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Excel Skills | Fixed Assets Register Template


This comprehensive template enables users to compile a complete fixed assets register which incorporates an unlimited
number of fixed asset classes and categories; facilitates recording additions, disposals, revaluations and impairments;
automatically calculates monthly and year-to-date depreciation charges; calculates tax values based on user defined tax
codes; calculates deferred tax balances and includes a comprehensive automated journal report. The template has been
designed specifically for the requirements of IFRS but can also be used to compile a simple fixed asset register which is only
based on historical costs.

Note: This template only accommodates depreciation calculations on a straight line basis. If you therefore need to calculate
depreciation on a reducing balance or other depreciation basis, the template will unfortunately not be suitable for your

The following sheets are included in this template:

Set-up - the input cells on this sheet enable you to customize the template for your business. You can enter your business
name, select a year end period, specify an income tax percentage, maintain the default fixed asset classes, maintain the
default fixed asset categories and maintain the default tax codes. A complete list of user input error codes are also included
on this sheet for information purposes.

Assets - this sheet enables users to create a unique asset code for all fixed assets and the columns with the light blue
column headings contain all the comprehensive, automated calculations that form part of the fixed asset register. User input
is limited to entering an asset identification number, asset description, asset type, asset category and tax code. The period
for which the fixed asset register is compiled is determined by the review date that is specified at the top of the sheet.

Transact - all asset transactions need to be recorded on this sheet. Asset transactions include acquisitions, revaluations and
disposals. User input is limited to entering the transaction date, transaction type, asset number, supplier, document number,
transaction amount, asset lifetime, residual value and proceeds on disposal. The columns with light blue column headings
contain the formulas that form the basis of all the calculations that are required in order to produce a comprehensive,
accurate fixed asset register.

Category - this sheet contains a fixed assets summary which is based on the fixed asset categories that are created on the
Set-up sheet. No user input is required on this sheet and 30 fixed asset categories are accommodated. Additional fixed asset
categories can be added by simply copying the formulas in the last row into the required number of additional rows.

Class - this sheet contains a fixed assets summary which is based on the asset classes that are created on the Set-up
sheet. No user input is required on this sheet and a maximum of 30 asset classes are accommodated.
Journals - this sheet contains an automated journal report for all fixed asset transactions. The journal report can be
compiled on a monthly or year-to-date basis and is based on the account numbers that are specified in the asset category
set-up on the Set-up sheet. The journal report accommodates 30 asset categories but additional categories can be added by
simply copying the formulas in the last row into the required number of additional rows.

Template Set-up

The template can be customized for your business by editing the default business details, asset categories, asset classes
and tax codes on the Set-up sheet. The business name that is entered in cell C5 is used as a heading on all the other
sheets, the year-end month that is selected in cell C7 is used in order to calculate year-to-date balances and the income tax
percentage that is specified in cell C9 is used to calculate deferred tax balances.

Asset Classes

The template includes 6 default fixed asset classes which can be customized in the cell range from cell A13 to cell B18. The
default asset class codes in column A and the default asset class descriptions in column B can be amended and you can
add additional asset classes by simply inserting a new row between the first and last class codes, entering a new code for
the asset class in column A and entering a description for the new class in column B.

Note: All new asset classes must be inserted above the "ZZ" asset class code and a maximum of 30 asset classes can be
accommodated in the template.

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The asset classes that are created on the Set-up sheet should be representative of the asset classes that are included on
the financial statements. Some businesses however require more asset classes than what is disclosed on the financial
statements in order to accommodate separate allocation in the business accounts. We have therefore created separate
asset categories for this purpose.

Asset Categories

The template includes 11 asset categories which can be customized in the cell range from cell A23 to cell K33. Each asset
category contains a unique code in column A, is linked to an asset class in column B, contains a description in column C and
contains an account number in each of the columns from column D to K.

The asset category codes can be in any format but we suggest using a combination of letters and numbers as illustrated with
the default category codes. Each category that is created will be included separately on the Category sheet and needs to be
linked to one of the asset class codes in cells A13 to A18 by selecting the appropriate asset class code from the list box in
column B. The asset categories are therefore in fact sub classes of the main asset classes that are included on the financial

The account numbers that need to be entered in columns D to K are included in the automated journal report on the Journal
sheet. All fixed asset journals are therefore based on the asset categories that are created which means that a separate
asset category is required for each fixed asset account group or depreciation cost centre. The accounts that need to be
entered in each column are better described as follows:
■ Cost - the general ledger accounts that are entered in this column reflect the cost or gross carrying value of each asset
category. These accounts should therefore be balance sheet accounts.
■ Accum Depr - the accounts in this column reflect the accumulated depreciation that has been written off against each asset
category. These accounts should therefore be balance sheet accounts.
■ Depr - the total depreciation charges for each asset category is allocated to the accounts in this column. These accounts
should therefore be income statement accounts.
■ Revalue - if a revaluation reserve is created after an asset revaluation, the revaluation surpluses for each asset category
are allocated to these accounts. Separate revaluation reserve accounts can be added for each category or a single account
can be used for all fixed assets by simply entering the same account number for all asset categories. The accounts that are
specified should be balance sheet accounts.

■ Impairment - if an asset is valued at less than the current net carrying value, the impairment amounts for each asset
category are allocated to these accounts. You can use separate impairment accounts for each asset category or enter the
same account for all categories in order to allocate all asset impairment amounts to the same account. The accounts that are
specified should be income statement accounts because asset impairment amounts are written off to the income statement.

■ Profit - if assets are sold, the profits or losses on the disposal of assets are allocated to the accounts that are specified in
this column. You can again use a single account for all asset categories or enter separate accounts for each asset category.
These accounts should be income statement accounts.
■ Def Tax BS - enter the accounts to which deferred tax assets or liabilities should be allocated. In most instances, only one
balance sheet account is used for this purpose but you can specify separate accounts if you want to be able to view the
deferred tax asset or liability for each asset category separately.
■ Def Tax IS - enter the accounts to which deferred tax charges for the year should be allocated. In most instances, only one
income statement account is used for this purpose but you can specify separate accounts if you want to be able to view the
deferred charges for each asset category separately.

Note: All new asset categories must be inserted above the "ZZ" asset category code. The template accommodates 30 asset
categories on the Category sheet but you can add additional asset categories on this sheet by simply copying the formulas in
the last row into the appropriate number of additional rows. An unlimited number of asset categories are therefore

Tax Codes

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The template includes 10 default tax codes in the cell range from cell A38 to J47 but you can add as many additional tax
codes as required. The tax codes are used to calculate the tax allowances that can be claimed for each fixed asset and the
tax values at the beginning and the end of each financial year. These tax balances are then used in order to calculate the
deferred tax balances and charges for each financial year.

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A single alphabetical letter is used as the tax code in column A and a description for each tax code can be entered in column
C. All the tax codes that are created on the Set-up sheet are available for selection in column F on the Assets sheet.

Note: You can create additional tax codes by inserting a new row anywhere between the first and last rows, entering a new
tax code in column A and specifying the appropriate annual tax percentages.

Column B in the tax codes section contains a list box which enables users to specify whether appropriation needs to be
applied in the tax allowance calculations for the particular tax code. If appropriation is applied (the "Yes" option is selected), it
means that the tax allowance calculation will take the effect of partial years into account. If appropriation is not applicable
(the "No" option is selected), the tax allowance will be based on a full year regardless of when an asset is acquired.

Example: An asset with a cost of 10,000 is acquired in December by a business with a February year-end. The tax code that
is assigned to the asset is B which has "No" appropriation specified in column B and a tax percentage of 20% in year 1. A full
year's tax allowance will therefore be written off in December (and each subsequent year) which means that the tax
allowance for the first year would be 2,000.

If the tax code of the asset had been A (which has a "Yes" option in column B) and the tax percentage in the first year is also
20%, it means that the tax allowance in the first year would only be 333.33 (10,000 x 20% ÷ 12 x 2). This is because
appropriation would apply and the tax allowance calculation will therefore only include 2 months.

The tax allowance percentages in column D to H are used to calculate the appropriate tax allowance amounts for the assets
that are linked to the particular tax codes. You will therefore only be able to specify tax percentages for 5 years and if a
longer period is applicable, the year 5 percentage will be used for all subsequent annual periods until an asset is fully written
off for tax purposes.

Example: If a tax code is created for buildings and a tax allowance percentage of 2% is applicable, the year 1 to 5 tax
percentages need to be entered as 2% and the year 5 percentage (which is 2%) will be applied to all the annual periods after
year 5. This means that a tax allowance of 2% per year will be written off until the asset is fully written off after 50 years.

Note: The 5Y Total and AF columns contain formulas which should be copied for all new tax codes that are added to the Set-
up sheet. It is imperative that these formulas are copied for all new tax codes otherwise some of the tax calculations may not
be accurate.

The 5Y Total column contains the total percentage value of the tax allowance percentages that are entered in the Year 1 to 5
columns and will automatically be highlighted in red if the value exceeds 100%. The maximum percentage that can be
written off on an asset is 100% - if you therefore specify tax allowances of more than 100%, only the tax allowances that
make up the first 100% will be taken into account in determining the appropriate tax values of the asset. The AF column
contains an appropriation value which is based on the selection in column B.

Input Error Codes

The input error codes at the bottom of the Set-up sheet are included for information purposes only and provide users with a
reason for the error codes that may be encountered when entering transactions on the Assets and Transact sheets. These
error codes are covered in more detail in the Error Codes section of these instructions.

Asset Set-up

Each individual fixed asset must be added to the Assets sheet by assigning an asset number to the fixed asset. The Assets
sheet is in actual fact a comprehensive fixed asset register which contains all the individual assets that form part of the fixed
assets register. All fixed asset transactions need to be recorded on the Transact sheet and the Category and Class sheets
contains summaries of all the appropriate asset groups.

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A unique asset number must be created for each fixed asset on the Assets sheet. You can use any asset numbering
convention but we strongly recommend using a combination of letters and numbers as illustrated in our example data. We
have used an asset numbering convention which starts with two letters followed by a hyphen and five numbers. The letters
can be used to distinguish between different asset categories or classes.

Note: All fixed assets must be added to the Assets sheet by assigning a unique asset code to the particular asset. The
acquisition of the asset then needs to be recorded on the Transact sheet after which the appropriate values will be reflected
on the Assets sheet. Users therefore need to create asset codes for all their assets and record acquisition transactions for all
assets on the Transact sheet.

All the columns on the Assets sheet with yellow column headings require user input while the columns with light blue column
headings contain formulas which should be copied for each new asset that is added to the sheet. The following user input is
required on the Assets sheet:
Asset Number - enter a unique asset number for each fixed asset in this column. Duplicate asset numbers may result in
inaccurate calculations and it is therefore imperative that each fixed asset has a unique asset number. Similar assets or
asset components can be distinguished by adding a "/1" and "/2" at the end of the asset number.
Asset ID Number - enter an asset identification number in this column. This number should preferably be applied to the
asset in order to facilitate physical verification of assets and assist in identifying each fixed asset that is included in the fixed
asset register.
Description - enter a comprehensive description of the asset in this column. The asset description should enable users to
easily identify the asset and should assist users in distinguishing between similar assets.
Asset Type - select an asset type from the list box. This column assists in identifying leased assets and the list boxes in this
column therefore include an owned and leased option.
Category - select an asset category from the list box in this column. All the asset categories that are created on the Set-up
sheet are available for selection. Each asset needs to be linked to an asset category which is linked to an asset class in the
Asset Category section on the Set-up sheet.
Tax Code - select a tax code from the list box in this column. All the tax codes that are created on the Set-up sheet are
available for selection.

Note: All the contents on the Assets sheet should form part of a continuous cell range otherwise some assets may not be
included in the template calculations. The Assets sheet should therefore not contain any blank rows between rows that
contain data.

All the columns with light blue column headings contain calculations which are based on the review date that is entered in
cell E2. The date that is entered in this cell therefore determines which transactions are included in the asset balance and
depreciation calculations. It is therefore imperative that you enter the correct date in this cell when reviewing the fixed asset

The cell range from cell H2 to cell K2 displays the appropriate year-to-date (YTD) and month-to-date (MTD) from and to
dates which are in effect based on the review date that is specified in cell E2. Note that all the template calculations are
based on month end dates - even if you enter a review date that does not fall on a month end, the template calculations will
still include all the transactions and depreciation calculations for the entire month.

The YTD periods are determined based on the year-end period that is selected in cell C7 on the Set-up sheet. All the YTD
asset balances and depreciation calculations will therefore be calculated automatically based on the review date and the
year-end period that has been specified.

Note: The review date makes it easy to roll the template forward or back for any subsequent or previous month and all the
template calculations are updated automatically. You can therefore simply enter a new date in cell E2 and all the calculations
on all the sheets in the template are automatically updated.

The Assets sheet contains 52 calculated columns which all have light blue column headings. The calculations in these
columns are all based on the transactions that are entered on the Transact sheet and some of the calculations are for
information purposes only while others form an integral part of the fixed asset register. We'll now briefly cover the purpose of
each calculated column:

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The following columns are included for information purposes only:

Error Code - if there is a problem with the input in any of the user input columns, an error code will be displayed in this
column. Refer to the Set-up sheet for a description of each error code and to the Error Code section of these instructions for
more information about the reason for the error code that is displayed.
Class - this column contains the asset class that the asset is linked to. The asset class is determined by the asset category
that is selected in column E and each asset category is linked to a single asset class in the Asset Category section on the
Set-up sheet.
Acquisition Date - the asset acquisition date is displayed in this column. After creating an asset number, an acquisition
transaction needs to be recorded on the Transact sheet in order to record the acquisition of the asset. If an acquisition
transaction has not been recorded for the particular asset, this column will contain an "add!" message.
Last Trn Date - this column contains the date of the last transaction that has been recorded for the appropriate asset. If no
transaction has been recorded, the column will contain an "add!" message which indicates that an asset acquisition
transaction still needs to be recorded.

Current Trn Date - this column contains the date of the last transaction for the asset that is dated before the YTD To Date
which is displayed in cell I2. It therefore represents the last transaction that has been recorded before the current period end.

Last PY Trn Date - this column contains the date of the last transaction for the asset that is dated before the YTD From Date
which is displayed in cell H2. It therefore represents the last transaction that has been recorded before the end of the
previous financial period.
Last PM Trn Date - this column contains the date of the last transaction for the asset that is dated before the MTD From
Date which is displayed in cell J2. It therefore represents the last transaction that has been recorded before the end of the
previous month.
Disposal Date - if an asset has been disposed of, the date of disposal as per the Transact sheet will be displayed in this
column. Note that a disposal transaction has to be recorded on the Transact sheet for all asset disposals.
Proceeds on Disposal - if an asset has been disposed of, the proceeds on disposal as per the Transact sheet will be
displayed in this column.
Historical Cost - the historical cost of all assets that have been acquired before the end of the current financial period is
displayed in this column. The historical cost is defined as the transaction amount of the acquisition transaction that is
recorded on the Transact sheet for the particular asset.
Active Lifetime - the lifetime that has been recorded on the Transact sheet for the most recent transaction that is dated
before the current period end is displayed in this column.
Active Res Value - the residual value that has been recorded on the Transact sheet for the most recent transaction that is
dated before the current period end is displayed in this column.
Tax Cost - the tax cost of the asset is displayed in this column. The tax cost is the same as the historical cost of the asset.
This column will only contain a value if the asset has been acquired before the current period end.
Current Tax % - the tax allowance percentage for the current period is displayed in this column. This percentage is
dependent on the tax code that has been selected in column F and the annual tax percentages that have been defined for
the particular tax code on the Set-up sheet. If a tax code has not been selected in column F, a "code?" message will be
displayed in this column.
Elapsed Months PY - the value in this column indicates the number of months that have elapsed since the acquisition of the
asset up to the end of the previous financial period. A value will only be displayed for assets that have not been disposed of
before the end of the previous financial period.
Elapsed Months CY - the value in this column indicates the number of months that have elapsed since the acquisition of the
asset up to the end of the current financial period. A value will only be displayed for assets that have not been disposed of
before the end of the current financial period.
Elapsed Months PM - the value in this column indicates the number of months that have elapsed since the acquisition of the
asset up to the end of the previous month. A value will only be displayed for assets that have not been disposed of before
the end of the previous month.
Assets at Cost:
Opening Balance - the opening cost or gross carrying value of the asset at the beginning of the current financial period is
included in this column.
Additions - if an asset has been acquired during the current financial period, the cost of the asset is included in this column.
The cost of the asset is entered as the transaction amount when recording an acquisition type transaction on the Transact

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Revaluations - if an asset has been revalued during the current financial period, the adjustment in the gross carrying value
(or the cost of the asset if the asset has not been revalued previously) is included in this column. Note that this adjustment is
only calculated based on the gross carrying value of the asset - if you want to recalculate the revaluation surplus or
impairment, the Revaluation column in the Accumulated Depreciation section also needs to be taken into account.

