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Daily Lesson Plan Teacher ELIZABETH G. VALDEZ Subject COOKERY NC II

Date and Time DECEMBER 7, 2021 Quarter II

The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing, cooking and presenting
A. Content Standard vegetable dishes.
B. Performance Standard The learners independently prepare, cooks and presents vegetable dishes.
C. Competency Present Vegetable Dishes
Code TLE_HECK9-12VD-IId-11
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to;
1. Define food presentation.
D. Learning Objectives 2. Present vegetable dishes by applying the different techniques.
3. Value the importance of presenting vegetables.
MAPEH 10 Arts (A10EL-Ib-1), MAPEH Health (H7N-IIb-c-21), TLE Agri-Crop Production,
E. Subject Integration TLE Cookery (TLE_HECK9-12ED-Ie-3)
K-12 Basic Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module.
A. References Technology and Livelihood – Cookery Module, Quarter 2 – Module 3
Power point presentation
B. Other Learning
1. Prayer CO Indicator 4,5 and 6
2. Checking of Attendance The teacher consistently reminds and
3. Reminders of safety protocols implements the safety policies,
- Use face mask and face shield. guidelines and procedures to maintain
- Perform regular and thorough hand washing with soap and water. and established safe and secure
- Always use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. learning environment. This is to
- Observe social distancing of 1 meter away from other people. ensure that the learners can avoid
Preliminary Activities 4. Remind the students the classroom rules destructions and keep focus during
- Be respectful to yourself and others by listening when others are talking. class hours.
- Be polite by using kind words
- Be cooperative The teacher exhibited sensitivity to the
- Be happy learners’ differences and also
enhances polite and respectful
Reviewing previous lesson or Who among you can recall our lesson yesterday?
presenting the new lesson Answer: Yesterday we discussed the different ways of cooking vegetables.
What are the two methods of cooking vegetables?
Answer: The two cooking methods of cooking vegetables are dry heat cooking method
and moist-heat cooking method.
The teacher will give an examples then the students will either it is dry-heat cooking method or moist-heat cooking
Dry-heat cooking method Moist – heat cooking method
are those in which the heat is conducted without In moist-heat cooking methods, water, liquid or
moisture, it also involves the circulation of hot air or steam is used to cook the food.
direct contact to fat to transfer heat. It gives a crisp
texture, brown color and pleasant flavor to the foods.
 Example: Frying/ pan frying, sautéing, baking,  Example: Poaching, stewing, braising,
grilling and roasting, boiling, simmering and steaming.

Have you experienced dating someone? Who among you here has a boyfriend or girlfriend? For example, you CO Indicator 7
invite your special someone to have a dinner with you and you will choose what vegetable dish you like to eat. In The teacher is able to create a
the menu card there are pictures of what the dish looks like, comparing two pictures. Which one will you order? learning environment that sustains
The dishes in the first set or in the second set? Why? learners’ active engagement and self-
Possible answer: The first set of dishes because it is arranged well, it is colorful, and it motivation. To relate their own
looks beautiful and appetizing compare to the second set of dishes. experience that creates active
participation in the class.
Establishing a purpose for the CO Indicator 10
lesson All the examples in the lesson were
contextualized according to my
student experiences, needs, culture
Through food art, the cook is an artist, the food their medium, and the plate their canvas. And like all stages and current community or situation
in the process of creating art, every step cannot be taken for granted. Like on a date, appearances are important, they are living in.
it’s the first-time meeting someone. Don’t you want to look nice? The art of presenting the food confidently speak
for itself and make the memorable first impression. An impression that says, “That’s right, I’m gorgeous, and I
taste even better.”
Our lesson is all about “Present Vegetable Dishes”.
For today’s discussion you will acquire techniques on how to present vegetables
in a very appetizing manner.
Presenting Examples/Instances At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to;
of the new lesson 1. Define food presentation.
2. Present vegetable dishes by applying the different techniques.
3. Value the importance of presenting vegetables.

Discussing new concepts and Technical Terms/ Unlocking Difficulty CO Indicator 2

practicing new skills #1 and/or The students will solve the word puzzle to find the correct answer. Even though it is not written, the
#2 teacher uses precise vocabulary to
1. ZAIGPTIPEN - Appetizing/ – stimulating one’s appetite; appealing to one’s taste; very pleasing. express meaning for an easy delivery
2. NGIHASR - Garnish – a decoration or embellish; something edible that is put on the dish to add of the lesson.
flavor and color.
3. AWRLETBEA - Tableware – refers to dishes, utensils, and glass wares used for serving and eating. RPMS Objective 16
4. SLUVAI ENSSE - Visual sense – the ability to see the food in an appealing manner. Humanism
5. TROPNOIROP - Proportion – a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a The teacher used game/ word puzzle
whole. to develop interest and to maintain the
Before I discussed our topic, I have here a video presentation for you. What will you do is watched and take down active participation of the learners.
notes for some important points, so that after wards you can answer the following questions. Rules were also given to put the
1. What is the video all about? learning environment in order and to
2. What do you mean by food presentation? avoid misbehavior.
3. What are presentation tips you list from the video?
4. Why do we need to be creative when serving food especially vegetable dishes?
5. Is offering nutritious meal important? How?

