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1. Show continuous positive regard and empathy 2.

Follow ____’s lead enthusiastically

Appear positive, Provide non-judgmental Try to satisfy Answer all questions, even if Don’t try to discourage a When you are available,
confident, and caring. listening. requests. repetitive. conversation topic or silly orient to him, talk or
(non-dangerous) behavior. provide non-verbal
Restate or reassure.

3. Enrich the environment 4. Present scheduled activities

Have a variety of items and activities Vary the options from shift Use non-verbal cues whenever Use a positive, confident Provide choices whenever
available, such as: to shift & day to day. possible (e.g., put materials tone. (Even if you need to possible.
out rather than giving verbal give reminders.)

6. At warning sign of escalation:

5. Be thoughtful about what is essential and what is not (for now)

If ____ says no to a If ____ says no to an essential activity: i. Remove the requirement/demand

non-essential activity:
i. Acknowledge refusal non-judgmentally ii. Give some space but
i. Accept his choice
ii. Empathize -Provide any items ___ might want, as much as possible
ii. Don’t express
iii. Be clear and honest about what needs -Honor ___’s requests as much as possible
disappointment or
to happen
disapproval -Empathize if helpful
iv. Offer choices, offer to help, etc.
iii. Try again later if iii. Once over, be sure to make note of what happened to communicate to BCBA
(anything that might make activity more
palatable) Warning signs:
v. Once done, try to do something ___
wants to do
If you see a warning sign, follow #6

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