Disposals - if an asset has been disposed of during the current financial period, the gross carrying value (or the cost of the
asset if the asset has not been revalued previously) is included in this column as a negative value. This effectively means
that the gross carrying value of the asset is removed from the fixed asset register.
Impairment - if an asset has been revalued during the current financial period at a value that is lower than the current net
carrying value, the impairment amount is included in this column. Note that in some instances, a negative value may also be
displayed in the Revaluations column which will be offset by a negative value in the Revaluations column in the Accumulated
Depreciation section. This is simply because the impairment is calculated based on the net carrying value which therefore
necessitates adjustments to the Cost and Accumulated Depreciation values in order to adjust the gross carrying value (the
Cost section) to the correct values after revaluation.
Closing Balance - the closing cost or gross carrying value of the asset at the end of the current financial period is included
in this column.
Accumulated Depreciation:
Opening Balance - the opening accumulated depreciation balance of the asset at the beginning of the current financial
period is included in this column.
Depreciation - Cost - the year-to-date depreciation on the historical cost of the asset is included in this column. The
amounts in this column are calculated on the Transact sheet. For revalued assets, only the portion of the depreciation that
relates to the historical cost of the asset will be included in this column.
Depreciation - Revaluation - the year-to-date depreciation on the revaluation of the asset is included in this column. The
amounts in this column are calculated by deducting the depreciation on the historical cost of the asset from the total year-to-
date depreciation. Both of these amounts are calculated on the Transact sheet. If an asset has not been revalued, the value
in this column will be nil.
Depreciation - Total - the total year-to-date depreciation on the asset is included in this column. All the amounts in this
column are calculated on the Transact sheet.
Revaluations - if an asset has been revalued during the current financial period, the accumulated depreciation as at the
date of the revaluation is included in this column as a negative value. This is because we write off the accumulated
depreciation to a revaluation reserve and this value together with the revaluation adjustment in the Cost section form the
revaluation surplus for an asset.
Disposals - if an asset has been disposed of during the current financial period, the accumulated depreciation as at the date
of the disposal is included in this column as a negative value. This effectively means that the accumulated depreciation of
the asset is removed from the fixed asset register.
Closing Balance - the closing accumulated depreciation balance of the asset at the end of the current financial period is
included in this column.
Total Net Carrying Value:
Closing Carrying Value - the difference between the closing cost (or gross carrying value) of an asset and the closing
accumulated depreciation balance is included in this column. The amounts in this column reflect the "book value" of an asset
at the end of the financial period.
Revaluation Reserve:
Opening Balance - the amounts in this column reflect the revaluation reserve opening balances at the beginning of the
current financial period.
Revaluation Surplus - if an asset has been revalued during the current financial period at a value that is higher than its net
carrying value at the date of revaluation, the revaluation surplus is included in this column. Note that if an asset is revalued at
a value that is less than its net carrying value, an asset impairment amount will be included in the Impairment Write-Offs
column and the revaluation surplus will be nil.
Depreciation - Revaluation - the total year-to-date depreciation on any revaluations that may have been made to an asset
in the past is included in this column. This means that we effectively write-off the depreciation on revaluations against the
revaluation reserve balance instead of allocating these depreciation amounts to the income statement.
Closing Balance - the amounts in this column reflect the revaluation reserve closing balances at the end of the current
financial period.
Income Statement Items:

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Impairment Write-Offs - if an asset has been revalued during the current financial period at a value that is lower than its net
carrying value at the date of revaluation, the asset impairment amount is included in this column. Note that if an asset is
revalued at a value that is higher than its net carrying value, a revaluation surplus will be included in the Revaluation Reserve
section and the asset impairment amount will be nil.

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Profit / (Loss) on Disposal - if an asset has been disposed of during the current financial period, the profit or loss on
disposal as at the date of the disposal is included in this column. The profit or loss on disposal is calculated as the difference
between the proceeds on disposal which is recorded on the Transact sheet and the net carrying value (book value) of the
asset. If the asset that is sold has been revalued, any revaluation reserve that may exist on the date of disposal is also
included in the profit or loss calculation.
Current Month Depreciation:
Cost - this column includes the depreciation on the historical cost of an asset for the current month. The appropriate month
is determined by the review date that is specified in cell E2. The current month depreciation on historical cost is calculated on
the Transact sheet. Note that this column will only contain a value if the historical cost of an asset has not been fully
Revaluation - this column includes the depreciation on any revaluations that may have been performed on an asset and is
calculated as the difference between the total depreciation for the current month and the depreciation based on the historical
cost of an asset.
Total - this column includes the total depreciation of an asset for the current month. The appropriate month is determined by
the review date that is specified in cell E2. The current month total depreciation is calculated on the Transact sheet. Note
that this column will only contain a value if the gross carrying value (or historical cost for assets that have not been revalued)
of an asset has not been fully depreciated.
Carrying Value at Historical Cost:
Opening Balance - this column includes the book value of an asset based only on historical cost calculations at the
beginning of the current financial period.
YTD Movement - this column includes the YTD movement in the book value of an asset based only on historical cost
calculations. All revaluations are ignored for the purpose of this calculation.
Closing Balance - this column includes the book value of an asset based only on historical cost calculations at the end of
the current financial period.
MTD Movement - this column includes the MTD movement in the book value of an asset based only on historical cost
calculations. All revaluations are ignored for the purpose of this calculation.
Tax Values:
Opening Balance - this column includes the tax value of the appropriate asset at the beginning of the current financial
period. All tax value balances are calculated by deducting the appropriate tax allowances (based on the tax code that is
selected in column F) from the tax cost (historical cost) of an asset.
YTD Movement - this column contains the YTD movement in the tax value of an asset. For most assets that have been
acquired before the beginning of the financial period, these amounts will equal the tax allowances for the period. If an asset
has been acquired during the current financial period, the YTD movement will equal the cost of the asset less the appropriate
tax allowances for the period. If an asset has been disposed of during the current financial period, the YTD movement will
equal the opening tax value.
Closing Balance - this column includes the tax value of the appropriate asset at the end of the current financial period. All
tax value balances are calculated by deducting the appropriate tax allowances (based on the tax code that is selected in
column F) from the tax cost (historical cost) of an asset.
MTD Movement - this column contains the MTD movement in the tax value of an asset. For most assets that have been
acquired before the beginning of the current month, these amounts will equal the tax allowances for the period. If an asset
has been acquired during the current month, the MTD movement will equal the cost of the asset less the appropriate tax
allowance for the month. If an asset has been disposed of during the current month, the MTD movement will equal the tax
value at the beginning of the month.
Deferred Taxation:
Opening Balance - this column includes the deferred tax balance at the beginning of the current financial period. Deferred
tax balances are calculated as the difference between the carrying values at historical cost and the tax values multiplied by
the appropriate tax rate which is specified on the Set-up sheet. Positive values represent deferred tax assets and negative
values represent deferred tax liabilities.
YTD Movement - this column includes the YTD movement in the deferred tax balances.
Closing Balance - this column includes the deferred tax balance at the end of the current financial period. Deferred tax
balances are calculated as the difference between the carrying values at historical cost and the tax values multiplied by the
appropriate tax rate which is specified on the Set-up sheet. Positive values represent deferred tax assets and negative
values represent deferred tax liabilities.
MTD Movement - this column includes the MTD movement in the deferred tax balances.

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All the column headings on the Assets sheet contain a filter selection arrow. These selection arrows indicate that the Filter
feature has been activated on the sheet. The Filter feature can be used to filter the data on the sheet in order to display only
certain asset records on the sheet.

We have also included totals above all the column headings that contain amounts. These totals have been calculated by
using the SUBTOTAL function which means that if the data on the sheet is filtered, the totals that are calculated will only
include the filtered records. The Filter feature can therefore be used to obtain totals based on the filter criteria that are
specified by the user and also enables users to view the detailed fixed asset records that make up the summary totals on the
Category and Class sheets.

Example: If you want to obtain the fixed asset register totals for all leased assets, you can simply click the selection arrow
next to the Asset Type column heading and select the Leased option. The sheet will be filtered and only the leased assets
will be visible on the sheet. The totals will also only include the leased assets.

Example: If you want to view the detailed asset records that make up one of the category or class totals on the Category or
Class sheets, simply click the filter selection arrow next to the Category or Class column headings (column E or column H)
and select the appropriate category or class. The sheet will be filtered and only the asset records for the selected category or
class will be visible on the sheet. The totals will also only include the appropriate amounts for the selected category or class.

Note: After reviewing the filtered data, you need to clear the filter in order to display all the asset records on the sheet. A filter
can be cleared by simply clicking the selection arrow next to the appropriate column heading again and clicking the "Select
All" option.

As we've mentioned before, some column headings contain yellow cell backgrounds, while other column headings contain
light blue cell backgrounds. The columns with yellow cell backgrounds require user input and the columns with light blue cell
backgrounds contain formulas which should be copied for all new assets that are added to the sheet. This is imperative
because the accuracy of all template calculations is dependent on recording assets correctly. After entering all the required
data in the user input columns, please therefore make absolutely sure that the formulas in the calculated columns have been
copied into all the new rows that have been added to the sheet.

Recording Asset Transactions

All asset transactions must be recorded on the Transact sheet. There are basically 3 types of transactions that can be
recorded namely acquisitions, disposals and revaluations. An asset transaction can be recorded by entering the required
data into the user input columns - the column headings of all user input columns contain a yellow cell background while the
column headings with a light blue cell background indicate that these columns contain formulas which should be copied for
all new transactions that are added to the sheet.

Note: Recording an asset number on the Assets sheet will have no effect in terms of recording the cost of an asset in the
fixed asset register. An acquisition transaction needs to be recorded on the Transact sheet for each fixed asset that is
acquired before the appropriate asset values will be included in the fixed asset register on the Assets sheet and the
summaries on the Category and Class sheets.

Note: All the contents on the Transact sheet should form part of a continuous cell range otherwise some transactions may
not be included in the template calculations. The Transact sheet should therefore not contain any blank rows between rows
that contain data.

The following user input is required in the user input columns on the Transact sheet (the columns with yellow column
Transaction Date - enter the date of the transaction.
Transaction Type - select the transaction type from the list box. The ACQ option should be selected for all asset
acquisitions, the DIS option should be selected for all asset disposals and the REV option should be selected for all
revaluations of fixed assets.

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Asset Number - select the appropriate asset number of the asset to which the transaction relates from the list box in this
column. All the asset numbers that have been added to the Assets sheet will be available for selection. You therefore need
to create an asset number for the appropriate fixed asset on the Assets sheet before you will be able to record any
transactions for the particular fixed asset.

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Supplier - enter the name of the supplier from which the asset has been acquired. If a disposal transaction is recorded, you
can enter the name of the customer in this column. For revaluations, you can simply enter "None".
Document Number - enter the document number of a supporting document which will enable you to trace the transaction
back to its supporting documentation. For acquisitions, this should be the supplier invoice number and for disposals, the
customer invoice number. For revaluations, you can simply enter text like "Revalue".
Amount - enter the transaction amount in this column. For acquisitions, the supplier invoice amount should be entered
exclusive of any sales tax that may be applicable. For disposals, a nil amount should be entered in this column. For
revaluations, the value of the asset should be entered in this column - this should be the new value of the fixed asset and not
the difference between the valuation and the previous historical cost or gross carrying amount!
Lifetime in Years - enter the estimated lifetime of the asset in years for all acquisition and revaluation transactions in this
column. For disposals, enter a nil value in this column. Note that if an asset should not be depreciated, a nil lifetime also
needs to be specified in this column.
Residual Value - this value should be the estimated valuation of an asset at the end of the lifetime that is specified in the
previous column. If the asset will have no value at the end of its estimated lifetime, enter nil. A nil value should also be
entered for all disposal transactions.
Proceeds on Sale - if a disposal transaction is being recorded, enter the proceeds on the disposal of the asset in this
column. The proceeds should equal the total amount that is received for the asset. If an asset is being scrapped, enter nil in
this column. A nil value should also be entered for all acquisition and revaluation transactions.

The Transact sheet also includes 38 calculated columns - the column headings of all the calculated columns contain a light
blue cell background. All of these columns contain formulas which should be copied for all new transactions that are added
to the sheet. We'll now briefly cover the purpose of each calculated column:
Error Code - if there is a problem with the input in any of the user input columns, an error code will be displayed in this
column. Refer to the Set-up sheet for a description of each error code and to the Error Code section of these instructions for
more information about the reason for the error code that is displayed.
Category - the asset category is looked up on the Assets sheet based on the asset number that is specified in column C.
This column is included for information purposes only.
Transaction Date ID - the formula in this column assigns a time to each transaction date based on the row number of the
transaction. This means that each transaction will have a unique date even if two transactions that relate to the same asset
are recorded on the same date.
Previous Trn Date - this column indicates the date of the previous transaction for the specified asset number. If there is no
previous transaction for the asset, a date of 1900/01/00 will be displayed.
Next Trn Date - this column contains the next transaction date for the selected asset. If there is no transaction after the
current transaction, the day after the YTD To date on the Assets sheet will be included in this column.
Depr End Date - this column contains the date on which the depreciation period for the transaction will end. This date is
determined by adding the lifetime of the asset to the transaction date.
Depr YTD From Date - the date from which the current financial period depreciation is calculated is included in this column.
Note that if there is a subsequent transaction for an asset, a date of 1900/01/00 or the YTD From date may be included in
this column.
Depr YTD To Date - the date up to which the current financial period depreciation is calculated is included in this column.
Note that if there is a subsequent transaction for an asset, a date of 1900/01/00 or the YTD From date may be included in
this column.
Depr YTD Months - this column includes the number of months on which the YTD depreciation for the particular transaction
is based.
Transaction Amount - this column contains the transaction amount that is specified in column F.
Asset Historical Cost - this column contains the historical cost of the appropriate asset. The historical cost is defined as the
transaction amount of the acquisition transaction that is recorded for an asset.
Current Lifetime - the current lifetime of the asset as specified in column G is included in this column.
Current Residual - the current residual value of the asset as specified in column H is included in this column.
Previous Deemed Cost - the gross carrying value of the previous transaction for the selected asset is included in this
Previous Residual Value - the residual value that was specified in the previous transaction for the selected asset is
included in this column.
Previous Lifetime - the previous lifetime that was specified in the previous transaction for the selected asset is included in
this column.

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Current Accum Depr - the total accumulated depreciation that has been written off between the previous transaction date
and the current transaction date for the selected asset is included in this column.

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Current Carrying Value - the amounts in this column are calculated as the difference between the previous deemed cost
and the current accumulated depreciation.

Accum Depr: Cost - the accumulated depreciation based only on the historical cost of the asset which has been written off
between the previous transaction date and the current transaction date for the selected asset is included in this column.

Accum Depr: Revaluation - the difference between the total accumulated depreciation and the accumulated depreciation
based on only the historical cost of the asset is included in this column and represents the accumulated depreciation that has
been written of on the revaluations that have been applied to the selected asset between the previous transaction date and
the current transaction date.
Accum Depr: Rev <PY - the accumulated depreciation on revaluations as at the beginning of the financial period is included
in this column.
Previous Revaluation - this column contains the revaluation reserve balance before taking any effect that the current
transaction may have on the revaluation reserve balance into account.
Revaluation Surplus - if the selected transaction is a revaluation and the transaction amount that is specified in column F is
greater than the current carrying value in column AA, the revaluation surplus amount is included in this column. Note that this
calculation may also be influenced by any previous impairments that may have been recorded against the selected asset
Current Revaluation - this column includes the revaluation reserve balance after taking the effect of the current transaction
into account.
Previous Impairment - this column contains the total of any impairment amounts that have been recorded for the selected
asset (before taking the effect that the current transaction may have) into account.
Impairment Value - if the selected transaction is a revaluation and the transaction amount that is specified in column F is
less than the current carrying value in column AA, the asset impairment amount is included in this column as a positive
value. If an asset is revalued at a value that is greater than the current carrying value and an asset impairment was
previously recorded for the selected asset, the impairment will be reversed to the extent that the revaluation reserve is
greater than the previous impairment value and the amount of the reversal will be reflected as a negative value in this
Profit / (Loss) on Disposal - if the selected transaction is a disposal, the profit or loss on the disposal of the asset is
included in this column. The profit or loss is calculated by deducting the current carrying value of the asset from the proceeds
on disposal that is recorded in column I. Note that if the revaluation reserve for the asset is greater than nil, the revaluation
reserve will also be included in the calculation of the profit or loss on disposal. This means that the reserve balance is
effectively released when an asset is disposed of.
YTD Total Depreciation - the YTD total depreciation for the asset is calculated in this column. This calculation is based on
the gross carrying value of the asset, the lifetime of the asset and the YTD depreciation months which is calculated in column
YTD Total Depr at Cost - the calculation in this column forms part of the YTD depreciation on the historical cost of an asset
which is calculated in column AM.
YTD Cost Depreciation - the YTD depreciation on the historical cost of the asset is calculated in this column. This
calculation is based on the historical cost of the asset, the current lifetime of the asset and the YTD depreciation months
which is calculated in column R.
Accum Depr at PY Cost Bal - the calculations in this column forms part of the calculation of the accumulated depreciation
on the historical cost of an asset as at the beginning of the financial period.
Accum Depr at Cost PY - the calculations in this column forms part of the calculation of the accumulated depreciation on
the historical cost of an asset as at the beginning of the financial period.
Depr: Cost by Transaction - the calculations in this column indicate how much of the historical cost of an asset is
depreciated as a result of each transaction. This calculation forms an integral part of the YTD and accumulated depreciation
on historical cost calculations.
MTD Total Depreciation - this column includes the calculation of the total MTD depreciation. Note that the month to which
the calculation is applied is determined by the review date that is entered in cell E2 on the Assets sheet.
Accum Depr Total at PM - the amounts in this column reflect the total accumulated depreciation as at the beginning of the
current month. This calculation forms part of the total depreciation for the current month calculation.
MTD Total Depr at Cost - the calculation in this column forms part of the calculation of the depreciation on historical cost for
the current month.

