Glenn N. Micarandayo Liturgy and Sacraments - Block 5 Bsce 3 Mrs. Annabelle S. Dua, Instructor Assessment

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Glenn N.

Micarandayo Liturgy and Sacraments – Block 5

BSCE 3 Mrs. Annabelle S. Dua, Instructor

Module 2
A. Answer the following question:
1. How do we celebrate the mysteries of Christ?
We celebrate the Christian and Paschal Mystery in the liturgical celebration of each sacrament, especially the
Eucharist. That mystery is the mystery of God and his redeeming actions, in our lives and throughout salvation
of history. Just as God is infinite, so is his mystery, but that doesn’t mean we cannot penetrate that mystery more
deeply with his help, knowing him more profoundly and welcoming him to act more profoundly in our lives.

2. Why do the sacred signs of the liturgy need words?

As an important means of communication of faith, liturgical signs have the qualities of symbol, which is why
liturgy simply cannot exist without them. Signs and symbols make possible the experience of the presence of
God. The sacraments introduce us in a special way to the mystery of Christ.

3. Why should the liturgy take priority in the life of the Church and of the individual?
At the Second Vatican Council it was said that the liturgy "is the summit toward which the activity of the Church
is directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows".

4. What mysteries in the life of Christ are recalled in various liturgical celebrations?
1068 It is this mystery of Christ that the Church proclaims and celebrates in her liturgy so that the faithful may
live from it and bear witness to it in the world:
For it is in the liturgy, especially in the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, that "the work of our redemption is
accomplished," and it is through the liturgy especially that the faithful are enabled to express in their lives and
manifest to others the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church.

5. What liturgical spaces define a house of God?

The central places of a house of God are the altar with the crucifix, the tabernacle, the celebrant's chair, the
ambo, the baptismal font, and the confessional.
The altar is the central point of the church. On it Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection are made
present in the celebration of the Eucharist. It is also the table to which the People of God are invited. The
tabernacle, a kind of sacred safe, houses with the greatest honor in a most worthy place in the church the
Eucharistic species in which the Lord himself is present. The so-called perpetual lamp indicates that the
tabernacle is "occupied". If the lamp is not burning, the tabernacle is empty. The raised chair (Latin cathedra) of
the bishop or the priest means that ultimately Christ is the one who leads the congregation. The ambo (from
Greek anabainein = to climb up), the lectern for the Word of God, should manifest the value and dignity of the
biblical readings as the Word of the living God. Baptisms are performed at the baptismal font, and the holy water
font should be a vivid reminder of our baptismal promises. A confessional or confession room is there so that we
can acknowledge our guilt and receive forgiveness.

6. A priest is aware that he is in the state of sin but there is a sick call in need of or is requesting for his
immediate presence and the administration of the Sacrament, will the Sacrament’s effects remain the same?
Why? Why not?
When a sacrament is celebrated according to the norms of the Church and in faith, we believe that it confers the
grace it signifies. While a human being is the minister of the sacrament, Christ Himself is the one who is at work:
He baptizes, He confirms, He absolves, He changes the bread and wine into His Body and Blood, He unites a
couple in marriage, He ordains, and He anoints. Acting in His sacraments, Christ communicates the grace–
that sharing in the divine life and love of God– offered through each sacrament. (Confer the Catechism, #1127-
28.) Therefore the effects remain the same as the efficacy of the sacrament does not depend upon the human
minister– whether a bishop, priest, deacon, or layperson– being free of mortal sin and thereby in a state of grace.
B.) Make a graphic presentation of the liturgical year with proper labels and colors.

C.) Assignment: Complete the chart to show your understanding of the Sacraments. Make a research
about the seven sacraments.


Baptism Water, holy oils, white Baptism is the first of the The supernatural effects of the sacrament of
garment, Easter seven sacraments. It was baptism. They are: 1. removal of all guilt of
candle, white candle established by Jesus and has a sin, original and personal; 2. removal of all
strong biblical basis. The punishment due to sin, temporal and eternal;
for newly baptized
Gospels report that Jesus was 3. infusion of sanctifying grace along with the
baptized by John the Baptist theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity,
in the Jordan River (Mt 3:13- and the gifts of the Holy Spirit; 4.
17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-22). incorporation into Christ; and 5. entrance into
Jesus modeled the reception the Mystical Body, which is the Catholic
of baptism. Jesus saw the Church; 6. imprinting of the baptismal
spiritual value of baptism for character, which enables a person to receive
himself and, in doing so, the other sacraments, to participate in the
showed that those who believe priesthood of Christ through the sacred
in him should also be liturgy, and to grow in the likeness of Christ
baptized. through personal sanctification. Baptism does
not remove two effects of original sin, namely
concupiscence and bodily mortality.
However, it does enable a Christian to be
sanctified by his struggle with concupiscence
and gives him the title to rising in a glorified
body on the last day.

Confirmation Chrism for anointing, Confirmation is a sacrament We are strengthened against sin, and the fruits
Fire, & Holy Spirit instituted by Christ and of the Holy Spirit are strengthened in us;
established in sacred
Scripture. We are given the strength to courageously and
Jesus promised the gift of the confidently profess and defend the faith, even
Holy Spirit. When he warned unto death, and transform the world around us
his disciples that they would through the joy of the Gospel;
stand trial, he promised that
the Holy Spirit would come to We are empowered to speak boldly about the
them and give them what they Gospel and about truth to be a witness of
were to say (Mt 10:19-20; Mk Christ in this world.
13:11; Lk 12:11-12). When
Jesus spoke about living
water, it was “in reference to
the Spirit that those who came
to believe in him were to
receive” (Jn 7:39).