Food presentation is the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating CO Indicator 2

food to enhance its aesthetic appeal. It is also the best way for a chef to The teacher uses Mother tongue,
bring their personality into a dish. Filipino and English language to
explain the concepts that extensively
Did you know that before the food ever touches your tongue you’ve already tasted it? That may sound facilitates teaching and learning
impossible, but we visually taste our food long before process.
we ever taste it in our mouths. As you see a waiter carrying your plate to your table
to begin deciding how the meal will taste based on how the food looks. In simpler terms,
this visual tasting experience comes down to good or bad food presentation. If the food
looks appetizing, you’re more likely to want to try it and enjoy it when you do.

Can you recall your first quarter topic in your MAPEH Subject in Art which is the “Principles of Design and
Elements of Arts”? What are the six principles of design? CO Indicator I
Answer: Unity and variety, balance, emphasis and subordination, contrast, repetition and rhythm, and scale and The teacher applies accurate and
proportion. We can also use those elements in presenting food because food presentation is also an art. extensive knowledge of content across
the subject MAPEH specifically Arts by
Different Vegetable Techniques in Presenting Vegetable Dishes using the principles of design and
elements of arts. This creates a
Activity conducive learning environment and is
Using your prior knowledge in your first quarter lesson in Presenting Egg dishes. I have here an activity for you very helpful when they will have a
to do. hands-on performance in presenting
Direction: vegetable dishes.
The student will be grouped into seven. Picked a picture and label the picture of what technique is use in
presenting vegetable dishes CO Indicator I
The teacher cites intra and
1. Proportioning interdisciplinary content within the
subject area Cookery 10 by using the
prior knowledge in presenting egg
dishes. This is very helpful to get the
correct answer in the activity given by
Correct proportioning of a dish is essential not only to its attractiveness but also plays an integral role in the teacher and to review important
controlling the costs. The portion of each ingredient should be pre-decided and maintained while plating. facts.
 Choose the right plate size. The plate or bowl size should match the portion/quantity of food served.

2. Good preparation and

cooking techniques –
Proper cutting and cooking of vegetables.
Why do we need to follow the correct preparation and cooking techniques?
Answer: We need to follow the correct preparation and cooking techniques; so that the nutrients of the vegetables
will be preserved.
That’s why we are encouraged to have our home gardening pursuant to the regional memorandum No. 343,
series of 2021 (June 23, 2001) In response to the call of Sustainable Development Goals to alleviate hunger and
poverty, and good health and well-being. We need this so that we can make sure that the vegetables that we eat CO Indicator I
is free from chemicals. We used the organic farming. Moreover this time of pandemic it has a great help to the The teacher integrated across the
subject MAPEH (Health) and TLE
family. “Healthy na naka budget ka pa!”. Same with your lesson in MAPEH (Health) that you must follow the
(Agri-Crop Production). She has in-
appropriate nutritional guidelines for healthful eating. depth knowledge of content beyond
her area of specialization. This
emphasized the importance of our
health especially the time of COVID-
19/ pandemic.
3. Styling
The next food presentation technique is related to the way you put a dish together or style a meal. The
most important rule of this food presentation technique is balancing contrast and variety. Decorating the dish more
than it is required, too, can end up ruining it or making it hideous.
 Position the main ingredient as the center of attention and make the other elements complement it,
rather than hide it. Also, pay attention to colors. Herbs and vegetables bring color and flavor to the dish.
Play with colors and textures of the plates by adding different sauces. As per customer
psychology, serving odd quantities of food items like shrimps and mushrooms adds to the visual appeal.

4. Choosing the Right Tableware

A larger plate will give you more space to work with your creativity and the dish. But keep in mind that you
do not need to fill your plate so full that there’s no room left and it starts looking overcrowded. It doesn’t matter
how delicious the food is; no one would be tempted to eat it if it is served on an unattractive plate.
 Present your plates according to the occasion. Also, cracked or broken crockery can be a real turn-off for
 Conduct regular checks to replace any broken chinaware. Once you understand the intricacies of
choosing tableware, you can experiment with different plate shapes, sizes, and colors. Many food
 presentation techniques include the use of plates of different shapes and colors. Modern style plating or
contemporary plating is one of them.
What color plates make food look good? Answer: White

5. Timing

Food plating is all about timing. Make sure you don’t take too much time to decorate, modify, or plate a
dish that it turns cold when it was supposed to be served hot or vice versa. Remember to include  the plating time
in the preparation of the dish, and also inform your guests of the time it would take to serve it.
When you are in a bind, you can always follow the traditional clock pattern plating technique:- dividing the
plate as zones of a clock from the customer’s point of view and then presenting the starch between 9 o clock to 12
o clock, vegetables between 12’o clock to 3 o clock and protein between 9’o clock to 3’o clock.