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MTD Cost Depreciation - this column contains the calculation of the depreciation on the historical cost of an asset for the
current month. Note that the current month is determined by the review date that is specified in cell E2 on the Assets sheet.

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Accum Depr Cost at PM - this calculation reflects the accumulated depreciation on the historical cost of an asset as at the
beginning of the current month. The calculation forms an integral part of the calculation of the depreciation on historical cost
for the current month.

Note: Only one acquisition transaction can be recorded for each asset because an asset can only be acquired once. If an
asset is scrapped (which is recorded as a disposal) and subsequently needs to be added back to the fixed asset register, a
new asset number should be used for this purpose. The recording of duplicate asset acquisitions will result in an input error
in the Error Code column and may also result in inaccurate template calculations.

Note: All the depreciation, accumulated depreciation, tax allowance and deferred tax calculations that form part of the fixed
asset register are automated and you therefore do not need to record any transactions in order to record any of these
amounts. Also note that all the automated calculations in this template are based on the review date that is specified on the
Assets sheet. You can therefore roll the template forward for subsequent periods or back to previous periods by simply
changing the review date on the Assets sheet.

All the column headings on the Transact sheet contain a filter selection arrow. These selection arrows indicate that the Filter
feature has been activated on the sheet. The Filter feature can be used to filter the data on the sheet in order to display only
certain asset records on the sheet.

As we've mentioned before, some column headings contain yellow cell backgrounds while other column headings contain
light blue cell backgrounds. The columns with yellow column headings require user input and the columns with light blue
column headings contain formulas which should be copied for all new transactions that are added to the sheet. This is
imperative because the accuracy of all template calculations is dependent on recording transactions correctly. After entering
the required data in the user input columns, please make absolutely sure that the formulas in the calculated columns have
been copied into all the new rows that have been added to the sheet.

Error Codes

The following error codes may result from inaccurate input on the Assets and Transact sheets and will be displayed in the
Error Code columns on the appropriate sheet. The heading of the affected input column will also be highlighted in orange in
order to indicate that an error is present in the appropriate column:

■ E1 - this error code means that a duplicate asset number has been created on the Assets sheet. If you delete the row that
contains the duplicate asset number, the error is resolved.
■ E2 - this error code means that the asset category that needs to be selected in column E on the Assets sheet is blank or
does not exist. Select a valid asset category from the list box in order to resolve the error. Note that all the asset categories
that are included on the Set-up sheet are included in the list box.
■ E3 - this error code means that the asset number that needs to be selected in column C on the Transact sheet is blank or
does not exist. Select a valid asset number from the list box in order to resolve the error. Note that all the asset numbers that
are recorded on the Assets sheet are included in the list box.
■ E4 - this error code means that the transaction type that needs to be selected in column B on the Transact sheet is blank
or does not exist. Select a valid transaction type from the list box in order to resolve the error. Note that this error may also
be displayed in you attempt to record a transaction for an asset that has been disposed of previously. Once a disposal is
recorded for an asset (even if the asset has only been scrapped and not actually disposed of), any subsequent transactions
need to be recorded by using a new asset number.
■ E5 - this error code means that more than one acquisition transaction has been recorded for the same asset. An asset can
only be acquired once. If you therefore need to bring the asset back into the fixed asset register after perhaps recording a
disposal transaction, a new asset number must be used.
■ E6 - this error code means that an invalid transaction amount has been recorded for the selected transaction type. All
transaction amounts should be recorded as positive amounts and a nil transaction amount needs to be entered for all
disposal transactions.

■ E7 - this error code means that an invalid lifetime has been recorded for the selected transaction type. All asset lifetimes
should be recorded as positive values and a nil value needs to be entered for all disposal transactions. Note that you can
also enter a nil value for acquisition or revaluation type transactions but this means that the asset will not be depreciated.

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■ E8 - this error code means that an invalid residual value has been recorded for the selected transaction type. All residual
values should be recorded as positive values and a nil residual value needs to be entered for all disposal transactions. Note
that the residual value of an asset can also not be greater than the transaction amount that is entered in column F.

■ E9 - this error code means that an invalid proceeds on disposal amount has been recorded for the selected transaction
type. All proceeds on disposal amounts should be recorded as positive values and you only need to record an amount in this
column if a disposal type transaction is recorded. Note that the proceeds on the disposal of an asset can never be less than
nil (even if a loss is made on the disposal of an asset) because the proceeds equal the amount that is received after selling
the asset. A nil value may however need to be entered if an asset is scrapped without any compensation being received.
■ E10 - this error code means that a revaluation or disposal type transaction has been recorded for the appropriate asset on
the Transact sheet before an acquisition transaction has been recorded. The first step after adding an asset number to the
Assets sheet should be to record an acquisition transaction for the asset on the Transact sheet even if the asset has been
donated to the business (use a transaction amount of nil).
■ E11 - this error code means that the tax code that needs to be selected in column F on the Assets sheet is blank or does
not exist. Select a valid tax code from the list box in order to resolve the error. Note that all the tax codes that are recorded
on the Set-up sheet are included in the list box.

Note: Input errors may result in inaccurate template calculations and it is therefore imperative that all errors are resolved
before reviewing the fixed asset register balances and processing any general ledger journal entries.

Calculation Methodology

In this section of the instructions, we'll cover the calculation methodology that is applied in order to compile a fixed asset
register with this template. We cover all the different types of transactions that are included in the template and we'll explain
the reasoning behind how each type of transaction is incorporated into the template calculations.


Fixed asset additions are included in the fixed asset register in the month of the acquisition and also depreciated from the
month of acquisition. All fixed asset additions need to be recorded as acquisition type transactions on the Transact sheet in
order to include the assets in the fixed asset register. Acquisitions are usually recorded in the primary accounting system by
allocating the addition to the appropriate fixed asset account and crediting the bank or accounts payable control account.

For the purpose of our automated journal report, fixed asset additions are allocated to the fixed asset cost account that is
specified for the appropriate fixed asset category on the Set-up sheet and credited against the Bank account.


Fixed assets that are disposed of are removed from the fixed asset register in the month of the disposal. All disposals need
to be recorded as disposal type transactions on the Transact sheet. The gross carrying value of the asset is deducted from
the opening balance and the accumulated depreciation on the asset is deducted from the accumulated depreciation as at the
end of the month before the disposal.

Note: Assets that are disposed of are not depreciated in the month of the disposal. This means that no depreciation is
calculated for the month in which the asset is disposed of. This approach is followed in order to offset the calculation of
depreciation from the first month of acquisition.

The proceeds on the disposal of the asset are recorded on the Transact sheet when the disposal transaction is recorded.
The difference between this amount and the net carrying value of the asset (historical cost or gross carrying value less
accumulated depreciation) constitutes the profit or loss on the disposal of the asset.

Note: If an asset is scrapped, the asset can be removed from the fixed asset register by recording a disposal type transaction
on the Transact sheet and entering a nil value in the Proceeds column (column I).

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If an asset has been revalued previously and a revaluation reserve still exists for the asset, the revaluation reserve is
released against the profit or loss account. This means that the net effect will be that the profit or loss on disposal is
calculated based on the historical cost of the asset and that no further adjustments are required in order to reflect the profit
or loss on disposal net of any revaluations that may have been made to the asset.

In terms of the automated journal report, the gross carrying value of the asset is credited against the cost account that is
specified for the particular fixed asset category on the Set-up sheet and debited against the profit or loss account that is also
specified on the Set-up sheet. The accumulated depreciation is debited against the accumulated depreciation account that is
specified on the Set-up sheet and credited against the profit or loss account.

The proceeds on disposal of the asset is debited against the bank account and credited against the profit or loss account. If
there is a revaluation reserve on the date of disposal, the balance of the revaluation reserve is debited against the
revaluation reserve account and credited against the profit or loss account.


The template facilitates recording an unlimited number of revaluations for an unlimited number of fixed assets. All fixed asset
revaluations need to be recorded on the Transact sheet by selecting the revaluation transaction type. Revaluations are
accounted for in the month in which the transaction date falls and are also depreciated based on the revalued amounts from
the transaction month.

When you revalue an asset, the previous cost (or gross carrying amount for assets that have been revalued previously) and
the accumulated depreciation on the asset up to the month before the revaluation are written off to either a revaluation
reserve account or an asset impairment account depending on whether a revaluation surplus or asset impairment results
from the revaluation. This means that immediately after the revaluation, the asset will be reflected at the revalued amount
with no accumulated depreciation.

If the revaluation amount is greater than the net carrying value (historical cost or gross carrying value less accumulated
depreciation), the revaluation results in a revaluation surplus which is allocated to a revaluation reserve account. If the sum
of the revaluation amount and any revaluation reserve which may still exist for the asset is less than the net carrying value,
the result of the revaluation is an asset impairment.

Note: All asset impairments are written off immediately to the income statement by allocating the impairment amount against
the profit or loss for the period.

Note: If the result of the revaluation transaction is a revaluation surplus but an asset impairment write-off has previously been
allocated to the income statement for the particular asset, the previous asset impairment is reversed by allocating a credit to
the income statement and the remainder of the revaluation surplus (if any) is allocated to the revaluation reserve account.

The revaluation reserve account and the asset impairment account for each fixed asset category needs to be specified on
the Set-up sheet. The revaluation reserve account should be a balance sheet account in the equity account group and the
asset impairment account should be an income statement account.

In terms of the automated journal report, the difference between the previous gross carrying value (or historical cost) and the
revaluation amount is adjusted against the asset cost account and the revaluation reserve account. The accumulated
depreciation balance as at the date of revaluation is debited against the accumulated depreciation account and credited
against the revaluation reserve account.

The net result of these two journal entries will be that the asset cost account is adjusted to the revaluation amount, the
accumulated depreciation is adjusted to a nil value and the revaluation surplus is credited to the revaluation reserve account
(if the revaluation amount is greater than the previous net carrying value of the asset).

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Note: Revaluation surpluses are calculated based on the net carrying value of an asset which in turn is calculated by
deducting the accumulated depreciation from the gross carrying value (or historical cost) of the asset in the "Assets at Cost"
section on the fixed asset register. The amounts that are calculated in the Revaluation columns may therefore appear a bit
confusing because the gross carrying value in the cost section may need to be reduced (shown as a negative amount) in
order to adjust the gross carrying value to the revaluation amount but the net result of the revaluation (sum of the
Revaluation columns in both the cost and accumulated depreciation sections) may still result in a revaluation surplus. This is
because the accumulated depreciation (which is always a credit balance) is also allocated to the revaluation reserve account
and also needs to be taken into account when reviewing the amounts in the Revaluation columns.

If the revaluation results in an asset impairment (which means that the revaluation amount is less than the net carrying value
of the asset), the accumulated depreciation as at the date of the revaluation is again debited against the appropriate
accumulated depreciation account and credited to the revaluation reserve account but an equal amount is credited against
the asset cost account and debited against the revaluation reserve account.

The net result of these two journal entries is that the asset cost account is adjusted to the net carrying value of the asset
because the accumulated depreciation is in effect written off against the asset cost account. A separate journal entry then
credits the asset cost account and debits the impairment write-off account that is specified for the appropriate asset category
on the Set-up sheet.

Note: If a revaluation on an asset therefore results in an asset impairment, you can expect to see equal negative values in
the Revaluation columns in both the cost and accumulated depreciation sections on the fixed asset register (which equals
the accumulated depreciation on the asset as at the date of revaluation) and the amount of the impairment write-off in the
Impairment column in the cost section of the fixed asset register.

Note: If a previous impairment on an asset is reversed as a result of a subsequent revaluation surplus, the impairment
reversal amount will be included in the Impairment column in the cost section of the fixed asset register as a positive amount.


All the depreciation calculations that form part of the fixed asset register which is compiled with this template are automated
and based on the transactions that are recorded on the Transact sheet. It is however important to note that the period for
which the depreciation calculations are performed is determined by the review date that is specified in cell E2 on the Assets
sheet. The date in this cell is the only user input that is required in order to update all the depreciation calculations.

All the depreciation calculations are split between depreciation based on the historical cost of an asset and depreciation
based on the revaluation of an asset. This is an important point to note because only the depreciation based on the historical
cost of an asset is allocated as an expense to the income statement. The depreciation based on the revaluation of an asset
is debited against the revaluation reserve that is created when a revaluation surplus results from the revaluation of an asset.
The revaluation reserve is therefore written off over the lifetime of the asset as part of the depreciation journals.

Note: The depreciation based on the revaluation of an asset will not necessarily contain a value immediately after the
revaluation transaction has been recorded. If the new gross carrying value of the asset is less than the historical cost of an
asset, depreciation on the revaluation will only come into effect once the historical cost of the asset has been fully
depreciated. If an asset has however been revalued at a value that is greater than the historical cost which means that the
new gross carrying value exceeds the historical cost of the asset, depreciation on the revaluation will be calculated from the
date of the revaluation transaction.

All depreciation calculations are based on the historical cost or gross carrying value (for assets that have been revalued) of
an asset less any residual value that is specified when recording the appropriate transaction and are calculated on a straight
line basis over the lifetime of the asset which is also specified when recording a transaction.

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Note: This template only accommodates depreciation on a straight line basis. If you therefore need to calculate depreciation
based on a reducing balance or other depreciation basis, the template will not be suitable for your requirements!

Note: When an asset is acquired, depreciation is calculated and written off from the month in which the addition falls. When
an asset is disposed of, depreciation is calculated up to the month before the date of the disposal. When an asset is
revalued, the effect of the revaluation is taken into account from the month in which the revaluation transaction falls.

In terms of the automated journal report, the first two journal entries relate to the depreciation on the historical cost of assets
and the depreciation based on the revaluation of assets. Just like the other journal entries, the depreciation journals are
based on the asset categories that are created on the Set-up sheet. Users are therefore able to specify a separate
depreciation account for each asset category.

Note: If you want to process depreciation journals on a monthly basis, make sure that you select the MTD option from the list
box in cell E2 on the Journals sheet. If you select the YTD option from this list box, all depreciation calculations will be based
on a year-to-date basis.

Tax Allowances

All the tax allowance and tax value calculations in this template are automated. All tax values are calculated based on the
historical cost of an asset and the appropriate tax allowances are calculated based on the difference between the historical
cost of assets and the residual values that are specified when recording transactions on the Transact sheet. The tax
allowance rates are determined based on the tax code that is linked to an asset on the Assets sheet and the annual tax rates
that are specified for the appropriate tax code on the Set-up sheet.

Note: No journals are processed as a result of tax values or tax allowance calculations. These calculations are included in
the template in order to include the tax values of all assets in the fixed asset register and to facilitate the calculation of
deferred tax assets and liabilities.

Deferred Taxation

Deferred tax asset and liability balances are calculated based on the difference between the tax values of assets and the net
carrying value of assets based only on the historical cost of the assets. Depreciation based on the revaluation of assets
should not be allocated to the income statement and therefore also have no effect on deferred tax calculations. All asset
revaluation transactions are therefore ignored for deferred tax purposes.

Note: If an asset is not depreciated, the asset will also not form part of the deferred tax calculations because the difference
between the tax and accounting treatment of the asset is permanent and not temporary as is required in terms of the
principles of deferred taxation.

The income tax rate that is specified in cell C9 on the Set-up sheet is used for all deferred taxation calculations. If this rate is
amended, all deferred tax calculations are updated automatically. A rate adjustment journal has however not been included
in the automated journals and we therefore recommend that users calculate and adjust deferred tax asset and liability
balances independently from the template calculations.

Note: The effect of the rate change can however be determined by saving a new version of the template before changing the
income tax rate, changing the rate and comparing the deferred tax balances between the new and old versions of the

In terms of the automated journal report, the movements in all the deferred tax asset and liability balances for the appropriate
period are allocated to the deferred tax income statement and balance sheet accounts that are specified as part of the asset
category set-up on the Set-up sheet.

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Asset Category Summary

The Category sheet contains a fixed asset register summary for all the asset categories that are created on the Set-up sheet.
Individual assets are linked to a fixed asset category by selecting a category in column E on the Assets sheet. No user input
is required on the Category sheet.

Note: Only the first 30 asset categories are included on the Category sheet by default but you can add additional asset
categories (if required) to the sheet by simply copying the formulas in the last row that contains data into the appropriate
number of additional rows.

Note: If you want to view the detailed fixed asset records that make up the totals on the Category sheet, you can apply a
filter to the Category column on the Assets sheet by clicking the selection arrow next to the column heading and selecting
the appropriate asset category. The totals above the column headings will equal the amounts that are reflected on the
Category sheet.

