A Very Sweet Moment

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I woke up in the morning to prepare coffee in the

kitchen. That how my day start, with a cup of
coffee. Birds were chirping and the atmosphere was
beautiful. I decided to chance my routine since it’s
so messed up.
Another morning with no good morning text or a
long call. I missed that so much. Being in love and
loved. It was beautiful. I checked my phone once
again but there were just messages from group and
stupid e-mails.
It took me a long time to get out of bed and be
ready to face the world after my bad breakup with
Frank. A few months ago after the breakup incident
he had messaged me telling me that he misses me.
Somehow, I too wanted to tell him that I miss him
too. That was just undeniable. Perhaps he knew
that I was having a tough time in getting over him.
Every place on campus just reminded me of him.
Then his so called girlfriend that stays next to my
room at res.
I swear nothing in the world irritated me like seeing
them playing a happy couple at the expense of my
broken heart. Frank cheated on me with her. I was
so shattered but I was left to collect the broken
pieces. To top it all their relationships was all over
social media. He would post her and take her out
and all that. I loved Frank even God knew that. He
was all in with her knew girl as of nothing ever
happened between us as they were unbothered. He
didn’t even tell me that it was over rather he
ghosted my arse.
Sometimes I would stalk him on social media just to
catch a glimpse of him. I died a thousands deaths
seeing them so happy together. Maybe he wouldn’t
had left me if I have him what he wanted – sex.
However he started pressurizing me and I wasn’t
ready. Did I lack something ?
“ Hey. What happened ?” Angelo asked me . I never
seen her so elated. She was grumpy for days and I
was just lost in my miserable world that I didn’t ask
her what was cooking.
“ With what?” I rolled my eyes and drank my coffee.
“ You woke up early today. Hence I asked.” She
winked at me. I couldn’t help it but to laugh. That
was cute.
“ Just like that. It is a new day.” I giggled .
“ I can say that I’m quite impressed. I’m glad that
you finally mastered courage to get out of that
misery. I was worried.”
“ I’m a big girl. I was just mourning my failed
relationship. I have to tolerate that girl for like a
whole year. She’s a headache!”
“ OMG! Girl, you’re hating!” she laughed. I couldn’t
help myself either. It not that I hated her. Not that I
hate Frank . You can’t unlove what you loved unless
you never loved it anyways. I needed time to get
over him. I desperately wanted him back . I longed
for him but I knew that he was never going to me
mine. He was happy with someone else. So I watch
my dear one going away from me. If I can’t have
him then no one was going to. I was determined to
make him realise his mistake. That file girl snatched
him away from me. However I do not like sharing at

Suddenly, the was a knock in my door. It was her!

She was standing there . Her presence suffocated
“ Hey.” She smiled. That annoyed me. She was
pretty there was no doubt about that. Every boy on
campus was wild about her. What was so special? I
rolled my eyes and folded my arms . I wanted her
out of my sight.
“ what do you want , thief? “ I shoved her off
indifferently. She was shocked but I didn’t care. She
was just full of drama.
“ I’m so sorry,Meet.” She sobbed. I rolled my eyes
and went back to my room. She was surely going to
tell her dumbass.

On campus I decided to go to the kiosk and buy

something to snack. My friends group were sitting
on the grass busy with the latest gossip. Someone
pulled me by my hair and I was so miffed. I turned
to him to slap him but he stopped me. It was Frank.
“ How dare you!” I never seen him so angry. Oh my!
Even the tip of his head was red. He looked at me
with so much hatred in his eyes. I wasn’t bothered
at all. I could smell his cologne. That was priceless.
He was talking harshly to me while I was staring and
smiling like a fool .
“ oh my! Such a temper! That too for that girl. I
thought you were here to apologise. Come on” I
teased. I was never going to forget what he said to
me. He betrayed me and broke my trust and he was
going to pay double the pain that he caused.
“Stay away from my girlfriend . You idiot! Move on.
Leave us alone” He shouted. I looked at him gasping
for my breath as he walked away. He called me an
idiot and told me to move on. He didn’t care. He
was lying. He never loved me. He was pretending!
Was I really a fool? How could I had moved on ?
That too so easy. For days I slept crying . Sat in a
corner and screamed. I’ve search for him in every
boy I dated. I’ve cut my wrist to ease the pain. I
took him back several times . Again and again and
again. He would cheat and ask for forgiveness and
like a fool that I am I would.

