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Police violence is often a polemic in society.

On the one hand, some people

feel threatened by the use of excessive force. But there are also those who think that
the police need to act “firmly” when controlling a turbid atmosphere, for example
when there is a demonstration. The use of excessive force by the apparatus is a term
that is often used to describe various human rights violations by the police.

The use of excessive force includes beatings, torture and other degrading
treatment, harassment, use of anti-riot tools indiscriminately and disproportionately
with threats of violence when securing demonstrations, to extrajudicial killings. If the
police use excessive force, people can become victims of torture, ill-treatment, and
even loss of life. For example,George Floyddied as a result of excessive violence
allegedly based on racial discrimination of US police.
In Indonesia, as many as 402 people were reportedly injured as a result
ofviolence by the police during the #ReformasiDikorupsi actionin various provinces
in Indonesia.

Cause of violencethe apparatus isIn a country that has a high record of police
violence, there are several factors that contribute to apparatus violence, including
inadequate national regulations, deep-rooted discrimination, situations that threaten
security such as riots or conflict, and impunity.

Governments that do not respect other human rights such as freedom of

expression also tend to produce violent behavior by the apparatus when securing
peaceful protests.

Impunity or the absence of law enforcement for police killings often leads to
repeated lethal violence.
Rules protecting Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR), which has also been ratified by the Indonesian government
throughLaw No. 12 of 2005emphasizes that every individual has the inalienable right
to life.

United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or

Degrading Treatment or Punishment (PAINT) prohibits all forms of torture and
inhuman treatment. All forms of torture have been expressly prohibited in various
human rights protection instruments, for example in Article 7 of the ICCPR.

United Nations Fundamental Principles Concerning the Use of Force and

Firearms by Law Enforcers (BPUFF) and Code of Ethics for Law Enforcement
Officials (CCLEO) also regulates the principles that law enforcement officers need to
follow in using force:principles of legality, necessity, proportionality, and

The prohibition of torture is also regulated in the Indonesian constitution. The

right to live and not to be tortured is protected in Article 28I of the 1945 Constitution
as well as Articles 4 and 9Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights.

Regulation of the Head of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 14 of 2011 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics of the State Police of
the Republic of Indonesiaalso obliges every member of the police to respect human
dignity based on human rights principles.

what is the current situation of police violence?In the US, 1,126 people were
reportedly killed by police in 2020. In 2019, police in Rio de Janeiro killed 1,810
people, or an average of 5 people killed every day.
In Indonesia, according to Amnesty's records, the police are the most
suspected perpetrators of attacks against human rights defenders throughout 2021.
From January to June 2021, police officers are suspected of having committed acts of
violence and intimidation against human rights defenders in seven cases and resulted
in eight victims.

During June 2020 – June 2021, there were also at least 17 cases of torture
allegedly involving members of the police with 30 victims.

Amnesty International's monitoring data also noted that there were at least 14
cases of alleged disbandment, arrests and violence against 108 Papuan students who
expressed their opinions, both in Papua (five cases, 17 victims) and outside Papua.
They only voiced the injustices they had experienced, including the exploitation of
the natural wealth in which they lived.

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