Note: The Category sheet is compiled based on the review date that is specified in cell E2 on the Assets sheet. If you
therefore want to amend the reporting period for which the asset category summary is compiled, simply enter a new review
date on the Assets sheet.

Asset Class Summary

The Class sheet contains a fixed asset register summary for all the asset classes that are created on the Set-up sheet.
Individual assets are linked to a fixed asset class by selecting an asset category in column E on the Assets sheet. Each
asset category is linked to a separate asset class by selecting the appropriate asset class in the asset category set-up on the
Set-up sheet. No user input is required on the Class sheet.

Note: The template accommodates a maximum of 30 asset classes on the Class sheet. This should be more than sufficient
for any business because the asset classes are used for financial statement reporting purposes.

Note: If fixed assets are reported in the financial statements based on the gross and net carrying amounts, some of the
columns on the Class sheet may need to be consolidated. For example, the opening & closing cost & accumulated
depreciation balances and the revaluation columns will need to be consolidated and included in a single line for the purpose
of compiling a property, plant & equipment note for financial statement purposes. We have not structured the layout of the
sheet on a carrying amount basis because the template also needs to accommodate the fixed assets of businesses that
report on a historical cost basis.

Note: If you want to view the detailed fixed asset records that make up the totals on the Class sheet, you can apply a filter to
the Class column on the Assets sheet by clicking the selection arrow next to the column heading and selecting the
appropriate asset class. The totals above the column headings will equal the amounts that are reflected on the Class sheet.

Note: The Class sheet is compiled based on the review date that is specified in cell E2 on the Assets sheet. If you therefore
want to amend the reporting period for which the asset class summary is compiled, simply enter a new review date on the
Assets sheet.

Fixed Asset Journals

The Journals sheet contains an automated report of the recommended journal entries that need to be processed in order to
account for all fixed asset transactions in a general ledger. The general ledger journal entries on this sheet are compiled on
an asset category basis because each asset category is linked to a general ledger account for each of the transaction types
that are included in the template.

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Excel Skills | Fixed Assets Register Template

Note: Only the first 30 asset categories are included on the Journals sheet by default but you can add additional asset
categories (if required) to the sheet by simply copying the formulas in the last row that contains data into the appropriate
number of additional rows.

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Excel Skills | Fixed Assets Register Template

Note: The Journals sheet is compiled based on the review date that is specified in cell E2 on the Assets sheet. If you
therefore want to amend the reporting period for which the automated journal report is compiled, simply enter a new review
date on the Assets sheet.

The general ledger journal entries on the Journal sheet can be compiled on a month-to-date (MTD) or a year-to-date (YTD)
basis by simply selecting the appropriate period from the list box in cell E2. All the journal entry amount calculations are
automatically updated.

Each general ledger journal entry consists of four columns which contains two sets of accounts and amounts. The account
numbers that are included on the Journal sheet are determined based on the general ledger accounts that are linked to each
asset category on the Set-up sheet. In terms of the journal entry amounts, a positive value refers to a debit entry and a
negative value refers to a credit entry.

There are 11 general ledger journal entries on the Journals sheet - the purpose of each of these journal entries can be
summarized as follows:
■ Depreciation on Historical Cost - this is the depreciation charges based on the historical cost of an asset which is typically
allocated to the income statement.
■ Depreciation on Revaluations - this is the depreciation charges based on the revaluation of an asset which is typically
allocated to the appropriate revaluation reserve account in order to offset (or reduce) revaluation surpluses that have been
created previously as a result of asset revaluations.
■ Additions - this journal records fixed asset additions in the general ledger. Note that in most accounting systems, additions
will be recorded through cashbook (bank) or trade creditors accounting systems.
■ Revaluations - Cost - this journal records the changes to the gross carrying value (or cost) of assets as a result of an asset
revaluation. Note that all the cost changes are allocated to the revaluation reserve account that is specified for the asset
category on the Set-up sheet.

■ Revaluations - Accumulated Depreciation - this journal records the changes to the accumulated depreciation of assets as a
result of an asset revaluation. Note that the accumulated depreciation of assets as at the date of the revaluation is allocated
to the revaluation reserve account that is specified for the asset category on the Set-up sheet.
■ Cost - Impairment - this journal writes off asset impairments to the income statement if the revaluation of an asset resulted
in an impairment (revaluation is less than the previous net carrying value of an asset).
■ Disposals - Proceeds - this journal records the proceeds on the disposal of an asset in the general ledger. Note that in
most accounting systems, the proceeds on disposal will be recorded through cashbook (bank) or trade debtors accounting
■ Disposals - Cost - this journal allocates the cost of a disposed asset to the appropriate profit or loss on disposal account
that is specified for the asset category on the Set-up sheet.
■ Disposals - Accumulated Depreciation - this journal allocates the accumulated depreciation of a disposed asset to the
appropriate profit or loss on disposal account that is specified for the asset category on the Set-up sheet.
■ Disposals - Release Revaluation Reserve - this journal allocates the balance of any remaining revaluation reserve of a
disposed asset to the appropriate profit or loss on disposal account that is specified for the asset category on the Set-up
■ Deferred Taxation - this journal records the movement in deferred tax assets or liabilities for the period.

For more information on the calculation methodology that is applied in compiling the journal entries on the Journals sheet,
refer to the Calculation Methodology section of these instructions.

Note: If you want to analyse the values that have been included on the Journals sheet, we recommend that you refer to the
Category sheet or that you apply the Filter feature to the asset records on the Assets sheet in order to analyse the journal
amounts for a specific asset category.

Circular Reference Warning

Page 25 of 51
Excel Skills | Fixed Assets Register Template

The complex nature of the calculations that have been included in this template requires multiple calculation iterations in
order to complete the calculation cycle. This is only possible in Excel if the iterative calculation setting (which is part of the
default Excel options) has been enabled. We have enabled this setting for the template but unfortunately the setting may be
automatically overridden if a workbook which has this setting deactivated is active in the Excel application when the template
is opened.

Page 26 of 51
Excel Skills | Fixed Assets Register Template

If the iterative calculation setting is overridden when opening the template, the user will receive a circular references warning
and some of the fixed asset register calculations will not be updatable. This is nothing more than an inconvenience which
can be resolved by completing any of the following steps:
■ Activate the calculation iteration settings by selecting the main Tools menu, selecting the Options feature from the menu,
opening the Calculations tab and selecting the checkbox next to the "Iterations" label. You can retain the default settings for
the maximum iterations and maximum change settings. You may notice a "Calculate" message in the status bar at the
bottom of the Excel application window but this message will have no effect on the way in which the calculations are updated
in all the other open workbooks.
■ Close all open workbooks before opening this template. This will ensure that the iteration setting is activated automatically
and you therefore don't need to complete the manual process as per the previous point.
■ If the above steps prove to be too cumbersome for your liking, e-mail our Support function and request a macro enabled
version of the template to be sent to you. The macro enabled version only includes a single macro which automates the
activation and deactivation of the iteration calculation settings.

■ WARNING: When the iteration setting is activated, Excel will not identify and warn users of any circular references that
may be present in the affected workbooks. If circular references are present in a workbook, the absence of these warnings
may lead to inaccurate calculations in the affected workbook. We therefore recommend that you close all other open
workbooks before opening this template; that you do not save any other open workbooks after the iteration setting has been
enabled (or that you resave the workbooks after the iteration setting has been disabled) and that you disable the iteration
setting after using this template.

■ NOTE: The iteration calculation settings only affect the Excel 2003 version of this template. This setting does not need to
be activated in the Excel 2007 / 2010 version of the template which makes the latter version a lot less cumbersome to use.
■ NOTE: In some instances, creating a significant number of duplicate asset numbers may result in the template calculations
slowing down considerably. In the event that this problem is encountered, users need to remove all duplicate asset numbers
in order to restore the template calculations to the normal speed. If duplicate asset numbers exist, an error code will be
displayed in the Error Code column on the Assets sheet.

Template Settings

The functionality that has been included in this template uses data validation and named cell ranges in order to validate all
user input and to produce the reports that form part of this template. Most of the formulas that are used in this template are
based on named cell ranges that include the first 1,000 rows on the Assets and Transact sheets. When the number of
transactions that you've recorded on these sheets reaches this limit, you will therefore have to extend the default number of
rows in order to include all your entries in the template calculations.

The named cell ranges can be extended by accessing the main Insert menu, selecting Name, and selecting Define in order
to open the Define Name dialog box. The calculations that include the transactions on the Assets and Transact sheets are all
based on the "Records" named range. This named cell range includes a default value of 1,000 - you can therefore extend
the number of transactions that are included in the template calculations by simply entering a new value for this named range
and clicking the OK button.

The data validation features that are used to validate user input on the Assets and Transact sheets have been implemented
in the first 1,000 rows on these sheets. Before you reach this limit, you can simply copy one of the blank rows before row
1,000 and paste the cells in this row into the required number of additional rows. This will result in all the data validation
features being copied to the target cell range.

Help & Customization

If you experience any difficulty while using this template and you are not able to find the appropriate guidance in these
instructions, please e-mail us at for assistance. This template has been designed with flexibility in
mind to ensure that it can be used in most business environments. If however you need an Excel based template that is
customized specifically for your business requirements, please e-mail our Support function and provide a brief explanation of
your requirements.

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Excel Skills | Fixed Assets Register Template

© Copyright

This template remains the intellectual property of and is protected by international copyright laws. Any
publication or distribution of this template outside the scope of the permitted use of the template is expressly prohibited. In
terms of the permitted use of this template, only the distribution of the template to persons within the same organisation as
the registered user or persons outside the organisation who can reasonably be expected to require access to the template
as a direct result of the use of the template by the registered user is allowed. Subsequent distribution of the template by
parties outside of the organisation is however expressly prohibited and represents an infringement of international copyright

Page 28 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Template Set-up

Business Details
Business Name Example (Pty) Ltd

Year-End Month February

On this sheet:
The input cells on this sheet enable you to customize the template for your
Income Tax % 28.0%
business. You can enter your business name, select a year end period,
specify an income tax percentage, maintain the default fixed asset classes,
Asset Classes maintain the default fixed asset categories and maintain the default tax
Code Description codes. A complete list of user input error codes are also included on this
LB Land & Buildings sheet for information purposes.
PM Plant & Equipment
CE Computer Equipment
OE Office Equipment
FF Furniture & Fixtures
MV Motor Vehicles
ZZ End of list

Asset Categories
Code Class Description Cost Acc Depr Depr Revalue Impairment Profit Def Tax BS Def Tax IS
LBU01 LB Land & Buildings BS-101 BS-151 IS-401 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
PPM01 PM Main Production Plant BS-102 BS-152 IS-402 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
PPS02 PM Secondary Plant BS-103 BS-153 IS-403 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
EQP01 PM Primary Equipment BS-104 BS-154 IS-404 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
EQS01 PM Secondary Equipment BS-105 BS-155 IS-405 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
SMA01 PM Small Assets BS-106 BS-156 IS-406 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
CHW01 CE Computer Hardware BS-111 BS-161 IS-411 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
CSW01 CE Computer Software BS-112 BS-162 IS-412 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
OFE01 OE Office Equipment BS-121 BS-171 IS-421 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
FFX01 FF Furniture & Fixtures BS-131 BS-181 IS-431 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
MVH01 MV Motor Vehicles BS-142 BS-192 IS-442 BS-801 IS-457 IS-408 BS-750 IS-610
ZZ End of list

Tax Codes
Code App Description Year 1 % Year 2 % Year 3 % Year 4 % Year 5 % 5Y Total AF
A Yes Plant & Equipment - General 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 100.0% 1
B No Plant & Equipment - Special 50.0% 30.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0
C Yes Buildings 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 25.0% 1
D Yes Small Assets 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1
E Yes Computer Equipment - Hardware 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1
F Yes Computer Equipment - Software 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1
G Yes Office Equipment 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 0.0% 100.0% 1
H Yes Furniture & Fixtures 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 16.7% 83.3% 1
I Yes Motor Vehicles 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 100.0% 1
J Yes No Tax Allowance 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1
ZZ End of list

Input Error Codes

Code Reason
E1 Duplicate asset number.
E2 Asset category does not exist.
E3 Asset number does not exist.
E4 Transaction type is blank or invalid.
E5 Duplicate asset additions recorded.
E6 Invalid transaction amount for the selected transaction type.
E7 Invalid asset lifetime for the selected transaction type.
E8 Invalid residual value for the selected transaction type.
E9 Invalid proceeds from disposal of asset.
E10 Asset acquisition not recorded.
E11 Tax Code does not exist.


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Example (Pty) Ltd YTD From YTD To MTD From MTD To
Asset Set-up Review Date 2/28/2019 3/1/2018 2/28/2019 2/1/2019 2/28/2019
Asset Asset ID Asset Tax Error Acquisition Last Trn Current Trn Last PY Trn Last PM Trn Disposal Proceeds Historical Active Active Res
Number Number Description Type Category Code Code Class Date Date Date Date Date Date on Disposal Cost Lifetime Value
LB-00001 99843 Factory Land & Buildings Owned LBU01 J - LB 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 1,500,000 - -
PP-00001 87978921 Aquino V40 X 1 (Melda control) Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 120,000 5.00 -
PP-00002 87879827 Aquino LTC-10 x 1 Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 200,000 5.00 -
PP-00003 98099812 V25 Machining centre x 1 Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 250,000 5.00 -
PP-00004 89098801 Supertech Grinder Mod G30A-50 x1 Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 915,000 5.00 -
PP-00005 90393132 Aquino V40 Cnc Mill Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 500,000 5.00 -
PP-00006 90937839 LTC-20B Cnc Turning Centre Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 400,000 5.00 -
PP-00007 13800981 Leaderway 450 M/centre Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 260,000 5.00 -
PP-00008 38838389 Leaderway V650 CNC Owned PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 295,000 5.00 -
On this sheet:
PP-00009 13763761
This sheet Supertec
enables usersCnc
to Angular
create Wheel Grinder
a unique asset number Owned PPM01
for all fixed B input
assets. User - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 750,000 5.00 -
PP-00010is limited
31837864 Aquino
to entering anT7asset
CNC Machine
identification number, assetOwned
description,PPM01 B asset
asset type, - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 422,200 5.00 -
PP-00011 category
19837364and tax code.
Aquino T7MThe period for which the fixed asset
Ownedregister is compiled
PPM01 B is - PM 7/20/2013 2/12/2019 2/12/2019 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 2/12/2019 150,000 660,450 - -
PP-00012determined by the
13565135 review Press
Briquetting date that is specified at the top of the sheet.
Owned Only the columns
PPM01 B - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 354,600 5.00 -
PP-00013 with65645278
yellow column headings
Starrag require
-Triple Copy Mill user input - the columns
Owned with PPM01
light blue column
B - PM 9/10/2014 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 9/10/2014 3/1/2018 - - 12,500 5.00 -
PP-00014 contain Churchill
98290098 formulas thatShaver
- RH8 should be copied for all newOwned
fixed assets that are added
PPM01 B to - PM 3/17/2015 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 3/17/2015 3/1/2018 - - 70,000 5.00 -
sheet. All the calculations that form part of the fixed Owned
asset register
are therefore
B - PM 6/12/2016 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 6/12/2016 3/1/2018 - - 15,000 5.00 -
PP-00016 92849829 Collet Chuck Owned PPM01 B - PM 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 - 8/15/2018 - - 3,420 5.00 -
PP-00017 902942 Toyota FG 1.8 Ton Forklift Leased PPM01 B - PM 1/20/2019 1/20/2019 1/20/2019 - 1/20/2019 - - 65,000 5.00 5,000.00
PQ-00001 783642 Hydrovane 170 Air Compressor Owned EQP01 A - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 15,000 5.00 -
PQ-00002 998239 Kraft Vertical Bandsaw Owned EQP01 A - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 1,500 5.00 -
PQ-00003 367627 Surface Grinder Owned EQP01 A - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 42,200 5.00 -
PQ-00004 636489 IM4 Engraver Owned EQP01 A - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 36,900 5.00 -
PQ-00005 226563 Yun Shuen 4Hkv Std Milling Machine Owned EQP01 A - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 49,950 5.00 -
PQ-00006 287484 37KV Compressor Owned EQP01 A - PM 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 113,130 5.00 -
PQ-00007 878347 Pollard 8 Spindle Owned EQP01 A - PM 10/12/2014 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 10/12/2014 3/1/2018 - - 6,890 5.00 -
PQ-00008 2-09847 Centre Bore Owned EQP01 A - PM 11/23/2015 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 11/23/2015 3/1/2018 - - 19,100 5.00 -
PQ-00009 187381 IM4 Engraver Owned EQP01 A - PM 2/20/2016 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 2/20/2016 3/1/2018 - - 36,900 5.00 -
PQ-00010 535624 RH8 Hobbing Machine (ex CME) Owned EQP01 A - PM 8/15/2016 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 8/15/2016 3/1/2018 - - 40,000 5.00 -
PQ-00011 892946 ST Drill Sharp Slib8n 4-30 Owned EQP01 A - PM 12/20/2018 12/20/2018 12/20/2018 - 12/20/2018 - - 18,999 5.00 -
FF-00001 FF-01 Office Chairs (5) Owned FFX01 H - FF 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 3,600 6.00 -
FF-00002 FF-02 Office Desks (5) Owned FFX01 H - FF 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 12,400 6.00 -
FF-00003 FF-03 Air conditioner Panasonic Owned FFX01 H - FF 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 5,100 6.00 -
CH-00001 CH-01 Dell Desktops (5) Owned CHW01 E - CE 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 8,200 3.00 -
CH-00002 CH-02 Dell Laptop Owned CHW01 E - CE 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 6,600 3.00 -
CH-00003 CH-03 HP Laser Printer Owned CHW01 E - CE 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 2,100 3.00 -
OE-00001 OE-01 Nashua Copier Owned OFE01 G - OE 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2018 - - 3,400 4.00 -
OE-00002 OE-02 Nashua Copier Owned OFE01 G - OE 5/30/2016 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 5/30/2016 3/1/2018 - - 5,150 4.00 -
CS-00001 CS-01 Microsoft Office 2010 Owned CSW01 F - CE 8/2/2013 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 8/2/2013 3/1/2018 - - 12,800 2.00 -
MV-00001 34543552 Colt Rodeo 3.0(1) Leased MVH01 I - MV 7/20/2013 5/30/2018 5/30/2018 7/20/2013 5/30/2018 5/30/2018 41,000 252,200 - -
MV-00002 872837829 Toyota Hilux 3.0 Leased MVH01 I - MV 6/20/2018 6/20/2018 6/20/2018 - 6/20/2018 - - 288,500 5.00 22,000.00