There was just something I felt when he would say

sorry. It was sincere. What a narcissist! In the past
we loved each other immensely. He loved and cared
for me. Was everything fake? Was our relationship
a lie then, huh? He didn’t feel anything in my soft
and gentle kisses and hug. He didn’t learn anything
in my lines which I found out of lunch but was
always amazed and graceful. He didn’t find warmth
in my arms solace in my presence.

“Are you okay?” I let out of a tear and sighed.

“He told me to move on ,Sammy.” I answered. I
tried to hold back my tears. Everyone was staring.
Sammy hugged me and didn’t say anything. She
allowed me to cry and her white shirt was already
wet with tears. She didn’t give me a lifetime lecture
telling me the same.
“Move on and leave them alone. Stop stalking them
on socials as well. That’s unhealthy. “ Sam would
say. I wasn’t stupid. I knew that but it was just so
hard to put that in action.
“ How are you?” She was really worried. She had
been my strength and a support system while my
whole friend group was constantly teasing and
making a joke out of me.
“ I will be fine.” I hugged her and walked away. I
didn’t even bothered to return to my friends. I was
just going to make their day.
I did some spring cleaning in my room. My
roommate was visiting her parents . I was playing
no air by Jordan Sparks. It was soothing. I felt
relieved after the spring cleaning. I remembered
that I’ve bought some painting and art to put it in
my wall when I was in East London for a holiday. I
was mesmerized by it that I spent my last penny
and didn’t regret it.
My room was even looking more welcoming with
those painting and art in the world. Intimate
enough to make me feel better. I was missing
home. Especially my mom’s food. The last time I
visited home I had a scuffle with my sister and
things turned ugly.
I said a lot of things in a fit of rage as I couldn’t
tolerate any words against Frank. I knew that she
was right but I didn’t wanted to hear it.
I went to the rooftop to clear my mind off things. I
sat there quietly and watched the beautiful sky. I
closed my eyes and listened to the breeze brushing
my face gently. It sounded like a beautiful song
playing softly in the background.
“ Do you believe in it?” a voice asked me. It was that
girl again! Frank’s annoying brat. I looked at her
annoyed but she didn’t react on that which turned
me off.
“ What to you want?” I yelled.
“ I’m sorry . I didn’t mean to distribute you. Are you
okay?” she asked. She really sounded sincere. As if
she cared. I looked at the sky unbothered about her
presence. To my surprise she joined me. What on
earth was she doing! She was just fond of ruining
people’s peace. She’s just like a stain or rather a
pain in the ass.
I wasn’t going to go back to my room because of her
. I wasn’t going to be intimidated by her and let her
be get to me. However, I wasn’t angry at her
anymore. I realised that it was a waste of energy.
“Yes I believe in it.” That was my reply to her
“ Huh!”
“ You asked me if I believe in the moon and stars.”
“Oh that! I too believe in them.”
“Why? I don’t know. I just talk to them whenever I
feel numb or empty. I feel relieved.”
“ Me too. “
“Why do you loathe me so much?”
“ I don’t. I’m just angry because I thought that you
snatched my boyfriend away from me”
“ I’m sorry for everything that happened. However,
he is not a toy that you can steal from someone . He
is the one who came to me with the intention of
dating me. I didn’t know that you guys were already
dating. I found out later and he said he was going to
break up with you of which he did because I can’t
date someone who’s in a relationship.”
“I see. What makes you think that he isn’t going to
do the same to you,huh?”
“ I don’t know. I love Frank. That’s all I know.”
“ I wish you all the best, Pretty. I won’t interfere
with you guys anymore. You can have him.”
“ Thank you. How did you know my name?”
“I just know it. Don’t worry.”
“ I feel so good that I talked to you. You should try
to move on and let go”
“ We can at least be civil with each other. We don’t
have to be friends. We live in the same residence
after all and you are my neighbour. I don’t want any
bad blood between us”
“ Okay . Agreed.”
I felt so numb after the conversation I had with her.
Did she really have to tell me that they are happy
and in love. That was a knife with pierced my heart.
I also learnt that we have something in common of
which I didn’t like in one bit.
I talked to her for the first time and her and I are
never going to be friends in this life. I promised
myself to focus on me and never allow someone to
play with my emotions again.

