Minutes of The Meeting Mark-It May 24

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DATE: MAY 24, 2022

TIME: 9 PM TO 10:30 PM

- Easy to bring people on board as you pitch CBS
- Needs to be really active
- Normally for 1st years
- Only take up if you can make it interactive like Mondays - a game,
Tuesdays - sharing news articles and so on
- Try involving in LP, Case Studies, Live Sessions etc
- Have entertainment activities from time-to-time
- Extensive reach possibilities
- Helps in contingent networking during the time of Excelsior
- P-VP signs and there is no logo of SSCBS but of Mark-It
- Talk to Anuja Ma’am for the college logo and official stuff
- Time Period: 5 to 7 Months
- Students we get on board: 140-150

- Decide amongst OCS if we want it or not
- Each OC has to write the blog and there is no exemption on that
- Topic needs to be unique each and every time
- It is different from Report-Writing as that involves intensive
amount of research


- Research Paper
- Farewell Common Gift – Most probably pyjamas
- The individual gift committee needs to report with the gift link and
price by tomorrow EOD

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