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6 Lore
7 Hooks
8 Lair
10 Co mb at Da sh bo ar d
15 Approach
16 Hydra Attack Pa tte rn
18 Hydra Abilities
19 Lair Abilities
20 Cinematic M om en ts
22 Treasure
St at s
24 Bloodwood Goblin
25 Seedling Hydra
JI L':> Burgeoning Hydra
Blooming Hydra

~ \ ~'

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tak e you r
Welcome to Epic Encounters , de'signed to help you
fantasy roleplaying gam es to the nex t level.
unter. tips on making sure
In this booklet. you'll find guidance on running an enco
ensuring that you'll keep your
every turn builds jeopardy and excitement, and for
battle. of course!
players on their toes - if they have any left after this

you've got everything prepared

Before you play. use this handy checklist to ensure
and are ready to go.

guidance. Choose the bits

✓ You've read this boo k Use it for inspiration as well as
you like or use it all - the choice is up to you.

ts and know that

✓ Your players all have their dice and their character shee
something big is coming.

liarised yourself with its

✓ The battle map is laid out. ready for use. and you've fami
en over the course of
different areas and the variety of things that can happ
the conflict.

mber that this is a game.

✓ You're ready to have fun! Above everything else. reme
If you forget certain rules as the Gamemaster (GM)
. don't worry. As long as you
s, you're doing it right. \
and your players are laughing and enjoying yourselve

Before Starting making them suitable for as \

Epic Encounters are divided into three tiers of play,
age Level and the Difficulty
many different player groups as possible. The Dam
r is broken into three Tiers
Class (DC) of each check specified during the encounte
calls for a 'standard DC check',
of Play. shown in the table below. Whenever the text
refer to the appropriate
or specifies that a creature suffers 'standard damage',
r level. and you take standard
box below. For example, if you're playing at the lowe
damage. you suffer d4 points of damage.

For this encounter, we recommend lower tier

players take on the Seedling Hydra
ra (Middle Tier). and higher
(Lower Tier), middle players fight the Burgeoning Hyd
tier players combat the Blooming Hydra (Higher Tier)

Tier of Play Difficulty Check Damage Level

Lower (levels 1-4) 12 d4

Middle (levels 5-10) 14 dB

Higher (levels 10+) 18 d10
The hydra is a bizarre and hideous creature, its origins unclear,
and now your player characters are going to hunt it. What do they
know of it? What have they heard? What dark god crafted such
a monstrosity? How will they confront that thicket of heads -
each moving and darting and seething with hunger? And how,
ultimately, will they kill it? How can one kill a creature whose
heads, even when severed,simply sprout again - flesh moulding
anew, growing and surging from a lumpen body? Below are some
tales of the hydra's nature and origin.All of the following might be
true, or none of it at all. That's for you to decide!
\'/ ✓ The hydra's endless regeneration,
✓ A hydra is created from the
nightmares of evil wizards and their implausible fecundity, is
sorcerers; in the void between the deliberate. Whatever cruel deity
planes,the raw stuff of magic is forged them did so with the aim of
shaped and wrought by their terror creating a sentient cancer - a being
into hideous,unstable forms. which never ceases to replicate itself.
Some claim that a single, decapitated
✓ The swamps and forests where hydras hydra head can sprout a new hydra if
make their homes are gradually not properly destroyed.
corrupted by their presence. The
trees rot from the inside out, the earth ✓ Hydras grow a new head each
festers and stinks,animals decompose time they consume a powerful
even as they try to scale trees or drink magic-user. The magical energies
from poisoned rivers. Eventually,the woven around such people, when
hydra must move on, finding new ingested by the hydra, catalyses their
hunting grounds or starve to death in regenerative properties. It is said that
the rancid wilderness it has made. hydras are drawn to magic, that they
can smell it out, capturing the scent
✓ The teeth of a hydra grow in multiple of its use on the stagnant winds that
I layers, one nestled behind the other, like stir in their swamps.
a shark Anew layer sprouts every year
the hydra lives, meaning the oldest ✓ Smaller, less powerful creatures
among the species can have a hundred (especially goblins) often form
layers of errated fangs lining their symbiotic relationships with hydras.
throats. Every bite is a meat grinder. In return for not eating (many) of the
smaller creatures, the goblins bring
food to the hydra,worship it, or channel
magic into it to infuse it with strength.
The player characters have arrived here for a reason. Choose
one of these adventure hooks and weave it into your tale.
The players could arrive by accident, or they could have been V

plotting this moment for years. Choose what works for you!

