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Benazir Income support program (BISP) is an effort by the Government of Pakistan to provide a social

safety net to the poor segment of the society. Debit Cards, Mobiles & Smart Cards will be distributed
among beneficiaries of the program in coordination with NADRA and partner banks. There are number
of web services that will enable partner banks & BISP to interact with BISP Debit Card system. This
document serves as the definition of exposed web interfaces. These web services are exposed by BISP
and will be consumed by banks.

BISP is in the process of doing a national level roll out of National Socio Economic Registry (NSER) in
which door to door data collection will take place. The household listing and survey mapping tool has
been developed by MIS at BISP to enable area coordinators in the field to harmonize locality
nomenclature, generate listing maps for better route planning and better utilization of human resource,
and to monitor and mark survey activities when completed in each locality.
Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) was initiated by Government of Pakistan in 2008.
Current allocation of Rs.115 billion for the financial year 2016-17. BISP is being implemented in
all four provinces (Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa) including Federally
Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Islamabad Capital

BISP maintains the National Socioeconomic Registry-a database containing information on the
socioeconomic status of over 27 million households (HH) across Pakistan except two agencies
of FATA.

BISP has been disbursing monthly cash assistance to its beneficiaries under its core
programme called as “Unconditional Cash Transfer” (UCT). The number of beneficiary families
under UCT programme has increased from 1.7 million in FY 2008-09 to approximately 5.4
million in 2016. The programme aims at covering almost 40% of the population below the
poverty line allocation. The cash assistance to each beneficiary family has been increased from
Rs. 3000/quarter to Rs. 4700/quarter effective July 1, 2015.

 BISP intends to use data analytics to help assist its business users by providing
insights which can help in strategic & tactical business decision making.
 BISP wants to enhance the Analytics and GIS Reporting Capabilities along with
continued support.
 The application roadmap shall collect data in real-time, extract, transform and store
and process this information to transform it into new meaningful KPIs / Analytics /
Reports / Indexes to be accessed by multiple departments within the organization
 Around 5-Dashboards / Screens showing multiple KPI’s over the map of Pakistan.
The solution should have drill down capabilities from province to division, district,
tehsil, UC and locality level. Latitude Longitude data cleaning may be required,
similarly some address cleansing/standardization will also be required, to extract
required information.
 BISP would like the vendor to organize a business discovery session with business
and Information System Users to identity possible business requirements. From the
requirements identified, vendor and technology Team will jointly select and prioritize
Business Questions for which data mining models, will need to be developed. The
outcome of Business Discover Session will be:
1. Determining Business Objectives
a) Background
b) Business Objectives
c) Business Success Criteria
2. Assessing the Situation
a) Inventory of Resources
b) Requirements, Assumptions and Constraints
c) Risks and Contingencies
d) Terminology
e) Costs and Benefits
3. Determining the data mining goals
a) Data Mining Goals
b) Data Mining Success Criteria

 The vendor will be responsible for Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Modeling,
Evaluation and Deployment to Production. Technology Team will help the vendor in
Data Understanding and Training Data Preparation Phases.
 Solution needs to ensure the advanced analytics roadmap for the next 3 years.
 Solution should have functionality to import/export the:
1. Mining models
2. Mining results (superset/subset)
3. Input data sets to variety of data mining & profiling tools.
 The solution should provide following type of Analysis:
1. Fraud Detection
2. Risk Analysis
3. Demand Forecasting
4. Prediction Models
5. Segmentation
6. Behavioral Segmentation
7. Affinity Analysis
8. Location Intelligence
 Following analysis/functionalities should be available:
1. Design and development of ADS (Analytical Data Sets)
2. Analytics
3. Descriptive Statistics
4. Matrix Functions
5. Scoring
6. Statistical Tests
7. Scoring and Modelling accelerators
 Solution should have an extensive library of mining models including basic and
advanced mining techniques.
 The offered models should have highest accuracy and precision in results/outputs
and minimal processing time to run the models.
 Solution should have capability to add/remove variables with ease and intuitive user

Support Areas
Following are potential support areas (list may be further refined based on discussion and final
proposal by the firm (add 20% cushion)
o Payments
 Suggestions of banks that should be penalized.
 Dashboards to measure performance of banks
 (On Working efficiency, Service delivery, Spatial Analysis)
 Identify banks that withholding the money for long (with Reasons).
 Fraud detection in banking transactions – with franchise info and
case management system integration.
 Check if authorized person took the amount from ATM using
 analysis of transactions from a single ATM.
 Over the time withdrawal trends based on Franchise and
correlation with complaints.
 Systematically Identify areas to improve service delivery / # of
o Case Management
 Area wise complaints frequency
 Identify inefficient field staff, Franchises | KPI’s
 Is there any specific pattern in complaints e.g. complaint of stolen
card right after a successful transaction?
 List of AD’s that could be involved in fraud.
 List of beneficiaries that have a suspected pattern.
 Alert generation if a fraud pattern is being repeated.
 Overall performance of complaints department.
 Real time fraud detection alerts.
 Improve performance of BISP by handling complaints quickly.
o Address Standardization support
 Comparing the two data sets, through geo-coordinates, names and
residing individual data’s. Data migration trends identification.
 Comparing two data sets.
o Data Collection NSER
 Identify Teams / individuals underperforming
 Breaking household size (comparing with regional average), Off
time data collections, gender collection deviation, validation.
 Identify application usage difficulty for users based on timestamps.
 Identify optimization inputs for different segment of the application
for better data collection quality.
 Analyse overall coverage and quality comparing with other data sets
(including PCLS) and other survey’s indicator’s data available. Perform
relevant data mapping.
o BISP survey data matching with at least one external dataset.
o Application of above stated work areas on spatial dimension

Implementation of a Data Discovery tool (to run on top of the semantic layer)
that enables quick report development and self-service BI capabilities as well.
Enable BISP business users identify patterns in the data which are otherwise not visible
through conventional reports and analysis.
Creation of Executive Dashboards to BISP Management and regional offices.

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