Holy Eucharist Bread & wine Jesus instituted the Eucharist 1. For a few moments, you are able to have
on Holy Thursday at the Last an intimate prayerful moment with Jesus
Supper, and the three Gospel Christ, the author of all natural and spiritual
accounts of the institution life as the Sacred Host abides in your body.
narrative (Mt 26:26-29; Mk 2. You receive a special joy, sweetness, and
14:22-25; Lk 22:14-20), as comfort of being close to Jesus Christ.
well as St. Paul’s explanation 3. You receive an increase in the spiritual
of the tradition of the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.
institution of the Eucharist (1 4. You receive a special increase of
Cor 11:23-25), serve as the sanctifying grace, which make your soul
biblical basis for the more pleasing to God.
sacrament of the Eucharist. 5. You receive sacramental grace, which
There are a number of events entitles you to special help in times of
in the Old Testament that temptation and in
anticipate the Eucharist. Abel the discharge of your daily duties.
offered an acceptable sacrifice 6. Your soul is offered the particular graces
(Gn 4:4), and Jesus offered an needed to grow in holiness.
acceptable sacrifice. 7. Your venial sins are wiped away.
Melchizedek, the priest of 8. You receive a special preserving influence
Salem, offered bread and wine against the sins of passion and lust.
(Gn 14:18), and Jesus offered 9. Your soul is offered victory over some
bread and wine. Abraham fault or sinful passion if you desire to
offered a ram as a holocaust overcome it.
(Gn 22:13), and Jesus offered 10. Depending on your disposition, temporal
his body on the cross. punishment due to sin is in part or fully
remitted. 11. Your body is prepared for the
glory of the resurrection on the Last Day.
12. Your soul is given a greater degree of
potential joy to possess in Heaven for all

Confession Stole Beginning with the sin in the Reconciliation with God by which the
garden in Genesis 3:1-7, penitent recovers grace. From God’s
through God’s mercy towards wonderful mercy He has provided us with
Cain, on through the histories confession which has the supernatural
and prophets, and then into the potential to change our lives, to give us
teachings of Jesus in the fantastic grace (actual grace) and restore our
Gospels, the story remains the souls to saving grace (sanctifying grace) but
same: We sin, and God calls sadly, most of us don’t make use of God’s
us back with forgiveness. healing mercy which awaits us in the
One of the high holy days in sacrament of reconciliation. Few attend
the Jewish year is Yom confession and many of us, who do go to
Kippur, “the Day of confession, don’t have a real hate for our sins
Atonement,” described in and just vaguely list a few of our sins, with out
Leviticus 16:29-30. On this a great desire to know ones offenses, or
day, people do penance, or without whole heartedly desiring to stop
atone, for the sins they have committing them and then presume we are
committed against God during forgiven. Sadly then most go on our merry
the past year. Before one can way living life just the same with little hope
seek atonement with God for for eternal life from a lack of true sorrow for
the sins committed against our sins. That isn’t what confession is about.
another person, one must first
seek to right the wrong and be
reconciled with that person.

Matrimony Wedding rings Genesis 2:24: Therefore a The Sacrament of Matrimony confers upon
man shall leave his father and Christians who embrace that state both an
his mother and hold fast to his increase of sanctifying grace, and in addition
wife, and they shall become the special graces necessary to enable them to
one flesh. Romans 13:8: Owe discharge the duties required of them.
no one anything, except to The special graces annexed to this sacrament
love each other, for the one are: (1), The mutual affection of those who
who loves another has receive it is confirmed and sanctified; (2),
fulfilled the law. Strength is given them to preserve inviolable
fidelity to one another, and bear with patience
the ills of life. For as soon as a man is married,
he is no longer free as when single; no longer
absolute master of his will, his time, his goods,
his person, but he is in a measure dependent
on the will of his wife; he wears the yoke, “for
marriage,” as St. Ambrose says, “is a yoke, a
double yoke which rests on the neck of both
husband and wife, obliging them to pull

Holy Orders Chrism for anointing; The Sacrament of Holy One of the rituals of Holy Orders is the laying
vestments for newly Orders is a Sacrament related on of hands, followed by a prayer of
ordained to vocation. Along with consecration, asking God to grant the graces
Marriage, it is one of the of the Holy Spirit to the ordained that are
Sacraments pertaining to a required for his ministry. Laying on of the
state of life. God wants to behands is an ancient biblical gesture, imploring
involved in our lives. This isthe Lord to empower the receiver by the Holy
the grace one receives when Spirit. This sacrament configures the recipient
being ordained. It is for to Christ by a special grace of the Holy Spirit,
Bishops, Priests and Deacons. so that he may serve as Christ's instrument for
his Church. By ordination one is enabled to act
18 Truly, I say to you, as a representative of Christ, Head of the
whatever you bind on earth Church, in his triple office of priest, prophet,
shall be bound in heaven, and and king.
whatever you loose on earth
shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18

16 “He who hears you hears

me, and he who rejects you
rejects me, and he who rejects
me rejects him who sent me.”
Luke 10:16

Annointing of the Oil of the Sick for The chief Biblical text The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is
Sick anointing concerning anointing of the administered during periods of illness - often
sick is James 5:14–15: "Is any near the time of death - in order to bring the
man sick among you? Let him person receiving it spiritual and physical
bring in the priests of the strength. As a sacrament (an outward sign of
church and let them pray over something internal), it is performed to give
him, anointing him with oil in God's grace through the Holy Spirit. It gives
the name of the Lord. And the comfort, peace, courage, and even the
prayer of faith shall save the forgiveness of sins if the sick person is not
sick man. able to make a confession. Sometimes, if it is
the will of God, this sacrament even brings
about the restoration of physical health. In any
case this Anointing prepares the sick person
for the journey to the Father's House.

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