✓ The local forest is dying; trees wither. ✓ The Merchant Guild has offered an
hunters report tales of a malevolent extremely lucrative payout to any
creature spreading decay and adventurers who can find a path
disease...someone must venture through the dense forest of the
into the shadows of those blighted Deathwood. The main problem is
boughs and drive this darkness out. the hydra living at its center. It loves
people passing through its territory...
✓ A number of local hunters have the problem is they don't tend to
disappeared, though children claim come out on the other side. Or at
they can still hear their voices - least, not all of them. Bits of them
calling to them, pleading with them occasionally turn up in the beaks of
to enter the forest. crows and ravens.

✓ Goblins have delivered a threat to ✓ The river, providing the main

a local village: deliver a person for source of water for a nearby town,
the hydra to eat, once a week. or it is suddenly poisonous. What was
slaughters the entire population. once clear, clean, and potable is now
The village has been complying and dirtied and deadly. It runs through a
kidnapping travellers to satiate the nearby forest....a forest where a hydra
beast's hunger. The hydra has to be has recently taken up residence.
killed, but is the village worth saving?
✓ The hide of the hydra is said to have
miraculous properties - perhaps
sufficiently miraculous to prevent the
slow and horrible death of the king.
Someone needs to find a hydra and
kill it first, of course.
Hidden amongst densely packed trees, scrub, and brush, the
hydra makes its lair in a cave surrounded by a small bog. The
cave stretches back 30 ft., providing shelter from the whims of
the weather and giving the hydra a place in which it can store the
eclectic collection of items it has kept from its many victims. So
close to the hydra's lair, the decay of the forest is more obvious.
Certain trees have already atrophied to the point of collapse, the
ground has liquefied into stinking bog.

/ Snakes, wolves and other creatures - warped by the hydra's

{s;\,d / presence - infest the area. Mud sucks at ankles, making
)~{5? movement difficult. Plants tangle arm s and snare throats. The
·_½ - -J. ~ ._ forest becomes swamp - treacherous, and deadly. Hydras
~ -

r~ use this extensively, and have carefully paced out

. ,.r:f1j' -
J \__ th~ir !air, knowing every inch ~fit
~ . mt1mately. It knows its territory.
- ~ ,....-
able to sense any change in the
surrounding landscape - hear
a threat approaching, the scent
of hazard - long before they
manifest. Facing the hydra is not
simply a matter of dealing with
its series of snapping.
screeching heads
also means dealing
with a land that has
warped around it.

Might Find Tactics
✓ A rich, red velvet cloak that once Possessed of formidable natural weaponry
belonged to a duke's son, long - claws, teeth and their half-dozen heads
missing; it is ragged, ripped by - hydras are amongst the most deadly of
hundreds of sharp teeth. creatures. Such an armoury combined with
their speed and ferocity, makes hydras lethal,
✓ The unhatched eggs of over a dozen particularly when confronted in their own lair.
different species of bird, reptile
and other animals; each has been The hydra is never entirely still, each head
carefully collected and preserved. posing its own lethal threat Magic-users,
rogues and rangers are especially tempting
✓ A series of ears - elf, human, dwarf, targets for a hydra, striking at them from
gnome - all badly chewed but angles they don't anticipate. While they may though they had appear to be solely bestial, this is not the
been eaten, digested and then
case. There is something more than animal
intelligence to the hydra, and as a result, a
their tactics are unusually intelligent.
✓ The bones of a long dead creature,
bearing horrific mutations and the The moment an enemy begins to anticipate
peculiar markings of an ancient and a hydra's strategy, it changes it If the party
forgotten script. has begun to protect its weaker members,
then the hydra pushes forwards, trying
✓ A spellbook, ragged and torn, to scatter its foes and disrupt their new
studded with hydra teeth but still, formation. Hydras are the epitome of
just readable. savage animal cunning...and something,
unsettlingly, more.
✓ A horse's shaffron, retaining its
sheen, and carefully propped up,
used as a mirror:

q / '
~iJ~... .
' • J , •
The fallowing section gives you a range of different elements you can
introduce into an encounter to make it as memorable as possible. Feel
free to use this as a checklist, referring to it throughout the fight, or just
pick and choose the bits you like the best

