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The media (print , electronic and social media ) should play a lot in advocating for the rights of
children in Zimbabwe .It should prove to be a powerful tool of child advocacy .It should play a
crucial role in agenda setting and priming of messages in the child’s rights sector .Advocacy is the
act of arguing in favour of , or supporting something or someone .It also means the practice of
supporting someone to make their voice heard .There are number of roles that the media should play
and among these include creating more youth journalists , give media permission to hold debates on
children’s rights , incentivizing journalists to specialize in child’s rights and increase coverage of
children’s rights issues in media .These are explained below .

To begin with , the media should create more youth journalists to advocate for the rights of the
children .This can be done through training youth to produce programs or run radio stations and
create youth media centres .Promoting children participation by allowing and giving them space in
the media and other platforms to bring and find solution to matters that affect their lives .Instead of
giving more media space to adults and caregivers , it is important to note that children are better
placed to debate issues that affect them .This should , nonetheless , be fostered within the rubric and
confines of appropriate legislation .Participation in the media generates excellent outcomes for young
people as summarized by the UNESCO Clearinghouse’s 2001 Yearbook Outlooks on Children and
media .This help the children to have a strengthened sense of pride , power and self-esteem as a
result of feeling their voices heard and worth listening to .A good example is the TROC Tv in
Albania where dozens of children aged 13- 18 receive training on this weekly Tv
programme .MuktoKhobor is another current affairs news programme produced by people aged 11 to
17 in Bangladesh , it focuses on children’s rights and children .This is a role the media in Zimbabwe
should play in advocating for the right of children.

Improving civic society organization media network through workshops , field visit and training ,
establish and monitor guidelines for reporting children’s rights is another role the media in
Zimbabwe should play in advocating for the rights of children .Children must be educated on the
importance of their rights and their responsibilities too .The media must encourage continuous
education regarding the legal and policy frameworks governing child protection .By familiarising
and understanding this vast array of legislation and policy for child protection there will be improved
journalistic out both in breadth and depth and children feel free to express their emotions and
grievances on their own . Educating them helps them to gain self confidence that they can stand any
situation and they can hold debates on issues that are centred to them .This also provide them with
the opportunity to learn about their rights and responsibilities and ensures that they get these rights
and fufil these responsibilities .
Another role that the media should play for the advocacy of children in Zimbabwe is collaborating
with other child protection stakeholders and actors such as civil societies , government arms , social
work bodies and the Council of Social Workers of Zimbabwe .A good example is in 2014 the
ZNCWC met with the media under the Amplifying the Voices of People Affected by HIV in
Zimbabwe project .The project seeks to amplify the child rights advocacy efforts so that they are
given priority in the media and policy making .Partnership with other stakeholders should be based
on shared responsibilities , mutual respect , trust and understanding .Collaboration with other
stakeholders helps the children to share problems with others and this brings different solutions from
different people of their age .This brings children together and is a vehicle which they can inform
their peers on what is happening in their lives .

To stretch further , the media should play a pivotal role in monitoring the actual implementation of
the rights of the child .In their reporting the media give an image of the child so , it is better not to
abuse children for self-benefit yet the benefit must be for the child .The integrity of the child should
be protected in reporting about involvement in criminal activities , sexual abuse and family
issues .The committee on the rights of the child believes that the media both written and audiovisual
are highly important in the efforts to make reality the principles of the children’s rights .Reporting
and covering child protection issues is not merely covering a sensational news piece but is more than
that .It is important for all who strive for wider recognition of children’s rights to be careful and they
jobs accordingly .

Creating incentives for journalists to specialize in child rights is another role that the media in
Zimbabwe can play to advocate for the children .This include bespoke training , fellowship and
rewards for the best reporter on children’s issues , this encourages journalists to focus on children
hence focusing on their rights .The media must be given full permission to hold debates on children’s
rights and this increase coverage of children’s rights issues in both print and print media .This
ensures that the media is being used for wide spread dissemination of the youth and women in sexual
exploitation in Zimbabwe .The members of the media should be equipped with the right technology
and terminology on child friendly reporting on children’s issues .By doing this the media will be
acting as advocacy for children’s rights .

In a nutshell ,this assignment presented the role that the media in Zimbabwe should play in
advocating for the children .It was however , noted that the media is at times engaging in some
meetings and addressing issues on children’s rights .The media however need to continue
familiarizing themselves and continue supporting children’s rights and following a positive trajectory
for being in the business of selling juicy news .


Dr.Sushma N Jogan (2019) ’’Protection of Child’s Rights-The Role of Media.Volume 3. Pdf

Katharine Heintz (2009) Communication Research Trends Volume 3 .Santa Clara University

The Zimbabwean .The role of media in changing Zimbabwe for 2018.Zimbabwe;2017

UNICEF.Guidelines for journalists reporting on children .Europe ;2013.

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