Page 30 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Set-up Review Date 7,397,870 375,919 (4,076,950) (235,000) (200,000) 3,261,839
© Assets at Cost
Asset Asset ID Current Elapsed Elapsed Elapsed Opening Closing
Number Number Description Tax Cost Tax % Months PY Months CY Months PM Balance Additions Revaluations Disposals Impairment Balance
LB-00001 99843 Factory Land & Buildings 1,500,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 1,500,000 - - - (200,000) 1,300,000
PP-00001 87978921 Aquino V40 X 1 (Melda control) 120,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 120,000 - (80,000) - - 40,000
PP-00002 87879827 Aquino LTC-10 x 1 200,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 200,000 - (140,000) - - 60,000
PP-00003 98099812 V25 Machining centre x 1 250,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 250,000 - (175,000) - - 75,000
PP-00004 89098801 Supertech Grinder Mod G30A-50 x1 915,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 915,000 - (675,000) - - 240,000
PP-00005 90393132 Aquino V40 Cnc Mill 500,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 500,000 - (358,000) - - 142,000
PP-00006 90937839 LTC-20B Cnc Turning Centre 400,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 400,000 - (270,000) - - 130,000
PP-00007 13800981 Leaderway 450 M/centre 260,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 260,000 - (185,000) - - 75,000
PP-00008 38838389 Leaderway V650 CNC 295,000 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 295,000 - (205,000) - - 90,000
On this sheet:
PP-00009 13763761
This sheet Supertec
enables usersCnc
to Angular
create Wheel Grinder
a unique 750,000
asset number for all 0.0% User input
fixed assets. 56.00 68.00 67.00 750,000 - (520,000) - - 230,000
PP-00010is limited
31837864 Aquino
to entering anT7asset
CNC Machine 422,200 asset
identification number, asset description, 0.0% type, asset
56.00 68.00 67.00 422,200 - (302,200) - - 120,000
PP-00011 category
19837364and tax code.
Aquino T7MThe period for which the fixed asset660,450
register is50.0%
compiled is 56.00 - 67.00 660,450 - (470,450) (190,000) - -
PP-00012determined by the
13565135 review Press
Briquetting date that is specified at the top of the354,600
sheet. Only0.0%the columns
56.00 68.00 67.00 354,600 - (254,130) - - 100,470
PP-00013 with65645278
yellow column headings
Starrag require
-Triple Copy Mill user input - the columns12,500
with light0.0%
blue column42.00 54.00 53.00 12,500 - (2,500) - - 10,000
PP-00014 contain Churchill
98290098 formulas thatShaver
- RH8 should be copied for all new fixed assets that
70,000 0.0%are added36.00
to 48.00 47.00 70,000 - (20,000) - - 50,000
sheet. All the calculations that form part of the fixed asset15,000
are therefore 21.00 33.00 32.00 15,000 - 5,000 - - 20,000
PP-00016 92849829 Collet Chuck 3,420 50.0% - 7.00 6.00 - 3,420 - - - 3,420
PP-00017 902942 Toyota FG 1.8 Ton Forklift 65,000 50.0% - 2.00 1.00 - 65,000 - - - 65,000
PQ-00001 783642 Hydrovane 170 Air Compressor 15,000 20.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 15,000 - (10,000) - - 5,000
PQ-00002 998239 Kraft Vertical Bandsaw 1,500 20.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 1,500 - 1,500 - - 3,000
PQ-00003 367627 Surface Grinder 42,200 20.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 42,200 - (27,700) - - 14,500
PQ-00004 636489 IM4 Engraver 36,900 20.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 36,900 - (26,445) - - 10,455
PQ-00005 226563 Yun Shuen 4Hkv Std Milling Machine 49,950 20.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 49,950 - (34,950) - - 15,000
PQ-00006 287484 37KV Compressor 113,130 20.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 113,130 - (80,630) - - 32,500
PQ-00007 878347 Pollard 8 Spindle 6,890 20.0% 41.00 53.00 52.00 6,890 - 110 - - 7,000
PQ-00008 2-09847 Centre Bore 19,100 20.0% 28.00 40.00 39.00 19,100 - (4,775) - - 14,325
PQ-00009 187381 IM4 Engraver 36,900 20.0% 25.00 37.00 36.00 36,900 - (7,380) - - 29,520
PQ-00010 535624 RH8 Hobbing Machine (ex CME) 40,000 20.0% 19.00 31.00 30.00 40,000 - - - - 40,000
PQ-00011 892946 ST Drill Sharp Slib8n 4-30 18,999 20.0% - 3.00 2.00 - 18,999 - - - 18,999
FF-00001 FF-01 Office Chairs (5) 3,600 16.7% 56.00 68.00 67.00 3,600 - (2,150) - - 1,450
FF-00002 FF-02 Office Desks (5) 12,400 16.7% 56.00 68.00 67.00 12,400 - (7,400) - - 5,000
FF-00003 FF-03 Air conditioner Panasonic 5,100 16.7% 56.00 68.00 67.00 5,100 - (2,100) - - 3,000
CH-00001 CH-01 Dell Desktops (5) 8,200 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 8,200 - (6,700) - - 1,500
CH-00002 CH-02 Dell Laptop 6,600 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 6,600 - (4,800) - - 1,800
CH-00003 CH-03 HP Laser Printer 2,100 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 2,100 - 1,900 - - 4,000
OE-00001 OE-01 Nashua Copier 3,400 0.0% 56.00 68.00 67.00 3,400 - (2,200) - - 1,200
OE-00002 OE-02 Nashua Copier 5,150 25.0% 22.00 34.00 33.00 5,150 - 850 - - 6,000
CS-00001 CS-01 Microsoft Office 2010 12,800 0.0% 55.00 67.00 66.00 12,800 - (4,600) - - 8,200
MV-00001 34543552 Colt Rodeo 3.0(1) 252,200 20.0% 56.00 - - 252,200 - (207,200) (45,000) - -
MV-00002 872837829 Toyota Hilux 3.0 288,500 20.0% - 9.00 8.00 - 288,500 - - - 288,500

Page 31 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Set-up Review Date
5,397,789 391,165 8,655 399,820 (5,397,789) (35,833) 363,986 2,897,853 - 1,160,683 (8,655)
© Accumulated Depreciation Revaluation Reserve
Asset Asset ID Opening Depreciation - Depreciation - Depreciation - Closing Closing Opening Revaluation Depreciation -
Number Number Description Balance Cost Revaluation Total Revaluations Disposals Balance Carrying Value Balance Surplus Revaluation
LB-00001 99843 Factory Land & Buildings - - - - - - - 1,300,000 - - -
PP-00001 87978921 Aquino V40 X 1 (Melda control) 112,000 8,000 - 8,000 (112,000) - 8,000 32,000 - 32,000 -
PP-00002 87879827 Aquino LTC-10 x 1 186,667 12,000 - 12,000 (186,667) - 12,000 48,000 - 46,667 -
PP-00003 98099812 V25 Machining centre x 1 233,333 15,000 - 15,000 (233,333) - 15,000 60,000 - 58,333 -
PP-00004 89098801 Supertech Grinder Mod G30A-50 x1 854,000 48,000 - 48,000 (854,000) - 48,000 192,000 - 179,000 -
PP-00005 90393132 Aquino V40 Cnc Mill 466,667 28,400 - 28,400 (466,667) - 28,400 113,600 - 108,667 -
PP-00006 90937839 LTC-20B Cnc Turning Centre 373,333 26,000 - 26,000 (373,333) - 26,000 104,000 - 103,333 -
PP-00007 13800981 Leaderway 450 M/centre 242,667 15,000 - 15,000 (242,667) - 15,000 60,000 - 57,667 -
PP-00008 38838389 Leaderway V650 CNC 275,333 18,000 - 18,000 (275,333) - 18,000 72,000 - 70,333 -
On this sheet:
PP-00009 13763761
This sheet Supertec
enables usersCnc
to Angular
create Wheel Grinder
a unique asset number for all700,000 46,000input
fixed assets. User - 46,000 (700,000) - 46,000 184,000 - 180,000 -
PP-00010is limited
31837864 Aquino
to entering anT7asset
CNC Machine 394,053 asset type,
identification number, asset description, 24,000
asset - 24,000 (394,053) - 24,000 96,000 - 91,853 -
PP-00011 category
19837364and tax code.
Aquino T7MThe period for which the fixed asset register
616,420 is compiled
34,833is - 34,833 (616,420) (34,833) - - - - -
PP-00012determined by the
13565135 review Press
Briquetting date that is specified at the top of the 330,960
sheet. Only the20,094
columns - 20,094 (330,960) - 20,094 80,376 - 76,830 -
PP-00013 with65645278
yellow column headings
Starrag require
-Triple Copy Mill user input - the columns with
8,750light blue column
2,000 - 2,000 (8,750) - 2,000 8,000 - 6,250 -
PP-00014 contain Churchill
98290098 formulas thatShaver
- RH8 should be copied for all new fixed42,000
assets that are added to
10,000 - 10,000 (42,000) - 10,000 40,000 - 22,000 -
sheet. All the calculations that form part of the fixed asset register
Sandmill 5,250
are therefore
3,000 1,000 4,000 (5,250) - 4,000 16,000 - 10,250 (1,000)
PP-00016 92849829 Collet Chuck - 399 - 399 - - 399 3,021 - - -
PP-00017 902942 Toyota FG 1.8 Ton Forklift - 2,000 - 2,000 - - 2,000 63,000 - - -
PQ-00001 783642 Hydrovane 170 Air Compressor 14,000 1,000 - 1,000 (14,000) - 1,000 4,000 - 4,000 -
PQ-00002 998239 Kraft Vertical Bandsaw 1,400 100 500 600 (1,400) - 600 2,400 - 2,900 (500)
PQ-00003 367627 Surface Grinder 39,387 2,813 87 2,900 (39,387) - 2,900 11,600 - 11,687 (87)
PQ-00004 636489 IM4 Engraver 34,440 2,091 - 2,091 (34,440) - 2,091 8,364 - 7,995 -
PQ-00005 226563 Yun Shuen 4Hkv Std Milling Machine 46,620 3,000 - 3,000 (46,620) - 3,000 12,000 - 11,670 -
PQ-00006 287484 37KV Compressor 105,588 6,500 - 6,500 (105,588) - 6,500 26,000 - 24,958 -
PQ-00007 878347 Pollard 8 Spindle 4,708 1,378 22 1,400 (4,708) - 1,400 5,600 - 4,818 (22)
PQ-00008 2-09847 Centre Bore 8,913 2,865 - 2,865 (8,913) - 2,865 11,460 - 4,138 -
PQ-00009 187381 IM4 Engraver 15,375 5,904 - 5,904 (15,375) - 5,904 23,616 - 7,995 -
PQ-00010 535624 RH8 Hobbing Machine (ex CME) 12,667 8,000 - 8,000 (12,667) - 8,000 32,000 - 12,667 -
PQ-00011 892946 ST Drill Sharp Slib8n 4-30 - 950 - 950 - - 950 18,049 - - -
FF-00001 FF-01 Office Chairs (5) 2,800 242 - 242 (2,800) - 242 1,208 - 650 -
FF-00002 FF-02 Office Desks (5) 9,644 833 - 833 (9,644) - 833 4,167 - 2,244 -
FF-00003 FF-03 Air conditioner Panasonic 3,967 500 - 500 (3,967) - 500 2,500 - 1,867 -
CH-00001 CH-01 Dell Desktops (5) 8,200 - 500 500 (8,200) - 500 1,000 - 1,500 (500)
CH-00002 CH-02 Dell Laptop 6,600 - 600 600 (6,600) - 600 1,200 - 1,800 (600)
CH-00003 CH-03 HP Laser Printer 2,100 - 1,333 1,333 (2,100) - 1,333 2,667 - 4,000 (1,333)
OE-00001 OE-01 Nashua Copier 3,400 - 300 300 (3,400) - 300 900 - 1,200 (300)
OE-00002 OE-02 Nashua Copier 2,360 1,288 213 1,500 (2,360) - 1,500 4,500 - 3,210 (213)
CS-00001 CS-01 Microsoft Office 2010 12,800 - 4,100 4,100 (12,800) - 4,100 4,100 - 8,200 (4,100)
MV-00001 34543552 Colt Rodeo 3.0(1) 221,387 1,000 - 1,000 (221,387) (1,000) - - - - -
MV-00002 872837829 Toyota Hilux 3.0 - 39,975 - 39,975 - - 39,975 248,525 - - -

Page 32 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Set-up Review Date
© Revaluation Reserve
Asset Asset ID Closing
Number Number Description Balance
LB-00001 99843 Factory Land & Buildings -
PP-00001 87978921 Aquino V40 X 1 (Melda control) 32,000
PP-00002 87879827 Aquino LTC-10 x 1 46,667
PP-00003 98099812 V25 Machining centre x 1 58,333
PP-00004 89098801 Supertech Grinder Mod G30A-50 x1 179,000
PP-00005 90393132 Aquino V40 Cnc Mill 108,667
PP-00006 90937839 LTC-20B Cnc Turning Centre 103,333
PP-00007 13800981 Leaderway 450 M/centre 57,667
PP-00008 38838389 Leaderway V650 CNC 70,333
On this sheet:
PP-00009 13763761
This sheet Supertec
enables usersCnc
to Angular
create Wheel Grinder
a unique asset number for all180,000
fixed assets. User input
PP-00010is limited
31837864 Aquino
to entering anT7asset
CNC Machine 91,853 asset type, asset
identification number, asset description,
PP-00011 category
19837364and tax code.
Aquino T7MThe period for which the fixed asset register - is compiled is
PP-00012determined by the
13565135 review Press
Briquetting date that is specified at the top of the sheet.
76,830 Only the columns
PP-00013 with65645278
yellow column headings
Starrag require
-Triple Copy Mill user input - the columns with
6,250light blue column
PP-00014 contain Churchill
98290098 formulas thatShaver
- RH8 should be copied for all new fixed22,000
assets that are added to
sheet. All the calculations that form part of the fixed asset register
Sandmill 9,250
are therefore
PP-00016 92849829 Collet Chuck -
PP-00017 902942 Toyota FG 1.8 Ton Forklift -
PQ-00001 783642 Hydrovane 170 Air Compressor 4,000
PQ-00002 998239 Kraft Vertical Bandsaw 2,400
PQ-00003 367627 Surface Grinder 11,600
PQ-00004 636489 IM4 Engraver 7,995
PQ-00005 226563 Yun Shuen 4Hkv Std Milling Machine 11,670
PQ-00006 287484 37KV Compressor 24,958
PQ-00007 878347 Pollard 8 Spindle 4,796
PQ-00008 2-09847 Centre Bore 4,138
PQ-00009 187381 IM4 Engraver 7,995
PQ-00010 535624 RH8 Hobbing Machine (ex CME) 12,667
PQ-00011 892946 ST Drill Sharp Slib8n 4-30 -
FF-00001 FF-01 Office Chairs (5) 650
FF-00002 FF-02 Office Desks (5) 2,244
FF-00003 FF-03 Air conditioner Panasonic 1,867
CH-00001 CH-01 Dell Desktops (5) 1,000
CH-00002 CH-02 Dell Laptop 1,200
CH-00003 CH-03 HP Laser Printer 2,667
OE-00001 OE-01 Nashua Copier 900
OE-00002 OE-02 Nashua Copier 2,998
CS-00001 CS-01 Microsoft Office 2010 4,100
MV-00001 34543552 Colt Rodeo 3.0(1) -
MV-00002 872837829 Toyota Hilux 3.0 -