, Encounter As
A forest clearing should be an idyllic. even restful place. This is certai
nly not true
I whenever a hydra is in residence. Then, the forest becomes some
thing dangerous,
n with.
I twisted, increasing the dangers the player characters must recko


✓ A Wind in the Willows: The breeze

✓ Acrid Stench: The smell of dying
leaves, rotten trees, and dead animals is surprisingly strong, accentuated by
makes the entire clearing reek The the constant thrashing of the hydra's
player characters are besieged by this many necks. Making arrows and other
unsavoury odour and must make a ranged weapons end at the correct
Constitution saving throw at the start target is made much more difficult as
of the encounter. Should they fail, they a result All ranged weapon attacks are
are overcome by the rank aroma and made at disadvantage.
make aJI actions at disadvantage, until
the beginning of their next turn. ✓ Corruption Everywhere: The
unnaturalness of the hydra, and the
✓ Unstable Turf: The ground of the warping effect it has on everything
clearing is not aJways stable, portions near it, touches anything and
of it have begun to tum into putrid everything that enters the clearing:
marsh The GM chooses six points even eating through metal. Whenever
on the battle map and marks them a player character rolls a natural 1
with an unstable turf token. If a player when making a melee weapon attack.
character ends a move action within their weapon breaks automatically
5 ft of one of these tokens, they must and cannot be used again until it is
make a Dexteritysaving throw or repaired.
have one of their feet sucked into the
nascent bog. They may not make any
move action during the next turn as
they extricate themselves.
✓ The trees form a dense fringe of close-
packed foliage around you.

, dar k
Using the terrain to your advantage is ✓ The hydra's cave looms before you
always a sm art move. The forest enclave and shallow. The area around it is an
of the hydra offers a num ber of suc h ossuary, hundreds of bones collected in
opportunitie~ to the canny adventurer; uneven piles - yellowing in the putrid air.
whether that be scr ub in which a canny
✓ The ground festers, steaming as it
ranger can hide, or hefty trees which a
well-placed blow with an axe can bring under your feet. Sickly looking flowers
bloom from the diseased ground.
crashing down.

✓ Above you, a network of overhangi

Remember, if the player characters aren't
seeing the opportunities available to branches bends and shakes with the
movements of carrion birds, waiting to
them in the swamp, the hydra certainly
scavenge what they can from
does! The hydra selected this place
your remains.
carefully; it's an animal and dedicated
to surviving. It knows every inch of this
✓ The ground stirs, as though the hydra's
clearing and how to protect itself against
presence was drawing up something
threats when within it This is its home
hideous from beneath the surface to
and it won't abide by any rules of combat, I
drag you below.
no matter how violently the fighter and
the paJadin might protest!
✓ A grotesque shape emerges from the
shadowed cave...heads, too many heads
Use the following key descriptors to
open too many mouths and utter a
convey the hydra's lair to your players;
keening shriek
it contains a number of hints about the
environment they 're in and the ways
in which it can be used. Each different,
utilisable element of terrain is given its
own section on the following pages, to
help you keep track of it!

The Birds!
The carrion birds flock to this

The hydra's prey all end up
i~= f ft
Dark things stir in the soi /
area of the forest, waiting as a mas; of~ ~ y-white where a hydra lurks, dra I n
for the hydra's scraps. Alone bone~ ~uts~ its ca~e. up by the toxic corruptio n
among the creature s of the Thesef ortn a strange kmd that the beast exudes. These
forest. they seem immune to of/fefno/ ;round ~ e cave worms streak through
the hydra's corruptio n. They entrance, and proYide the earth, seeking out the
excellent c~~ver. !lfambering scent of blood a~ ging
wait and watch above the ~
fray, their impatien ce for food overthb if". a
e o' es 11equ1res thems~ ~eneverthey
sometim es getting the better Dexterity (Acrobatics) check; find~~ enever a eJayer
of them...some things don't a failure results1ij, standard cha~acte r or the h~ ra take
have to be all that dead for the piercing dama~e as t~ player more than 8/15/25 claf!lage
ravens to descend, cawing characte r~~ tchJsTue mselves in a single hit while stood on
and tearing with savage ont~ s~g ed~ a patch of taintedI earth, the
to the
beaks. Whenever a creature broken fibuJa.
'Any creature worms ..... surge
/: beneatt,,•
is knocked prone within
10 ft. of the edge of the battle
taking shelter behind the piles
of bones gains +2AC against
____ -
surfac~ to _n-yand drag them
down-and suckthem d ry

map, they are immediately

attacked by a murder of
crows. The flock inflicts
standard piercing damage,
any ranged attacks. The creature must makecoa
standard DC Dexterity saving-'
throw or be grappled by the
worms beneath. The worms
/4 (J
before immediately returning do standard slashing damag\ .,
to the trees. for each turn a creature I

remains grappled by them:

