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This research title is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

of Grade 10 Students (ZARA) - Junior High School

Sindalan National High School

June 2022
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Chapter 1


The mobilization of ideas and behaviors to deal with internal and external stressful
circumstances is referred to as coping (Folkman S., Moskowitz JT., et al., 2022). It’s a
term used to distinguish ‘defense mechanisms,’ which are subconscious or unconscious
adaptive responses aimed at decreasing or tolerating stress, from ‘conscious and
intentional mobilization of activities’ (Venner M., et al., 2018).
On the other hand, mental health can be defined in a broader sense that includes a
positive element (World Health Organization, 2003). A sensation of emotional or bodily
tension is referred to as stress, as it's symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and
feelings, and your behavior. When stress lasts too long, it raises the risk of mental health
and physiological issues.

Hence, it can contribute to a variety of health issues, which can be expressed most
visibly in the form of depression; therefore, this will negatively affects students that can
result as low grades, anger issues, and high possibility of dropping out of school.
Academic performance becomes important at an early age, and the pressure to perform
well academically intensifies as a kid progresses through the educational system (Bisson,
Katherine H., 2017, p. 4). “In fact, a study conducted by Dusselier, Dunn, Wang, Shelley,
& Whallen, (2005); Hartley, (2011) found that students with high levels of stress or
difficulties controlling stress reported physical health issues affecting their food and
sleep.”As a result, we sought to determine if coping mechanisms affect self-efficacy
expectations in a population that is especially susceptible to stress.

The goal of this research is to look into the effects of depression and anxiety impact on
students in grade 10’s academic performances. This research aims to identify students
with anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as biopsychosocial elements – links
between biological, emotional, and social wellbeing – to identify population health
patterns and social variables.
As a researcher, it’s imperative to comprehend the lived experiences of grade 10 kids
who are struggling with mental health concerns since they must continue to live their
lives while coping with various health issues. Knowing the obstacles and challenges they
have faced would enable the researchers to provide some alternatives to the situation.

Unfortunately, many disability claims for mental illness are denied by insurance
providers. This is because of a number of things. Because mental illness is an “invisible”
condition, it is not always obvious when someone is suffering from it. Furthermore, there
is still a stigma associated with mental illness, which encourages people to hide their
sickness from family, friends, employers, and, in some situations, health care


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Mental health is an important aspect of human life and is very effective in both personal
and social situations. First, the term “mental health” will be defined to show the wide
range of issues that it covers. Second, theories on help-seeking behavior in mental health
disorders will be discussed. Finally, the conceptual framework will show the most
essential barriers, encouraging elements, and related concepts.

Conceptual Framework
Below is the framework applied in the study.
Figure 1
Paradigm of the study


Knowledge Requirement -Planning Stage
– Background study of
Grade 10 Students with -Content Development
Mental health issues. Stage Coping mechanism of
grade 10 Students with
Profile of grade 10 -Finalizing Stage Mental health problem.
student according to:
-Lay-outing Stage
a. Age (15-17)
-Questionnaire- Online
b. Status of the Interview (Google
respondent. Form)

To accomplish making a reliable Visual Guide, a well-planned procedure must

first occur. Figure 1 presents Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. In the input component,
the data to be used as the basis of the study are presented. Whereas in the process section,
five action step must be followed to attain the desired product. For the output, a project
will be obtained, Coping mechanism of grade 10 Students with Mental health problem.

Statement of the Problem

Mental health issues can have a negative impact on a student's energy level,
concentration, dependability & mental ability, causing poor performance. The
development of this research aimed to provide information about mental health to the
community of the Grade 10 Students. Learning the challenges they have faced is a must
not only for students but also for the adults who experienced struggles on their daily lives
as well.
One of the primary goals of this research was to identify the various types of their coping
mechanisms and evaluate how we can support Grade 10 students by providing knowledge
in the form of this study; thus, this study will also acknowledge the positive and negative
effects of coping mental problems.


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Statement 1
We are humans living complex lives, and we are not always capable of dealing
with the problems that we face. As a result, we are susceptible to tension and stress.
Stress could take various forms and affect people of all ages and walks of life according
to Anspaugh, Hamrick, and Rosato (2003).
Statement 2
Most people, no matter how well adjusted, will feel at least short-term discomfort
while navigating moments of transition, trauma, obstacles, and loss. Stress has a
significant effect on one's performance and efficiency; nevertheless, the degree of
pressure and coping demands influence the impact of stress on performance. (Baqutayan,
S. M. S., 2015)
Statement 3
Moreover, stress can equal to depression which will cause students to have mental
instability. Academic stress causes a decrease in well-being and an increased risk of
anxiety and depression. Furthermore, students that are under academic stress do badly in
class. This demonstrates how stress can inhibit students from functioning at their best;
more research into this topic can avoid misinterpretation of absences in class and low
academic production. This suggested study aims to investigate several forms of coping
techniques used by Grade 10 students with mental health difficulties. To accomplish this,
the researcher will conduct a comprehensive strategic analysis and apply the results to
recommend suitable workable solutions.

Significance of the Study

This research will provide new perspectives in approaching anxiety issues of Grade 10
students and their coping mechanism.

The following people will benefit from this research:

Academic institutions and administrators — using the findings of this study, academic
institutions and administrators may encourage programs and advocacies to assist students
who deal with mental health problems.
Community – This study raises community knowledge of emotional distress as a mental
health problem and how coping techniques can be a helpful strategy to reducing it.
Students – Students will benefit directly from this study since the findings may inspire
them to pursue relaxation exercises as a way to reduce their anxiety.
Parents – This study may persuade parents to pursue programs and consultations that
could assist their child in dealing with mental health issues.
Future researchers – This study aims to look at how to use defense mechanisms to treat
a variety of conditions. As a result, the findings of this study can be applied to future
engagements about coping mechanisms' capacity to alleviate different mental health


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Scope of a Study
While the immediate negative health consequences of their Coping Mechanism have
been extensively established, the impact of stress on Grade 10 students' mental health
(MH) is less recognized. The purpose of this research is to discover what coping skills
students use to relieve themselves.
The study's goal is to recruit 50 participants between the ages of 15 and 17, who will be
asked to complete an online survey. Each research participant will be asked to answer
five open-ended questions and five closed-ended questions in order to assess their mental
health and coping strategies. This might be a significant element in understanding the
findings of this study; nonetheless, it is outside the scope of this research. This is a clear
statement of how the outcome measure will be explored; any alternative techniques are
beyond the scope of the study, and their exclusion might constitute a study limitation.


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