6. Visual Sense
Effective food presentation depends on the understanding of techniques involving balance. Select foods and
garnishes that offer variety and contrast. This should be applied to colors, shapes, textures and flavors.
How can you maintain the color of vegetables?
Answer: As much as possible you need to eat raw vegetables. Do not overcook vegetables.

7. Garnishing
CO Indicator 3
As the lesson was delivered and
facilitated by the teacher, the teacher
What should you remember when using garnish? uses variety of verbal and non-verbal
The key word to remember when choosing a garnish is ‘complimentary’. The garnish should compliment the food it communication strategies to support
is placed with, not only in color, but in texture, size and taste. The garnish around a main dish should never mask learner understanding, participation,
or overpower the flavor of the food being presented. engagement and achievement of the
The Garnishing process improves the texture and flavor of a dish. Though it sounds simple, this food objectives.
presentation technique also requires care and precision. The taste and feel of the garnish will add to the texture of
the dish; hence you must choose your garnish carefully and make sure you do not overdo it. It can be as simple as
a colorful ingredient, which, if paired, creates a more alluring dish to combinations of different fruits, sauces, and
seeds, which will add to the flavor, acidity, and texture of the dish. Also, try to use easily identifiable organic
garnishes whenever possible to avoid the hassles of removing it before serving it to customers.
One important thing is, to keep in mind the convenience and comfort of the diners, the chefs must display
their creativity in presenting the food.

Activity I: Work by Pair CO Indicator 6

Direction: In three minutes The teacher consistently provides,
list down the seven Food constructs varied learning task, and
techniques Presentation opportunities which are well aligned
in food presentation. Technique with the learners’ individual and group
needs that engage the learners in all
elements of cooperative and
Developing mastery collaborative learning.
Activity II: Individual Activity
Direction: Using your cellphone, click the link below and answer the short quiz given. RPMS Objective 16
Don’t quit until you get a perfect score. If you are done raise your right hand as I recognize and check your work. I Behaviorism (B.F. Skinner)
will give prize to our top ten finishers. The teacher rewards the student for the good behavior/ for the job well
Finding practical/applications Read and answer the following questions: CO Indicator 9
of concepts and skills in daily In some places here in Antique, did you encountered people who are practicing unique food techniques in The teacher responds to the individual
living presenting vegetable dishes? Indigenous group of people? Or some group who have different culture? Can you and group of learners’ needs thus
share it in the class? creating an environment where they
What is the importance of presenting vegetables? feel equally involved.
How it is needed in our everyday living?

Direction: Group Activity CO Indicator 8

With the information you learned about food presentation, draw a poster, make a slogan, compose a song, The teacher tasked the students to
make a dance step, act, or make a poem to summarize our lesson. I will give you 10 minutes to finish the activity. draw a poster, make a slogan,
compose a song, make a dance step,
act, or make a poem. They can
Food Presentation choose what activity they like to do to
Making Generalizations and
Abstraction about the lesson showcase their different skills, abilities
What new insights/ learnings did you gain from today’s lesson? and talents. Thus creating an
Questions to answer: environment where learners feel that
1. What is food presentation? they are equally involved.
2. How do you make your food look pretty?
3. Why is it important to make food appetizing?
Its Showtime! RPMS Objective 2 and 16
The students take part in direct instruction, hands-on, and collaborative based learning. The teacher is using two models of
Performance Task instruction, constructivism and direct
Direction: Group the students. The teacher will give the direct instruction; instruction.
I have prepared menu which is “Chopsuey” what you will do is to present the dishes in an appetizing manner using Constructivism (John Dewey)
your prior knowledge. Feel free to explore the kitchen find the appropriate tools, table wares and ingredients to be It sought to make the learners more
used in your task assigned. After you are done with your presentation, you will be rated based on the rubrics. The active participants in the learning
teacher will present the rubrics in the class so that learners are aware on how to get the high score in their process. A teaching that is learner-
performance. centered.

Learners take part in hands-on,

collaborative. This is often called
Evaluating Learning Inquiry-based learning. This is very
important part learning because
learners explore themselves and
discover things in their surroundings/

Direct Instruction - this means that

learners sometimes has unclear about
what exactly they were supposed to
do to the activity tasked to them. So, it
is most effective to explain the step-
by-step procedure in order to
understand fully the task given to them
Direction :
1. Make a pictorial report with illustration showing the different techniques of presenting vegetable
Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation 2. Upload in Facebook.
3. More likes, more points you earn.
For those students who are absent. I prepared an activity for them and a module for their references.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Observed by:


TLE Coordinator Head Teacher – Designate Secondary Principal I

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