*GM TIP: The hydra knows escaping requires a standard
that the fiendish birds DC Strength saving throw.
overhead attack anything
they deem to be prey, but they *GM TIP: Atmospheric, creepy
are also not above attacking and also an ideal opportun ity
the source of their food if they *GM TIP: The hydra hides for player character s to pin
think they can get away with behind the bones of its the hydra and really do some
it. If the player characte rs victims wheneve r it has taken damage, the worms are an
succeed in knocking the any notable damage, giving opportunity and a threat - ju&t
hydra prone, the birds itself time to recover and like everythin g in the hydra's ,If'/_
descend just as joyfully upon making it harder to track. lair. The forest is alive. . "'-/
it as they do upon the player It tries to draw the player (
characters. This is a tactic
both sides can use!
characte rs towards the
skeletal fence and then flies
up over it. /, ,~
\ \ ~ -(

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Flowers of Disease
The corr1,1ption<V?ii@·o~~es D6 Result
fj~ ~liydr-:a1<ilts'ffi1o~ hings
-it,i6fc~ -fio
. ~b t ,&01>
hideou~ e ~~ ,ers bloom
1-2 Nothing happens.

The player character

in t~ ~ ~rpuck. but even takes standard poison
the ~ st cursory,..of glances tells 3-4 damage as they inhale

a player, cbaraoter t~ hey are
~ --.. .
unnautral. "f-hett cot~ s~too
the toxic pollen of the
bright to be nat~ a scinti1r nt
The player character
purple, like the b~ isilg arou/ ,d
takes standard poison
a ~ n-li~ -: '!l'e nap~o/ damage and are
c~ar~ s~ n m ~ f the S-G poisoned until they make
flowers, hav~ r-wroll on the a successful Constitution
following table.
saving throw.

*GM TIP: The hydra is fully aware of the effects of the flowers and
does its best to force player characters back towards the flowers, or
use its Drag and Drop (see page 18) Hydra Ability to drop a player
character into their midst.
The player characters get to choose how they approach this battle,
but they don't get to do so without some form of response from
their foe! Detqiled below are the frost giant's tactics, based on the
three potential approaches the player characters might take.

If the player characters attempt *GM TIP: If the player characters are
a direct assault: The hydra is able to successfully avoid the hydra's
certainly not going to allow itself to be notice, then they earn a surprise round.
surrounded and quickly dismembered.
As the player characters approach, it If the player characters try to
hisses in fury, its teeth bared, and rushes surround the hydra and kill it at
forward, ready to crush bone and rend range: The hydra's first move is to hide.
flesh. The hydra keeps moving, trying to It takes cover either behind the piles of
pull the player characters towards it and bones or within the mouth of the cave.
into difficult terrain. It keeps its distance, As soon as the player character's take
snapping at the players with its multiple a pause in their fusillade it attacks the
heads and launching multiple attacks nearest of them, swarming forward and
at a single foe to ensure that player attempting to negate any magic-users
characters need to be constantly as quickly as it can. It tries to inflict
healing themselves. enough damage on these that they need
to focus on healing, over any offensive
*GM TIP: This approach results in the stratagem. Once it has dealt enough
player characters and the hydra rolling damage to the magic-users to ensure
initiative as usual. that they retreat or are unable to hurt
it, it immediately descends upon any
If the player characters attempt a martial player characters and uses its
tactical advance: Sneaking up to the teeth and claws to deliver a significant
hydra's lair is extremely difficult. The injury before retreating to cover. . '
beast chose the place for its wide field
of visibility and, as its corruption has *GM TIP: The hydra's speed and
sunk into the land, the earth itself makes cunning should make this an especially
steaJth harder and, potentially, more difficult tactic to implement, and the
dangerous. The excited cawing of the GM should ensure that the player
carrion birds in the trees overhead, the characters can't settle into a routine.
ground which can be marsh or as solid The hydra uses its Hydra Abilities
as rock from moment to moment... to move the player characters into
even the most skilled ranger or agile positions from which it can attack them
rogue may struggle to keep themselves with impunity.
concealed. All Stealth checks made in the
hydra's lair are made at disadvantage as
a result of the adverse conditions.
Target: Everyone.
Hydra Behaviour: A furious raised
head, eyes bloodshot and yellowed,
glaring at any who dare enter its lair.

