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Hours After Midnight Temperature in Fahrenheit

0 61 Graphing with Scatterplots:

1 63 The hours after midnight in Column A and the c
2 62 column B are shown in the table to the left. Tw
3 62 Step 1: The first scatterplot should be just the
4 62 including the column names. b) Go to Insert, C
5 64 Scatterplot. c) Drag the chart to the correct s
6 65
Step 2: The second scatterplot should display
7 63
connected by a curve. a) Select all of the data
8 63
9 68 to Insert, Chart. Select Type: Line Chart. c) In C
10 71 Series, and change the point size to 7px. d) Dra
11 74 below. Step 3: Make s
12 79 labels on the x and y axis.
13 81
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Step 6: Describe what a data point represents in

one of your graphs. Be sure to be very specific in
your langauge!

These data points are showing the flucuation in

temperatures after midnight.

Step 7: Write a few sentences about the trends

that you notice in this data set. Which
representation (table/scatterplot/line graph) helps
you see these trends you describe? Your answer
should let your reader know how you understand
what you can see or what is masked by different
representations of data!

The trends that I notice when looking at this data is

around the 15 hours mark after midnight the
temperatures rise. The lowest is around 9 hours after
The trends that I notice when looking at this data is
around the 15 hours mark after midnight the
temperatures rise. The lowest is around 9 hours after
midnight. The points connected helps show the
fluctuation more clearly than just the scatter plot.
t in Column A and the corresponding temperature in
he table to the left. Two scatter diagrams will be created.
plot should be just the points. a) Select all of the data
mes. b) Go to Insert, Chart. Scroll down to select a
e chart to the correct spot below.
tterplot should display the points and the points
a) Select all of the data including the column names. b) Go
ype: Line Chart. c) In Chart Editor, select Customize, then
point size to 7px. d) Drag the chart to the correct spot
Step 3: Make sure both graphs have appropriate

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