Page 33 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Set-up Review Date
(200,000) 151,990 31,728 809 32,537 2,000,081 (254,256) 1,745,825 (40,925)
© Current Month Depreciation Carrying Value at Historical Cost
Asset Asset ID Impairment Profit / (Loss) Opening YTD Closing MTD
Number Number Description Write-Offs on Disposal Cost Revaluation Total Balance Movement Balance Movement
LB-00001 99843 Factory Land & Buildings (200,000) - - - - 1,500,000 (200,000) 1,300,000 -
PP-00001 87978921 Aquino V40 X 1 (Melda control) - - 667 - 667 8,000 (8,000) - (667)
PP-00002 87879827 Aquino LTC-10 x 1 - - 1,000 - 1,000 13,333 (12,000) 1,333 (1,000)
PP-00003 98099812 V25 Machining centre x 1 - - 1,250 - 1,250 16,667 (15,000) 1,667 (1,250)
PP-00004 89098801 Supertech Grinder Mod G30A-50 x1 - - 4,000 - 4,000 61,000 (48,000) 13,000 (4,000)
PP-00005 90393132 Aquino V40 Cnc Mill - - 2,367 - 2,367 33,333 (28,400) 4,933 (2,367)
PP-00006 90937839 LTC-20B Cnc Turning Centre - - 2,167 - 2,167 26,667 (26,000) 667 (2,167)
PP-00007 13800981 Leaderway 450 M/centre - - 1,250 - 1,250 17,333 (15,000) 2,333 (1,250)
PP-00008 38838389 Leaderway V650 CNC - - 1,500 - 1,500 19,667 (18,000) 1,667 (1,500)
On this sheet:
PP-00009 13763761
This sheet Supertec
enables usersCnc
to Angular
create Wheel Grinder
a unique - assets. User- input
asset number for all fixed 3,833 - 3,833 50,000 (46,000) 4,000 (3,833)
PP-00010is limited
31837864 Aquino
to entering anT7asset
CNC Machine
identification number, asset description, - asset type, -asset 2,000 - 2,000 28,147 (24,000) 4,147 (2,000)
PP-00011 category
19837364and tax code.
Aquino T7MThe period for which the fixed asset register - is compiled
140,803is - - - 44,030 (44,030) - (9,197)
PP-00012determined by the
13565135 review Press
Briquetting date that is specified at the top of the sheet.
- Only the columns
- 1,675 - 1,675 23,640 (20,094) 3,546 (1,675)
PP-00013 with65645278
yellow column headings
Starrag require
-Triple Copy Mill user input - the columns with- light blue column
- 167 - 167 3,750 (2,000) 1,750 (167)
PP-00014 contain Churchill
98290098 formulas thatShaver
- RH8 should be copied for all new fixed assets
- that are added
- to 833 - 833 28,000 (10,000) 18,000 (833)
sheet. All the calculations that form part of the fixed asset register
Sandmill -
are therefore
- 250 83 333 9,750 (3,000) 6,750 (250)
PP-00016 92849829 Collet Chuck - - 57 - 57 - 3,021 3,021 (57)
PP-00017 902942 Toyota FG 1.8 Ton Forklift - - 1,000 - 1,000 - 63,000 63,000 (1,000)
PQ-00001 783642 Hydrovane 170 Air Compressor - - 83 - 83 1,000 (1,000) - (83)
PQ-00002 998239 Kraft Vertical Bandsaw - - - 50 50 100 (100) - -
PQ-00003 367627 Surface Grinder - - 155 87 242 2,813 (2,813) - (155)
PQ-00004 636489 IM4 Engraver - - 174 - 174 2,460 (2,091) 369 (174)
PQ-00005 226563 Yun Shuen 4Hkv Std Milling Machine - - 250 - 250 3,330 (3,000) 330 (250)
PQ-00006 287484 37KV Compressor - - 542 - 542 7,542 (6,500) 1,042 (542)
PQ-00007 878347 Pollard 8 Spindle - - 115 2 117 2,182 (1,378) 804 (115)
PQ-00008 2-09847 Centre Bore - - 239 - 239 10,187 (2,865) 7,322 (239)
PQ-00009 187381 IM4 Engraver - - 492 - 492 21,525 (5,904) 15,621 (492)
PQ-00010 535624 RH8 Hobbing Machine (ex CME) - - 667 - 667 27,333 (8,000) 19,333 (667)
PQ-00011 892946 ST Drill Sharp Slib8n 4-30 - - 317 - 317 - 18,049 18,049 (317)
FF-00001 FF-01 Office Chairs (5) - - 20 - 20 800 (242) 558 (20)
FF-00002 FF-02 Office Desks (5) - - 69 - 69 2,756 (833) 1,922 (69)
FF-00003 FF-03 Air conditioner Panasonic - - 42 - 42 1,133 (500) 633 (42)
CH-00001 CH-01 Dell Desktops (5) - - - 42 42 - - - -
CH-00002 CH-02 Dell Laptop - - - 50 50 - - - -
CH-00003 CH-03 HP Laser Printer - - - 111 111 - - - -
OE-00001 OE-01 Nashua Copier - - - 25 25 - - - -
OE-00002 OE-02 Nashua Copier - - 107 18 125 2,790 (1,288) 1,502 (107)
CS-00001 CS-01 Microsoft Office 2010 - - - 342 342 - - - -
MV-00001 34543552 Colt Rodeo 3.0(1) - 11,187 - - - 30,813 (30,813) - -
MV-00002 872837829 Toyota Hilux 3.0 - - 4,442 - 4,442 - 248,525 248,525 (4,442)

Page 34 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Set-up Review Date
1,619,764 226,843 1,846,607 (6,873) 106,489 (78,708) 27,781 (9,534)
© Tax Values Deferred Taxation
Asset Asset ID Opening YTD Closing MTD Opening YTD Closing MTD
Number Number Description Balance Movement Balance Movement Balance Movement Balance Movement
LB-00001 99843 Factory Land & Buildings 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 - - - - -
PP-00001 87978921 Aquino V40 X 1 (Melda control) - - - - 2,240 (2,240) - (187)
PP-00002 87879827 Aquino LTC-10 x 1 - - - - 3,733 (3,360) 373 (280)
PP-00003 98099812 V25 Machining centre x 1 - - - - 4,667 (4,200) 467 (350)
PP-00004 89098801 Supertech Grinder Mod G30A-50 x1 - - - - 17,080 (13,440) 3,640 (1,120)
PP-00005 90393132 Aquino V40 Cnc Mill - - - - 9,333 (7,952) 1,381 (663)
PP-00006 90937839 LTC-20B Cnc Turning Centre - - - - 7,467 (7,280) 187 (607)
PP-00007 13800981 Leaderway 450 M/centre - - - - 4,853 (4,200) 653 (350)
PP-00008 38838389 Leaderway V650 CNC - - - - 5,507 (5,040) 467 (420)
On this sheet:
PP-00009 13763761
This sheet Supertec
enables usersCnc
to Angular
create Wheel Grinder
a unique - assets. User
asset number for all fixed - input - - 14,000 (12,880) 1,120 (1,073)
PP-00010is limited
31837864 Aquino
to entering anT7asset
CNC Machine
identification number, asset description, - asset type,- asset - - 7,881 (6,720) 1,161 (560)
PP-00011 category
19837364and tax code.
Aquino T7MThe period for which the fixed asset register - is compiled- is - - 12,328 (12,328) - (2,575)
PP-00012determined by the
13565135 review Press
Briquetting date that is specified at the top of the sheet.
- Only the columns
- - - 6,619 (5,626) 993 (469)
PP-00013 with65645278
yellow column headings
Starrag require
-Triple Copy Mill user input - the columns with- light blue column
- - - 1,050 (560) 490 (47)
PP-00014 contain Churchill
98290098 formulas thatShaver
- RH8 should be copied for all new fixed assets
- that are added
- to - - 7,840 (2,800) 5,040 (233)
sheet. All the calculations that form part of the fixed asset register
Sandmill 3,000
are therefore
(3,000) - - 1,890 - 1,890 (70)
PP-00016 92849829 Collet Chuck - 1,710 1,710 - - 367 367 (16)
PP-00017 902942 Toyota FG 1.8 Ton Forklift - 35,000 35,000 - - 7,840 7,840 (280)
PQ-00001 783642 Hydrovane 170 Air Compressor 1,000 (1,000) - - - - - (23)
PQ-00002 998239 Kraft Vertical Bandsaw 100 (100) - - - - - -
PQ-00003 367627 Surface Grinder 2,813 (2,813) - - - - - (43)
PQ-00004 636489 IM4 Engraver 2,460 (2,460) - - - 103 103 (49)
PQ-00005 226563 Yun Shuen 4Hkv Std Milling Machine 3,330 (3,330) - - - 92 92 (70)
PQ-00006 287484 37KV Compressor 7,542 (7,542) - - - 292 292 (152)
PQ-00007 878347 Pollard 8 Spindle 2,182 (1,378) 804 (115) - - - -
PQ-00008 2-09847 Centre Bore 10,187 (3,820) 6,367 (318) - 267 267 22
PQ-00009 187381 IM4 Engraver 21,525 (7,380) 14,145 (615) - 413 413 34
PQ-00010 535624 RH8 Hobbing Machine (ex CME) 27,333 (8,000) 19,333 (667) - - - -
PQ-00011 892946 ST Drill Sharp Slib8n 4-30 - 18,049 18,049 (317) - - - -
FF-00001 FF-01 Office Chairs (5) 800 (600) 200 (50) - 100 100 8
FF-00002 FF-02 Office Desks (5) 2,756 (2,067) 689 (172) - 345 345 29
FF-00003 FF-03 Air conditioner Panasonic 1,133 (850) 283 (71) - 98 98 8
CH-00001 CH-01 Dell Desktops (5) - - - - - - - -
CH-00002 CH-02 Dell Laptop - - - - - - - -
CH-00003 CH-03 HP Laser Printer - - - - - - - -
OE-00001 OE-01 Nashua Copier - - - - - - - -
OE-00002 OE-02 Nashua Copier 2,790 (1,288) 1,502 (107) - - - -
CS-00001 CS-01 Microsoft Office 2010 - - - - - - - -
MV-00001 34543552 Colt Rodeo 3.0(1) 30,813 (30,813) - - - - - -
MV-00002 872837829 Toyota Hilux 3.0 - 248,525 248,525 (4,442) - - - -

Page 35 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
Transaction Transaction Asset Document Lifetime in Residual Proceeds on Error Transaction Previous Trn Depr End Depr YTD Depr YTD To
Date Type Number Supplier Number Amount Years Value Sale Code Category Date ID Date Next Trn Date Date From Date Date
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00001 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 8,200.00 3.00 - - - CHW01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2016 12/30/1899 12/30/1899
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00002 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 6,600.00 3.00 - - - CHW01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2016 12/30/1899 12/30/1899
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00003 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 2,100.00 3.00 - - - CHW01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2016 12/30/1899 12/30/1899
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00001 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 3,600.00 6.00 - - - FFX01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2019 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00002 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 12,400.00 6.00 - - - FFX01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2019 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00003 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 5,100.00 6.00 - - - FFX01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2019 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ LB-00001 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 1,500,000.00 - - - - LBU01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2013 12/30/1899 12/30/1899
On this sheet:
7/20/2013 ACQ MV-00001 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 252,200.00 5.00 15,000.00 - - MVH01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
All fixed asset transactions need to be recorded on this sheet. Asset transactions include
7/20/2013 ACQ OE-00001 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 3,400.00 4.00 - - - OFE01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2017 12/30/1899 12/30/1899
acquisitions, revaluations and disposals. All the depreciation calculations that form part
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00001 ABC Incorporated
of this templateP/Agreement
are automated and120,000.00 5.00
therefore do not require -
a transaction - -
to be entered. PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00002 ABC Incorporated
Only the columnsP/Agreement 200,000.00
with yellow column 5.00 user input- - the columns
headings require - with- PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00003 light blue column
ABC Incorporated headings contain
P/Agreement formulas that
250,000.00 should be copied
5.00 - for all new
- - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00004 ABC transactions
Incorporated thatP/Agreement
are added to the sheet. All the fixed asset
915,000.00 5.00 transactions
- on this sheet
- are
- PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00005 ABC Incorporatedautomatically updated to the
P/Agreement fixed asset register
500,000.00 5.00 on the Assets
- sheet. - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00006 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 400,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00007 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 260,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00008 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 295,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00009 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 750,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00010 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 422,200.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00011 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 660,450.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00012 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 354,600.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00001 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 15,000.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00002 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 1,500.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00003 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 42,200.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00004 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 36,900.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00005 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 49,950.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00006 ABC Incorporated P/Agreement 113,130.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 7/20/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 6/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
8/2/2013 ACQ CS-00001 Accpac I983535 12,800.00 2.00 - - - CSW01 8/2/2013 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 7/31/2015 12/30/1899 12/30/1899
9/10/2014 ACQ PP-00013 EQP Suppliers IN7736 12,500.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 9/10/2014 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 8/31/2019 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
10/12/2014 ACQ PQ-00007 EQP Suppliers IN7792 6,890.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 10/12/2014 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 9/30/2019 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
3/17/2015 ACQ PP-00014 EQP Suppliers IN9937 70,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/17/2015 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 2/29/2020 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
11/23/2015 ACQ PQ-00008 EQP Suppliers IN9919 19,100.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 11/23/2015 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 10/31/2020 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
2/20/2016 ACQ PQ-00009 EQP Suppliers IN12690 36,900.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 2/20/2016 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 1/31/2021 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
5/30/2016 ACQ OE-00002 Nashua I99838 5,150.00 4.00 - - - OFE01 5/30/2016 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 4/30/2020 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
6/12/2016 ACQ PP-00015 EQP Suppliers IN12663 15,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 6/12/2016 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 5/31/2021 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
8/15/2016 ACQ PQ-00010 EQP Suppliers IN15752 40,000.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 8/15/2016 12/30/1899 3/1/2018 7/31/2021 3/1/2018 3/1/2018
3/1/2018 REV CH-00001 None Revalue 1,500.00 3.00 - - - CHW01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2021 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV CH-00002 None Revalue 1,800.00 3.00 - - - CHW01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2021 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV CH-00003 None Revalue 4,000.00 3.00 - - - CHW01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2021 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV CS-00001 None Revalue 8,200.00 2.00 - - - CSW01 3/1/2018 8/2/2013 3/1/2019 2/29/2020 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV FF-00001 None Revalue 1,450.00 6.00 - - - FFX01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/29/2024 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV FF-00002 None Revalue 5,000.00 6.00 - - - FFX01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/29/2024 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV FF-00003 None Revalue 3,000.00 6.00 - - - FFX01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/29/2024 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV LB-00001 None Revalue 1,300,000.00 - - - - LBU01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2018 12/30/1899 12/30/1899
3/1/2018 REV MV-00001 None Revalue 45,000.00 5.00 15,000.00 - - MVH01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 5/30/2018 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 4/30/2018
3/1/2018 REV OE-00001 None Revalue 1,200.00 4.00 - - - OFE01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2022 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV OE-00002 None Revalue 6,000.00 4.00 - - - OFE01 3/1/2018 5/30/2016 3/1/2019 2/28/2022 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00001 None Revalue 40,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00002 None Revalue 60,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00003 None Revalue 75,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00004 None Revalue 240,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00005 None Revalue 142,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00006 None Revalue 130,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019

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Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
Transaction Transaction Asset Document Lifetime in Residual Proceeds on Error Transaction Previous Trn Depr End Depr YTD Depr YTD To
Date Type Number Supplier Number Amount Years Value Sale Code Category Date ID Date Next Trn Date Date From Date Date
3/1/2018 REV PP-00007 None Revalue 75,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00008 None Revalue 90,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00009 None Revalue 230,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00010 None Revalue 120,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00011 None Revalue 190,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 2/12/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 1/31/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00012 None Revalue 100,470.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00013 None Revalue 10,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 9/10/2014 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00014 None Revalue 50,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 3/17/2015 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PP-00015 None Revalue 20,000.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 3/1/2018 6/12/2016 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00001 None Revalue 5,000.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00002 None Revalue 3,000.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00003 None Revalue 14,500.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00004 None Revalue 10,455.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00005 None Revalue 15,000.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00006 None Revalue 32,500.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 7/20/2013 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00007 None Revalue 7,000.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 10/12/2014 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00008 None Revalue 14,325.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 11/23/2015 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00009 None Revalue 29,520.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 2/20/2016 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00010 None Revalue 40,000.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 3/1/2018 8/15/2016 3/1/2019 2/28/2023 3/1/2018 2/28/2019
5/30/2018 DIS MV-00001 Toyota Sale - - - 41,000.00 - MVH01 5/30/2018 3/1/2018 3/1/2019 4/30/2018 4/30/2018 4/30/2018
6/20/2018 ACQ MV-00002 Toyota Lease2 288,500.00 5.00 22,000.00 - - MVH01 6/20/2018 12/30/1899 3/1/2019 5/31/2023 6/1/2018 2/28/2019
8/15/2018 ACQ PP-00016 EQP Suppliers IN15776 3,420.00 5.00 - - - PPM01 8/15/2018 12/30/1899 3/1/2019 7/31/2023 8/1/2018 2/28/2019
12/20/2018 ACQ PQ-00011 EQP Suppliers IN17892 18,999.00 5.00 - - - EQP01 12/20/2018 12/30/1899 3/1/2019 11/30/2023 12/1/2018 2/28/2019
1/20/2019 ACQ PP-00017 Toyota Lease1 65,000.00 5.00 5,000.00 - - PPM01 1/20/2019 12/30/1899 3/1/2019 12/31/2023 1/1/2019 2/28/2019
2/12/2019 DIS PP-00011 QS Equipment Sale - - - 150,000.00 - PPM01 2/12/2019 3/1/2018 3/1/2019 1/31/2019 1/31/2019 1/31/2019