'GM TIP: This abili~ g\ves the hydra the

chance to intimidate the player characters
early. and give if a chance to escape from
any early ranged attacks.

.. .'>. ('~~c/'
Target: Itself.
Cunning, malicious and possessec:Pqf
Hydra Behaviour: Asudden shiver
animal's desire to cling to life1no,;,atte ·
seizes its whole body, it flesh changing
with each paroxysm.
how desperate tfiings mi ht-'s e
hydra is a d~ J· ..&t · ·· · '

' GM TIP: The hydra uses any time it has player chara
gained from the Roar of the Dead to ready
itself for incoming attacks, and to prepare to
use the atta" ,_:;:j:. · -~
-~ .;:•:t' .
take down its first target.

11lti~ ~r

Target: The player character with

the least armour.
Hydra Behaviour: A strangely
human grin spreads, slowly. over
each slavering mouth in turn.

'GM TIP: Lumbering towards its first target.

the hydra aims to do as much damage as
possible -so that the player character needs
to be healed... This way, it hopes to ensure
that the party is always too divided to
concentrate all their attacks on it
Target: The m0st obvious
martial character .
Hydra Behaviour: A sharp howl
of anger.

·cM TIP: This is one of the hydra's most

deadly attacks and it has taken its time to set
it up and make sure when it uses it, it is as
devastatin g as possible.

martial character.
Hydra Behaviour: An almost
seductive turn of the head, half-
conceale d by the branches of trees.

•GM TIP: Tail Lash enables the hydra to both

damage and restrain its enemy. rendering
them susceptible to its next attack.

Target: Anyone aftproaching the Target: Itself.

hydra. Hydra Behaviour: A grunt of exertion
Hydra Behaviour: A savage snarl and as corrupt energy suffuses its form.
a snap of its tail.
·GM TIP: Readying itself for the next s tage of
the combat, the hydra sprouts a new head to
•cM TIP: After delivering brutal damage make sure it's ready to s laughter a nyone who
to a player character, the hydra now comes too close.
reposition s, quickly lea ving the combat
area and preparing for its next attack.
In addition to the abilities listed in the Stats section, the hydra may
use one of the following abilities as an action. Don't overuse these,
as they are very powerful. Use them to keep your players gripped
and to ensure that the combat doesn't just ~ecome a series of rolls.

\ NeckSmash Costume
With a violent sweep of its long, serpentine
necks, the hydra seeks to knock the player
It's hide shifting and changing, both in
characters from their feet Each player
colour and texture, the hydra makes its
character within 10 ft of the hydra must
flesh thick and scaly, impervious to all but
make a standard Strength saving throw
the most ferocious of blows. It adds +2 to
or be knocked prone.
its AC until the start of its next tum.
*GM TIP: The hydra uses this attack to both
keep player characters from getting too *GM TIP: Thickening its hide, making it
close and to bring the carrion birds (see harder to hurt, the hydra uses this ability
The Birds! on page 13) into play, ensuring frequently, especially if it is about to attack a
that the player characters are always under martial player character.
attack from somewhere!

Drag and Drop Taillash With a brutal twist of its body, the
Seizing a player character in one of its hydra lashes out at one of the player
mouths, the hydra lifts the struggling characters with its tail. Any player
victim into the air before smashing character targeted with this attack
them to the earth. The hydra makes a must succeed on a standard Dexterity
Bite attack on one player character. If saving throw or suffer double standard
successful. the hydra has seized its prey; bludgeoning damage. The tail wraps
the player character may make a standard itself around the player characters body
1 DC Strength saving throw to try and and holds them in place, restraining
wrestle free. Should they fail, the hydra them until they wrestle free - requiring
lifts them 10 ~ in the air and brings the a standard DC Strength saving throw.
player character smashing into the earth.
They suffer double standard bludgeoning *GM TIP: The hydra comb~nes this ability

'>-~ damage from the fall and are left prone.
with its Drag and Drop ability, if it can. Ideally,
it ~eeks to take two opponents out of the


i),1 --._,.-, '
:'f, ~GM TIP: This attack gives the hydra a
chanc~ to deliver serious damage to a player
character and begin dividing the party,
allowing it to pick them off individually. It
fi~ht, leaving the party divided and exposed.

