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A subject I've pondered is what kind of learning is most effective for me.

Is it better to learn
online or in person?Due to online education I've become more responsible,self-motivated and
self-disciplined.I also appreciated how quickly I received feedback on my work.Because I'm
shy,online learning has assisted me in overcoming this barrier by allowing me to become
more engaged in the lessons,as well as more active and efficient.I was able to effortlessly
access electronic textbooks,immediately locate online working tools,and review my
knowledge using several self-assessment platforms.I obtained new material instantaneously,I
could complete group projects with my classmates,and we managed to share information with
one another.However,because there is no interaction between myself and the teacher,this
learning approach also has drawbacks.Some arithmetics,physics and chemistry lessons are
more difficult to comprehend.I lacked the feeling the psyhical connection with my classmates
produced.I had the impression that I was a robot at times...Online education, in my opinion,
cannot replace traditional education;it can only supplement it.First and foremost we are
human beings who require social interaction.We construct a teacher-student and student-
student relationship through face-to-face education, which increases self-esteem, emotional
maturity,and trust in others.I get to experience feelings that internet learning cannot provide.I
am able to hear the sound of the marker on the board,the rustle of notebooks, the grade
book,my classmates' whispers,the sound of their laughter at breaks, jokes,even if they are
occasionally awful.In conclusion, offline education completes us as individuals, whereas
online education just completes learning.

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