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Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
Transaction Transaction Asset Depr YTD Transaction Asset Historical Current Current Previous Previous Previous Current Accum Current Accum Depr: Accum Depr: Accum Depr:
Date Type Number Months Amount Cost Lifetime Residual Deemed Cost Residual Value Lifetime Depr Carrying Value Cost Revaluation Rev <PY
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00001 - 8,200.00 8,200.00 3.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00002 - 6,600.00 6,600.00 3.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00003 - 2,100.00 2,100.00 3.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00001 - 3,600.00 3,600.00 6.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00002 - 12,400.00 12,400.00 6.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00003 - 5,100.00 5,100.00 6.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ LB-00001 - 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 - - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ MV-00001 - 252,200.00 252,200.00 5.00 15,000.00 - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ OE-00001 - 3,400.00 3,400.00 4.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00001 - 120,000.00 120,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00002 - 200,000.00 200,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00003 - 250,000.00 250,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00004 - 915,000.00 915,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00005 - 500,000.00 500,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00006 - 400,000.00 400,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00007 - 260,000.00 260,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00008 - 295,000.00 295,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00009 - 750,000.00 750,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00010 - 422,200.00 422,200.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00011 - 660,450.00 660,450.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00012 - 354,600.00 354,600.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00001 - 15,000.00 15,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00002 - 1,500.00 1,500.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00003 - 42,200.00 42,200.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00004 - 36,900.00 36,900.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00005 - 49,950.00 49,950.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00006 - 113,130.00 113,130.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
8/2/2013 ACQ CS-00001 - 12,800.00 12,800.00 2.00 - - - - - - - - -
9/10/2014 ACQ PP-00013 - 12,500.00 12,500.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
10/12/2014 ACQ PQ-00007 - 6,890.00 6,890.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
3/17/2015 ACQ PP-00014 - 70,000.00 70,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
11/23/2015 ACQ PQ-00008 - 19,100.00 19,100.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
2/20/2016 ACQ PQ-00009 - 36,900.00 36,900.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
5/30/2016 ACQ OE-00002 - 5,150.00 5,150.00 4.00 - - - - - - - - -
6/12/2016 ACQ PP-00015 - 15,000.00 15,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
8/15/2016 ACQ PQ-00010 - 40,000.00 40,000.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
3/1/2018 REV CH-00001 12.00 1,500.00 8,200.00 3.00 - 8,200.00 - 3.00 8,200.00 - 8,200.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV CH-00002 12.00 1,800.00 6,600.00 3.00 - 6,600.00 - 3.00 6,600.00 - 6,600.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV CH-00003 12.00 4,000.00 2,100.00 3.00 - 2,100.00 - 3.00 2,100.00 - 2,100.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV CS-00001 12.00 8,200.00 12,800.00 2.00 - 12,800.00 - 2.00 12,800.00 - 12,800.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV FF-00001 12.00 1,450.00 3,600.00 6.00 - 3,600.00 - 6.00 2,800.00 800.00 2,800.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV FF-00002 12.00 5,000.00 12,400.00 6.00 - 12,400.00 - 6.00 9,644.44 2,755.56 9,644.44 - -
3/1/2018 REV FF-00003 12.00 3,000.00 5,100.00 6.00 - 5,100.00 - 6.00 3,966.67 1,133.33 3,966.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV LB-00001 - 1,300,000.00 1,500,000.00 - - 1,500,000.00 - - - 1,500,000.00 - - -
3/1/2018 REV MV-00001 2.00 45,000.00 252,200.00 5.00 15,000.00 252,200.00 15,000.00 5.00 221,386.67 30,813.33 221,386.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV OE-00001 12.00 1,200.00 3,400.00 4.00 - 3,400.00 - 4.00 3,400.00 - 3,400.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV OE-00002 12.00 6,000.00 5,150.00 4.00 - 5,150.00 - 4.00 2,360.42 2,789.58 2,360.42 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00001 12.00 40,000.00 120,000.00 5.00 - 120,000.00 - 5.00 112,000.00 8,000.00 112,000.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00002 12.00 60,000.00 200,000.00 5.00 - 200,000.00 - 5.00 186,666.67 13,333.33 186,666.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00003 12.00 75,000.00 250,000.00 5.00 - 250,000.00 - 5.00 233,333.33 16,666.67 233,333.33 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00004 12.00 240,000.00 915,000.00 5.00 - 915,000.00 - 5.00 854,000.00 61,000.00 854,000.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00005 12.00 142,000.00 500,000.00 5.00 - 500,000.00 - 5.00 466,666.67 33,333.33 466,666.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00006 12.00 130,000.00 400,000.00 5.00 - 400,000.00 - 5.00 373,333.33 26,666.67 373,333.33 - -

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Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
Transaction Transaction Asset Depr YTD Transaction Asset Historical Current Current Previous Previous Previous Current Accum Current Accum Depr: Accum Depr: Accum Depr:
Date Type Number Months Amount Cost Lifetime Residual Deemed Cost Residual Value Lifetime Depr Carrying Value Cost Revaluation Rev <PY
3/1/2018 REV PP-00007 12.00 75,000.00 260,000.00 5.00 - 260,000.00 - 5.00 242,666.67 17,333.33 242,666.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00008 12.00 90,000.00 295,000.00 5.00 - 295,000.00 - 5.00 275,333.33 19,666.67 275,333.33 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00009 12.00 230,000.00 750,000.00 5.00 - 750,000.00 - 5.00 700,000.00 50,000.00 700,000.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00010 12.00 120,000.00 422,200.00 5.00 - 422,200.00 - 5.00 394,053.33 28,146.67 394,053.33 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00011 11.00 190,000.00 660,450.00 5.00 - 660,450.00 - 5.00 616,420.00 44,030.00 616,420.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00012 12.00 100,470.00 354,600.00 5.00 - 354,600.00 - 5.00 330,960.00 23,640.00 330,960.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00013 12.00 10,000.00 12,500.00 5.00 - 12,500.00 - 5.00 8,750.00 3,750.00 8,750.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00014 12.00 50,000.00 70,000.00 5.00 - 70,000.00 - 5.00 42,000.00 28,000.00 42,000.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00015 12.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 5.00 - 15,000.00 - 5.00 5,250.00 9,750.00 5,250.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00001 12.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 5.00 - 15,000.00 - 5.00 14,000.00 1,000.00 14,000.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00002 12.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 5.00 - 1,500.00 - 5.00 1,400.00 100.00 1,400.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00003 12.00 14,500.00 42,200.00 5.00 - 42,200.00 - 5.00 39,386.67 2,813.33 39,386.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00004 12.00 10,455.00 36,900.00 5.00 - 36,900.00 - 5.00 34,440.00 2,460.00 34,440.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00005 12.00 15,000.00 49,950.00 5.00 - 49,950.00 - 5.00 46,620.00 3,330.00 46,620.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00006 12.00 32,500.00 113,130.00 5.00 - 113,130.00 - 5.00 105,588.00 7,542.00 105,588.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00007 12.00 7,000.00 6,890.00 5.00 - 6,890.00 - 5.00 4,708.17 2,181.83 4,708.17 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00008 12.00 14,325.00 19,100.00 5.00 - 19,100.00 - 5.00 8,913.33 10,186.67 8,913.33 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00009 12.00 29,520.00 36,900.00 5.00 - 36,900.00 - 5.00 15,375.00 21,525.00 15,375.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00010 12.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 5.00 - 40,000.00 - 5.00 12,666.67 27,333.33 12,666.67 - -
5/30/2018 DIS MV-00001 - - 252,200.00 - - 45,000.00 15,000.00 5.00 1,000.00 44,000.00 222,386.67 - -
6/20/2018 ACQ MV-00002 9.00 288,500.00 288,500.00 5.00 22,000.00 - - - - - - - -
8/15/2018 ACQ PP-00016 7.00 3,420.00 3,420.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
12/20/2018 ACQ PQ-00011 3.00 18,999.00 18,999.00 5.00 - - - - - - - - -
1/20/2019 ACQ PP-00017 2.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 5.00 5,000.00 - - - - - - - -
2/12/2019 DIS PP-00011 - - 660,450.00 - - 190,000.00 - 5.00 34,833.33 155,166.67 651,253.33 - -

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Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
© 399,819.62 391,165.12 32,537.18
Transaction Transaction Asset Previous Revaluation Current Previous Impairment Profit / (Loss) YTD Total YTD Total Depr YTD Cost Accum Depr at Accum Depr at Depr: Cost by MTD Total
Date Type Number Revaluation Surplus Revaluation Impairment Value on Disposal Depreciation at Cost Depreciation PY Cost Bal Cost PY Transaction Depreciation
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00001 - - - - - - - - - - 8,200.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00002 - - - - - - - - - - 6,600.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00003 - - - - - - - - - - 2,100.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00001 - - - - - - - - - - 2,800.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00002 - - - - - - - - - - 9,644.44 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00003 - - - - - - - - - - 3,966.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ LB-00001 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ MV-00001 - - - - - - - - - - 221,386.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ OE-00001 - - - - - - - - - - 3,400.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00001 - - - - - - - - - - 112,000.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00002 - - - - - - - - - - 186,666.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00003 - - - - - - - - - - 233,333.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00004 - - - - - - - - - - 854,000.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00005 - - - - - - - - - - 466,666.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00006 - - - - - - - - - - 373,333.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00007 - - - - - - - - - - 242,666.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00008 - - - - - - - - - - 275,333.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00009 - - - - - - - - - - 700,000.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00010 - - - - - - - - - - 394,053.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00011 - - - - - - - - - - 616,420.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00012 - - - - - - - - - - 330,960.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00001 - - - - - - - - - - 14,000.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00002 - - - - - - - - - - 1,400.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00003 - - - - - - - - - - 39,386.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00004 - - - - - - - - - - 34,440.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00005 - - - - - - - - - - 46,620.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00006 - - - - - - - - - - 105,588.00 - -
8/2/2013 ACQ CS-00001 - - - - - - - - - - 12,800.00 - -
9/10/2014 ACQ PP-00013 - - - - - - - - - - 8,750.00 - -
10/12/2014 ACQ PQ-00007 - - - - - - - - - - 4,708.17 - -
3/17/2015 ACQ PP-00014 - - - - - - - - - - 42,000.00 - -
11/23/2015 ACQ PQ-00008 - - - - - - - - - - 8,913.33 - -
2/20/2016 ACQ PQ-00009 - - - - - - - - - - 15,375.00 - -
5/30/2016 ACQ OE-00002 - - - - - - - - - - 2,360.42 - -
6/12/2016 ACQ PP-00015 - - - - - - - - - - 5,250.00 - -
8/15/2016 ACQ PQ-00010 - - - - - - - - - - 12,666.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV CH-00001 - 1,500.00 1,500.00 - - - 500.00 500.00 - 8,700.00 - 8,200.00 41.67
3/1/2018 REV CH-00002 - 1,800.00 1,800.00 - - - 600.00 600.00 - 7,200.00 - 6,600.00 50.00
3/1/2018 REV CH-00003 - 4,000.00 4,000.00 - - - 1,333.33 700.00 - 2,800.00 - 2,100.00 111.11
3/1/2018 REV CS-00001 - 8,200.00 8,200.00 - - - 4,100.00 4,100.00 - 16,900.00 - 12,800.00 341.67
3/1/2018 REV FF-00001 - 650.00 650.00 - - - 241.67 241.67 241.67 3,041.67 - 2,800.00 20.14
3/1/2018 REV FF-00002 - 2,244.44 2,244.44 - - - 833.33 833.33 833.33 10,477.78 - 9,644.44 69.44
3/1/2018 REV FF-00003 - 1,866.67 1,866.67 - - - 500.00 500.00 500.00 4,466.67 - 3,966.67 41.67
3/1/2018 REV LB-00001 - - - - 200,000.00 - - - - - - - -
3/1/2018 REV MV-00001 - 14,186.67 14,186.67 - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 222,386.67 - 221,386.67 -
3/1/2018 REV OE-00001 - 1,200.00 1,200.00 - - - 300.00 300.00 - 3,700.00 - 3,400.00 25.00
3/1/2018 REV OE-00002 - 3,210.42 3,210.42 - - - 1,500.00 1,287.50 1,287.50 3,647.92 - 2,360.42 125.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00001 - 32,000.00 32,000.00 - - - 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 120,000.00 - 112,000.00 666.67
3/1/2018 REV PP-00002 - 46,666.67 46,666.67 - - - 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 198,666.67 - 186,666.67 1,000.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00003 - 58,333.33 58,333.33 - - - 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 248,333.33 - 233,333.33 1,250.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00004 - 179,000.00 179,000.00 - - - 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 902,000.00 - 854,000.00 4,000.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00005 - 108,666.67 108,666.67 - - - 28,400.00 28,400.00 28,400.00 495,066.67 - 466,666.67 2,366.67
3/1/2018 REV PP-00006 - 103,333.33 103,333.33 - - - 26,000.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 399,333.33 - 373,333.33 2,166.67

Page 40 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
© 399,819.62 391,165.12 32,537.18
Transaction Transaction Asset Previous Revaluation Current Previous Impairment Profit / (Loss) YTD Total YTD Total Depr YTD Cost Accum Depr at Accum Depr at Depr: Cost by MTD Total
Date Type Number Revaluation Surplus Revaluation Impairment Value on Disposal Depreciation at Cost Depreciation PY Cost Bal Cost PY Transaction Depreciation
3/1/2018 REV PP-00007 - 57,666.67 57,666.67 - - - 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 257,666.67 - 242,666.67 1,250.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00008 - 70,333.33 70,333.33 - - - 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 293,333.33 - 275,333.33 1,500.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00009 - 180,000.00 180,000.00 - - - 46,000.00 46,000.00 46,000.00 746,000.00 - 700,000.00 3,833.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00010 - 91,853.33 91,853.33 - - - 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 418,053.33 - 394,053.33 2,000.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00011 - 145,970.00 145,970.00 - - - 34,833.33 34,833.33 34,833.33 651,253.33 - 616,420.00 -
3/1/2018 REV PP-00012 - 76,830.00 76,830.00 - - - 20,094.00 20,094.00 20,094.00 351,054.00 - 330,960.00 1,674.50
3/1/2018 REV PP-00013 - 6,250.00 6,250.00 - - - 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 10,750.00 - 8,750.00 166.67
3/1/2018 REV PP-00014 - 22,000.00 22,000.00 - - - 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 52,000.00 - 42,000.00 833.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00015 - 10,250.00 10,250.00 - - - 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 8,250.00 - 5,250.00 333.33
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00001 - 4,000.00 4,000.00 - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 - 14,000.00 83.33
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00002 - 2,900.00 2,900.00 - - - 600.00 300.00 100.00 1,700.00 - 1,400.00 50.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00003 - 11,686.67 11,686.67 - - - 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,813.33 42,286.67 - 39,386.67 241.67
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00004 - 7,995.00 7,995.00 - - - 2,091.00 2,091.00 2,091.00 36,531.00 - 34,440.00 174.25
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00005 - 11,670.00 11,670.00 - - - 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 49,620.00 - 46,620.00 250.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00006 - 24,958.00 24,958.00 - - - 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 112,088.00 - 105,588.00 541.67
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00007 - 4,818.17 4,818.17 - - - 1,400.00 1,378.00 1,378.00 6,086.17 - 4,708.17 116.67
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00008 - 4,138.33 4,138.33 - - - 2,865.00 2,865.00 2,865.00 11,778.33 - 8,913.33 238.75
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00009 - 7,995.00 7,995.00 - - - 5,904.00 5,904.00 5,904.00 21,279.00 - 15,375.00 492.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00010 - 12,666.67 12,666.67 - - - 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 20,666.67 - 12,666.67 666.67
5/30/2018 DIS MV-00001 14,186.67 (14,186.67) - - - 11,186.67 - - - - - 1,000.00 -
6/20/2018 ACQ MV-00002 - - - - - - 39,975.00 39,975.00 39,975.00 39,975.00 - - 4,441.67
8/15/2018 ACQ PP-00016 - - - - - - 399.00 399.00 399.00 399.00 - - 57.00
12/20/2018 ACQ PQ-00011 - - - - - - 949.95 949.95 949.95 949.95 - - 316.65
1/20/2019 ACQ PP-00017 - - - - - - 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 - - 1,000.00
2/12/2019 DIS PP-00011 145,970.00 (145,970.00) - - - 140,803.33 - - - - - 34,833.33 -