W , '--· ~ us~s this attack on armoured characters in

'\v'~ particular. It also aims to drop characters


/ \ ~': jrito the Flowers of Disease (see page 14) to

\~" ,,1 ~i7)ake its attack that bit more effective.
')\~ \""-'
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VL""··,.___________]J' _____JI ...__._
The player character s are fighting a hydra in its lair. That's a
very, very dangerou s thing to do. To reflect that, the hydra can
use these specific lair abilities. Each ability can only be used
once per encounter , as they permanen tly reshape the map.

~ J>fthe ---e Heads

With a shriek that pierces the
somnolent forest air, the hydra, as an
action, calls upon a host of Bloodwood
i'fian WO...
Ingesting a huge swirl of the energy of
corruption, the hydra is able to regrow
Goblins to aid in its fight...
an extra head. At the end of a turn on
which this ability is used, the hydra
✓ Lower Tier: 1d6
regrows one additional head in addition
✓ Middle Tier: 1d8
to those regrown as part of the Multiple
✓ Higher Tier: 1d10
Heads ability.

Stats for Bloodwood Goblins can be

found on page 24.

Eorceof. Vines suddenly sprout from the earth,

COrruption tangling the player characters, restraining

them and making movement impossible.
The pollution in the ground explodes
The hydra may, as an action channel
into the air in a fug of noxious gas. As an \
its powers of corruption into the earth,
action, the hydra can lash its tail at the binding a player character of its choice
ground, rather than at a player character. within 20 ft of the hydra. The player
This unJeashes a 10 ft diameter cloud character suffers the grappled condition
of poisonous gas, represented by the for the next turn, if they fail a standard DC
supplied token, centring within 10 ft. Dexterity saving throw.
of the hydra, Any player character
who moves onto,_pr through a location
containing the poisonous gas token
suffers standard poison damage and the
poisoned condition.

Every grea t battl e has awe-inspiring mom ents, thos e which

leave witn esse s astou nded . Try using these in your enco unte r
to surp rise, shock, and ente rtain your players. We've included
a prop osed poin t during the enco unte r at which it migh t be
useful to deploy thes e cinematic mom ents.

'! Rip it Up
Two of its heads descen d upon a single player character, seizing limbs
in each mouth ,
I the hydra attem pts to tear the unfort unate victim in half!

WHAT: As an action, the hydra makes a Multiattack agains t a single player charac
vely grappl ed
If two or more of the Bite attack s are succes sful, the hydra has effecti
, makin g a
the target player charac ter. The player charac ter can attem pt to escape
ter's taking
standa rd DC Streng th saving throw. A failure results in the player charac
as the hydra
doubl e standa rd slashi ng damag e and suffering the grappl ed condition
turn, they
attem pts to rip them in two. At the start of the player charac ter's next
e in the
are releas ed from the hydra's reeking maws if the hydra took 25+ damag
If not, they can
preced ing turn, as one of the heads grippi ng the victim is destro yed.
ous damag e
make a final Streng th saving throw. If they fail, the hydra delivers enorm
a Death saving
to the target, reduci ng them to O hit points, and forcing them to make
( I ,, player
• I WHEN: This is the hydra's last big gambl e, an attem pt to take out a single
It waits until it
' j charac ter with the most vicious and damag ing attack it can manag e.
can see a player charac ter is seriou sly injure d and then target s them.