Somewhere, far down I felt an itch in my heart.

Afraid that something might leak out. Too tired to
start over and wear my heart on the sleeve once
again. However I had to keep walking and reach for
the stars. I felt like going somewhere far from
everyone else. Maybe visit a sea and change some
things while drinking my cold coffee and laughing
about. To free myself from that shackle.
The past weeks were difficult as I was lonely. I was
vulnerable. To close my chest and my heart because
someone sucked it up and left me empty. I was
never going to let that happen again. I was going to
take my power back.
So then my new little peaceful world that I had built
so hard for myself like a nest included me focusing
on my books. At least I had my teddy bear to
comfort me and a beautiful view in my room.
There were no more online lessons for me now. The
lecture had strictly instructed and told us to attend
on campus. I don’t remember the last time I
attended a class with a bunch of students. It was
uncomfortable for me. After class I decided to take
a walk. I passed by a group of guys . The were
laughing carelessly.
“Hi.” I rolled my eyes and didn’t bother to answer
back. It was just out of lunch.
“What your name?” One of the guys asked. They
were just beginning to bug me.
“ Meet.” I noticed they didn’t believed me. I have so
many names . Amanda, Pamela, Zoey. All of them
aren’t my real names. It just depends on my mood
on that particular day and I never forget them even
of someone calls out for me. Meet? I don’t know
why on earth my mom named me Meet. She never
really told me. My sister’s names is Yummy. Pupils
in high school used to tease us a lot about our
“ your name is rare I must say.” He smiled. Gents
with dimples make me hella weak. I mean, his
dimples be popping out everytime he speaks. The
guy had a swear. He decked up himself smelling
really good. They were neat too. So clean. I myself a
sucker for nest, pretty and beautiful minded guys.
“Yes. Sure. I take my leave now.” I rolled my eyes.
So bad I wanted him to stop me or ask for my
number perhaps.
“ Can I have your number at least?” He was still
smiling. I really liked his so- cute attitude. It was
attractive. Not a chance.
“ Okay give me your phone.” I smiled cunningly. I
wrote my email address then winked at him. Well,
you must admit that that was the first. I know it was
kinda out of lunch but I had to do it anyways. If he
was serious then he was going to e-mail me. That
was weird, I know. Even they were surprised but I
left before they could say anything.
I walked with my head held high and a smile on my
face. Everyone was already in class when I came
and as always I was late. Took my pen and wrote my
work. My handwriting was pretty terrible and I was
proud. With all my other stuff on my desk looking
messy. To top it all ,left handed and clumsy. Frank
would laugh and tease me the same. When I looked
around, there he was busy giggling with his phone.
He was probably in a juicy conversation with
someone I don’t want to mention. Seeing him was
enough trouble for me. He started annoying me for
no reason at all. At first, I thought I was being
moody or it was hormones acting up. Like hell, I
always blame everything on hormones.

I went out with my girl Sammy after class . Of
course, we bought our favourite pizza – a
something meaty pizza and caramel ice creams. It
was on me since she been working her ass off in
cheering me up and comforting me.
We went back to our residence late. I don’t
remember the last time we laughed so hard till our
stomach hurt. Laughing carelessly and Sammy
couldn’t help herself. The residence is a modern
buildings in town. It’s beautiful inside and hundreds
of students stay there. The drama, fights and
everything interesting is there. Some host parties
and enjoy themselves. The security guards are strict
and no visitors are allowed at girl’s residence.
You know how rebellious and unruly students are.
They were not going to obey those rules and the
management couldn’t do anything. The SRC was on
their side as well. Sometimes, you sound hear some
strange sounds from the other room and you just
had to mind your own business.
It wasn’t something new. Some drink alcohol and
smoke like nobody’s business.
When I checked my e-mails and there it was again
with such an interesting subject. I must say that I
didn’t expect that from him. It was so cute . ‘The
one for you!’ That was the subject and I found it
hilarious and crazy.
He poured his heart out and I found myself smiling
and hopeful. At first Sammy and I laughed and
joked about the subject. The email blew my mind .
Such a creative! He definitely knew which words to
chose. He had asked me out for a day . Mind you, I
never been to a date before. As much as I didn’t
wanted to look desperate and a some kind of a pick
me , I wanted to be beautiful and smart as always. I
bet something beautiful but simple would do. I
giggled and sacked out with a warm heart just once.


