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1. 2.
S:Exploring the past is a purposeless activity because it S: I think exploring the past isn’t purposeless activities because we
wastes our time and is useless learn from past mistakes
E: you need to stop yourself when you realize that you're E: You know that the only thing that benefits from the past is that we
thinking about what "should have happened" or "shouldn't can learn that can help us avoid making the same mistakes again. If you
have happened" that makes you feel guilty and completely see your past as a life lesson that teaches you to be more careful,
down. You need to remind yourself that "we don't have the mature, and responsible, then you've won. Because whatever you are
power to change what happened, so thinking about the past doing in your life right now is right for you. It’s because you have been
is a waste of time and useless through a situation that you have experienced once in your life
E: for example :As Marlon Brando said: “Regret is useless in E: I see it from my bother . you know that boys who are often very
life. It's in the past. All we have now is. "So we don't have to easily addicted to games. So my bother too. He is addicted games and
remember what happened in the past. Instead of thinking then he dropped out of school a time. But when he try think about all
about the past, we should live in the present. Like today the thing he did , he felt guilty and he fortunately then he decided to
when you wake up you shouldn't think about what you did go back to school. Now he is a doctor . that amazing right
yesterday. You should think about what you will eat today
and the task you have to do today

Rebuttal Rebuttal
Keyword: waste our time and useless Keyword: learn from past mistakes
Rebut: You said that exploring the past isn't a purposeless activity
Rebut: you said it make you are waste your time and useless. because we learn from past mistakes, I got your point but some people
I see your point but some times if you remember the past have a bad past, they don't want to face it, it make them sad, makes
had many beautiful memory . it make you feel happy and you them fell deep into the hole which can't escape, therefore exploring
don’t want forget it the past is a purposeless activity with they

3. 4.
S: if we always deep into the past that make us forget a S:We can know that where is our strengths and weakness
present and we don’t enjoys present life E: we can see our strengths and weakness from the past. So we know
E: if you had past not good ,like:being abused, encountering how to improve and develop it. Moreover the past helps us to re-
something haunting. So Remember that repeating that pain evaluate ourselves and love yourself .
over and over is unacceptable and you will lose motivation in E:For example : like to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi she is a best selling
your present and future life ahead. writer and novelist , she gave one the most popular Ted talks of all
E:Like my cousin, when he was in high school. He was bullied time " The Danger of a single" . Telling of her experiences in the US
by his friends because of his fat body. he had to hear after a childhood growing up in Enugu, Nigeria. She face ignorance

FOR 1. 2.
S: We will forget all of these things we learned before the S: Tet holiday make increase the accident
TET holidays and you don’t want to work or learn E: the overflow vehicle causes congestion and traffic
anymore accident. Moreover, others social are also increase rapidly
E: As you know, we have 1 months in every years for the at this time especially drinking, speeding and gambling
TET holidays .So in the day, we also enjoy and rest E: In 2020 HCMC – Up to 198 traffic accidents happened
E: we all know that in recently the effect of covid 19 then during the week-long Tet holiday, lasting from January 23
we have 4 months in last years, that the reason why we to 29, leaving 133 people dead and 174 others injured.
become lazier and boring This is just accident figures about a country in VietNam .

Rebuttal: Rebuttal:
Keyword: forget all of these thing, don’t want to work or Keyword: increase accident
learn Rebut: you said : the Tet holidays do increase the accident,
Rebut: You said that we will forget all of these things we I see your point. But the government will bring out hard
learned before the Tet holidays right, I got your point but policy and punishment for violators.
you need to know some people they'll review their
knowledge which they learned after the Tet holidays and
as you know they learned this knowledge, therefore they
just come to school, the teacher will review and they will
remember again
3. 4.
Rebuttal: Rebuttal:

S: Abolishing Tet is also means to stop worshipping our S: Because it is the tradition of my country and you know
ancestors E: you know, this is the time people who live in foreigner
E: On Tet days in Vietnam, descendants will worship their can return with their family and this is an occasion to enjoy
ancestors to remember their ancestral roots and thank after a year working hard
their grandparents for their protection and protection E: For example: like family , my parents who going to work
over the years. in the city so the TET holidays which is the time help my
E: like family on Tet days we also Visiting ancestors' family can be reunite with together
graves. So children and grandchildren in the family will
also visit and clean the resting place of ancestors and
relatives. This is a common custom of the Vietnamese
people, showing filial piety and respect for their parents
and deceased ancestors.

Rebuttal: Rebuttal:
Key word: stop worshipping our ancestors Keyword: it is the tradition
Rebut: but in my opinion that I think that not important Rebut:You said that Vietnamese Tet shouldn't be abolished
because If we believe in God, we can keep it in our hearts because at this time people who live in foreigner can
without sacrificing because it costs too much money and reunion with their family, I see your point but we have
effort. many holidays in years, Not only the Tet holidays but also
you can reunion on Independence day, international Labor
day, Hing King festival

3. 4.

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