The la st
Funnelling air into its lungs, the hydra
makes the air and earth shake with the
Spitted with arrow s and spears,
slashe d with sword s and pulver ised
force and ferocity of its roar. with maces, the hydra is near death. It
retrea ts toward s its cave, roaring, and
WHAT: Once per encounter, as an prepar es to make its final stand.
action, the hydra can make the Roar of
the Dead. Each player charac ter must WHAT: The hydra bellows in agony, its
succee d on a standa rd DC Wisdom many mouth s split open. teeth painte d
saving throw or becom e frightened black with its own blood. When the
until the start of their next turn. hydra reache s O hit points, it makes one
final Multiattack agains t every player
WHEN: The hydra often begins the charac ter within 10 ft. before it finally
comba t with this, letting its enemi es succu mbs to its wound s.
know that it intend s to savou r eating
their flesh from broken bones. WHEN: At the very end of the fight, the
hydra is near death and begins its
death throes.
The hydra's cave isn't filled with treasure , but certain
objects and items can be found amidst the detritus
and the scraps of rotting flesh - not to mention the
bones which litter the floor.

Lower Tier: Middle Tier: Higher Tier:

✓ 1000gp. ✓ 2000gp. ✓ S000gp.
✓ 1 magic item of the ✓ 2 magic items of ✓ 3 magic items of
GM's choice. the GM's choice. the GM's choice.

j l
~ 1


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Small hum anoi d (goblin). neutral evil

AC: 15 (leat her arm our, shield) STR: 8 (-1)

IHit Poin ts: 7 (2d6) DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 10 (+O)
Speed: 30 ft. INT:10 (+O)
Sens es: Darkvision 60 ft., WIS: 8 (-1)
Passive Perc eptio n 9 CHA: 8 (-1)
t \• lll'i--1 ~ ~~- - -r41P', Lan guag es: Common , Goblin
Skills: Stealth +6

Special Abilities
Nimble Esca pe
as a
Onc e per turn , the goblin can dise ngag e or hide
bonu s actio n

A ct io ns
~~ rf, ~~ ~- -- Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reac h 5 ft..
one targe t. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slash ing dam age

Short Bow
Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, rang e
80/3 20 ft., one targe t. .
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing dam age

To repr esen t the Bloo dwo od Goblin mini ons the

hydr a calls upon , you can use the toke ns supp lied
in the box. or alter nate ly use the mini atur es whic
l com e as part of this Epic Enc oun ters siste r-set
Village ofthe Gob lin Chie f
AC: 15 (natural armor) STR: 20 (+5)
I Hit Points: 172 (15d12+75) DEX: 12 (+1)
CON:20 (+5)
Speed: 30 ft. walk, 30 ft. swim
INT:2 (-4)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft..
WIS: 10 (+O)
Passive Perception 16
Language s: -
Skills: Perception +6

Special Abilities
Hold Breath
The hydra can hold its breath for 1 hour

Multiple Heads
The hydra begins the encounter with five heads. For
every 25 or more damage the hydra takes in a single
turn. one of its heads dies. At the end of its turn. unless it
took fire damage in the preceding turn, the hydra grows T,>2'1'1',.11\

two heads for each head it lost in the preceding turn,

regaining 10 hit points for each head grown in this way.

While it has two or more heads, the hydra makes saving

throws against blinded, charmed. deafened, frightened,
stunned and knocked unconsciou s at advantage. If the
hydra at any point has no heads, it dies

Reactive Heads Wakeful

For each head the hydra has beyond While the hydra sleeps, at least one of
one, it gets an extra reaction that can its heads is awake
be used only for opportunit y attacks

Acti ons Bite

The hydra makes a Bite attack for each Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit. reach
head it currently has 10 ft.. one target.
Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage

B eorung
Huge nydra, chaotic evil

AC: 20 (natural armour) STR: 22 (+6)

I Hit Points: 207 (18d12 +90) DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 20 (+5)
Speed: 30 ft. walk. 30 ft. swim INT: 2 (-4)
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., WIS: 10 (+0)
Passive Perception 16 CHA: 7 (-2)
Languages: -
Skills: Perception +6

,. Actions
The hydra makes a Bite attack for each head it
currently has

. ~ \'t ·\\ Bite

~ -"i \ \
Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
l~ \' , Hit: 38 (6d10 + 5) piercing damage
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Special Abilities
Hold Breath
The hydra can hold its breath for 1 hour

Multiple Heads
every 25 or more
The hydra begins the encounter with five heads. For
s dies. At the end
damage the hydra takes in a single turn, one of its head
g turn, the hydra
of its turn, unless it took fire damage in the precedin
g turn, regaining
grows two heads for each head it lost in the precedin
10 hit points for each head grown in this way.

