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1982-0801: Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cowley Manor Seminar, Cheltenham, UK

[Informally, before the speech/puja to some persons] Shri Mataji: Just help him, one person cant do it, somebody else. Marcus, Nick, anyone, just help him out, its too much for one person, just help him, please. Alan, go and tell Bai to bring My handkerchief from My Ive got My pur No, no, its all right, its here, with My purse have you brought it? Yes, its here. Dont worry, dont worry! Man: Heres Your purse Mother. Shri Mataji: Have the Americans come, those who have done the Puja, have they come? Are they here? Man: Yes. Shri Mataji: Oh, they are here. Then its all right. And, in these new centers, have you started with Puja anywhere? No, yours [speaks to a specific country/leader, maybe India ed.] is all right, Im asking about England. Gavin: Any centers in Britain, where there are new people?] Shri Mataji: Cheltenham, for example, where is Alan, ask him. A man speaks: Hes just gone out for now.] Gavin: Any centers in Britain any new people here, right now? Shri Mataji: If you have introduced them to puja I dont mind, but if they have never been introduced to puja then you have to be careful. From their good point of view. I am sorry I had to say this, because yesterday the load was too much, you know I couldnt speak even and, lifting the Kundalini was like raising hundred donkeys on your head, it was too much. And all these half-baked people are such that they are like dog-in-the-matching, they wont have it and they wont allow others to have it. Theyll argue before the program, before the meeting starts, before the puja starts, specially. Because they wont want you to enjoy the fruits of the puja; theyll spoil your attention, theyll argue, discuss [? just sit down.] What is there to argue in Sahaj Yoga? You have to take, thats the point is, you have to take, theres nothing to argue. How much you

take is the point. And the worst part is that they dont want to grow and they want to pull you down. So, unless and until they are introduced to the idea of puja beforehand then they start understanding the worth of puja, otherwise they do not, how will they understand? You see, its beyond them. So, you should not make them attend any puja, minimum, and also seminars I would say. Because seminars are meant for people who are intensively in Sahaj Yoga, to intensify their awareness, not for people who are half-baked, who are Doubting Thomases; all these kind of people are absolutely useless, you should never bring them to seminar! Whether its your son, father, brother, mother, sister, husband, wife, nothing. You shouldnt bring anybody who is not fully awakened Sahaj Yogi, because seminars are meant for very intensive work. And what I find, always these people will argue with Me, they are the first to question, they have something to say [Shri Mataji laughing:], they are the ones, sahaj yogis are keeping quiet and receiving I dont mind even that, what happens in the seminar, you have to receive more, and they do not receive, their attention is outside, they are disturbing everyone. So, seminars are even, in a way, more important than an ashram, because in ashram theres no other problem but to fight them out. But here, in a new place we go, we have to fight out all surroundings, the place itself has to be cleansed, everything has to be done. On top of that you have these terrible people around you, whom you have to convince. If they are not convinced, why are they here? Why did they spend so much money to come down? Be sure, they have come here to disturb us. Im sorry we had to do that way. I wish people could be simple, straight forward, uncomplicated, and sensitive, but they are not. They are not sensitive people. They dont understand what are they up to. By that they destroy themselves, no doubt, but they destroy part of you also and also trouble Me. Yesterday, it was too heavy, you know that. Such a deep subject and it was too heavy for Me. If they say they feel bad, all right, tell them: We are sorry, we cant help. See, there are certain points where we have to have our freedom to allow those who can come in. Thats the point where we close the door. And theres nothing wrong with it, because you have to equip more to pull them out. It has been always our practice, since long, theres nothing new about it, everyone knows, not only in England, or any other place, even in India: we never allowed anybody to come for the Puja who was not a realized soul, and who was not a sahaj yogi. From the very beginning, wherever we tried that we found it was very difficult. So I hope theres nobody sitting here with a doubting mind. If somebodys there he should with all sincerity leave the hall and leave us alone, for the ascent. Anybody who has doubts should be kind and generous about it. Its a very serious work we are doing. Its not of making money or of throwing an

