SPE 127789 Gravity Data Analysis and Interpretation of Sirt Basin, Libya

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SPE 127789

Gravity Data Analysis and Interpretation of Sirt Basin, Libya

Ahmed Saheel, Abdul Rahim Bin Samsudin, Umar Bin Hamzah, School of Environment and Natural Resource
Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Copyright 2010, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 14–17 February 2010.

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The produced Bouguer gravity map shows prominent NW-SE and N-NW trends.
Total horizontal derivative gravity map of the study area shows strong horizontal gradient anomalies that are located in eastern
and central parts of the area. The central part of the basin can be divided into four zones the eastern zone shows many short
anomalies of NW-SE orientation; the southern zone shows N-S orientation; the northern zone shows NW-SE orientation
trends; in the western zone strong NW-SE trends cut with NE-SW changing to E-W trends. Isostatic residual map is
characterized by a dominant northwest – southeast trend in the study area. This is clearly evident in the isostatic residual. The
main trending anomalies are in the northern and southeastern parts of the study area with NW-SE orientation. A strong NW-
SE trend is truncated by E-W trending in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the area. This is consistent with change of
tectonic zones.
1. Introduction
The area involved in this study is Sirt basin, which is located in the north central part of Libya between latitude 270 to 340N
and longitude 160 to 220. The present study used gravity data collected from Libyan Petroleum Institute (LPI) and Geodetic
Survey Department of Libya (SDL). A total of 1500 gravity values were used in the current study. They were recalculated by
using a density 2670kg/m3 and using 1980 gravity formula to produce a Bouguer gravity map of the study area. Rock densities
used in the gravity analysis were taken from different number of sources (Saheel, A., 1995, Suleiman, A., 1994 and Essed, A.,
1978. The main purpose of this study is to compile the available geology and gravity data in the Sirt basin in order to better
and to construct a tectonic map of the study basin.

The gravity data enabled the interpretation to be extended over large areas of Sirt basin where there was
good information(Fig.1) The Libyan Gravity Project (LGP) compiled all available onshore gravity data
for the whole Libya. The gravity data for Sirt basin were recently updated using the latest validation
technology. The Sirt basin data was gridded at a cell size of 2 minute (approximately 4 km). In the
present study a total of 15,000 gravity points were assembled of which 10,000 points are from (LPI) and
5,000 points from Geodetic survey department of Libya (SDL). They were recalculated by using a
density 2670 kg/m3 and using 1980 gravity formula to produce a Bouguer gravity map of the study area.
2 SPE 127789

Tectonic map of the Sirt Basin

Total horizontal
Data base Analysis Bouguer Filters used
(gravity data) gravity data anomaly in this study Isostatic residual
gravity anomaly

Figure 1. Workflow for integrated interpretation of gravity / magnetic data

3. Material and method

The Sirt basin is one of the youngest inland basins with Paleocene and Neocene exposures and graben and horst tectonics,
some of which are delineated by surface mapping. To the E and SE of the Sirt basin lies a depression with eolian sand often
referred to as the “Great Sand Sea” or the “Libyan Desert”. Below this relatively thin veneer of sand lies a complex subcrop
ranging from Paleozoic to Neocene age.The Mastrichtian sequence is the most transgressive sequence of the Cretaceous part
of the mega sequence. It is found in all parts of the Sirt basin. The names Waha Limestone, Lower Tar Marl, Kalash, Gheriat
and Abiod are the most common formation names used for the Mastrichtian sequence the Paleocene sequence is represented
by the Lower Sabil (Danian-L Landenian), Upper Sabil (U Landenian). Inside the Sirt basin, the Hagfa Shale (Danian) forms
the lower part of the Paleocene sequence. Lower Eocene of the Sirt basin is dominated by evaporites.The Gir formation
(Ypresian) or its lateral equivalents, the Domran, Gattar, Mesdar, Sirt, Bouran and Rouaga formations, generally represent the
lower Eocene sequence In the Sirt basin, the sequence is represented by the Najah Group, which is composed of Arida and the
laterally equivalent Diba formations.
4. Gravity Data
The gravity data enabled the interpretation to be extended over large areas of Sirt basin where
there was good information. The LGP compiled all available onshore gravity data for the whole Libya.
The gravity data for Sirt basin were recently updated using the latest validation technology and linked
with reprocessed satellite gravity data for the offshore region. The satellite gravity was derived from
altimeter track data from the GEOSAT and ERS-1 geodetic missions. The onshore data was gridded at a
cell size of 2 minute (approximately 4 km). In the present study a total of 15,000 gravity points were
assembled of which 10,000 points are from (LPI) and 5,000 points from Geodetic survey department of
Libya (SDL). They were recalculated by using a density 2670 kg/m3 and using 1980 gravity formula to
produce a Bouguer gravity map of the study area fig. (2.1). Rock densities used in the gravity analysis
were taken from different number of sources ( Essed, A., 1978, Suleiman, A., 1994 and Saheel, 1995),
determined from borehole logs and from more than 750 core samples taken from 31 drilled wells
measured by Shell Oil Company.
SPE 127789 3

Fig. 2.1 Gravity station map in the Sirt basin and surrounding region.