g throws
While it has two or more heads, the hydra makes savin
ned and knocked
against blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened , stun
no heads, it dies
unconscious at advantage. If the hydra at any point has

Reactive Hea ds
For each head the hydra has beyond one, it gets an extra
reaction that can be used only for opportunity attac

While the hydra sleeps, at least one of its heads is awak

Gargantuan hydra, chaotic evil

AC: 24 (natural armour) STR: 25 (+7)

I Hit Points: 241 (21d12 +105) DEX:12(+1)
CON: 20(+5)
Speed: 30 ft. walk, 30 ft. swim INT: 2 (-4 )
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., WIS: (+l)
Passive Perception 17 CHA: 7(-2)
Langua ges: -
Skills: Perception +7 Saving Throws:
I STR +11. CON +9

The hydra makes a Bite attack for each head it
currently has

Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.. one target.
Hit: 49 (8d10 +5) piercing damage

Legendary Actions
The hydra can take three Legendary Actions. choosing
from the options below. Only one Legendary Action
can be used at a time, and only at the end of
another creature's turn. Spent Legendary Actions are
regained at the start of each turn.

Costum e Change
The hydra uses the Costume Change Hydra Ability

(costs two Legendary Actions )
The hydra makes a Multiatta ck

Neck Smash
(costs two Legenda ry Actions)
The hydra uses the Neck Smash Hydra Ability

Special Abilities
Lege ndar y Resistance (3/D ay)
inste ad
If the hydr a fails a savin g throw, it can choo se to succ eed

Hold Breath
The hydr a can hold its brea th for 1 hour

Mult iple Heads

every 25 or more
The hydra begin s the enco unte r with five head s. For
s dies. At the end
dam age the hydr a takes in a single turn, one of its head
turn, the hydr a
of its turn, unles s it took fire dama ge in the prece ding
turn, regai ning
grow s two head s for each head it lost in the prece ding
10 hit poin ts for each head grow n in this way.

g throw s
While it has two or more heads, the hydra make s savin
ed and knoc ked
again st blinded, charm ed, deafe ned, frightened , stunn
has no head s, it dies
unco nscio us at adva ntage. If the hydra at any point

Reactive Heads
react ion that
For each head the hydr a has beyo nd one, it gets an extra
can be used only for oppo rtuni ty attac ks

Wrule the hydr a sleep s, at least one of its head s is awak


I ·pIC
, I i/;;,

Game Design Writer Art Graphic Design
Mat Hart Richard August Doug Telford &Layout
Cristina Ruiz Michael Ruocco
Game Editing Cristina Ruiz
Development Nicholas Johnson Sculpting
Richard August Matthew Elliott Ben Charles Playtesting
Russ Charles Dominic Westerland
Project Samantha Layton
Tom Lishman
Holly Woolford
Matthew Elliott
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_lt I

Steamforged G am es H
Develop ment Production Human Resour ces
Co-Fou nders
Richard August Ben Clapper ton Gareth Reid
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Mat Hart (CCO) Steve Margets on Matthew Elliott
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✓-~ ,
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Doug Telford Marketing & Community Lee Hughes
Investment Director Holly Woolford Manage ment Richard Jenning s
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Alex Hall Cristina Ruiz Chynna-Blue Haycastle Toby Davies
Sherwin Matthew s Charlott e Cloud Firoz Rana

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· d of
Open c
CoasL LL -1 Copyright 2016. W1zarChs.
Document ~- I Jerem ys Craw ford. ns

Wyatt. Robe rtJ.
rem Referencethors Mike Mea rte Jame shend.
mes ·and Steve Town
CoasL Inc.: A~hompson. P~tSi
Perkm1s.bR; :ci R Cordeallj ;Yh ~.5Gary Gygax
Schwa · . inal maten
based onon g

d Dave Arneson. mfor ged Gam es Ltd.

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Village of the Goblin Chief

Beware the giggling goblins and their cruel knives.

Hidd en in their treeto p village, they plot their raids
and feast on whate ver they can steal -or kidnap. But
goblin malice is not the only threa t in these parts. Far
benea th the branc hes, the groun d has begu n to rot,
pollu ting the soil and spoiling harvests.
And the goblins know why.
ste am forg ed .co m
1 Hydra Counter

12 Bloodwood Goblins


6 Unstable Sturf

Copyright CJ 2020 Steamforged Games Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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