Definitely I was going to watch my Q’s and P’s .

There wasn’t going to be any room for doubts.
Earth had to come down for me . I wasn’t going to
spend my time getting all worked up for a guy I met
five minutes ago who impressed me by an email. He
could be a skank for all I know.
So I wore my body shaping jean and a red crop top ,
sneakers and a baggy white hoodie. Maybe I didn’t
looked girl enough in that outfit of which I found
pathetic when I stood in front of the mirror , made
some funny faces and laughed. Then another hour
spend on my hair. A big afro which need an extra
care because I liked it curly with colourful butterfly
clippers and of course my famous arty baby hair .
Everybody adored it. I really loved looking like a
majesty – too cute for my age. Oh gosh! I’m a
second year student at nineteen years.

Sammy kissed me good luck. Alas, not forgetting my

small purple handbag with me. Not my style. I
wasted so much time deciding on what to wear.
Heels and a kind dress with a simple necklace. That
would had made me look like a pick me with
everyone staring. Gosh, the was no way I was going
to cope with those stares. What if I end up twisting
my leg because of people’s stares. Well I was going
to be red in the face.

I found him waiting for me at the dinner table. His

name is ‘him’ specifically. Look at me, going on a
date with the unknown. He was simple too. I felt my
knees getting weaker as I was approaching him and
my heart was beating even more louder out of my
control. There he was smiling at me and I saw there
quiet as a mouse. He had to break the ice. I just sat
there and stared at him and he didn’t mind. He
must had thought that I was a weirdo. I was busy
preparing my lines confidently in my room. Then
there was nothing to say at the dinner table and
everything else was just awkward.
Usually, I’m a chatterbox the one to break the ice
and make people feel at ease. Don’t really know
what happened but we ate the dinner quietly. It
was way too awkward that I wished the earth would
just swallow me. He was boosting the other day
with his friends and that email gave me a wrong
impression about him.
He walked out of the restaurant quietly. He reached
out to my hand to hold it as I gave him a smile and
didn’t say anything. He accompanied me to my
residence and I asked him to stay. Sammy wasn’t
there anyway. I asked him to sit in my bed while I
was getting my laptop to watch movies or play
games. He seems to be a close.
“What is your name?” I asked him politely.
“ Noah.” He smiled.
“ okay, Noah.” I giggled. You could had seen his
face. His expression was just beautiful. He got
excited because I called his name. Then his dimples
be out everytime he speak.
“I really love your voice. It’s sweet and so adorable
and soothing. Hey! I got a cute short girlfriend for
myself.” He was making cute faces and we both
laughed. So babyish! It was beautiful to watch.