5. Analysis of the Gravity Data

All the gravity data from LPI and SDL have been tied to the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS 80),
using formula (Moritz, 1984).The software used for data manipulation and presentation in this study was
the Geosoft PC program set. This includes projection, griddling, countering, filtering and plotting. The
data were available with latitude and longitude location. The actual girder used was Geosoft Rangrid. The
grid interval was chosen 4km grid spacing, chosen as likely to show most useful detail

5.1 Bouguer Gravity Anomaly Map

In Sirt basin the gravity data is generally in good coverage and it shows gravity values between +49 and -
45 mGal. The Bouguer gravity map indicates nine main positive and Seven main negative trends; the nine
positive areas are in the northeastern, central and southeast part of the areas see figure. 2.2 (P1, P2, P3,
P4, P5,P6,P7) with a NW-SE trends, (P8) with trend E-W, (P9) with tend N-S; the main negative
anomaly zones are in the northwest, Central, south, southwest and southeast part of the study area (N1,
N2, N3,N4,N5) where a generally NW-SE trend is superposed by smaller N-S oriented anomalies,
(N6,N7) with trends E-W.
4 SPE 127789

Fig. 2.2 Bouguer Gravity Map of the Sirt Basin and adjacent area.

6. Filters Used in the Study

The gravity data, when interpreted in conjunction with the geological data, give a valuable insight into
the surface and subsurface structure of the basin. The interpretation of gravity data can be aided by the
application of several advanced techniques. These are discussed below. These techniques have been
applied in this study with the principle aim of adding to the understanding of the regional tectonics and
structures. The success of the various techniques can vary often from area to area dependent on a number
of factors such as data quality and coverage and the type of geological features being imaged. The results
are presented throughout this paper where appropriate.

6.1 Total Horizontal Derivative

This operation measures the rate of change of field in the X and Y directions and creates a resultant grid.
The horizontal gradient method has been used for many years to locate density or susceptibility
boundaries from gravity data (Cordell, 1979) or magnetic (as pseudo gravity) data. This has the effect of
highlighting high gradient areas such as might occur at faulted boundaries. Viewed on a regional scale it
is useful for delineating structural trends. Azimuth specific horizontal derivatives can also be calculated
to further highlight particular trends (Cordell and Grauch, 1985). In Study area map of horizontal gravity
gradient, anomalies are observed throughout. The map shows that the northwestern and west and central
parts of Sirt Basin (Fig.3.1) are strong horizontal gradient anomalies. The Northwestern part of study area
(Fig.3.1, HD1) shows NW-SE strong gradient. In the central part of the basin can be divided into eight
parts (Fig.3.1, HD2, HD3, HD4, HD4, HD6, HD7, HD8, HD9);the northern part area (HD2,HD3,HD4);
the eastern part (HD5); the western part (HD6,HD7);the central part (HD8); the southern part (HD9)
shows many short anomalies of NW-SE orientation. The southwestern part of Sirt basin (HD10, HD11,
HD12) shows NNW-SSE trending is truncating by the E-W orientation. The south part of study area (HD
13) shows the N-S orientation. In the eastern part of Sirt basin orientation the E-W trends (HD14, HD15,
HD16); the eastern part (HD16) strong E-W trends cuts with NNE-SSW changing to N-S trends.
SPE 127789 5

Fig. 3.1 Total horizontal derivative of gravity from the Sirt basin.

6.2 Isostatic Residual Gravity Anomaly

The isostatic residual anomaly is calculated by removing the long wavelength gravity effects caused by
isostatic compensation i.e. variations in the crust/upper mantle boundary.
The Regional Correction is calculated from topography using Airy’s model of crustal compensation and
subtracted from the Bouguer gravity anomaly produce the isostatic residual gravity map of the study area.
In theory the isostatic residual should retain only the gravity effects from the upper crust to the surface.
Note how the short wavelength character of the maps differs in the deep area related to crustal thinning
accounted for to some degree in the isostatic correction. The low-pass filter map of the Bouguer gravity
anomaly (Fig.3.2) with cutoff-wave number (300km) was applied to obtain the regional gravity
anomalies that are related and associated with deep sources. This filter was performed using the Fast
Fourier Transform “FFT” technique in the frequency domain, Geosoft package software, 1994.

Fig. 3.2 Regional Gravity Map of Sirt Basin and adjacent area.
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6.3 Isostatic Residual Map of the Area

is characterized by a dominant northwest – southeast trend in the area (Fig.3.3). The gravity seen on the
isostatic anomaly might indicate a deepening of the basement, on the assumption that the isostatic
correction has appropriately accounted for the deep crustal gravity effects. This is clearly evident in the
Isostatic residual. The main shows that in the northern and southeastern part of study area are orientation
NW-SE trending anomalies. A strong NW-SE trending is truncated by the E-W trending in the
southeastern and southwestern parts of area. This is consistent with change of tectonic zones.

Fig. 3.3 Isostatic Residual Map of Sirt Basin.

7. Discussion and Conclusions

- Both the Bouguer anomaly and the third order residual gravity maps confirm the known Sirt basin
regional tectonic elements. Further more both maps indicate few possible wrench tectonics.
The first lineament is a right lateral wrench fault trending NW-SE which extends from the northern limit
of Hameimat Trough crossing the north-central Ajdabiya Trough and grades away in the depression
separating the Jahama Platform from the Zelten ridge.
The second possible wrenching is left lateral, which was oriented NNE-SSW affecting the south-
central Sirt Basin and possibly connecting the Abu –Tumyan Sub-basin with Kotla Graben and dies out
in the Marada Trough.
- The western limit of the Hun Graben has not been well defined by the Bouguer and the third order
residual gravity maps, possibly due to the lack of adequate data coverage.
- The Jaghbub High is very well confirmed by the gravity maps.

8. Acknowledgments
The authors express their gratitude to National Oil Corporation in Libya (NOC) and LPI for providing
gravity data and the information’s needed in this Paper. We would like to thanks the School of
Environment and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia for using the facilities

9. References
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