enterprise or building a house or something like that. Its not even just making creations of worlds, its much more than that, its a very serious work we are doing and we dont want anybody to cut our attention. Even some of the Sahaj Yogis I know, are half-baked. They must be corrected, all right, doesnt matter, but they have been exposed to pujas so it will do them good not bad. But some people are just anti-God, and they have allergies for God, any work youd start doing in the name of God, they are so allergic, they react. These are anti-God allergies, and they express themselves by different, funny methods. Now, all the sahaj yogis must know this, then you will not go too far with them. You will, you should discover this in anyone this allergy existing. You should say: Sorry, we have nothing to do with you So that is for the people who have to have the privilege of this worship. Today is specially a great privilege because it was not so planned but it worked out, just worked out. Yesterday, we did lots of cleansing. Now today tell your mind to rest for a while. Tell your thoughts to stop for a while, and receive, receive more of it. Everybody has benefited by this reception but you have to receive more. Theres a capacity within you to receive. Puja, as I have told you many-a-times, is not for My benefit, by any chance, take it from Me. I am much better off without it. Because when the enthusiastic deities start emitting vibrations with your asking because you are saints. You see they just, they are overenthusiastic. And they are sitting there, busy bodies, you know, they are sitting quietly waiting for a chance, you see. To emit vibrations, to save you, you see they want to just rush. They emit so much that they lose, just wait, just wait. They want to save you, they want to give you, they are so anxious, in their anxiety you see? I like it, to see the way they are anxious. But you dont suck it, I have a problem there. Once they have given they dont want to take it back. You dont suck it so it has to go to the atmosphere, it has to disappear somewhere. Is directed towards you and you dont take it; so where does it go? It hanks into My tissues, it pains Me. So, sucking should be more. Sucking should be more. And just before the Puja you should say: Mother, make me such that I suck more of the Divine! Just pray that, with sincerity from your heart, just say that. Theres another beautiful gesture I have seen, in Uzbekistan, its very good. They put both the hands on their heart like this, and just press it, bending their head, asking. See it creates a vacuum. Thats how they bow. [long silence] Its beautiful! Thats very nice today. So, let the children come here. Shri Mataji: Aja, didi agai, didi agai (some words in Hindi)

(Translation of the above sentence in English as below.) Shri Mataji: Come, Sister has come, Sister has come Now, sit there, all of you sit down, all right? Sit down now, sit down, sit down! Now, come along, Mathew is also coming, sit down there, sit down, come along, lets see, sit down. Now all the children are very sweet, they are going to sit down. Come along, sit down, sit down, nicely. Shri Mataji: where is didi? Didi kaha hai? Younger grand daughter: UPar Shri Mataji: Upar! Abhi aya nahi? (some Hindi words) (Translation of the above in English as below) Shri Mataji: Where is sister? Where is Sister? Younger grand daughter: Upstairs Shri Mataji: Upstairs! Not yet come? [continuing in English to the child:] All right, now, should give Me the flowers now, so would be better for you to have vibrations, thank you. Thank you very much, thank you very much. Poor Nishi has none. Now, you give Me these, to Me, give Me now. Give Me? Give Me, to Mother. All right, give that also! Child [indisinctly]: But you have the one. Shri Mataji: Also give. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. [one word aside, SOUNDS LIKE: Ah, the system] All right, so now what should we do Puja is it? Just put a Thika to him. Put to everyone, not to the Pujari. All right. Thats kajal? No, dont put kajal. Hell be like Bhairava! [laughter] Give it. May God bless you. All right. Now, the children should sit like this, all right, on the sides, for Ganesh Puja, like this, straight. So everybody can take photograph also, sit like this, all right? Ah. They have to take photographs. Yes, good, good. Oh, now sit here. Sit, sit, all right. Very good, its very good. But, you have to take out shoes! That can cannot have shoes here, take out shoes. Take out shoes, everybodys taken out shoes, take out, take out, take out shoes. Ya. All right. Come along.

Sit like this, on the sides! [Hindi SOUNDS LIKE: Shuddhi mein Ganesha Puja?] Pujariin Hindi: Ha, Ha, Shri Ganesha Puja. Pujari in English: To begin with, we will do first the invocation of the puja, then the puja to Lord Ganesha. And this would be followed by the puja to the Adi Shakti, Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi. In the Devi Bhagavad Purana it is written that the puja to the Adi Shakti is the greatest puja that can be done by any being. Shri Mataji: Thats why you are privileged. Pujari: Even the Gods, they do it. Shri Mataji: None of them. They just touched My feet. None of them did Puja to Me. Believe Me. [Some children are laughing] Shri Mataji: All right, sit down. [softly, to a child, I suppose - ed] Pujari starts and yogis join in: Om Twameva Sakshat, Shri Ganesha Sakshat, Shri Adi Shakti Sakshat, Shri Bhagawati Sakshat, Shri Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namaha. . [Most yogis start to repeat the Shri Ganesha mantra while a few begin the Mahamantra. - ed] Shri Mataji: One person should say, then you can repeat, thats better. What about Aradhana, where is she? Has not come? (Aradhana is H.H.Shri Matajis eldest grand daughter.) Child: Shes upstairs nanny. (It is a Hindi word which means GrandMother) Pujari: Well start again. First Lord Ganesha, then Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali. Then Lord Kalki and then Lord Kalki and Sahasrara Swamini. Yogi: Three times Shri Ganesha? Each how many times the Ganesha mantra? Pujari: Each once, I mean. [Everyone recites the Shri Ganesha mantra followed by the three Mahamantras.]