We talked for hours . Him talking about himself and

the things he loved and his experiences was
mesmerizing. He opened up to let me in in his
beautiful world and I appreciated that. Me laughing
at him so hard and teasing him. We ended up
dancing to his favourite song and constantly teasing
each other. I had so much fun being with him . Our
date wasn’t bad at all. We shared the same bed
hugging each other. Little amazing kisses here and
there. He kissed my forehead and we both dozed
off as we were so exhausted due to all the crazy
stuff we did the whole evening. Nothing sexual
though. What a sleepover! A red letter day indeed.
It was dawn when suddenly the was a knock at the
door to disturb our sleep. Noah went to get the
door half asleep . It was Sammy. She was drunk and
not into her senses. Thank God or otherwise she
was going to give me a lecture. I accompanied Noah
. His cab was waiting for him outside.
He told me that he loved and enjoyed my company.
That was a relief. Even I did. We had so much in
common. I thought I bored him at the dinner table
by being a mouse. He assured me that he enjoyed
every minute and he doesn’t like talking much
either. We can both sit in silence and enjoy each
other’s company without having to feel awkward.
We can watch one’s favourite movie or send each
other songs. Adore the endlessly sky and moon
together graceful. Read a book or listen to music
together. Go to art galleries and dates . Talk for
hours without getting tired of each other. So much
to share and so many beautiful memories. We had a
lot in common. Perhaps he was a beautiful better
part of me.
He kissed my hand and forehead and said goodbye.
That was a kiss to my heart. I headed back to my
room and found Sammy fast asleep. Snoring . She
denies it every time when I tell her that she snores.
She would be so upset as if it a while lie. Once I
recorded her and showed her but she denied that
that was her snoring.
Sometimes I can’t bear her snores and put on
earbuds . One night I woke up due to a bad dream
and I thought some ghost in a horror movie that I
watched before sleeping was out to get me. I was
scared and covered myself with a blanket in fear.
The next morning when I told her she joked about it
for a week in stitches.

It was exam season and I’ve been stressing out

about academics and things were going south for
me.I had a breakdown and Sammy stayed awake
with me singing lullaby. She was freaking out and
didn’t know what to do . She was one person I could
count on. My one true best friend and roommate.
Noah was worried sick and kept calling to check up
on me. He was also there for me helping me with
my assignments and preparing me for test though
he was an accounting student knowing nothing
about my course but I passed .
Our relationship was going well. He was

Went to campus to attend a class. I really had no

idea that I was going to pass that test that have me
sleepless nights. A whole eighty five percent. I
thought I was going to get a low percentage. My
aura must had been good. I’m always bumping into
Noah . His friends are always complaining saying he
no longer spend time with them. Glad to be his new
best friend. Friends ruin things in relationship most
of the time . He’s so soft and gentle. Frank saw us
the other day and made a scene. As if I cared . I was
no longer hungry for vengeance and bitter
anymore. I was graceful it happened and I learnt my
lesson. I even forgot his existence and that I once
loved him.
He was now a bitter ex who doesn’t want to see me
happy. I mean , I had a pretty and caring gent who
loved me. It was evident from his eyes and his
touch. He loved me in my love language- act of
survive and I didn’t have to prove anything or beg
him to love him the way I want to.
He would hold my hand in public and kiss me. Hugs
me tight like his whole life depends on it. His touch
was different. I would feel his presence or when
he’s troubled. He understood my emotions without
me having to say anything.
We spend time together chilling at the park after
attending our classes. He was well dressed as usual.
At his best.
We sat under a tree chewing the fat. Then the was
nothing to say apart from staring at each other. I
cannot maintain eye contact with him because I
don’t trust myself enough to do so. He came close
to me and caressed my face like something so
precious. I closed my eyes and avoided eye contact
and looked at the other side gasping for breath.
“ Hey . Look at me” He spoke softly touching my
face. It was a beautiful feeling.
“ Are you shy, Meet.” He kept saying convincing me
to gaze at his beautiful eyes. He kissed me gently on
my neck reaching for my hands to hold them. With
me breathing heavily out of control. He finally
kissed me and stopped in between .
“ I love you, Meet.” He said speaking in between my
lips and kissed me hard. I waited so long to hear
him saying those three magical words to me which
sounded so genuine for the first time. I gazed at him
and kiss his cheek. He was blushing! I had no idea it
would do that to him. I hugs him like my whole
world depended on that while he was slowly
reaching to my ass to touch it as I kiss him hard.

“I love you too.” Finally I said it back. He looked at

me and kissed my forehead.
“ I know.” He smiled and caressed my hair. No! That
was not what I wanted. Him knowing that I loved
him and that I wanted him. But I didn’t say
anything. He knew what I was thinking possibly.
“ Meet.”
“ Huh” I mumbled.
“ You’re beautiful! You really are. I love you and
everything about you. Your voice, attitude,
everything!” I wanted so bad not to smile but he
was such a gem . A muse! It’s been eight months
and he treated me like someone special. Everyday.
We had fights and people thought that they were
really cute . He loved me still. He cared

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