vary from topic to topic but it is wise to condense the large
amount of information from a book in a shorter notes and condense them into
key facts or present them on diagrams .This is called mind maps that can be
effective when linking concepts together .You can also summarize your notes on
flash cards which are much easy to understand as these will be holding more
information on small area in diagram such as a graph or diagram with linking lines
to linking information like what the hydrological cycle .Software can also be used
to test yourself .It important to know that some students remember information
when they write it out , these students copy their notes again and again then
paraphrase them to make a summary to memorize it so it is important to know
what really fits you .

Group discussion is another study technique that one can use as a competent
student .Working together with others is good for students who can’t work alone
and decide to work harmoniously with other members .This helps each other by
gaining knowledge that they don’t know because as a group you need share ideas
and see what others are reading and phrasing their work . However this require a
lot of trust because some people can give you false information .In fact it is
important to take your own notes and read them all other skills but this must be
your own skill , this helps you to chose what is important to you as you jot down
the notes that you think are important .Ellis 2006 mentions that effective note
making consists of observing, record and reviewing , each process is important
and each depend on the other .

The assignment revealed that competent students should have all studying skills
in organizing and planning their working in order to achieve good yields .This
study skills were made for academic students because they know that this works
well .However studying habits vary from student to another and the subject
matters but study skills are more effective when you really follow them , they will
be more effective and efficient in the attainment of goals such as national degree
or diploma .

Thomas Hrboe & Rikke von Mullen.Study Skills for International Students.2007
Communication Skills .BHECS 113
The Internet

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