(Om Twameva Sakshat Shri Ganesha sakshat Shri Adi Shakti sakshat Shri Bhagavathi sakshat Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo namaha.) The first two Mahamantras were recited ending with Shri Adi Shakti sakshat Shri Bhagavathi sakshat Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo namaha Pujari: Now the names of Lord Vishnu. Om, Shri Keshavaya Namah, Om Shri Narayanaya Namah, Om Shri Madhavaya Namah, Om Shri Govinday Namah, Om Shri Vishnuve Namah, Om Shri Madhusudanay Namah, Om Shri Trivikramay Namah, Om Shri Vamanay Namah, Om Shri Shridharay Namah, Om Shri Hrishikeshay Namah, Om Shri Sankarshanay Namah, Om Shri Vasudevay Namah, Om Shri Pradyumnay Namah, Om Shri Aniruddhay Namah, Om Shri Purushottamay Namah, Om Shri Aghokshajay Namah, Om Shri Narasimhaya Namah, Om Shri Achyutay Namah, Om Shri Janardanay Namah, Om Shri Padmanabhay Namah, Om Shri Damodaray Namah, Om Shri Upendray Namah, Om Shri Haray Namah, Om Shri Krishnay Namah " Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagavati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha Why these 21 names are taken before every puja. Even before the --- first. You have to worship Shri Ganesha. Even before worshipping why these names are taken. It is important to understand. Everything has a why. Because these are the 21 channels within your Sushumna, 21 channels, we should say, in the complete Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna Nadi. So, to raise you, absolutely to give you the ascent, 21 channels in Ida, Pingala, Sushumna. So, one would say 7 channels in the Sushumna Nadi. But these 7 channels are divided, multiplied by 7 x3. So, every channel has got 21 other channels. So, sushumna nadi has got also 21 channels. Left hand side nadis are as you know that, perhaps you know, I dont know if you know the names and the right hand side also like Gayatri, power Parvati and all these are on the right hand side. And the left ones are called as chamundi and all these left side things, there are 7 of them. Now, the central path has got 21 channels. ------There is a disturbance in the video ----- according ---There is again disturbance-------

Sothat within you all these 21 channels are awakened, within you first of all. Puja is a double thing. That a cup has to be made and then this source has to be opened. So, you are the cup. So, sushumna is the channel you have by which you suck, so, to open the sushumna these 21 names are said. Now why first Shri Ganesha. Because Shri Ganesha is the beginning of the desire and the end of the desire. You start with Ganesha and end up with Ganesha. Thats why Shri Ganesha is worshipped, Its the other way around now, the source. When you direct your attention to the source, you worship it and when you want to incite or open out your own being, then you chant. This is the difference between worship and a mantra. If you just say a mantra, you open yourself up. But when you worship and chant, then you tap the source. I dont know if I have said this before or not. Thats how you understand the puja part. Now, those who are new comers, their cup is completely useless. And, when you excite the deities , they get busy opening their cups, everybodys cups also. So, its a double work. But if your cup is ready, it is very easy to fill. So, now these21 names, I think you should take again with the understanding, its better. Om Shri Keshavaya Namah, Om Shri Narayanaya Namah, Om Shri Madhavaya Namah,Om Shri Govinday Namah, Om Shri Vishnuve Namah, Om Shri Madhusudanay Namah, Om Shri Trivikramay Namah, Om Shri Vamanay Namah, Om Shri Shridharay Namah, Om Shri Hrishikeshay Namah, Om Shri Sankarshanay Namah, Om Shri Vasudevay Namah, Om Shri Pradyumnay Namah, Om Shri Aniruddhay Namah, Om Shri Purushottamay Namah, Om Shri Aghokshajay Namah, Om Shri Narasimhaya Namah, Om Shri Achyutay Namah, Om Shri Janardanay Namah, Om Shri Padmanabhay Namah, Om Shri Damodaray Namah, Om Shri Upendray Namah, Om Shri Haray Namah, Om Shri Shri Krishnay Namah " Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagavati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha Pujari: Now we have the mantra for Pranayama.

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