Page 41 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
© 31,728.19
Transaction Transaction Asset Accum Depr MTD Total Depr MTD Cost Accum Depr
Date Type Number Total at PM at Cost Depreciation Cost at PM
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00001 - 227.78 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00002 - 183.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ CH-00003 - 58.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00001 - 50.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00002 - 172.22 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ FF-00003 - 70.83 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ LB-00001 - - - -
7/20/2013 ACQ MV-00001 - 3,953.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ OE-00001 - 70.83 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00001 - 2,000.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00002 - 3,333.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00003 - 4,166.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00004 - 15,250.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00005 - 8,333.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00006 - 6,666.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00007 - 4,333.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00008 - 4,916.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00009 - 12,500.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00010 - 7,036.67 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00011 - 11,007.50 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PP-00012 - 5,910.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00001 - 250.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00002 - 25.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00003 - 703.33 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00004 - 615.00 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00005 - 832.50 - -
7/20/2013 ACQ PQ-00006 - 1,885.50 - -
8/2/2013 ACQ CS-00001 - 533.33 - -
9/10/2014 ACQ PP-00013 - 208.33 - -
10/12/2014 ACQ PQ-00007 - 114.83 - -
3/17/2015 ACQ PP-00014 - 1,166.67 - -
11/23/2015 ACQ PQ-00008 - 318.33 - -
2/20/2016 ACQ PQ-00009 - 615.00 - -
5/30/2016 ACQ OE-00002 - 107.29 - -
6/12/2016 ACQ PP-00015 - 250.00 - -
8/15/2016 ACQ PQ-00010 - 666.67 - -
3/1/2018 REV CH-00001 458.33 41.67 - 8,200.00
3/1/2018 REV CH-00002 550.00 50.00 - 6,600.00
3/1/2018 REV CH-00003 1,222.22 58.33 - 2,100.00
3/1/2018 REV CS-00001 3,758.33 341.67 - 12,800.00
3/1/2018 REV FF-00001 221.53 20.14 20.14 3,021.53
3/1/2018 REV FF-00002 763.89 69.44 69.44 10,408.33
3/1/2018 REV FF-00003 458.33 41.67 41.67 4,425.00
3/1/2018 REV LB-00001 - - - -
3/1/2018 REV MV-00001 - 500.00 - -
3/1/2018 REV OE-00001 275.00 25.00 - 3,400.00
3/1/2018 REV OE-00002 1,375.00 107.29 107.29 3,540.63
3/1/2018 REV PP-00001 7,333.33 666.67 666.67 119,333.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00002 11,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 197,666.67
3/1/2018 REV PP-00003 13,750.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 247,083.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00004 44,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 898,000.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00005 26,033.33 2,366.67 2,366.67 492,700.00
3/1/2018 REV PP-00006 23,833.33 2,166.67 2,166.67 397,166.67

Page 42 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Transactions
© 31,728.19
Transaction Transaction Asset Accum Depr MTD Total Depr MTD Cost Accum Depr
Date Type Number Total at PM at Cost Depreciation Cost at PM
3/1/2018 REV PP-00007 13,750.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 256,416.67
3/1/2018 REV PP-00008 16,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 291,833.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00009 42,166.67 3,833.33 3,833.33 742,166.67
3/1/2018 REV PP-00010 22,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 416,053.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00011 34,833.33 3,166.67 - 651,253.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00012 18,419.50 1,674.50 1,674.50 349,379.50
3/1/2018 REV PP-00013 1,833.33 166.67 166.67 10,583.33
3/1/2018 REV PP-00014 9,166.67 833.33 833.33 51,166.67
3/1/2018 REV PP-00015 3,666.67 250.00 250.00 8,000.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00001 916.67 83.33 83.33 14,916.67
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00002 550.00 25.00 - 1,500.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00003 2,658.33 241.67 155.00 42,045.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00004 1,916.75 174.25 174.25 36,356.75
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00005 2,750.00 250.00 250.00 49,370.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00006 5,958.33 541.67 541.67 111,546.33
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00007 1,283.33 114.83 114.83 5,971.33
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00008 2,626.25 238.75 238.75 11,539.58
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00009 5,412.00 492.00 492.00 20,787.00
3/1/2018 REV PQ-00010 7,333.33 666.67 666.67 20,000.00
5/30/2018 DIS MV-00001 - 500.00 - -
6/20/2018 ACQ MV-00002 35,533.33 4,441.67 4,441.67 35,533.33
8/15/2018 ACQ PP-00016 342.00 57.00 57.00 342.00
12/20/2018 ACQ PQ-00011 633.30 316.65 316.65 633.30
1/20/2019 ACQ PP-00017 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
2/12/2019 DIS PP-00011 - 3,166.67 - -

Page 43 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Category Summary
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 7,397,870 375,919 (4,076,950) (235,000) (200,000) 3,261,839 5,397,789 391,165 8,655 399,820 (5,397,789) (35,833) 363,986 2,897,853
© Assets at Cost Accumulated Depreciation
Opening Closing Opening Depreciation - Depreciation - Depreciation - Closing Carrying Value
Category Description Balance Additions Revaluations Disposals Impairment Balance Balance Cost Revaluation Total Revaluations Disposals Balance
LBU01 Land & Buildings 1,500,000 - - - (200,000) 1,300,000 - - - - - - - 1,300,000
PPM01 Main Production Plant 5,224,750 68,420 (3,652,280) (190,000) - 1,450,890 4,841,433 312,726 1,000 313,726 (4,841,433) (34,833) 278,893 1,171,997
PPS02 Secondary Plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EQP01 Primary Equipment 361,570 18,999 (190,270) - - 190,299 283,098 34,601 609 35,210 (283,098) - 35,210 155,089
EQS01 Secondary Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SMA01 Small Assets - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CHW01 Computer Hardware 16,900 - (9,600) - - 7,300 16,900 - 2,433 2,433 (16,900) - 2,433 4,867
CSW01 Computer Software 12,800 - (4,600) - - 8,200 12,800 - 4,100 4,100 (12,800) - 4,100 4,100
OFE01 Office Equipment 8,550 - (1,350) - - 7,200 5,760 1,288 513 1,800 (5,760) - 1,800 5,400
FFX01 Furniture & Fixtures 21,100 - (11,650) - - 9,450 16,411 1,575 - 1,575 (16,411) - 1,575 7,875
MVH01 Motor Vehicles 252,200 288,500 (207,200) (45,000) - 288,500 221,387 40,975 - 40,975 (221,387) (1,000) 39,975 248,525

On this sheet:
This sheet contains a fixed assets summary which is based on the fixed asset categories that
are created on the Set-up sheet. No user input is required on this sheet and 30 fixed asset
categories are accommodated. Additional fixed asset categories can be added by simply
copying the formulas in the last row into the required number of additional rows. Each asset
category is linked to a single asset class on the Set-up sheet - the asset categories are
therefore sub classes of the main asset classes which can be used for financial statement
reporting purposes.

Page 44 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Category Summary
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 - 1,160,683 (8,655) 1,152,028 (200,000) 151,990 31,728 809 32,537
© Revaluation Reserve Current Month Depreciation
Impairment Profit / (Loss)
Opening Revaluation Depreciation - Closing Write-Offs on Disposal
Category Description Balance Surplus Revaluation Balance Cost Revaluation Total
LBU01 Land & Buildings - - - - (200,000) - - - -
PPM01 Main Production Plant - 1,043,183 (1,000) 1,042,183 - 140,803 24,015 83 24,098
PPS02 Secondary Plant - - - - - - - - -
EQP01 Primary Equipment - 92,828 (609) 92,219 - - 3,033 139 3,172
EQS01 Secondary Equipment - - - - - - - - -
SMA01 Small Assets - - - - - - - - -
CHW01 Computer Hardware - 7,300 (2,433) 4,867 - - - 203 203
CSW01 Computer Software - 8,200 (4,100) 4,100 - - - 342 342
OFE01 Office Equipment - 4,410 (513) 3,898 - - 107 43 150
FFX01 Furniture & Fixtures - 4,761 - 4,761 - - 131 - 131
MVH01 Motor Vehicles - - - - - 11,187 4,442 - 4,442

Page 45 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Class Summary
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 7,397,870 375,919 (4,076,950) (235,000) (200,000) 3,261,839 5,397,789 391,165 8,655 399,820 (5,397,789) (35,833) 363,986 2,897,853
© Assets at Cost Accumulated Depreciation
Opening Closing Opening Depreciation - Depreciation - Depreciation - Closing Carrying Value
Class Description Balance Additions Revaluations Disposals Impairment Balance Balance Cost Revaluation Total Revaluations Disposals Balance
LB Land & Buildings 1,500,000 - - - (200,000) 1,300,000 - - - - - - - 1,300,000
PM Plant & Equipment 5,586,320 87,419 (3,842,550) (190,000) - 1,641,189 5,124,531 347,328 1,609 348,936 (5,124,531) (34,833) 314,103 1,327,086
CE Computer Equipment 29,700 - (14,200) - - 15,500 29,700 - 6,533 6,533 (29,700) - 6,533 8,967
OE Office Equipment 8,550 - (1,350) - - 7,200 5,760 1,288 513 1,800 (5,760) - 1,800 5,400
FF Furniture & Fixtures 21,100 - (11,650) - - 9,450 16,411 1,575 - 1,575 (16,411) - 1,575 7,875
MV Motor Vehicles 252,200 288,500 (207,200) (45,000) - 288,500 221,387 40,975 - 40,975 (221,387) (1,000) 39,975 248,525

On this sheet:
This sheet contains a fixed assets summary which is based on the asset classes that
are created on the Set-up sheet. No user input is required on this sheet and a
maximum of 30 asset classes are accommodated. Each fixed asset category on the
Categories sheet is linked to a single fixed asset class which can be used for financial
statement reporting purposes.

Page 46 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Asset Class Summary
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 - 1,160,683 (8,655) 1,152,028 (200,000) 151,990 31,728 809 32,537
© Revaluation Reserve Current Month Depreciation
Impairment Profit / (Loss)
Opening Revaluation Depreciation - Closing Write-Offs on Disposal
Class Description Balance Surplus Revaluation Balance Cost Revaluation Total
LB Land & Buildings - - - - (200,000) - - - -
PM Plant & Equipment - 1,136,011 (1,609) 1,134,403 - 140,803 27,048 222 27,270
CE Computer Equipment - 15,500 (6,533) 8,967 - - - 544 544
OE Office Equipment - 4,410 (513) 3,898 - - 107 43 150
FF Furniture & Fixtures - 4,761 - 4,761 - - 131 - 131
MV Motor Vehicles - - - - - 11,187 4,442 - 4,442

Page 47 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Journal Summary Period YTD
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 391,165.12 (391,165.12) 8,654.50 (8,654.50) 375,919.00 (375,919.00)
© Depreciation on Historical Cost Depreciation on Revaluations Additions
Category Description Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount
LBU01 Land & Buildings IS-401 - BS-151 - BS-801 - BS-151 - BS-101 - BANK -
PPM01 Main Production Plant IS-402 312,726.33 BS-152 (312,726.33) BS-801 1,000.00 BS-152 (1,000.00) BS-102 68,420.00 BANK (68,420.00)
PPS02 Secondary Plant IS-403 - BS-153 - BS-801 - BS-153 - BS-103 - BANK -
EQP01 Primary Equipment IS-404 34,601.28 BS-154 (34,601.28) BS-801 608.67 BS-154 (608.67) BS-104 18,999.00 BANK (18,999.00)
EQS01 Secondary Equipment IS-405 - BS-155 - BS-801 - BS-155 - BS-105 - BANK -
SMA01 Small Assets IS-406 - BS-156 - BS-801 - BS-156 - BS-106 - BANK -
CHW01 Computer Hardware IS-411 - BS-161 - BS-801 2,433.33 BS-161 (2,433.33) BS-111 - BANK -
CSW01 Computer Software IS-412 - BS-162 - BS-801 4,100.00 BS-162 (4,100.00) BS-112 - BANK -
OFE01 Office Equipment IS-421 1,287.50 BS-171 (1,287.50) BS-801 512.50 BS-171 (512.50) BS-121 - BANK -
FFX01 Furniture & Fixtures IS-431 1,575.00 BS-181 (1,575.00) BS-801 - BS-181 - BS-131 - BANK -
MVH01 Motor Vehicles IS-442 40,975.00 BS-192 (40,975.00) BS-801 - BS-192 - BS-142 288,500.00 BANK (288,500.00)

On this sheet:
This sheet contains an automated journal report for all fixed asset transactions. The
journal report can be compiled on a monthly or year-to-date basis and is based on the
account numbers that are specified in the asset category set-up on the Set-up sheet.
The journal report accommodates 30 asset categories but additional categories can be
added by simply copying the formulas in the last row into the required number of
additional rows.

Page 48 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Journal Summary
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 (4,076,950.00) 4,076,950.00 (5,397,789.36) 5,397,789.36 200,000.00 (200,000.00)
© Revaluations - Cost Revaluations - Accumulated Depreciation Cost - Impairment
Category Description Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount
LBU01 Land & Buildings BS-101 - BS-801 - BS-801 - BS-151 - IS-457 200,000.00 BS-101 (200,000.00)
PPM01 Main Production Plant BS-102 (3,652,280.00) BS-801 3,652,280.00 BS-801 (4,841,433.33) BS-152 4,841,433.33 IS-457 - BS-102 -
PPS02 Secondary Plant BS-103 - BS-801 - BS-801 - BS-153 - IS-457 - BS-103 -
EQP01 Primary Equipment BS-104 (190,270.00) BS-801 190,270.00 BS-801 (283,097.83) BS-154 283,097.83 IS-457 - BS-104 -
EQS01 Secondary Equipment BS-105 - BS-801 - BS-801 - BS-155 - IS-457 - BS-105 -
SMA01 Small Assets BS-106 - BS-801 - BS-801 - BS-156 - IS-457 - BS-106 -
CHW01 Computer Hardware BS-111 (9,600.00) BS-801 9,600.00 BS-801 (16,900.00) BS-161 16,900.00 IS-457 - BS-111 -
CSW01 Computer Software BS-112 (4,600.00) BS-801 4,600.00 BS-801 (12,800.00) BS-162 12,800.00 IS-457 - BS-112 -
OFE01 Office Equipment BS-121 (1,350.00) BS-801 1,350.00 BS-801 (5,760.42) BS-171 5,760.42 IS-457 - BS-121 -
FFX01 Furniture & Fixtures BS-131 (11,650.00) BS-801 11,650.00 BS-801 (16,411.11) BS-181 16,411.11 IS-457 - BS-131 -
MVH01 Motor Vehicles BS-142 (207,200.00) BS-801 207,200.00 BS-801 (221,386.67) BS-192 221,386.67 IS-457 - BS-142 -

Page 49 of 51
Example (Pty) Ltd
Journal Summary
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 191,000.00 (191,000.00) 235,000.00 (235,000.00) 35,833.33 (35,833.33)
© Disposals - Proceeds Disposals - Cost Disposals - Accumulated Depreciation
Category Description Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount
LBU01 Land & Buildings BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-101 - BS-151 - IS-408 -
PPM01 Main Production Plant BANK 150,000.00 IS-408 (150,000.00) IS-408 190,000.00 BS-102 (190,000.00) BS-152 34,833.33 IS-408 (34,833.33)
PPS02 Secondary Plant BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-103 - BS-153 - IS-408 -
EQP01 Primary Equipment BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-104 - BS-154 - IS-408 -
EQS01 Secondary Equipment BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-105 - BS-155 - IS-408 -
SMA01 Small Assets BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-106 - BS-156 - IS-408 -
CHW01 Computer Hardware BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-111 - BS-161 - IS-408 -
CSW01 Computer Software BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-112 - BS-162 - IS-408 -
OFE01 Office Equipment BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-121 - BS-171 - IS-408 -
FFX01 Furniture & Fixtures BANK - IS-408 - IS-408 - BS-131 - BS-181 - IS-408 -
MVH01 Motor Vehicles BANK 41,000.00 IS-408 (41,000.00) IS-408 45,000.00 BS-142 (45,000.00) BS-192 1,000.00 IS-408 (1,000.00)

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Example (Pty) Ltd
Journal Summary
From 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019 160,156.67 (160,156.67) (78,707.82) 78,707.82
© Disposals - Release Revaluation Reserve Deferred Taxation
Category Description Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount Account Amount
LBU01 Land & Buildings BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 - IS-610 -
PPM01 Main Production Plant BS-801 145,970.00 IS-408 (145,970.00) BS-750 (80,419.64) IS-610 80,419.64
PPS02 Secondary Plant BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 - IS-610 -
EQP01 Primary Equipment BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 1,168.16 IS-610 (1,168.16)
EQS01 Secondary Equipment BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 - IS-610 -
SMA01 Small Assets BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 - IS-610 -
CHW01 Computer Hardware BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 - IS-610 -
CSW01 Computer Software BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 - IS-610 -
OFE01 Office Equipment BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 - IS-610 -
FFX01 Furniture & Fixtures BS-801 - IS-408 - BS-750 543.66 IS-610 (543.66)
MVH01 Motor Vehicles BS-801 14,186.67 IS-408 (14,186.67) BS-750 - IS-610 -

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