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San Isidro Poblacion Tinambac Camarines Sur


The learner understands the concepts and underlying principles in developing fundamental skills in
Grade Level Standard Technical Vocational Livelihood Track Home Economics –Basic Baking course leads to National Certificate
Level II (NC II).
The learner helps to develop knowledge, skills, and attitude to perform the tasks on Bread and Pastry
Content Standard Production, demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts and theories in bread and pastry
The learners independently demonstrate core competencies in basic baking production as prescribed in
Performance Standard the TESDA Training Regulation.

Intended Learning Teaching –Learning

Topic Assessment Task
Outcomes Learning Objectives Activities
Understand the History of UNIT 1
Baking HISTORY OF BAKING In this unit, students are Multimedia presentation
expected to:
Site the difference of 1. History of Baking  Discus the History of Lecture-Discussion
baking during the old ages to 2. Pastry Profession Baking.
present.  Differentiate the Baking Class demonstration
Oral recitation
in old ages to present.
Understand the attributes  Discuss how to be a Brainstorming
Reflection papers
of student chef to become professional pastry chef
professional. and baker.

In this unit, students must: UNIT 2 At the end of each unit, Multimedia presentation
BAKING TOOLS and students are expected to:
Site the difference EQUIPMENT Lecture-Discussion
practices for safety and  Explain the difference safety Quizzes
sanitation. 1. Safety and Sanitation and sanitation practices. Individual and group
2. Different tools and  Identify the different tools and activities
Identify Baking tools and equipment equipment Oral recitation
equipment.  Understand the different uses Class demonstration
3. Basic utensils of each tools and equipment.
Understand the uses of Question-and-Answer
each tools and equipment.
In this unit, students must: WEIGHTS and At the end of each unit,
MEASUREMENT OF students are expected to:
Understand the different BAKING INGREDIENTS Multimedia presentation
abbreviation used in  Understand the different
baking. 1. Abbreviation abbreviation used in baking. Lecture-Discussion
Activity worksheet
Learned conversion units 2. Equivalent  Convert the different units
Explain the importance of 3. Conversion used.
ingredients substitution. 4. Substitution  Explain the importance of
ingredients substitution.

In this unit, students must BAKING INGREDIENTS At the end of each unit,
have: 1. Flour students are expected to:
2. Liquid Multimedia presentation
Known the different baking 3. Milk  Define each ingredients Quizzes
ingredients. Their uses,  Explain and discuss the
4. Sugar Lecture-Discussion
functions and differences. different ingredients. Laboratory exercises
5. Eggs  Understand the different uses
6. Leavening Agent and function of each Oral recitation
7. Shortening Class demonstration
8. Other minor  Identify the different kinds of
ingredients each ingredients
* salt

UNIT 5 At the end of each unit,

In this unit, students must DIFFERENT MIXING students are expected to:
have: TECHNIQUES Quizzes
 Understand the difference Multimedia presentation
Apply the different mixing 1. Batter between the batter and Oral recitation
techniques 2. Dough dough. Lecture- Discussion
 Define batter and dough Hands-on drills
 Discuss the different mixing
UNIT 6 Lecture- Discussion Oral recitation
In this unit, students must PREPARE AND PRODUCE At the end of each unit,
have: BAKERY PRODUCTS students are expected to: Class demonstration Quizzes
 Define Bread
Understand the definition 1. Definition of Bread  Enumerate the different kinds Multimedia presentation
and the different kinds of 2. Kinds of Bread of bread
bread. 3. Ingredients in Bread  Identify the different
Making Ingredients and the types of
Identify the different types of 4. Types of Yeast Yeast Project making
yeast, their differences and 5. Method of Mixing Bread Understand and (Bread
uses Dough Explain the different Method in
6. Bread Recipe mixing bread
Bake Bread

UNIT 7 At the end of each unit,

In this unit, students must PREPARE AND PRODUCE students are expected to:
Classify the different pie  -Define and explain the
crust and identify the different 1. Definition of Pie and difference of pies and pastry Quizzes
kinds of fillings and Pastry.  -Identify the different Ingredients Multimedia presentation
ingredients. 2. Classification of Pie Crust. and the different kinds of pie Oral Recitation
3.Basic Ingredients in fillings Class demonstration
Bake Pie making crust -Discuss the different Project making
4. Characteristic of well characteristic of a good quality Lecture- Discussion (Pies/Pastry)
baked crust crust
5. Kinds of pie fillings
6. Pies and Pastry Recipe

Individual and group Oral recitation

In this unit, students must UNIT 8 At the end of each unit, activities
have: PREPARE AND PRESENT students are expected to: Quizzes
GATEAUX, TORTES AND Class demonstration
Can define cakes and CAKES  Define Cake Project making
identify each types. 1. Definition of Cake  Identify the different Hands-on drill (Chiffon type Cake/
2. Types of Cakes types of cakes Swiss Roll)
Knowledge on how to use 3. Ingredients in Cake  Enumerate the
the different method in mixing making ingredients and uses
cakes to prevent the different 4. Method of mixing of each cake
failures and to meet the good shortened cakes. ingredients.
quality of a cake. 5. Characteristic of good  State the factors in
quality cake. successful cake
Bake Cake 6. Failure in baking cake and mixing and good
their causes quality of cakes.
7. Cakes Recipe  Enumerate the
different causes of
cake failures.
 Identify the different
method of mixing

UNIT 9 , Quizzes
In this unit, students must FROSTING AND ICING At the end of each unit,
Multimedia presentation
have: 1. Types of Frosting and students are expected to: Laboratory exercises
their uses
Identify kinds of icing and 2. Different kind of Icing  Identify the different Oral recitation
frosting Basic Piping kinds of icing and
Individual and group
frosting Hands-on drills
Do the basic piping  Importance of frosting
 Identify and Quizzes
Class demonstration
enumerate the basic
Hands-on drill

Class Standing 60%

Participation/Graded recitation 05%
Quizzes/Long tests 10% Lecture = 50%
Reporting/Demo teaching 15%
Laboratory exercises 20% Laboratory = 50%
Projects 10%
Midterm Examination 20%
Final Examination 20%

TOTAL 100%


1. Students are required to attend classes promptly and regularly as stipulated in the Institution Academic Policies and
Procedures in the Revised Student Handbook.
2. Students should perform, if not all, at least 75% of the laboratory exercises.
3. Students should have to prepare his/her report based on the topic assigned to him/her.
4. Students should include some activities and/or laboratory exercises upon making and delivering his/her report.
5. Students must attain 60% passing percentage in their final grades.

Course Title: Prepared by: Approved by:


Instructor Academic Head

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